Web scraping with R, content - r

I am just starting with web scraping in R, I put this code:
mps <- read_html("http://tunisie-annonce.com/AnnoncesImmobilier.asp")
mps %>%
html_nodes("tr") %>%
To get the needed content that I put in a text file. My problem is that I want to eliminate these red points, but I can't. Could you please help me?
I think these points are replacing <b> and <br> in the html code.

Whoever constructed that page very frustratingly assembled the table within a table, but not defined as a <table> tag itself, so it's easiest to redefine it so it will parse more easily:
mps <- read_html("http://tunisie-annonce.com/AnnoncesImmobilier.asp")
df <- mps %>%
html_nodes("tr.Entete1, tr.Tableau1") %>% # get correct rows
paste(collapse = '\n') %>% # paste nodes back to a single string
paste('<table>', ., '</table>') %>% # add enclosing table node
read_html() %>% # reread as HTML
html_node('table') %>%
html_table(fill = TRUE) %>% # parse as table
{ setNames(.[-1,], make.names(.[1,], unique = TRUE)) } # grab names from first row
#> X Région NA. Nature NA..1 Type NA..2
#> 2 Prix <NA> NA <NA> NA <NA> NA
#> 3 Modifiée NA <NA> NA <NA> NA
#> 4 Kelibia NA Terrain NA Terrain nu NA
#> 5 Cite El Ghazala NA Location NA App. 4 pièc NA
#> 6 Le Bardo NA Location NA App. 1 pièc NA
#> 7 Le Bardo NA Location vacance NA App. 3 pièc NA
#> Texte.annonce NA..3 Prix Prix.1 X.1 Modifiée
#> 2 <NA> NA <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA>
#> 3 <NA> NA <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA>
#> 4 Terrain a 5 km de kelibi NA 80 000 07/05/2017
#> 5 S plus 3 haut standing c NA 790 07/05/2017
#> 6 Appartements meubles NA 40 000 07/05/2017
#> 7 Un bel appartement au bardo m NA 420 07/05/2017
#> Modifiée.1 NA..4 NA..5
#> 2 <NA> NA NA
#> 3 <NA> NA NA
#> 4 <NA> NA NA
#> 5 <NA> NA NA
#> 6 <NA> NA NA
#> 7 <NA> NA NA
Note there's a lot of NAs and other cruft here yet to be cleaned up, but at least it's usable at this point.

You can always use regular expressions to remove undesired chars, e.g.,
mps <- gsub("•", " ", mps)


Calculating CAGR with differing time-based data. Issue with variable column referencing in R

