Difference between shuffle() and rebalance() in Apache Flink - bigdata

I am working on my bachelor's final project, which is about the comparison between Apache Spark Streaming and Apache Flink (only streaming) and I have just arrived to "Physical partitioning" in Flink's documentation. The matter is that in this documentation it doesn't explain well how this two transformations work. Directly from the documentation:
shuffle(): Partitions elements randomly according to a uniform distribution.
rebalance(): Partitions elements round-robin, creating equal load per partition. Useful for performance optimisation in the presence of data skew.
Source: https://ci.apache.org/projects/flink/flink-docs-release-1.2/dev/datastream_api.html#physical-partitioning
Both are automatically done, so what I understand is that they both redistribute equally (shuffle() > uniform distribution & rebalance() > round-robin) and randomly the data. Then I deduce that rebalance() distributes the data in a better way ("equal load per partitions") so the tasks have to process the same amount of data, but shuffle() may create bigger and smaller partitions. Then, in which cases might you prefer to use shuffle() than rebalance()?
The only thing that comes to my mind is that probably rebalance()requires some processing time so in some cases it might use more time to do the rebalancing than the time it will improve in the future transformations.
I have been looking for this and nobody has talked about this, only in a mailing list of Flink, but they don't explain how shuffle() works.
Thanks to Sneftel who has helped me to improve my question asking me things to let me rethink about what I wanted to ask; and to Till who answered quite well my question. :D

As the documentation states, shuffle will randomly distribute the data whereas rebalance will distribute the data in a round robin fashion. The latter is more efficient since you don't have to compute a random number. Moreover, depending on the randomness, you might end up with some kind of not so uniform distribution.
On the other hand, rebalance will always start sending the first element to the first channel. Thus, if you have only few elements (fewer elements than subtasks), then only some of the subtasks will receive elements, because you always start to send the first element to the first subtask. In the streaming case this should eventually not matter because you usually have an unbounded input stream.
The actual reason why both methods exist is a historically reason. shuffle was introduced first. In order to make the batch an streaming API more similar, rebalance was then introduced.

This statement by Flink is misleading:
Useful for performance optimisation in the presence of data skew.
Since it's used to describe rebalance, but not shuffle, it suggests it's the distinguishing factor. My understanding of it was that if some items are slow to process and some fast, the partitioner will use the next free channel to send the item to. But this is not the case, compare the code for rebalance and shuffle. The rebalance just adds to next channel regardless how busy it is.
// rebalance
nextChannelToSendTo = (nextChannelToSendTo + 1) % numberOfChannels;
// shuffle
nextChannelToSendTo = random.nextInt(numberOfChannels);
The statement can be also understood differently: the "load" doesn't mean actual processing time, just the number of items. If your original partitioning has skew (vastly different number of items in partitions), the operation will assign items to partitions uniformly. However in this case it applies to both operations.
My conclusion: shuffle and rebalance do the same thing, but rebalance does it slightly more efficiently. But the difference is so small that it's unlikely that you'll notice it, java.util.Random can generate 70m random numbers in a single thread on my machine.


How does OpenMPI's gather work?

