How to make ASP.NET to stop interpret null as string -

I have a Web API method:
public List<Task> GetTasks([FromUri] TaskFilter filter)
The method has parameter with list of nullable identifiers:
public class TaskFilter
public IList<int?> Assignees { get; set; }
When I call it:
GET /tasks?assignees=null
Server returns an error:
"message":"The request is invalid.",
"modelState": {
"assignees": [ "The value 'null' is not valid for Nullable`1." ]
It works only if I pass empty string:
GET /tasks?assignees=
But standard query string converters (from JQuery, Angular, etc) do not work with nulls in such way.
How to make ASP.NET to interpret 'null' as null?
Upd: The query string can contain several identifiers, e.g.:
GET /tasks?assignees=1&assignees=2&assignees=null
Upd2: JQuery converts nulls in array to empty strings, and ASP.NET interprets them as null. So the question is about calling WebAPI from Angular 1.6 ($HttpParamSerializerProvider)
Upd3: I know about workarounds, but I do not ask for them. I want a solution for specific problem:
It is a GET method
Method accepts a list from Uri
A list can contain null values
It should be List<int?> because API docs are generated automatically, and I do not want to see text array as parameter type
By default ASP.NET expects empty strings for null values (JQuery.param works in that way)
But some client libraries (e.g. Angular) does not convert null array items to empty strings

You can create a custom model bind for this specific type, inherithing from DefaultModelBinder, for sample:
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
using System.Web.Mvc;
public class TaskFilterBinder : IModelBinder
public object BindModel(ControllerContext controllerContext, System.Web.Mvc.ModelBindingContext bindingContext)
var request = controllerContext.HttpContext.Request;
var assignees = request.QueryString["assignees"];
if (assignees == "null") // check if assignees is null (string) then return NULL
return null;
return assignees;
Finally we need to inform the controller as to the binding we want it to use. This we can specify using attributes
as below:
public List<Task> GetTasks([FromUri(ModelBinder=typeof(TaskFilterBinder))] TaskFilter filter)
// Do your stuff.
For more reference check this link on Custom Model Binders.
Hope, this solves your problem . Thanks

Finally, I found a solution using custom value provider:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Web.Http;
using System.Web.Http.Controllers;
using System.Web.Http.ValueProviders;
using System.Web.Http.ValueProviders.Providers;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Net.Http;
using System.Web.Http.ModelBinding;
public sealed class NullableValueProviderAttribute : ModelBinderAttribute
private readonly string[] _nullableColumns;
public NullableValueProviderAttribute(params string[] nullableColumns)
_nullableColumns = nullableColumns;
public override IEnumerable<ValueProviderFactory> GetValueProviderFactories(HttpConfiguration configuration)
return new ValueProviderFactory[] { new NullableValueProviderFactory(_nullableColumns) };
public class NullableValueProviderFactory : ValueProviderFactory, IUriValueProviderFactory
private readonly string[] _nullableColumns;
public NullableValueProviderFactory(string[] nullableColumns)
_nullableColumns = nullableColumns;
public override IValueProvider GetValueProvider(HttpActionContext actionContext)
return new NullableQueryStringValueProvider(actionContext, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, _nullableColumns);
public class NullableQueryStringValueProvider : NameValuePairsValueProvider
private static readonly string[] _nullValues = new string[] { "null", "undefined" };
private static IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, string>> GetQueryNameValuePairs(HttpRequestMessage request, string[] nullableColumns)
foreach (var pair in request.GetQueryNameValuePairs())
var isNull = Array.IndexOf(nullableColumns, pair.Key) >= 0 && Array.IndexOf(_nullValues, pair.Value) >= 0;
yield return isNull ? new KeyValuePair<string, string>(pair.Key, "") : pair;
public NullableQueryStringValueProvider(HttpActionContext actionContext, CultureInfo culture, string[] nullableColumns) :
base(GetQueryNameValuePairs(actionContext.ControllerContext.Request, nullableColumns), culture)
{ }
And specify it in Web API action:
public List<Task> GetTasks([NullableValueProvider("assignees")] TaskFilter filter)