I have a table of Calpers Private Equity Fund performance from several years. I cleaned and joined all the data into a large table with 186 entries for individual fund investments. Some of these funds have data for 5 yrs, most for 4 or less. I would like to calculate the CAGR for each fund using the earliest value and the latest value in the formula:
CAGR= Latest/First^(1/n)-1 ...
The columns with the data are named:
2017,2018,2019,2020,2021, so the formula in R will look something like this: (calper is the table with all the data ... one fund per row)
idx<- which(startsWith(names(calperMV),"2")) # locate columns with data needed for CAGR calc
idx <- rev(idx) # match to NCOL_NA order ...
the values here are (6,5,4,3,2) ... which are the column numbers for 2021-2020-2019-2018-2017.
the indx was formed by counting the number of NA in each row ... all the NA are left to right, so the totals here should be a reference to the idx and thus the correct columns.
I use the !!sym(as.String()) with name()[idx[indx]] to pull out the column names symbolically
calperMV %>% rowwise() %>%
Problem is that the referencing either does not work correctly or gets this error:
"Error in local_error_context(dots = dots, .index = i, mask = mask) :
promise already under evaluation: recursive default argument reference or earlier problems?"
I've tried creating test code which shows the addressing is working:
calper %>% rowwise() %>% mutate(test = (names(.)[idx[indx]]),
test1= !!sym(as.String(names(.)[idx[1]])),
test2= !!sym(as.String(names(.)[idx[2]])),
test3= !!sym(as.String(names(.)[idx[3]])),
test4= !!sym(as.String(names(.)[idx[4]])),
test5= !!sym(as.String(names(.)[idx[5]])))
But when I do the full CAGR calc I get that recursive error. Here'a tibble of the test data for reference:
Input data:
Security Name 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 NA_cols indx
ASIA ALT NA NA NA 6,256,876.00 7,687,037.00 3 2
ASIA ALT NA NA NA 32,549,704.00 34,813,844.00 3 2
AVATAR NA NA NA NA 700,088.00 - 3 2
AVENUE FUND VI (A) NA NA NA 10,561,674.00 19,145,496.00 3 2
BDC III C NA 48,098,429.00 85,808,280.00 100,933,699.00 146,420,669.00 1 4
BIRCH HILL NA NA NA 6,488,941.00 9,348,941.00 3 2
BLACKSTONE NA NA NA 4,011,072.00 2,406,075.00 3 2
BLACKSTONE IV NA NA NA 4,923,625.00 3,101,081.00 3 2
BLACKSTONE V NA NA NA 18,456,472.00 17,796,711.00 3 2
BLACKSTONE VI NA NA NA 245,269,656.00 310,576,064.00 3 2
BLACKSTONE VII NA NA NA 465,415,036.00 607,172,062.00 3 2
Results: The indexing selects the proper String and also selects the proper # from the column ... but won't do when I operate with the selected variable:
selYR test1 test2 test3 test4 test5
2020 7,687,037.00 6,256,876.00 NA NA NA
2020 34,813,844.00 32,549,704.00 NA NA NA
2020 - 700,088.00 NA NA NA
2020 19,145,496.00 10,561,674.00 NA NA NA
2018 146,420,669.00 100,933,699.00 85,808,280.00 48,098,429.00 NA
2020 9,348,941.00 6,488,941.00 NA NA NA
2020 2,406,075.00 4,011,072.00 NA NA NA
2020 3,101,081.00 4,923,625.00 NA NA NA
2020 17,796,711.00 18,456,472.00 NA NA NA
2020 310,576,064.00 245,269,656.00 NA NA NA
2020 607,172,062.00 465,415,036.00 NA NA NA
(Sorry ... I don't know how to put these into proper columns :( )
I never learned all those fancy tidystuff techniques. Here's a base R approach:
Firstand second: Use read.delim to bring in tab data and your data has (yeccch) commas in the numbers.
(ignore the warnings, they are correct and you do want the NA's.)
calpDat <- read.delim(text=calpTab)
calpDat[2:6] <- lapply(calpDat[2:6], function(x) as.numeric(gsub("[,]", "",x)))
Warning messages:
1: In FUN(X[[i]], ...) : NAs introduced by coercion
2: In FUN(X[[i]], ...) : NAs introduced by coercion
3: In FUN(X[[i]], ...) : NAs introduced by coercion
4: In FUN(X[[i]], ...) : NAs introduced by coercion
Note that lapply in this case returns a list of numeric vectors which can be assigned back inot the origianl dataframe to overwrite the original character values. Or you could have created new columns which could then have gotten the same treatment as below. Now that the data is in, you can count the number of valid numbers and then calculate the CAGR for each row using apply on the numeric columns in a rowwise fashion:
calpDat$CAGR <- apply(calpDat[2:6], 1, function(rw) {n <- length(na.omit(rw));
(rw[5]/rw[6-n])^(1/n) -1})
Security.Name X2017 X2018 X2019 X2020 X2021 NA_cols indx CAGR
1 ASIA ALT NA NA NA 6256876 7687037 3 2 0.10841071
2 ASIA ALT NA NA NA 32549704 34813844 3 2 0.03419508
3 AVATAR NA NA NA NA 700088 NA 3 2 NA
4 AVENUE FUND VI (A) NA NA NA 10561674 19145496 3 2 0.34637777
5 BDC III C NA 48098429 85808280 100933699 146420669 1 4 0.32089372
6 BIRCH HILL NA NA NA 6488941 9348941 3 2 0.20031241
7 BLACKSTONE NA NA NA 4011072 2406075 3 2 -0.22549478
8 BLACKSTONE IV NA NA NA 4923625 3101081 3 2 -0.20637732
9 BLACKSTONE V NA NA NA 18456472 17796711 3 2 -0.01803608
10 BLACKSTONE VI NA NA NA 245269656 310576064 3 2 0.12528383
11 BLACKSTONE VII NA NA NA 465415036 607172062 3 2 0.14218298
Problems remaining ... funds that did not have a value in the most recent year; funds that might have had discontinuous reporting. You need to say how these would be handled and provide example data if you want tested solutions.

