Brand Data in Google Analytics Sheets Plug in - google-analytics

I'm looking to get the brand SEM data from Google Analytics using the plug in that's available in Google Sheets.
I initially though that I could filter with ga:medium==cpc but realised that this didn't specifically give me brand data so I was wondering what I would need to do to get this. Is it another filter? Is it another dimension other than ga:keyword?
If anyone can help me out, that would be amazing!

I've figured out the answer to my own question. If anyone's curious, I used a filter ga:keyword=~brand. So if your business was called "Cedar" you'd add the filter ga:keyword=~cedar
To use multiple keywords together you can use ga:keyword=~(cedar|wine|glasses) and that should help you get what you're looking for. Don't forget to add other filters so you can filter by organic or SEM traffic.


Creating a Discount Rule using Nools rule engine

Am trying to create a new discount rule in my e-commerce website.
I thought nools rule engine was the best to implement. but i dont know how to start and where to start. i have read the documentation also . am not getting anything. Can any one help me with sample code or how to start.? Thanks in advance to all
There are examples with the documentation, you should check it. Maybe try to apply to the google group if you have a specific question:!forum/nools

Google analytics tracking dynamic data

First off, sorry if this is the wrong forum to ask this type of question. If it is, please feel free to put me straight.
Is there a way to track a single bit of dynamic data using google analytics.
EG. I've got a used car website that dynamically pulls vehicle details. Although not part of the URL variables, one of those bits of information is the vehicle registration. Can I somehow include that in the analytics code so it's tracked on their stats.
Sorry if this is a quite broad question.
Yes, that is what event tracking is for:

Can I use google inside search data to return specific information

I have been trying to develop an app that references google inside search data.
Within the following picture, I would like to extract the picture, name, description, and opened. And display only that information as a result.
I have been looking at google custom search, but i cant seem to find out any information on using this data contained within "google inside search".
If anyone knows how I could reference this information and extract selected information within an app that would be greatly appreciated.
The knowledge base i wanted to use is called Freebase. Once i got the correct terminology it was simple to work out. Google provide heaps of doco on this.

Freebase with own data?

I have been looking for an autosuggest search script and I have finally found one that I like, the only problem is that I cannot find a way to get it to run off our database results.
Is there any way to customize this script so that it runs from our own database, and not off the freebase pre-defined data types?
Have you tried overriding service_url and service_path ? There are also the corresponding params for the flyout service. It's documented in the docs that you pointed to.
As masouras says, you can override service_url and service_path, but that's not particularly helpful unless you have another service which provides the same APIs as Freebase.
Dae Park recently posted a recipe to the Freebase mailing list which might help - however, I'm not aware of anyone who's actually managed to get Suggest working with anything other than Freebase.

how to find what isbns are in use

I am trying to find a list of what ISBNs are in use. I guess I could scrape a website like Amazon but that would waste a lot of bandwidth. Is there a better (free) way?
Maybe you could use the remote API for
Trying to keep an enormous ISBN list up-to-date yourself is quite a huge task if you ask me.
Just for the record: note that if you actually want an ISBN for your publication, you need to go to the official agency in your country. In the US this is , but it varies by country. In Australia, for example, it is here.
This might help: What is the most complete (free) ISBN API?
As the accepted answer states there is also an API to search Amazon but it's not actually supposed to be used in the way you wish to.
ended up using partial list from
Yes, try