System.NotSupportedException when calling OData service from NetCoreApp2.1

I have set up a multi targetting (net4.5.2/netstandard2) class library allowing to consume one of our enterprise OData services.
To access this OData service we use a proxy class generated with the OData v4 Client Code Generator (v7.5.0)
Unfortunately, when trying to use my library in a Netcoreapp2.1 application I encounter an issue as soon as I try to enumerate a collection.
Container.MyDataSet.ToList(); produces the following exception :
"System.NotSupportedException : This target framework does not enable
you to directly enumerate over a data service query. This is because
enumeration automatically sends a synchronous request to the data
service. Because this framework only supports asynchronous operations,
you must instead call the BeginExecute and EndExecute methods to
obtain a query result that supports enumeration."
I do not encounter this issue when using this same multitarget library in a .Net 4.5.2 application.
Having a look at the Microsoft.OData.Client v7.5.0 source code, this behaviour seems to be by design with specific handling of the .Net Core case.
Did I miss something ?
The following code prevents the issue, but it is barely usable :
var query = (DataServiceQuery<MyData>)Container.MyDataSet;
var taskFactory = new TaskFactory<IEnumerable<MyData>>();
var t = taskFactory.FromAsync(query.BeginExecute(null, null), data => query.EndExecute(data));
IEnumerable<MyData> result = t.Result;
How can I use an OData IQueryable in .Net Core application without adding specific code ?
As mentioned in the error message, the platform only supports asynchronous fetches. Even after you use that, you will likely need to enumerate over the results multiple times -- everytime you perform a ToList(), FirstOrDefault() or other similar System.Generics.Collections operations, you are essentially getting the Enumerator of the collection and enumerating over it.
I adopted this solution: immediately after I fetch enumerable results from the OData libraries I enumerate over them and put them in another enumerable container (Dictionary<string, MyAwesomeResult> in this case) instantiated by me.
var resultsQuery = this.oDataClient.MyAwesomeResults
.AddQueryOption("$filter", "Name eq 'MyAwesomeName'")
.AddQueryOption("$top", "5")
.AddQueryOption("$skip", "2");
IEnumerable<MyAwesomeResult> resultsRaw = await
var results = new Dictionary<string, MyAwesomeResult>();`
foreach (var resultRaw in resultsRaw)
results.Add(resultRaw.Key, resultRaw);
Then I use the container I instantiated -- I no longer need to enumerate again over the enumerable returned by
As said by #PanagiotisKanavos DataServiceQuery.ToString() will return the uri of the OData query.
Based on this, I wrote my own IQueryable :
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Linq.Expressions;
using Microsoft.OData.Client;
public class ODataLinqQuery<T> : IOrderedQueryable<T>
public IQueryProvider Provider { get; }
private DataServiceQuery<T> DataServiceQuery { get; }
public ODataLinqQuery(DataServiceQuery<T> dataServiceQuery, MyClient client, Type finalType)
this.DataServiceQuery = dataServiceQuery;
this.Provider = new ODataLinqQueryProvider<T>(dataServiceQuery, client, finalType);
public IEnumerator<T> GetEnumerator()
return this.Provider.Execute<IEnumerable<T>>(this.Expression).GetEnumerator();
IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
return this.Provider.Execute<System.Collections.IEnumerable>(this.Expression).GetEnumerator();
public Expression Expression => this.DataServiceQuery.Expression;
public Type ElementType => typeof(T);
Where MyClient is an utility class which wraps an HttpClient, handles authentication token, and performs result deserialization.
FinalType is to keep track on the type I want to obtain and deserialize, as I am handling IQueryables over interfaces.
Then I wrote my own IQueryProvider :
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Linq;
using System.Linq.Expressions;
using System.Net.Http;
using Microsoft.OData.Client;
public class ODataLinqQueryProvider<T> : IQueryProvider
private MyClient Client { get; set; }
private DataServiceQuery<T> DataServiceQuery { get; set; }
private Type FinalType { get; }
public ODataLinqQueryProvider(
DataServiceQuery<T> dsq,
MyClient client,
Type finalType)
this.DataServiceQuery = dsq;
this.Client = client;
this.FinalType = finalType;
public IQueryable CreateQuery(Expression expression)
return new ODataLinqQuery<T>(this.DataServiceQuery, this.Client, this.FinalType);
public IQueryable<TElement> CreateQuery<TElement>(Expression expression)
var pro = new DataServiceQuery<TElement>(expression, this.DataServiceQuery.Provider as DataServiceQueryProvider);
return new ODataLinqQuery<TElement>(pro, this.Client, this.FinalType);
public object Execute(Expression expression)
this.DataServiceQuery = new DataServiceQuery<T>(expression, this.DataServiceQuery.Provider as DataServiceQueryProvider);
return this.Execute();
public TResult Execute<TResult>(Expression expression)
this.DataServiceQuery = new DataServiceQuery<T>(expression, this.DataServiceQuery.Provider as DataServiceQueryProvider);
var res = this.Execute();
if (typeof(IEnumerable).IsAssignableFrom(typeof(TResult)))
return (TResult)res;
return ((IEnumerable)res).Cast<TResult>().FirstOrDefault();
private object Execute()
var result = Client.GetResult(typeof(OData<>).MakeGenericType(this.FinalType), HttpMethod.Get, new Uri(this.DataServiceQuery.ToString())) as OData;
return result.Objects;
Where Odata<> class is just for deserialization of the OData result and GetResult "just" invokes the GetAsync method of its underlying HttpClient with the correct authentication headers, wait for and deserializes the result :
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
public class OData<T> : OData where T : class
public override IEnumerable<object> Objects => this.Value;
public List<T> Value { get; set; }
public class OData
public string Metadata { get; set; }
public virtual IEnumerable<object> Objects { get; set; }
Finally I expose my IQueryable as follows :
var myQueryable = new ODataLinqQuery<MyData>(this.Container.MyDataSet, myclient, typeof(MyData));
I can then apply filters, orderby, top and skip and get the results as with a standard IQueryable. I know that this implementation is not complete, and IQueryable to OData is not as complete as most IQueryable to SQL, but it achieves the minimum I need.