What's Wrong: rvest's Error 'in open.connection(x, "rb") and readHTMLTable ()`s "XML contents does not seem to be XML"? [duplicate]

I am trying to extract all the table from this page using R, for html_node i had passed "table". In console the output is weird. Data is available in webpage but in R console it shows NA. Please suggest me where i had made mistake.
url <- "https://www.iii.org/table-archive/21110"
page <- read_html(url) #Creates an html document from URL
table <- html_table(page, fill = TRUE) #Parses tables into data frames
part of Output:
X4 X5 X6
1 Direct premiums written (1) Market share (2) 1
2 Market share (2) <NA> NA
3 10.6% <NA> NA
4 6.0 <NA> NA
5 5.4 <NA> NA
6 5.4 <NA> NA
7 5.2 <NA> NA
8 4.5 <NA> NA
9 3.3 <NA> NA
10 3.2 <NA> NA
11 3.0 <NA> NA
12 2.2 <NA> NA
X7 X8 X9 X10
1 State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance $51,063,111 10.6% 2
2 <NA> <NA> <NA> NA
3 <NA> <NA> <NA> NA
4 <NA> <NA> <NA> NA
5 <NA> <NA> <NA> NA
6 <NA> <NA> <NA> NA
7 <NA> <NA> <NA> NA
8 <NA> <NA> <NA> NA
9 <NA> <NA> <NA> NA
10 <NA> <NA> <NA> NA
11 <NA> <NA> <NA> NA
12 <NA> <NA> <NA> NA
This will get all of the tables into a single data frame:
url <- "https://www.iii.org/table-archive/21110"
df <- url %>%
read_html() %>%
html_nodes("table") %>%
html_table(fill = T) %>%
lapply(., function(x) setNames(x, c("Rank", "Company", "Direct_premiums_written",
tables <- data.frame()
for (i in seq(2,18,2)) {
temp <- df[[i]]
tables <- bind_rows(tables, temp)
You can then subset this however you want. For example, lets extract the information from the third table that represents 2009:
table_2009 <- tables[21:30,] %>%
mutate(Year = 2009)
To add all the years at once:
years <- c(2017, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016)
tables <- tables %>%
mutate(Year = rep(years, each = 10))
Hope this helps.
There are a couple of issues with these tables.
First, I think you'll get better results if you specify the class of table. In this case, .tablesorter.
Second, you'll note that in some tables the second column header is Group, in other cases it is Group/company. This is what causes the NA. So you need to rename the columns to be consistent for all tables.
You can get a list of tables with renamed column headers like this:
tables <- page %>%
html_nodes("table.tablesorter") %>%
html_table() %>%
lapply(., function(x) setNames(x, c("rank", "group_company",
"direct_premiums_written", "market_share")))
Looking at the web page we see that the tables are for years 2017, 2008 to 2011 and 2013 to 2016. So we could add these years as names to the list then bind the tables together with a column for year:
tables <- setNames(tables, c(2017, 2008:2011, 2013:2016)) %>%
bind_rows(.id = "Year")
There are multiple items in the list that you have named table. (Not a good practice: there's a function by that name.)
List of 18
$ :'data.frame': 12 obs. of 45 variables:
..$ X1 : chr [1:12] "Rank\nGroup/company\nDirect premiums written (1)\nMarket share (2)\n1\nState Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance\n"| __truncated__ "Rank" "1" "2" ...
..$ X2 : chr [1:12] "Rank" "Group/company" "State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance" "Berkshire Hathaway Inc." ...
..$ X3 : chr [1:12] "Group/company" "Direct premiums written (1)" "$64,892,583" "38,408,251" ...
snippped rest of long output
Perhaps you only want the last one?
Rank Group/company
1 1 State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance
2 2 Berkshire Hathaway Inc.
3 3 Liberty Mutual
4 4 Allstate Corp.
5 5 Progressive Corp.
6 6 Travelers Companies Inc.
7 7 Chubb Ltd.
8 8 Nationwide Mutual Group
9 9 Farmers Insurance Group of Companies (3)
10 10 USAA Insurance Group
Direct premiums written (1) Market share (2)
1 $62,189,311 10.2%
2 33,300,439 5.4
3 32,217,215 5.3
4 30,875,771 5.0
5 23,951,690 3.9
6 23,918,048 3.9
7 20,786,847 3.4
8 19,756,093 3.2
9 19,677,601 3.2
10 18,273,675 3.0
Nope; going back to the page it's clear you want the first, but its structure appears to have been misinterpreted and the data has been arranged as "wide", with all the data residing in the first row. So some of the columns are being displayed and the rest of the data seems to be messed up; Just take columns 2:4:
tbl[[1]][ ,c('X2','X3','X4')]
X2 X3
1 Rank Group/company
2 Group/company Direct premiums written (1)
3 State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance $64,892,583
4 Berkshire Hathaway Inc. 38,408,251
5 Liberty Mutual 33,831,726
6 Allstate Corp. 31,501,664
7 Progressive Corp. 27,862,882
8 Travelers Companies Inc. 24,875,076
9 Chubb Ltd. 21,266,737
10 USAA Insurance Group 20,151,368
11 Farmers Insurance Group of Companies (3) 19,855,517
12 Nationwide Mutual Group 19,218,907
1 Direct premiums written (1)
2 Market share (2)
3 10.1%
4 6.0
5 5.3
6 4.9
7 4.3
8 3.9
9 3.3
10 3.1
11 3.1
12 3.0

