QSGGeometry: Is it fast to upload tons of vertices every frame? - qt

I'm developing a realtime log plotter using Qt Quick 2. It receives log data like every millisecond, and I'd like to plot it incrementally (to a parametric curve) using a custom QQuickItem.
Currently I'm planning to use QSGGeometry and send vertex data to GPU. However, since QSGGeometry does not support incremental vertex upload, I will have to send all vertices every frame. Since the log can be about a hundred second long, I will be sending hundreds of thousands of vertices every frame. I feel myself silly to do that every sixtieth second.
Of course I could prune unnecessary vertices(those that are too close to others) and make the vertex buffer size maybe 1/30, but I noticed that was just bringing GPU task into CPU. (or I could just take every one of 30 data and send, but the user can zoom up the graph and it will be ugly.)
Instead, I could use QQuickPaintedItem and draw on the FrameBufferObject incrementally, but when the user drags the graph and the graph redraws, it will send one hundred thousand gl-calls in one frame(or do it in CPU, but it will be slow anyways).
Which one is the faster way? or is there a better way to do this?
EDIT: I think I found a much better solution. I could split the data recursively and adaptively add the points until it gets smooth enough. This way I will be able to reduce the data to about 500 points, which is cheap enough to send to GPU every frame, while only accessing to the points needed in CPU. The only concern is whether g++ can optimize the recursive call for low overhead.


How are you supposed to update a texture per frame in Vulkan?

I'm trying to work with 2D in vulkan along with 3D. So right now testing out updating a texture for every frame as whatever 2D is going on. I've gotten something of a texture updater working, the problem is that it's very slow and probably not the way it's supposed to be done. Is there any better way of getting this done? The code is based on the https://vulkan-tutorial.com/ code.
void UpdateTexture()
vkFreeMemory(device, textureImageMemory, nullptr);
VkBuffer stagingBuffer;
VkDeviceMemory stagingBufferMemory;
createBuffer(imageSize, VK_BUFFER_USAGE_TRANSFER_SRC_BIT, VK_MEMORY_PROPERTY_HOST_COHERENT_BIT, stagingBuffer, stagingBufferMemory);
void* data;
vkMapMemory(device, stagingBufferMemory, 0, imageSize, 0, &data);
memcpy(data, pixel2.data(), static_cast<size_t>(imageSize));
vkUnmapMemory(device, stagingBufferMemory);
copyBufferToImage(stagingBuffer, textureImage, static_cast<uint32_t>(texWidth), static_cast<uint32_t>(texHeight));
vkDestroyBuffer(device, stagingBuffer, nullptr);
vkFreeMemory(device, stagingBufferMemory, nullptr);
This code looks like a direct translation of some OpenGL code, and not particularly good/modern OpenGL code at that.
There's a lot wrong in this code, but most of it boils down to over-synchronization.
First, you should always view any call to vkDeviceWaitIdle as the wrong thing to do. The only exception would be when you are preparing to destroy the VkDevice itself. There is no other reason to do a full CPU/GPU sync like that.
Presumably, this synchronization exists so that you can be sure the GPU is finished using the image before modifying it. This is the wrong thing to do. You should instead employ multiple-buffering. That is, you should have two images that you use. One is currently being used in a rendering process, while the other is being transferred into.
Instead of doing a full device sync, you instead synchronize with the batch you sent two frames ago. That is, if you're wanting to transfer data for use by frame 10, then you must first do a fence-sync operation with the batch you sent in frame 8. Frame 9 is still being processed, but frame 8 is probably done by now. So the synchronization shouldn't hurt too much.
Second, never allocate memory in the middle of an operation like this. Memory gets allocated early in your application, and you leave it allocated until it's time to destroy your application. If you need a staging buffer, then keep it around and reuse it in subsequent frames. Make sure to allocate sufficient storage up-front.
Whatever your createBuffer call is doing, it seems very much like a bad idea. Vulkan is not OpenGL; Vulkan separated memory from buffers/textures that use it for a reason. Creating APIs that hide this separation basically throws all of that away.
Similarly, never unmap memory, unless you're about to destroy that memory object. There's no problem in Vulkan (or OpenGL) with leaving a piece of memory mapped indefinitely. Just map the entire memory's range and leave it mapped. Indeed, you could just pass the mapped pointer directly to your image loader, depending on how the memory get written by the image loading code (if it tries to read data from this pointer, they could be trouble).
Lastly, the commands doing the transfer need to be synchronized with the commands that consume the image. How this happens depends on which queues are being used to do the transfer.
And of course, if you want optimal performance, you may want to check to see if your implementation can read from linear images in your shader. If it can, then you may not need staging at all; you can just write the data directly to the memory in Vulkan's image format, and use it directly.
Employing all of the above is going to add a lot of complexity to your application. But that's how it's supposed to work.
A naive way consists in using the CPU to define the update depending on the time or data and then update the data for the shader, such as a MVP transformation matrix. But this is inefficient with lots of syncing and too low refresh rates, and also overloading the cpu in a loop.
So people recommend using many buffers sometimes mentioning old drivers. If someone can clarify it, that would be nice. I have a naive and probably wrong guess. If they know exactly the frame rate, then they can calculate the time for each frame and dispatch several frames in advance. But it confuses me because the frame rate is dynamic, especially for new screens with the FreeSync functionality that have dynamic refresh rates.
I have thought of a third possibility. One can use the clock directly in the shader. GL_EXT_shader_realtime_clock provides clockRealtimeEXT. It has no defined unit, and will wrap when exceeding the maximum value. But it is said "globally coherent by all invocations on the GPU". During initialization, you can measure its rate using a uniform buffer, and then assume the rate will be constant. And also manage the wrapping.
Then if you can write your shaders as a function of time, for example in a translation, that would be efficient. You just need the initial data. Remember that one must avoid if conditions in shaders.