Change key name of data loaded through JsonExtensionData [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
How to change all keys to lowercase when parsing JSON to a JToken
(1 answer)
Closed 5 years ago.
I have a JSON resulting from a mix of system data and user entries, like this :
"Properties": [{
"Type": "A",
"Name": "aaa",
"lorem ipsum": 7.1
}, {
"Type": "B",
"Name": "bbb",
"sit amet": "XYZ"
}, {
"Type": "C",
"Name": "ccc",
"abcd": false
I need to load it, process it, and save it to MongoDB. I deserialize it to this class :
public class EntityProperty {
public string Name { get; set; }
public IDictionary<string, JToken> OtherProperties { get; set; }
public string Type { get; set; }
The problem is that MongoDB does not allow dots in key names, but the users can do whatever they want.
So I need a way to save this additional JSON data but I also need to change the key name as it's being processed.
I tried to add [JsonConverter(typeof(CustomValuesConverter))] to the OtherProperties attribute but it seems to ignore it.
Update/Clarification: since the serialization is done by Mongo (I send the objects to the library), I need the extension data names to be fixed during deserialization.
Since the fixing of names must be done during deserialization, you could generalize the LowerCasePropertyNameJsonReader from How to change all keys to lowercase when parsing JSON to a JToken by Brian Rogers to perform the necessary transformation.
First, define the following:
public class PropertyNameMappingJsonReader : JsonTextReader
readonly Func<string, string> nameMapper;
public PropertyNameMappingJsonReader(TextReader textReader, Func<string, string> nameMapper)
: base(textReader)
if (nameMapper == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException();
this.nameMapper = nameMapper;
public override object Value
if (TokenType == JsonToken.PropertyName)
return nameMapper((string)base.Value);
return base.Value;
public static class JsonExtensions
public static T DeserializeObject<T>(string json, Func<string, string> nameMapper, JsonSerializerSettings settings = null)
using (var textReader = new StringReader(json))
using (var jsonReader = new PropertyNameMappingJsonReader(textReader, nameMapper))
return JsonSerializer.CreateDefault(settings).Deserialize<T>(jsonReader);
Then deserialize as follows:
var root = JsonExtensions.DeserializeObject<RootObject>(json, (s) => s.Replace(".", ""));
Or, if you are deserializing from a Stream via a StreamReader you can construct your PropertyNameMappingJsonReader directly from it.
Sample fiddle.
Alternatively, you could also fix the extension data in an [OnDeserialized] callback, but I think this solution is neater because it avoids adding logic to the objects themselves.
Original Answer
Assuming you are using Json.NET 10.0.1 or later, you can create your own custom NamingStrategy, override NamingStrategy.GetExtensionDataName(), and implement the necessary fix.
First, define MongoExtensionDataSettingsNamingStrategy as follows:
public class MongoExtensionDataSettingsNamingStrategy : DefaultNamingStrategy
public MongoExtensionDataSettingsNamingStrategy()
: base()
this.ProcessExtensionDataNames = true;
protected string FixName(string name)
return name.Replace(".", "");
public override string GetExtensionDataName(string name)
if (!ProcessExtensionDataNames)
return name;
return name.Replace(".", "");
Then serialize your root object as follows:
var settings = new JsonSerializerSettings
ContractResolver = new DefaultContractResolver { NamingStrategy = new MongoExtensionDataSettingsNamingStrategy() },
var outputJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(root, settings);
Here I am inheriting from DefaultNamingStrategy but you could inherit from CamelCaseNamingStrategy if you prefer.
The naming strategy is only invoked to remap extension data names (and dictionary keys) during serialization, not deserialization.
You may want to cache the contract resolver for best performance.
There is no built-in attribute to specify a converter for dictionary keys, as noted in this question. And in any event Json.NET would not use the JsonConverter applied to OtherProperties since the presence of the JsonExtensionData attribute supersedes the converter property.
Alternatively, if it would be more convenient to specify the naming strategy using Json.NET serialization attributes, you will need a slightly different naming strategy. First create:
public class MongoExtensionDataAttributeNamingStrategy : MongoExtensionDataSettingsNamingStrategy
public MongoExtensionDataAttributeNamingStrategy()
: base()
this.ProcessDictionaryKeys = true;
public override string GetDictionaryKey(string key)
if (!ProcessDictionaryKeys)
return key;
return FixName(key);
And modify EntityProperty as follows:
[JsonObject(NamingStrategyType = typeof(MongoExtensionDataAttributeNamingStrategy))]
public class EntityProperty
public string Name { get; set; }
public IDictionary<string, JToken> OtherProperties { get; set; }
public string Type { get; set; }
The reason for the inconsistency is that, as of Json.NET 10.0.3, DefaultContractResolver uses GetDictionaryKey() when remapping extension data names using a naming strategy that is set via attributes here, but uses GetExtensionDataName() when the naming strategy is set via settings here. I have no explanation for the inconsistency; it feels like a bug.