I'm new to MPI and I'm trying to understand how MPI (and specifically OpenMPI) work in order to reason about the performance of my system.
I've tried to find resources online to help me understand things a little better, but haven't had much luck. I thought I'd come here.
Right now my question is simple: if I have 3 nodes (1 master, 2 clients) and I issue an MPI_Gather, does the root process handle incoming data sequentially or concurrently? In other words, if processes 1 is the first to make a connection with processes 0, will process 2 have to wait until processes 1 is done sending its data before it can start to send its data?
There are multiple components in Open MPI that implement collective operations and some of them provide multiple algorithms for the implementation of each operation.
What you are most likely interested in is the tuned component of the coll framework as that is what Open MPI uses by default. tuned implements all collectives using point-to-point operations and provides several algorithms for gather:
linear with synchronisation - used when messages are large to mid-size
binomial - used when the number of processes is large or the message size is small
basic linear - used in all other cases
The performance of each algorithm depends strongly on the particular combination of message size and number of ranks, therefore the library comes with a set of heuristics that tries to determine the best algorithm based on the data size and the size of the communicator (as indicated above). There are several mechanisms to override the heuristics and either force a certain algorithm or provide a list of custom algorithm selection rules.
The basic linear algorithm simply has the root loop over all other ranks receiving their messages in sequence. In that case, rank 2 won't be able to send its chunk before rank 1 since the root will first receive the message from rank 1 and only then move on to rank 2.
The linear with synchronisation algorithm splits the chunks into two pieces each. The first pieces are collected in sequence just like in the basic linear algorithm. The second pieces are collected asynchronously using non-blocking receives.
The binomial algorithm arranges the ranks as a binomial tree. The processes at the nodes of the tree receive the chunks from the lower levels and aggregate them into larger chunks that then get passed to the upper levels until they reach the root rank.
You can find the source code of the tuned module in the ompi/mca/coll/tuned folder of the Open MPI source tree. In the development branch, part of the tuned component got promoted to the base implementation of the collective framework and the code for the gather is to be found in ompi/mca/coll/base instead.
Hristo's answer is of course excellent, but I would like to offer a different point of view.
Contrary to your expectation, the question is not simple. It isn't even possible to specifically answer it without knowing more system specifics, as Hristo pointed out. That doesn't mean the question is invalid, but you should start to reason about performance on a different level.
First, consider the complexity of a the gather operation: The total network transfer to the root as well as the memory requirements are linearly growing with the number of processes in the communicator. This naturally limits scalability.
Second, you may assume that your MPI implementation does implement MPI_Gather in the most efficient way possible - better than you could do it by hand. This assumption may very well be wrong, but it is the best starting point to write your program.
Now when you have your program, you should measure and see where time is spent - or wasted. For that you should an MPI performance analysis tools. Now if you have identified that your Gather has a significant impact on performance, you can go ahead and try to optimize that: But to do so, first consider if you can structure your communication conceptually better, e.g. by somehow removing the computation all together or using a clever reduction instead. If you still need to stick to the gather: go ahead and tune your MPI implementation. Afterwards verify that your optimization did indeed improve performance on your specific system.