Is it OK for a DirectShow filter to seek the filters upstream from itself?

Normally seek commands are executed on a filter graph, get called on the renderers in the graph and calls are passed upstream by filters until a filter that can handle the seek does the actual seek operation.
Could an individual filter seek the upstream filters connected to one or more of its input pins in the same way without it affecting the downstream portion of the graph in unexpected ways? I wouldn't expect that there wouldn't be any graph state changes caused by calling IMediaSeeking.SetPositions upstream.
I'm assuming that all upstream filters are connected to the rest of the graph via this filter only.
Obviously the filter would need to be prepared to handle the resulting BeginFlush, EndFlush and NewSegment calls coming from upstream appropriately and distinguish samples that arrived before and after the seek operation. It would also need to set new sample times on its output samples so that the output samples had consistent sample presentation times. Any other issues?
It is perfectly feasible to do what you require. I used this approach to build video and audio mixer filters for a video editor. A full description of the code is available from the BBC White Papers 129 and 138 available from http://www.bbc.co.uk/rd
A rather ancient version of the code can be found on www.SourceForge.net if you search for AAFEditPack. The code is written in Delphi using DSPack to get access to the DirectShow headers. I did this because it makes it easier to handle com object lifetimes - by implementing smart pointers by default. It should be fairly straightforward to transfer the ideas to a C++ implementation if that is what you use.
The filters keep lists of the sub-graphs (a section of a graph but running in the same FilterGraph as the mixers). The filters implement a custom version of TBCPosPassThru which knows about the output pins of the sub-graph for each media clip. It handles passing on the seek commands to get each clip ready for replay when its point in the timeline is reached. The mixers handle the BeginFlush, EndFlush, NewSegment and EndOfStream calls for each sub-graph so they are kept happy. The editor uses only one FilterGraph that houses both video and audio graphs. Seeking commands are make by the graph on both the video and audio renderers and these commands are passed upstream to the mixers which implement them.
Sub-graphs that are not currently active are blocked by the mixer holding references to the samples they have delivered. This does not cause any problems for the FilterGraph because, as Roman R says, downstream filters only care about getting a consecutive stream of sample and do not know about what happens upstream.
Some key points you need to make sure of to avoid wasted debugging time are:
Your decoder filters need to be able to queue to the exact media frame or audio time. Not as easy to do as you might expect, especially with compressed formats such as mpeg2, which was designed for transmission and has no frame index in the files. If you do not do this, the filter may wait indefinitely to get a NewSegment call with the correct media times.
Your sub graphs need to present a NewSegment time equal to the value you asked for in your seek command before delivering samples. Some decoders may seek to the nearest key frame, which is a bit unhelpful and some are a bit arbitrary about the timings of their NewSegment and the following samples.
The start and stop times of each clip need to be within the duration of the file. Its probably not a good idea to police this in the DirectShow filter because you would probably want to construct a timeline without needing to run the filter first. I did this in the component that manages the FilterGraph.
If you want to add sections from the same source file consecutively in the timeline, and have effects that span the transition, you need to have two instances of the sub-graph for that file and if you have more than one transition for the same source file, your list needs to alternate the graphs for successive clips. This is because each sub graph should only play monotonically: calling lots of SetPosition calls would waste cpu cycles and would not work well with compressed files.
The filter's output pins define the entire seeking behaviour of the graph. The output sample time stamps (IMediaSample.SetTime) are implemented by the filter so you need to get them correct without any missing time stamps. and you can also set the MediaTime (IMediaSample.SetMediaTime) values if you like, although you have to be careful to get them correct or the graph may drop samples or stall.
Good luck with your development. If you need any more information please contact me through StackOverflow or DTSMedia.co.uk

