When I kill parent job few of the child jobs are still running . how to fix it? - autosys

When I kill parent job few of the child jobs are still running . how to fix it to kill all child jobs when we kill parent job

Set the job_terminator attribute in the jil of each of the child jobs to TRUE so they will terminate when their containing box terminates.


Robot framework: How can I make sure that before running "click element" keyword, robot framework waits until the element is actually clickable?

I use "wait until element is visible" keyword before every "click element" keyword.
But now our web application is working slower and basically all of my tests fail.
I keep getting error messages like the followings, all because the page is still loading, the navigation has not been finished,
and robot does not wait:
"StaleElementReferenceException: Message: stale element reference: element is not attached to the page document
(Session info: headless chrome=102.0.5005.61)"
"ElementClickInterceptedException: Message: element click intercepted: Element is not clickable at point (1385, 376). Other element would receive the click: ..."
(Unfortunately, robot documentation does not mention here that "visible" does not mean that the element really is visible and clickable....)
I can not put in sleep times before every "click element" keyword. I can not handle random loading times with explicit waits.
It is such an obvious problem and I'm surprised I could not find a simple solution for it yet....
So how can I make sure that before running "click element" keyword, robot framework waits until the element is actually clickable?

Can a parent process change pid of his children?

I have a simple question.
I'm writing a program in which a parent process forks and execute multiple children.
I have the impression that when a parent process kills or create a child process the pids of the other children change.
Is that true?

Robot Framework: Is there general setting for the Wait Until Element Is Visible

In the Robot Framework it is good to check that the element is loaded in the page with the
Wait Until Element Is Visible
keyword before using the element. I have implemented my own keywords:
[Arguments] ${element}
Wait Until Element Is Visible ${element} 10
Click Element ${element}
[Arguments] ${elementti} ${text}
Wait Until Element Is Visible ${elementti} 10
Input Text ${elementti} ${text}
I'm using these keywords like this:
Push elementId
Insert elementId text
Is there general setting so I don't need my own keywords? There is general variable ${DELAY}, but (according to the documentation) with it all executed commands are delayed and the test takes too much time.
As described in the documentation, you can set an implicit wait.
You can specify this when you load the library (by setting the implicit_wait option), or through the keyword Set selenium implicit wait).
However, this won't cause the application to wait for an element to be visible. It causes selenium commands to wait until an element is available in the DOM.

Element not visible sometimes with Robot Framework

I am working with Robot FW for the first time and am facing an issue - one of the test cases requires a modal confirmation dialog to open, after which a button "Delete" is pressed. The keyword for the test case is given below:
Delete Test Data
[Arguments] ${name}
Wait Until Element Is Visible xpath=//tr[#item_name='${name}']
Click Button xpath=//tr[#item_name='${name}']//button[#class='btn btn-sm btn-danger']
Wait Until Element Is Visible id=deleteItem timeout=10
Click Button Delete
Wait Until Element Is Not Visible xpath=//tr[#item_name='${name}']
The line Wait Until Element Is Visible id=deleteItem timeout=10 is causing all the problems. Sometimes the element is visible within the time limit, at other times it is not. I increased the timeout to 10 seconds, but it does not fix the problem. How can I make the dialog appear each time without failing? Any help is appreciated, thanks!
My approach is to change the 'Wait Until Element is Visible' to Wait Until Page Contains Element like below..
${check_element}= Run Keyword and Return Status Wait Until Page Contains Element locator 10s
Run Keyword If '${check_element}' == 'True' Click Element locator
The reason to change to this keyword is that sometimes, the element is already loaded and available in DOM or page but the visibility is hidden. This intermittent weird thing happen to me some times.
I have also faced same kind of failures.
I am able to solve this problem by using "Wait Until Keyword Succeeds" keyword.
"Wait Until Keyword Succeeds" keyword, the waited condition is checked and retried repeatedly until the condition passes or a timeout period expires.
Wait Until Keyword Succeeds 1 min 1 sec Element Should Be Visible xpath=//input[#id='aName']
Try using Wait Until Element Is Clickable as it is a button, it should solve your issue.
so, it should be something like
Wait Until Element Is Clickable deleteItem timeout=10

Quicker way to attach to the worker process in VS

I'm using VS 2010. And in VS 2010 it's even more painful now to attach to the worker process when you want to test your local IIS site via IIS, not the VS built-in web server.
It's more painful because now when you select the worker process () via the Debug Menu | Attach to Process | w3wp.exe it brings up an additional prompt asking if you're sure you want to do this.
Even before this, attaching to the process in previous versions of VS was just outright painful. I must do this 200 times a day which wastes a lot of my time when it takes 5-10 seconds to click through and do this.
Now if you've got 2 different worker processes going, then I can see a need to choose. But before that, just getting to that attach screen is simply painful.
Anyone know a shortcut or just a quicker way other than the attach to process dialog in order to attach to the worker process in VS?
I don't understand why Microsoft doesn't add a nice toolbar icon or something that jumps you right to that Attach to Dialog screen and even better you could be able to specify only to show worker processes as an option which would save me a hell of a log of time sifting through that list even though it's already alphabetized. I still have to scroll to get to it.
Anyway, it's becoming a huge annoyance now..I'm really tired of the long way to get the attachment going to that process every single time.
Hm, not a great leap over and above what you are doing, but it may ease your workflow. have you taken a look at command customization?
Click Tools -> Customize ... (or Right-click tool bar and select Customize ...)
From Customize dialog, click Commands
Select your target, (I suggest Context menu)
Select your sub target (if Context menu, select Editor Context Menus | Code Window)
Click Add Command
From Add Command dialog, select Debug category
Select Attach to Process... from command list (near top)
Click OK
Click Close
Use your new shortcut!
Hope this helps! :)
ps: if you added Attach to Process... command to Code Window context menu, you should be able to launch the Attach to Process dialog from right clicking anywhere in a code window.
Record a macro while attaching and assign a shortcut for that macro and/or assign a menu item for it.
Tools -> Macros ->Record Temporary macro
Attach to w3wp, Click on Ignore, etc
Stop recording the macro
Save it
To add a menu item (say under Debug) Right click on VS's Menu strip -> Customize... ->Commands -> ... Add Command -> Macros.YourMacroNAme(DebugIIS for eg)