Spark tasks with Cassandra

I am new to Spark and Cassandra.
We are using Spark on top of Cassandra to read data, since we have requirement to read data using non-primary key columns.
One observation is, number of tasks for a spark job increasing w.r.t data growth. Due to this we are facing lot of latency in fetching data.
What would be the reasons for the spark job task count increase?
What should be considered to increase performance in Spark with Cassandra?
Please suggest me.
The input split size is controlled by the configuration spark.cassandra.input.split.size_in_mb. Each split will generate a task in Spark, therefore, the more data in Cassandra, the longer it will take to process (which is what you would expect)
To improve performance, make sure you are aligning the partitions using joinWithCassandraTable. Don't use context.cassandraTable(...) unless you absolutely need all the data in the table and optimize the retrieved data using select to project only the columns that you need.
If you need data from some rows, it would make sense to build a secondary table where the id of those rows is stored.
Secondary indexes could also help to select subsets of the data, but I've seen reports of if being not highly performant.
What would be the reasons for the spark job task count increase?
Following on from maasgs answer, rather than setting the spark.cassandra.input.split.size_in_mb. on the SparkConf, it can be useful to use the ReadConf config when reading from different keyspaces/datacentres in a single job:
val readConf = ReadConf(
splitCount = Option(500),
splitSizeInMB = 64,
fetchSizeInRows = 1000,
consistencyLevel = ConsistencyLevel.LOCAL_ONE,
taskMetricsEnabled = true
val rows = sc.cassandraTable(cassandraKeyspace, cassandraTable).withReadConf(readConf)
What should be considered to increase performance in Spark with
As far as increasing performance is concerned, this will depend on the jobs you are running and the types of transformations required. Some general advice to maximise Spark-Cassandra performance (As can be found here) is outlined below.
Your choice of operations and the order in which they are applied is critical to performance.
You must organize your processes with task distribution and memory in mind.
The first thing is to determine if you data is partitioned appropriately. A partition in this context is merely a block of data. If possible, partition your data before Spark even ingests it. If this is not practical or possible, you may choose to repartition the data immediately following the load. You can repartition to increase the number of partitions or coalesce to reduce the number of partitions.
The number of partitions should, as a lower bound, be at least 2x the number of cores that are going to operate on the data. Having said that, you will also want to ensure any task you perform takes at least 100ms to justify the distribution across the network. Note that a repartition will always cause a shuffle, where coalesce typically won’t. If you’ve worked with MapReduce, you know shuffling is what takes most of the time in a real job.
Filter early and often. Assuming the data source is not preprocessed for reduction, your earliest and best place to reduce the amount of data spark will need to process is on the initial data query. This is often achieved by adding a where clause. Do not bring in any data not necessary to obtain your target result. Bringing in any extra data will affect how much data may be shuffled across the network, and written to disk. Moving data around unnecessarily is a real killer and should be avoided at all costs
At each step you should look for opportunities to filter, distinct, reduce, or aggregate the data as much as possible prior to proceeding to the operation.
Use pipelines as much as possible. Pipelines are a series of transformations that represent independent operations on a piece of data and do not require a reorganization of the data as a whole (shuffle). For example: a map from a string -> string length is independent, where a sort by value requires a comparison against other data elements and a reorganization of data across the network (shuffle).
In jobs which require a shuffle see if you can employ partial aggregation or reduction before the shuffle step (similar to a combiner in MapReduce). This will reduce data movement during the shuffle phase.
Some common tasks that are costly and require a shuffle are sorts, group by key, and reduce by key. These operations require the data to be compared against other data elements which is expensive. It is important to learn the Spark API well to choose the best combination of transformations and where to position them in your job. Create the simplest and most efficient algorithm necessary to answer the question.

divide workload on different hardware using MPI

I have a small network with computers of different hardware. Is it possible to optimize workload division between these hardware using MPI? ie. give nodes with larger ram and better cpu more data to compute? minimizing waiting time between different nodes for final reduction.
In my program data are divided into equal-sized batches. Each node in the network will process some of them. The result of each batch will be summed up after all batches are processed.
Can you divide the work into more batches than there are processes? If so, change your program so that instead of each process receiving one batch, the master keeps sending batches to whichever node is available, for as long as there are unassigned batches. It should be a fairly easy modification, and it will make faster nodes process more data, leading to a lower overall completion time. There are further enhancements you can make, e.g. once all batches have been assigned and a fast node is available, you could take an already assigned batch away from a slow node and reassign it to said fast node. But these may not be worth the extra effort.
If you absolutely have to work with as many batches as you have nodes, then you'll have to find some way of deciding which nodes are fast and which ones are slow. Perhaps the most robust way of doing this is to assign small, equally sized test batches to each process, and have them time their own solutions. The master can then divide the real data into appropriately sized batches for each node. The biggest downside to this approach is that if the initial speed measurement is inaccurate, then your efforts at load balancing may end up doing more harm than good. Also, depending on the exact data and algorithm you're working with, runtimes with small data sets may not be indicative of runtimes with large data sets.
Yet another way would be to take thorough measurements of each node's speed (i.e. multiple runs with large data sets) in advance, and have the master balance batch sizes according to this precompiled information. The obvious complication here is that you'll somehow have to keep this registry up to date and available.
All in all, I would recommend the very first approach: divide the work into many smaller chunks, and assign chunks to whichever node is available at the moment.