Change data type of all columns in list of data frames before using `bind_rows()`

I have a list of data frames, e.g. from the following code:
"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_accidents_and_disasters_by_death_toll" %>%
rvest::read_html() %>%
html_nodes(css = 'table[class="wikitable sortable"]') %>%
html_table(fill = TRUE)
I would now like to combine the dataframes into one, e.g. with dplyr::bind_rows() but get the Error: Can't combine ..1$Deaths<integer> and..5$Deaths <character>. (the answer suggested here doesn't do the trick).
So I need to convert the data types before using row binding. I would like to use this inside a pipe (a tidyverse solution would be ideal) and not loop through the data frames due to the structure of the remaining project but instead use something vectorized like lapply(., function(x) {lapply(x %>% mutate_all, as.character)}) (which doesn't work) to convert all values to character.
Can someone help me with this?
You can change all the column classes to characters and bind them together with map_df.
"https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_accidents_and_disasters_by_death_toll" %>%
rvest::read_html() %>%
html_nodes(css = 'table[class="wikitable sortable"]') %>%
html_table(fill = TRUE) %>%
map_df(~.x %>% mutate(across(.fns = as.character)))
# Deaths Date Attraction `Amusement park` Location Incident Injuries
# <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
#1 28 14 Feb… Transvaal Park (entire … Transvaal Park Yasenevo, Mosc… NA NA
#2 15 27 Jun… Formosa Fun Coast music… Formosa Fun Coast Bali, New Taip… NA NA
#3 8 11 May… Haunted Castle; a fire … Six Flags Great … Jackson Townsh… NA NA
#4 7 9 June… Ghost Train; a fire at … Luna Park Sydney Sydney, Austra… NA NA
#5 7 14 Aug… Skylab; a crane collide… Hamburger Dom Hamburg, (Germ… NA NA
# 6 6 13 Aug… Virginia Reel; a fire a… Palisades Amusem… Cliffside Park… NA NA
# 7 6 29 Jun… Eco-Adventure Valley Sp… OCT East Yantian Distri… NA NA
# 8 5 30 May… Big Dipper; the roller … Battersea Park Battersea, Lon… NA NA
# 9 5 23 Jun… Kuzuluk Aquapark swimmi… Kuzuluk Aquapark Akyazi, Turkey… NA NA
#10 4 24 Jul… Big Dipper; a bolt came… Krug Park Omaha, Nebrask… NA NA
# … with 1,895 more rows