divide workload on different hardware using MPI

I have a small network with computers of different hardware. Is it possible to optimize workload division between these hardware using MPI? ie. give nodes with larger ram and better cpu more data to compute? minimizing waiting time between different nodes for final reduction.
In my program data are divided into equal-sized batches. Each node in the network will process some of them. The result of each batch will be summed up after all batches are processed.
Can you divide the work into more batches than there are processes? If so, change your program so that instead of each process receiving one batch, the master keeps sending batches to whichever node is available, for as long as there are unassigned batches. It should be a fairly easy modification, and it will make faster nodes process more data, leading to a lower overall completion time. There are further enhancements you can make, e.g. once all batches have been assigned and a fast node is available, you could take an already assigned batch away from a slow node and reassign it to said fast node. But these may not be worth the extra effort.
If you absolutely have to work with as many batches as you have nodes, then you'll have to find some way of deciding which nodes are fast and which ones are slow. Perhaps the most robust way of doing this is to assign small, equally sized test batches to each process, and have them time their own solutions. The master can then divide the real data into appropriately sized batches for each node. The biggest downside to this approach is that if the initial speed measurement is inaccurate, then your efforts at load balancing may end up doing more harm than good. Also, depending on the exact data and algorithm you're working with, runtimes with small data sets may not be indicative of runtimes with large data sets.
Yet another way would be to take thorough measurements of each node's speed (i.e. multiple runs with large data sets) in advance, and have the master balance batch sizes according to this precompiled information. The obvious complication here is that you'll somehow have to keep this registry up to date and available.
All in all, I would recommend the very first approach: divide the work into many smaller chunks, and assign chunks to whichever node is available at the moment.

How to Implement embarrassingly parallel task (FOR loop) WITHOUT MPI-IO?

I have a very large array (one dim) and need to solve evolution equation (wave-like eq). I I need to calculate integral at each value of this array, to store the resulting array of integral and apply integration again to this array, and so on (in simple words, I apply integral on grid of values, store this new grid, apply integration again and so on).
I used MPI-IO to spread over all nodes: there is a shared .dat file on my disc, each MPI copy reads this file (as a source for integration), performs integration and writes again to this shared file. This procedure repeats again and again. It works fine. The most time consuming part was the integration and file reading-writing was negligible.
Current problem:
Now I moved to 1024 (16x64 CPU) HPC cluster and now I'm facing an opposite problem: a calculation time is NEGLIGIBLE to read-write process!!!
I tried to reduce a number of MPI processes: I use only 16 MPI process (to spread over the nodes) + 64 threads with OpenMP to parallelize my computation inside of each node.
Again, reading and writing processes is the most time consuming part now.
How should I modify my program, in order to utilize the full power of 1024 CPUs with minimal loss?
The important point, is that I cannot move to the next step without completing the entire 1D array.
My thoughts:
Instead of reading-writing, I can ask my rank=0 (master rank) to send-receive the entire array to all nodes (MPI_Bcast). So, instead of each node will I/O, only one node will do it.
Thanks in advance!!!
I would look here and here. FORTRAN code for the second site is here and C code is here.
The idea is that you don't give the entire array to each processor. You give each processor only the piece it works on, with some overlap between processors so they can handle their mutual boundaries.
Also, you are right to save your computation to disk every so often. And I like MPI-IO for that. I think it is the way to go. But the codes in the links will allow you to run without reading every time. And, for my money, writing out the data every single time is overkill.