Count the frequency of bytes in a purely functional language

If we had an assignment:
Given a block of binary data, count the frequency of the bytes within it.
And you were supposed to do this in C, the answer would be trivial and reasonably fast even for larger binary blocks. How would one go about implementing this in a purely functional language, without side effects?
For example, if you wrote a function that accepted freqency counts for each byte and the rest of the list of bytes, and returned modified frequency counts, it would have to do awful lot of work for data set of 100M bytes.
Also, if you sorted the data and then somehow counted the amount of subsequent same-valued bytes, the sort itself would take a lot of time.
Is there a reasonable way to implement this?
The straightforward way to do it is indeed to pass in and return data structures mapping bytes to counts. This would probably be implemented as some kind of tree (since that's what you get out of the standard library containers, as far as I know). In pure functional programming when you're passed in a tree and you need to return a new tree with a difference in only one node, the returned tree ends up sharing almost all of its structure and data with the original tree.
There is some overhead in traversing the tree to get to the count, but since you're counting bytes the tree is only ever smaller than 256 elements, so the overhead is log(255), which is a constant. It doesn't get larger for large data sets - it doesn't change the big-oh complexity of the algorithm. That's actually true even if you use the greatest possible overhead of copying around a full 256-entry array of counts with no sharing.
If you want to optimise this, you can take advantage of the fact that the "intermediate" frequency counts are never needed except as part of the computation of the next set of counts. That means you can use various techniques for getting the implementation to use destructive updates even while you're still semantically writing functional code. An STref in Haskell is basically letting you do this manually.
Theoretically the compiler could notice that you're replacing a never-needed-again value with a new one, so it could do the update in place for you. I don't know whether or not any actual production ready compilers are currently able to make this optimisation.

What are the tradeoffs when generating unique sequence numbers in a distributed and concurrent environment?

I am curious about the contraints and tradeoffs for generating unique sequence numbers in a distributed and concurrent environment.
Imagine this: I have a system where all it does is give back an unique sequence number every time you ask it. Here is an ideal spec for such a system (constraints):
Stay up under high-load.
Allow as many concurrent connections as possible.
Distributed: spread load across multiple machines.
Performance: run as fast as possible and have as much throughput as possible.
Correctness: numbers generated must:
not repeat.
be unique per request (must have a way break ties if any two request happens at the exact same time).
in (increasing) sequential order.
have no gaps between requests: 1,2,3,4... (effectively a counter for total # requests)
Fault tolerant: if one or more, or all machines went down, it could resume to the state before failure.
Obviously, this is an idealized spec and not all constraints can be satisfied fully. See CAP Theorem. However, I would love to hear your analysis on various relaxation of the constraints. What type of problems will we left with and what algorithms would we use to solve the remaining problems. For example, if we rid of the counter constraint, then the problem becomes much easier: since gaps are allowed, we can just partition the numeric ranges and map them onto different machines.
Any references (papers, books, code) are welcome. I'd also like to keep a list of existing software (open source or not).
Snowflake: a network service for generating unique ID numbers at high scale with some simple guarantees.
keyspace: a publicly accessible, unique 128-bit ID generator, whose IDs can be used for any purpose
RFC-4122 implementations exist in many languages. The RFC spec is probably a really good base, as it prevents the need for any inter-system coordination, the UUIDs are 128-bit, and when using IDs from software implementing certain versions of the spec, they include a time code portion that makes sorting possible, etc.
If you must be sequential (per machine) but can drop the gap/counter requirments look for an implementation of the Version 1 UUID as specified in RFC 4122.
If you're working in .NET and can eliminate the sequential and gap/counter requirements, just use System.Guids. They implement RFC 4122 Version 4 and are already unique (very low collision probability) across machines and requests. This could be easily implemented as a web service or just used locally.
Here's a high-level idea for an approach that may fulfill all the requirements, albeit with a significant caveat that may not match many use cases.
If you can tolerate having two sequence numbers - a logical one returned immediately; guaranteed unique and ordered but with gaps - and a separate physical one guaranteed to be in sequential order with no gaps and available a short while later - then the solution seems straightforward:
One distributed system that can serve up a high resolution clock + machine id as the logical sequence number
Stream all the logical sequence numbers into a separate distributed system that orders the logical sequence numbers and maps them to the physical sequence numbers.
The mapping from logical to physical can happen on-demand as soon as the second system is done with processing.
