How do I make content start after a background image (responsive)? - css

I have no idea how to fix this. I've included a picture of the site.
This only happens on larger screen monitors, for some reason. On my 14" laptop, its' fine. Anyway, is there any way to ensure that content starts underneath a background image? And not overlap it, as shown.
Thanks so much for any help.

Well, it's complicated to work with css relativization when your main image of the site (the takes nearly all the screen) is into background or other rules that don't fill the rest of the elements. The best that you can do is to relativize body.home margin-top with percentages, but I highly recommend that you put that image inside a div container with width 100% and background-size cover and start to work towards that. Any other solution will be hacks and lacks of good practices, because if you want (and one day you will) change de background-image, all your elements will need a new proper location, obliging you to change css every time.


Fit background image in Elementor section

As far as I noticed it's super popular and common problem, but all solutions that I have tried failed at the end.
I have a test-ish website:
And what I can't achieve is to fit the background image to any resolution.
Here are my settings for the elementor section:
But that doesn't provide perfect image fit. It is being cut. I tried to add some solutions into .css file, that I have found on the Internet, but none of them works.
What you're trying to do is next to impossible (within reason).
Let's say your image has dimensions of 4:3. Now what happens if someone looks at your website on a 16:9 monitor? The container (and thus the image) would have to either have some blank space above and below OR to the left and right.
There are several reliable alternatives to getting what you want:
Position your image so that the most important pieces of the motive is always present (eg. "center top" so that the text in the top of the image is always visible
Add a "min height" to the parent container - the section would be the obvious choice. Playing around with VH/%-units might give you a more reliable result
Place your image as a simple image-widget instead of as a background-image. Set the width to 100%. Make sure your section is set to "Full width/no gap". Your image will now always be the full width of the screen, without being shrunk by the parent container.
Obviously #3 comes with several limits, as placing content on top of your image is made much harder.

How to Resize Background Images to fit iPad Screens

I'm running into a problem. When I view my website on a computer and phone, it's built perfectly; but, when I pull it up on an iPad, the background images are like blown up. My website is, any help will be very appreciated! Also, my Github is
To address the issue, you first need to understand what is happening. Background image sizes are handled with the background-size attribute, which you currently have set to cover. cover is great for large screens because it makes sure the image "covers" the height of the element. This allows for clipping on the sides to make sure it fills from top to bottom. contain is the opposite of that. It makes sure you can see the entire image at all times. It does this by making sure the width is 100% and the height is left to clip or expand. When you see on tablets and smaller that the images are "blown up", the CSS is making sure that the entire content area is filled with the image, and it does this by making sure the height of the image fills the content pane. Here's where we get a little more detailed.
You have your images setup as fixed. Obviously this was the effect you were going for, but lets think about what needs to happen here. Now the image needs to be covering the screen from top to bottom because it is able to be viewed anywhere the content pane is while being fixed. So now your image is covering the entire viewport. You can see the changes it makes when you change it to background-attachment:scroll;. It instead fits the image into the content pane instead of the viewport.
All of that being said, the way you can change this is by implementing media queries and switching backgrounds to cropped versions that are more appropriate to the viewing dimensions.
Your issue appears to be to do with background-attachment: fixed not behaving as expected.
Try background-attachment: scroll

Responsive content slider sometime cuts too much of the bottom off images
So my wordless theme has a built in slider. It is responsive. The slider is in the background and seems to have a height of 100%. On browsers that are normal width but tall this means that a lot of the image is hidden behind the white background of the content lower down the page. If you resize the page while the slider is on the slide image of the queen you will see why this is a problem. My boss would like it to always show her heard and shoulders.
Is there a way of, on longer shaped browser windows, stopping the image from being 100% height and therefore making it display better on longer height browsers as well as normal shaped ones?
As you can probably tell I'm kind of out of my depth on this one, so any help would be fantastic!
Luckily for you there is a quick fix on this particular slider. The elements are set to have a background-attachment of fixed on #slider-container .full-bg-image. Clear it and the whole picture will display. You should then be able to use the background-position to align more specifically for mobile, or only have the fixed position for desktop use with a media query. I'm not sure what method the powers that be would like best :)

Auto resize two images in a div when browser width changes

I have looked at many different peoples answers to this problem but they only account for one image.
I am having a problem with the the two images that i have placed in my header, when i resize my browser i want them to scale down with it so that they dont displace my whole site.
i have it hosted in dropbox so you can see what my problem is:
also another problem im having is un attaching the footer from the bottom of the screen and putting it below the body so users have to scroll down.
p.s I attached the footer to the bottom many months ago and I forgot how to undo it.
thanks in advance
Arran, 16
Here's how I'd do it. First, style each image using CSS to have width:100% and height:auto. This makes them respond to the sizes of their containers. Lose those width and height attributes from the img tag - I'm not even sure if those are valid anymore.
Now here's where the clever part comes. Your images are 550px and 298px wide, which is roughly a 65%:35% ratio. When the header is at its most narrow point before breaking, it's about as wide as the sum of the two. So give the big image's container max-width:65%, and the small image's container div max-width:35%.
This way, when the browser window is smaller, the images scale down correspondingly - and don't become larger than they need to be when the window is wide. I tried it out on your page, and I think it worked - see if it works for you. :)

Best way to dynamically change the resolution of an HTML5 video

What is the best way to dynamically change the width and height of an HTML5 video within a webpage? The kind of behaviour I'm referring to is the same thing in the intro video of
When the window is resized, the video still takes up 100% of the viewable size (without scrolling). I noticed that the video gets resized to a certain degree, but stops resizing and gets cropped at some point.
What is the best way to get the same behaviour? I want to have a video take up the entire viewable area of the browser without scroll bars. This is only on a desktop/laptop, I am not considering any mobile devices ATM.
What I have in mind right now is to dynamically change the width/height properties of the video to fit the viewable area using javascript, but also set a minimum size such that the video doesn't get distorted. The video can be placed in a container that is always centered, so if the browser gets to a size that is too small, it effectively gets cropped. I'm not sure if this is too long-winded and if there is an easier way.
Thank you.
It looks like they have the css properties of height and width set to 100%. If you use an element inspector like the one built into chrome or firebug for Firefox, you should be able to see exactly how they structured the html/css for the video element as well as the div its nested in. Then, as you said, also set a min-width/min-height property.
Unless I'm misreading your question, it should be that simple. Hope this helps!
you could do it with "Responsive CSS", there are some ways to do that,
you could set the viewport, max-width, min-width, etc.
This link have a nice explanation how to do that :