Change default session provider in ASP.NET

I want to change my session proviced to statically typed - I just hate typing strings because of many many errors I do.
What technology am I using? ASP.NET MVC via EXT.NET MVC
I was trying to do that using web.config but the problem is that after add session state to it visual is not going to compile my code because of that session should be using strings as keys.
I want to use session by enums such as :
public enum SessionEnum{Model}
public class Bar{
void foo(){
Session[SessionEnum.Model] = "blah";
I am aware that I can create wrapper converting enums to strings but it's not very satisfying solution for me.
public class StorageWrapper{
public object this[SessionEnum enum]{ get{return Session[enum.toString()]}; //+set
What I did was create static object for base class for all of my controllers and then I was able to use it across them but after closing and opening the page again I wasn't able to get values from it. I guess I should serialize them somehow but I have no idea how.
Is there any way to do that?
My session now looks like this :
public abstract class DataWrapper<T> : HttpSessionStateBase
Dictionary<T, object> Dictionary { get; set; } = new Dictionary<T, object>();
public object this[T a]
return Dictionary[a];
return null;
set { Dictionary[a] = value; }
public class SessionWrapper : DataWrapper<SessionNames>
public enum SessionNames { Model, Login, LastOpenedFile }
It's very simple.
Create a UserSession object which does everything you want (holds your values as enum etc), instantiate it, then put it in the session.
var US = new UserSession();
US.stuff = somestuff;
Session["UserSess"] = US
Then you can just always use Session["UserSess"].stuff;
Mmmm, wouldn't you use static const string instead of an enum?
using System.Web;
public static class SessionEnum
public static const string Model = "_Session_Model";
public static const string Login = "_Session_Login";
public static const string LastOpenedFile = "_Session_LastOpenedFile ";
class test
void test()
Session[SessionEnum.Model] = "blah";

ASP.NET Core Custom Parameter Binding

I have a situation in which I would like to do custom parameter binding for an api controller in ASP.NET core.In WebAPI 2.0 it was possible to perform custom binding to primitive types by implementing various interfaces such as IValueProvider and providing a ValueProviderFactory. This does not seem the case with ASP.NET core in as far as what I understand from the documentation I found here.
I did notice this SO post which lead me to this article which overrides the behavior for the MutableObjectModelBinder. It would appear I could do something along those lines such as:
public IEnumerable<string> Get([ModelBinder(BinderType = typeof(MyCustomBinder))]string orderby)
//Do stuff here
This doesn't necessarily seem right to me since I am just dealing with a primitive type however I cannot seem to find any documentation for another way of doing this.
Create a binder provider class for your custom type
public class MyCustomBinderProvider : IModelBinderProvider
public IModelBinder GetBinder(ModelBinderProviderContext context)
if (context == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(context));
if (context.Metadata.ModelType == typeof(MyCustom))
return new BinderTypeModelBinder(typeof(MyCustomBinder));
return null;
and register it in the services
services.AddMvc(c =>
c.ModelBinderProviders.Insert(0, new MyCustomBinderProvider());
And the custom binder can go like
public class MyCustomBinder : IModelBinder
public Task BindModelAsync(ModelBindingContext bindingContext)
if (bindingContext.ModelType != typeof(MyCustom))
return TaskCache.CompletedTask;
var parameters = new Dictionary<string, string>();
foreach (var parameter in bindingContext.ModelType.GetProperties())
var valueProviderResult = bindingContext.ValueProvider.GetValue(parameter.Name);
if (valueProviderResult.FirstValue != null)
parameters.Add(parameter.Name, valueProviderResult.FirstValue);
var result = Activator.CreateInstance(bindingContext.ModelType);
//write your custom code to map the result with the parameters
bindingContext.Result = ModelBindingResult.Success(result);
return TaskCache.CompletedTask;
Your custom type class
[ModelBinder(BinderType = typeof(MyCustomBinder))]
public class MyCustom
public int Page { get; set; }
public int Rows { get; set; }
and your controller can take the custom class as query string parameter
public DataTransferObject GetData(MyCustom query)
Migrating OP's solution from the question to an answer, with meta commentary trimmed:
I just decided to go with a helper class to parse the parameter due to having to meet deadlines.

