Rescaling made the plots blurry - shiny fluidrow - r

My goal is to divide the page in four quadrant, each with a separate set of plots.
I have one quadrant ready. It looks ok when it occupies the entire window. I would like to have 4 such panes on a single page. As you can see from the screenshot (of the two upper quadrants), inserting the pane that is already ready in the upper left quadrant results in something very blurry. How can I have the graphs not become blurry?
I used fluidrow, perhaps is this not a good idea?
ui = fluidPage(
column(8, plotOutput("barChart1", height = 250))
, column(4, plotOutput("compteur1", height = 250))
label = "Choose the window:",
start = "2016-09-01"
, column(3,
selectInput("security", "Index:", selected = worldindices[1]
, list(`World Indices` = worldindices,
`Regional Indices` = regionIndices,
`Country Indices` = countryIndices)
, column(3,
selectInput("metric", "Metric:", selected = plainMetrics[1]
, list(plainMetrics
, `Valuation Multiples` = valMul
, `Fundamentals` = corpFund)
, plotOutput("chartAggr", height = 250)
, column(6, style = "background-color:yellow;", div(style = "height:500px;")
Kind regards
Trying to give a higher value to the res parameter of renderPlot on the server side does not seem to work. I gave it for instance the value 128, and get the following result:

In your renderPlot() function on the server pass in the res argument... set it to something higher than the default 72 pixels/inch.
renderPlot(expr, width = "auto", height = "auto", res = 72, ..., env
= parent.frame(), quoted = FALSE, execOnResize = FALSE, outputArgs = list())
Note you may need to adjust the size of your plot and add scrollbars to your containers to accommodate the larger high resolution image.
## Something like this on the server
output$barChart1 <- renderPlot(PLOT(), width = 1000, height = 1000, res = 128)
## Something like this on UI
div(style = 'overflow-x: scroll',
plotOutput("barChart1", inline = TRUE))

I know this is an old post, but I thought I'd share my solution to the problem.
I was scaling the height of my plot proportionately to the plot's width in order to fix the aspect ratio using the following renderPlot code:
input$timelinesmoothselector == TRUE
}, {
output$timeline_plot <- renderPlot({
}, height = function() {
round(session$clientData$output_timeline_plot_width * 0.4)
Crucially, without the round() function initially. I can only assume that the expression produced a height value with decimals which caused the renderer to struggle. The issue disappeared once the value was rounded to a whole number.


Container settings in text output Shiny

I'm trying to make a render a text output with an automatic scrollbar that is activated when the text becomes too wide or long. For the moment I achieved the scrollbar on the x-axis with container=pre as an argument in the Textoutput in the UI.
What I would want is that the output in the text output limits itself to 4 or 5 rows and then to have a scrollbar in order to see the remaining rows.
I looked at all the posts that I could find for the topic (that's why I implemented the container=pre) but I couldn't find a way to solve the y-axis scrollbar. I understand that it has something to do with overflow y: "auto" in the tags' settings but I can't make it work out, maybe I'm placing it wrong.
Thank you.
Here's an example:
# Shiny example
# Data
# Some random letters
names<- stringi::stri_rand_strings(100,20)
# Some random numbers
numbers<- runif(100,0,100000)
# a df
df<-, numbers))
ui <- dashboardPage(
absolutePanel(id="panel", fixed = FALSE,
draggable = F, top = 80, left = "auto", right = 60, bottom = "auto",
width = 290, height = 370,
box( title = "Box example",
status = "warning", width = 230, solidHeader = T,
inputId = "select_nb_names",
choices = names,
multiple = TRUE,
selected = NULL,
width = 190,inline = FALSE),
# the textoutput that only has an x-axis scrollbar
textOutput("TextThatIWantToHaveAScroll",container = pre ))))),
server <- function(input, output, session) {
output$TextThatIWantToHaveAScroll<- renderText(
paste0( input$select_nb_names," : ",df$numbers[df$names%in%input$select_nb_names],"\n"))
# Run the application
You can add a scrolls using CSS. In shiny, use the tags$style tag to define the css properties and wrap in a tags$head tag. You can either target element using the ID of the output element (i.e.,#TextThatIWantToHaveAScroll), the shiny class for text outputs (i.e., shiny-text-output), or the tag name (i.e., pre). If you have more than one element that should receive the same treatment, then using .shiny-text-output is a better option.
To create a scroll for the desired element (as in the example; using ID), set the height and width properties first, and then use the overflow: scroll. For example:
#TextThatIWantToHaveAScroll {
width: 100%;
height: 60px;
overflow: scroll;
Adjust the height and width as needed. There are other scroll options available. See Mozilla's CSS guide on the overflow property. Here's the full example:
# Shiny example
# Data
# Some random letters
names<- stringi::stri_rand_strings(100,20)
# Some random numbers
numbers<- runif(100,0,100000)
# a df
df<-, numbers))
ui <- dashboardPage(
"#TextThatIWantToHaveAScroll {
width: 100%;
height: 60px;
overflow: scroll;
absolutePanel(id="panel", fixed = FALSE,
draggable = F, top = 80, left = "auto", right = 60, bottom = "auto",
width = 290, height = 370,
box( title = "Box example",
status = "warning", width = 230, solidHeader = T,
inputId = "select_nb_names",
choices = names,
multiple = TRUE,
selected = NULL,
width = 190,inline = FALSE),
# the textoutput that only has an x-axis scrollbar
textOutput("TextThatIWantToHaveAScroll",container = pre))))),
server <- function(input, output, session) {
output$TextThatIWantToHaveAScroll<- renderText(
paste0( input$select_nb_names," : ",df$numbers[df$names%in%input$select_nb_names],"\n"))
# Run the application