Box plot for one row of a (frequency) table

I have a data set as a .csv file (basically: people's wine choice in relation to the origin of the ambient music playing). Reading this as a dataframe results in a df looking like this:
Music Wine
1 French French
2 Italian French
3 None Italian
4 Italian Italian
5 French Other
As a table, it looks like this:
Music Other French Italian
French 35 39 1
None 43 30 11
Italian 35 30 19
Now I want to create a frequency diagram that ONLY plots the relative distribution of purchases made with Music == "None". So basically I'd get Other = 0.511904, French = 0.3571429, Italian = 0.1309524.
Now my problem is subsetting this table isn't working.
noMusic <- prop.table(table(data[data$Music == "None"]))
geenMuziekTabel <- prop.table(table(data[data$Music == "None"]))
Both result in this:
[1] 0.144032922 0.004115226 0.045267490 0.078189300 NA NA NA NA
[81] NA NA NA NA
I thought: maybe I should subset my dataframe FIRST and THEN make a proportional table out of it, but R seems to remember that there was other data, and make this table:
Music Other French Italian
French 0 0 0
None 43 30 11
Italian 0 0 0
I've tried a number of different things, too, but can't figure it out. Would anyone know what I'm doing wrong?
Edit: the solution, based on the accepted answer, is as follows:
noMusicTable <- prop.table(table(musicwine$Wine[musicwine$Music == "None"]))
#noMusicTable <- prop.table(table(subset(musicwine, Music == "None", select = Wine)))
noMusicDF <- as.data.frame(noMusicTable)
# need to declare x and y explicitly; use stat = 'identity' to map bars to y-variable
ggplot(noMusicDF, mapping = aes(x = Var1, y = Freq)) + geom_bar(stat = 'identity', fill='red')
Here three ways to subset correctly:
dat <- read.table(text =
"Music Wine
French French
Italian French
None Italian
Italian Italian
French Other", header = TRUE)
# Two different ways to subset
prop.table(table(dat$Wine[dat$Music == "None"]))
prop.table(table(subset(dat, Music == "None", select = Wine)))
# With dplyr and piping
dat %>%
filter(Music == "None") %>%
select(Wine) %>%
table() %>%