OpenCL - Multiple GPU Buffer Synchronization

I have an OpenCL kernel that calculates total force on a particle exerted by other particles in the system, and then another one that integrates the particle position/velocity. I would like to parallelize these kernels across multiple GPUs, basically assigning some amount of particles to each GPU. However, I have to run this kernel multiple times, and the result from each GPU is used on every other. Let me explain that a little further:
Say you have particle 0 on GPU 0, and particle 1 on GPU 1. The force on particle 0 is changed, as is the force on particle 1, and then their positions and velocities are changed accordingly by the integrator. Then, these new positions need to be placed on each GPU (both GPUs need to know where both particle 0 and particle 1 are) and these new positions are used to calculate the forces on each particle in the next step, which is used by the integrator, whose results are used to calculate forces, etc, etc. Essentially, all the buffers need to contain the same information by the time the force calculations roll around.
So, the question is: What is the best way to synchronize buffers across GPUs, given that each GPU has a different buffer? They cannot have a single shared buffer if I want to keep parallelism, as per my last question (though, if there is a way to create a shared buffer and still keep multiple GPUs, I'm all for that). I suspect that copying the results each step will cause more slowdown than it's worth to parallelize the algorithm across GPUs.
I did find this thread, but the answer was not very definitive and applied only to a single buffer across all GPUs. I would like to know, specifically, for Nvidia GPUs (more specifically, the Tesla M2090).
EDIT: Actually, as per this thread on the Khronos forums, a representative from the OpenCL working group says that a single buffer on a shared context does indeed get spread across multiple GPUs, with each one making sure that it has the latest info in memory. However, I'm not seeing that behavior on Nvidia GPUs; when I use watch -n .5 nvidia-smi while my program is running in the background, I see one GPU's memory usage go up for a while, and then go down while another GPU's memory usage goes up. Is there anyone out there that can point me in the right direction with this? Maybe it's just their implementation?
It sounds like you are having implementation trouble.
There's a great presentation from SIGGRAPH that shows a few different ways to utilize multiple GPUs with shared memory. The slides are here.
I imagine that, in your current setup, you have a single context containing multiple devices with multiple command queues. This is probably the right way to go, for what you're doing.
Appendix A of the OpenCL 1.2 specification says that:
OpenCL memory objects, [...] are created using a context and can be shared across multiple command-queues created using the same context.
The application needs to implement appropriate synchronization across threads on the host processor to ensure that the changes to the state of a shared object [...] happen in the correct order [...] when multiple command-queues in multiple threads are making changes to the state of a shared object.
So it would seem to me that your kernel that calculates particle position and velocity needs to depend on your kernel that calculates the inter-particle forces. It sounds like you already know that.
To put things more in terms of your question:
What is the best way to synchronize buffers across GPUs, given that each GPU has a different buffer?
... I think the answer is "don't have the buffers be separate." Use the same cl_mem object between two devices by having that cl_mem object come from the same context.
As for where the data actually lives... as you pointed out, that's implementation-defined (at least as far as I can tell from the spec). You probably shouldn't worry about where the data is living, and just access the data from both command queues.
I realize this could create some serious performance concerns. Implementations will likely evolve and get better, so if you write your code according to the spec now, it'll probably run better in the future.
Another thing you could try in order to get a better (or a least different) buffer-sharing behavior would be to make the particle data a map.
If it's any help, our setup (a bunch of nodes with dual C2070s) seem to share buffers fairly optimally. Sometimes, the data is kept on only one device, other times it might have the data exist in both places.
All in all, I think the answer here is to do it in the best way the spec provides and hope for the best in terms of implementation.
I hope I was helpful,