WebApi: mapping parameter to header value

I've done a few searches but haven't seem to find anything...
Using WebApi, I would like to map an input parameter to a header value: e.g.
E.g. in controller:
public User GetUser(int id){
return user;
I want WebApi to map the id parameter to a header value (e.g. X-Auth: 1234)... rather than an URL parameter.
Is this supported?
I don't think this is supported out of the box, like for example with the [FromBody] attribute.
It seems you should be able to achieve this functionality by using Model Binders, as described here. In the model binder you have access to the request and its headers, so you should be able to read the header and set its value to the bindingContext.Model property.
Edit: Reading the article further, it seems a custom HttpParameterBinding and a ParameterBindingAttribute is a more appropriate solution, or at least I would go this way. You could implement a generic [FromHeader] attribute, which does the job. I am also fighting the same problem, so I will post my solution once I have it in place.
Edit 2: Here is my implementation:
public class FromHeaderBinding : HttpParameterBinding
private string name;
public FromHeaderBinding(HttpParameterDescriptor parameter, string headerName)
: base(parameter)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(headerName))
throw new ArgumentNullException("headerName");
} = headerName;
public override Task ExecuteBindingAsync(ModelMetadataProvider metadataProvider, HttpActionContext actionContext, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
IEnumerable<string> values;
if (actionContext.Request.Headers.TryGetValues(, out values))
actionContext.ActionArguments[this.Descriptor.ParameterName] = values.FirstOrDefault();
var taskSource = new TaskCompletionSource<object>();
return taskSource.Task;
public abstract class FromHeaderAttribute : ParameterBindingAttribute
private string name;
public FromHeaderAttribute(string headerName)
{ = headerName;
public override HttpParameterBinding GetBinding(HttpParameterDescriptor parameter)
return new FromHeaderBinding(parameter,;
public class MyHeaderAttribute : FromHeaderAttribute
public MyHeaderAttribute()
: base("MyHeaderName")
Then you can use it like this:
public IHttpActionResult GetItem([MyHeader] string headerValue)
Hope that helps.
WebApi on DotNet Core has a has some additional attributes for extracting data from the request. Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.FromHeaderAttribute will read from the request head.
public ActionResult ReadFromHeader([FromHeader(Name = "your-header-property-name")] string data){
//Do something
Thank you filipov for the answer.. I took your code and modified it a bit to suit my needs. I am posting my changes here in case anyone can make use of this.
I made 2 changes.
I liked the idea of the FromHeaderAttribute, but without subclassing. I made this class public, and require the user to set the param name.
I needed to support other data types besides string. So I attempt to convert the string value to the descriptor's parameterType.
Use it like this:
public void DeleteWidget(long widgetId, [FromHeader("widgetVersion")] int version)
And this is my FromHeaderBinding
public class FromHeaderBinding : HttpParameterBinding
private readonly string _name;
public FromHeaderBinding(HttpParameterDescriptor parameter, string headerName)
: base(parameter)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(headerName)) throw new ArgumentNullException("headerName");
_name = headerName;
public override Task ExecuteBindingAsync(ModelMetadataProvider metadataProvider, HttpActionContext actionContext, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
IEnumerable<string> values;
if (actionContext.Request.Headers.TryGetValues(_name, out values))
var tempVal = values.FirstOrDefault();
if (tempVal != null)
var actionValue = Convert.ChangeType(tempVal, Descriptor.ParameterType);
actionContext.ActionArguments[Descriptor.ParameterName] = actionValue;
var taskSource = new TaskCompletionSource<object>();
return taskSource.Task;