extract table from webpage using R

I am trying to extract all the table from this page using R, for html_node i had passed "table". In console the output is weird. Data is available in webpage but in R console it shows NA. Please suggest me where i had made mistake.
url <- "https://www.iii.org/table-archive/21110"
page <- read_html(url) #Creates an html document from URL
table <- html_table(page, fill = TRUE) #Parses tables into data frames
part of Output:
X4 X5 X6
1 Direct premiums written (1) Market share (2) 1
2 Market share (2) <NA> NA
3 10.6% <NA> NA
4 6.0 <NA> NA
5 5.4 <NA> NA
6 5.4 <NA> NA
7 5.2 <NA> NA
8 4.5 <NA> NA
9 3.3 <NA> NA
10 3.2 <NA> NA
11 3.0 <NA> NA
12 2.2 <NA> NA
X7 X8 X9 X10
1 State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance $51,063,111 10.6% 2
2 <NA> <NA> <NA> NA
3 <NA> <NA> <NA> NA
4 <NA> <NA> <NA> NA
5 <NA> <NA> <NA> NA
6 <NA> <NA> <NA> NA
7 <NA> <NA> <NA> NA
8 <NA> <NA> <NA> NA
9 <NA> <NA> <NA> NA
10 <NA> <NA> <NA> NA
11 <NA> <NA> <NA> NA
12 <NA> <NA> <NA> NA
This will get all of the tables into a single data frame:
url <- "https://www.iii.org/table-archive/21110"
df <- url %>%
read_html() %>%
html_nodes("table") %>%
html_table(fill = T) %>%
lapply(., function(x) setNames(x, c("Rank", "Company", "Direct_premiums_written",
tables <- data.frame()
for (i in seq(2,18,2)) {
temp <- df[[i]]
tables <- bind_rows(tables, temp)
You can then subset this however you want. For example, lets extract the information from the third table that represents 2009:
table_2009 <- tables[21:30,] %>%
mutate(Year = 2009)
To add all the years at once:
years <- c(2017, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016)
tables <- tables %>%
mutate(Year = rep(years, each = 10))
Hope this helps.
There are a couple of issues with these tables.
First, I think you'll get better results if you specify the class of table. In this case, .tablesorter.
Second, you'll note that in some tables the second column header is Group, in other cases it is Group/company. This is what causes the NA. So you need to rename the columns to be consistent for all tables.
You can get a list of tables with renamed column headers like this:
tables <- page %>%
html_nodes("table.tablesorter") %>%
html_table() %>%
lapply(., function(x) setNames(x, c("rank", "group_company",
"direct_premiums_written", "market_share")))
Looking at the web page we see that the tables are for years 2017, 2008 to 2011 and 2013 to 2016. So we could add these years as names to the list then bind the tables together with a column for year:
tables <- setNames(tables, c(2017, 2008:2011, 2013:2016)) %>%
bind_rows(.id = "Year")
There are multiple items in the list that you have named table. (Not a good practice: there's a function by that name.)
List of 18
$ :'data.frame': 12 obs. of 45 variables:
..$ X1 : chr [1:12] "Rank\nGroup/company\nDirect premiums written (1)\nMarket share (2)\n1\nState Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance\n"| __truncated__ "Rank" "1" "2" ...
..$ X2 : chr [1:12] "Rank" "Group/company" "State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance" "Berkshire Hathaway Inc." ...
..$ X3 : chr [1:12] "Group/company" "Direct premiums written (1)" "$64,892,583" "38,408,251" ...
snippped rest of long output
Perhaps you only want the last one?
Rank Group/company
1 1 State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance
2 2 Berkshire Hathaway Inc.
3 3 Liberty Mutual
4 4 Allstate Corp.
5 5 Progressive Corp.
6 6 Travelers Companies Inc.
7 7 Chubb Ltd.
8 8 Nationwide Mutual Group
9 9 Farmers Insurance Group of Companies (3)
10 10 USAA Insurance Group
Direct premiums written (1) Market share (2)
1 $62,189,311 10.2%
2 33,300,439 5.4
3 32,217,215 5.3
4 30,875,771 5.0
5 23,951,690 3.9
6 23,918,048 3.9
7 20,786,847 3.4
8 19,756,093 3.2
9 19,677,601 3.2
10 18,273,675 3.0
Nope; going back to the page it's clear you want the first, but its structure appears to have been misinterpreted and the data has been arranged as "wide", with all the data residing in the first row. So some of the columns are being displayed and the rest of the data seems to be messed up; Just take columns 2:4:
tbl[[1]][ ,c('X2','X3','X4')]
X2 X3
1 Rank Group/company
2 Group/company Direct premiums written (1)
3 State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance $64,892,583
4 Berkshire Hathaway Inc. 38,408,251
5 Liberty Mutual 33,831,726
6 Allstate Corp. 31,501,664
7 Progressive Corp. 27,862,882
8 Travelers Companies Inc. 24,875,076
9 Chubb Ltd. 21,266,737
10 USAA Insurance Group 20,151,368
11 Farmers Insurance Group of Companies (3) 19,855,517
12 Nationwide Mutual Group 19,218,907
1 Direct premiums written (1)
2 Market share (2)
3 10.1%
4 6.0
5 5.3
6 4.9
7 4.3
8 3.9
9 3.3
10 3.1
11 3.1
12 3.0