shiny renderPlot with dynamic height

I want to change the height of a rendered plot dynamically, so that if it contains a lot of data points more space is allocated to the plot. Content below the plot should then simply be moved.
The height argument of renderPlot can be used for that, but then the plot overflows into the next element and I want to avoid that.
I can circumvent that by using uiOutput, but I was wondering whether I can get the same behaviour without falling back on renderUI?
Expected Outcome
I would like the div below my plot to be moved when the plot sizes changes, without using renderUI
Div does not move
Overflow into div
ui <- fluidPage(
column(width = 2, sliderInput("n", "Number of Rows:", 1, 49, 10)),
column(width = 10, plotOutput("plot"))
fluidRow( ## the plot oevrflows into this div when the plot grows
column(width = 12, div(style = "background:red; height: 100px"))
column(width = 10, offset = 2, uiOutput("ui"))
fluidRow( ## this div is properly moved down as the plot grows
column(width = 12, div(style = "background:red; height: 100px"))
server <- function(input, output, session) {
data <- reactive(data.frame(id = factor(1:input$n, 1:input$n),
y = rpois(input$n, 200)))
output$plot <- renderPlot(
qplot(id, y, geom = "col", fill = y, data = data()) +
coord_flip(), height = function() 20 * NROW(data())
output$ui <- renderUI(plotOutput("plot2", height = 20 * NROW(data())))
output$plot2 <- renderPlot(
qplot(id, y, geom = "col", fill = y, data = data()) +
You can write plotOutput("plot", height = "auto") in the ui part. The default height of plotOutput are fixed 400 pixels. By setting height="auto" the plot automatically adjusts to the content.

Create Center Navigation Bar in Shiny with Symbols

Currently, I have a shiny app built with the following UI structure.
However, I would like to change the look and feel of the navigation bars. I would like to center the tabs in the middle of the page as opposed to having them left-aligned (This post is not reproducible and does not seem sustainable). Then insert a triangle in between each tab panel to show a "story line" to indicated content from tab1, 2, etc. is informing and influencing the rest of the dashboard. Then also have the tab highlighted each time the tab changes (green color below). I inserted a quick screenshot of the general UI format I am going for. I couldn't find much online of people trying to do this. Anything to put me in the right direction would be great! Much appreciated! The below is not a hard guidance or request, but just a general style.
You can mimic a layout like this using shinyWidgets::radioGroupButtons (and get reasonably close). Note that you still might need HTML/CSS customization of the buttons and arrows between them. This post might be a good resource: Create a Button with right triangle/pointer
ui <- fluidPage(titlePanel("Hack with shinyWidgets::radioGroupButtons"),
column(width = 3, "some space"),
width = 9,
align = "center",
inputId = "item",
label = "",
status = "success",
size = "lg",
direction = "horizontal",
justified = FALSE,
width = "100%",
individual = TRUE,
checkIcon = list(
"yes" = icon("check"),
"yes" = icon("check"),
"yes" = icon("check"),
"yes" = icon("check")
choiceNames = as.list(names(iris)[1:4]),
choiceValues = as.list(1:4)
column(width = 3, "some space"),
width = 9,
align = "center",
server <- function(input, output) {
out_tbl <- reactive({
x <- iris[,c(5, as.numeric(input$item))]
output$out <- renderDataTable({
},options = list(pageLength = 5)
output$text <- renderText({paste("Contents for tab", input$item)})
shinyApp(ui, server)
A screen shot of the layout:

Changing base layers in Leaflet for R without loosing the overlay

I am trying to change the base layer in my Shiny App in a programatic way.
Since I don't want to use the LayerControl of 'Leaflet' and rather want to have all the controls in one panel. I decided to use shinyjs and go with the toggleState for a button to switch forth and back between two base layers.
At the moment I am in the phase to figure out the principles of changing the base layer, and since there can be only one base layer visible it seem like I have to remove the tiles of the initially loaded base layer.
Doing so I can change the base layer at display, but at the same time the base layer is changed I am loosing the overlay. How can I avoid that?
When using the button again I can see in the flicker that the overlay is still there, but not on top of the base layer anymore.
Here an example:
# Definition of Sidebar elements
sidebar <- dashboardSidebar(
menuItem("Maps", tabName = "maps", icon = icon("globe"),
HTML(paste("Diffuse kilder NH", tags$sub("3"), sep = "")),
tabName = "map_dif_nh3", icon = icon("map-o"), selected = TRUE
# Definition of body elements
body <- dashboardBody(
tabItem(tabName = "map_dif_nh3",
width = 12,
div(style = "height: calc(100vh - 80px);",
"m_dif_nh3", width = "100%", height = "100%"
absolutePanel(id = "nh3_panel", class = "panel panel-default",
fixed = TRUE, style = "opacity: 0.87",
top = 80, left = "auto", right = 50, bottom = "auto",
width = 285, height = "auto",
column(width = 10, offset = 1,
actionButton(inputId = 'btn_bgr_nh3', label = "", icon = icon("globe", class = "fa-lg"))
ui <- dashboardPage(
dashboardHeader(title = "Mixed layout"),
server <- function(input, output) {
init_lat <- 56.085935208960585
init_lon <- 10.29481415546154
init_zoom <- 7
output$m_dif_nh3 <- renderLeaflet({
leaflet(height = "100%") %>%
addProviderTiles("Stamen.Toner", layerId = 'mb_osm', group = "base") %>%
setView(init_lon, init_lat, init_zoom) %>%
layers = "PRTR:prtr_nh3_2014",
layerId = "nh3_2014",
group = "overlay",
options = WMSTileOptions(format = "image/png",
transparent = TRUE, opacity = 0.8
input$btn_bgr_nh3, {
leafletProxy("m_dif_nh3") %>%
addProviderTiles("Esri.WorldImagery", layerId = 'mb_pic', group = 'base')
leafletProxy("m_dif_nh3") %>%
removeTiles(layerId = 'mb_osm')
shinyApp(ui, server)
I think what you can do is reset the value of ID the action button to 0 after clicking the button. Therefore, every time you toggle the ID value will be replaced by 0. It worked for me. Hope it work for you as well.
In Leaflet JS (I don't know about R), if myTileLayer is already part of your base layers, then myTileLayer.addTo(map) does the switching job. It doesn't add on top; and you don't need to remove the current layer. The overlay remains unaffected.

Shiny large plots overlap

I'm producing some pretty big plots (a grid of about 100 bar graphs). I use verticallayout with the default of fluid = TRUE. I have the size set in my server function
output$hist7 <- renderPlot({ #actual plot excluded though any will do
}, height=1000, width=800)
When I try to place text below this plot with h1("text here"),
"text here" ends up in the middle of hist7. This issue does not occur with any of the plots I didn't set the size for, this is the only one large enough that I have to set a size to prevent shiny scaling it down
The fix should be
plotOutput(outputId = 'plot2', width = "700px", height = "600px")
output$plot2 <- renderPlot({
p <- ggplot(...) + geom_bar(stat="identity", ...)
}, width = 700, height = 600)
I had success using inline=TRUE argument in plotOutput and then adding a br() between the plot and my text. E.g.,
plotOutput("my.plot", inline = TRUE),
h1("my text here")
The trick is specifying the same plot size in the ui: plotOutput("hist6", height=1000, width=800)
