Getting the previous working directory value - unix

here is my simple command.
ls -lrth ../ | grep file | awk -F" " -v orig=`cd .. | pwd ` -v sort=`pwd` '{print $NF "," $7"/"$8"/"$9","orig"," sort }'
I'm trying to get the value of my previous path just above my current working directory.
current working directory = /home/PC1/Environment/Test1
what i want to get the value of pwd is /home/PC1/Environment and not want to hardcode it.
i tried to use cd .. | pwd but it still displays my current working directory not my previous working directory
can anyone help? some suggestions would be nice.

Use $(cd .. && pwd). You can also use $(cd - && pwd) to get your previous working directory even if it wasn't the parent of your current one. (In general, you should use $(...) instead of `...` to get command output; the latter interferes with quoting and doesn't nest, so can cause surprising results).
Your cd | pwd runs the cd and the pwd at the same time in different subshells, which is not what you want.


terminal command to act on filenames that don't contain text

I have a directory full of files with names such as:
I want to copy only the files that don't contain 'is'. I'm not sure how to do this. I have tried to search for it, but can't seem to google the right phrase to find the results.
Details depend on operating system, shell, etc.
For a unix system a quite verbose but easy to understand approach could look like this (please mind that I didn't test it):
mkdir some_temporary_directory
mv *_is_* some_temporary_directory
cp * where_ever_you_want_to_copy_it
mv some_temporary_directory/* .
rmdir some_temporary_directory
You can do this using bash. First, here's a command to get you a list of files that don't contain the text _is_:
ls | grep -v "_is_"
This takes the output of ls and matches all values with DO NOT contain _is_ using grep -v.
In order to then copy these files, we need to turn the lines output by grep into arguments of cp. We can do this using xargs:
ls | grep -v "_is_" | xargs -J % cp % new_folder
From the xargs man page, it is a tool to "build and execute command lines from standard input".

Executing two commands in one line

I have a particular problem that requires me to run cd command with rm following afterwards. But I'm restrained by the fact that I have to execute both commands in a single line.
Let's say I have two folders in my current directory, "A" and "B". And within "A" folder, I have two more folders, "Fol1" and "Fol2", with a text file called "File1". And lastly, within "Fol1" and "Fol2", they both have a single text file (doesn't matter what they're called).
To give an illustration:
(Current dir)
| |
| | |
Fol1 Fol2 File1
| |
FileA FileB
I want to go into "A", then remove everything remove everything except what's in "Fol1" and "Fol2".
I've found that to remove everything except certain directories you can run:
rm -r !(Fol1|Fol2)
And I saw on another post that you can use & to combine two commands together. So from the current directory, I decided to run:
cd A & rm -r !(Fol1|Fol2)
But when I ran those commands, I got:
[1] 17854
[1]+ Done cd A
And it ended up deleting "A" and "B" and everything else in it.
Is there something that I'm missing within the commands? Anything would be appreciated!
The ampersand just ran the cd command in the background, which started a subshell, changed directories, the exited. Then the rm -r ran in the current directory, which had no Fol1 or Fol2 to ignore. You want a semi-colon to separate commands like this:
cd A; rm -r !(Fol1|Fol2)

Grep: could not find file

In Unix environment, I need to write report to x_out file and also at the end of the process, the file needs to be removed. But, it always throws the following error.
grep: can't open /XYZ/123/Tmp/x_out
rm: /XYZ/123/Tmp/x_out non-existent
But, I can find the file x_out at the corresponding location. I'm able to open and view the contents too. I have found that sometime the file name changes with some '~' like characters appended to it. Is there a way to resolve this?
Edit: I'm not having any '~' appended to it. But, I have a doubt may be some unreadable chatacters like that have been appended.
Edit:I have added the actual error here
Edit: the command I used
grep "Report_values" ${REPORTOUT}|cut -d "|" -f 6
Well, there are two possibilities I can see off the top of my head. There are undoubtedly more but the top of my head isn't a very big space :-)
The first is that the file doesn't exist despite your assertions.
The second is that it does exist but you're looking for it in the wrong place (for example, you've changed into a different directory).
If you place a line similar to:
( pwd ; cd ../.. ; pwd ; ls )
in your script before the grep/rm, it should tell you if either of those two possibilities is correct.
It will give your current directory, the directory you're looking in for the file and the files in that directory.
just check if you have non-printable/graphic character in the filename ... use -Q or -q flag of ls to see it... check below how it looks....
flag description from ls man page
-q, --hide-control-chars
print ? instead of non graphic characters
show non graphic characters as-is (default unless program is `ls' and output is a terminal)
-Q, --quote-name
enclose entry names in double quotes
use quoting style WORD for entry names: literal, locale, shell, shell-always, c, escape
Demo Session
$ ls
demo.txt test.dat
$ ls -1
$ cat demo.txt
cat: demo.txt: No such file or directory
$ rm demo.txt
rm: cannot remove `demo.txt': No such file or directory
$ ls -Q
"demo.txt " "test.dat"
$ ls -1Q
"demo.txt "
$ rm "demo.txt "

How to compare 2 folders' permission on Unix?

Given 2 folder: /folder1 and /folder2 and each folder has some files and subfolders inside.
I used following command to compare the file difference including sub folder :
diff -buf /folder1 /folder2
which found no difference in term of folder and file structural .
However, I found that there are some permission differences between these 2 folders' files. Is there simple way/command to compare the permission of each file under these 2 folders (including sub-folders) on Unix?
If you have the tree command installed, it can do the job very simply using a similar procedure to the one that John C suggested:
cd a
tree -dfpiug > ../a.list
cd ../b
tree -dfpiug > ../b.list
cd ..
diff a.list b.list
Or, you can just do this on one line:
diff <(cd a; tree -dfpiug) <(cd b; tree -dfpiug)
The options given to tree are as follows:
-d only scans directories (omit to compare files as well)
-f displays the full path
-p displays permissions (e.g., [drwxrwsr-x])
-i removes tree's normal hierarchical indent
-u displays the owner's username
-g displays the group name
One way to compare permissions on your two directories is to capture the output of ls -al to a file for each directory and diff those.
Say you have two directories called a and b.
cd a
ls -alrt > ../a.list
cd ../b
ls -alrt > ../b.list
cd ..
diff a.list b.list
If you find that this gives you too much noise due to file sizes and datestamps you can use awk to filter out some of the columns returned by ls e.g.:
ls -al | awk {'printf "%s %s %s %s %s %s\n", $1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$9 '}
Or if you are lucky you might be able to remove the timestamp using:
ls -lh --time-style=+
Either way, just capture the results to two files as described above and use diff or sdiff to compare the results.
find /dirx/ -lsa |awk '{ print $6" "$6" " $11 }' 2 times the owner
find /dirx/ -lsa |awk '{ print $6" "$6" " $11 }' 2 times the group
find /dirx/ -lsa |awk '{ print $5" "$6" " $11 }' owner and group
Then you can redirect to a file for diff or just investigate piping to less ( or more ).
You can also pipe to grep and grep or "ungrep" (grep -v) to narrow the results.
Diff is not very useful if the dir contents are not the same

Are there any UNIX environment variables longer than four characters?

I know there is $USER, $HOME, $PATH, etc.
There are plenty: DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS, XAUTHORITY, GDM_LANG, etc. You can view all your environment variables with the env command - type it in inside a terminal.
As far as I know, there's no limitations on environment variables, they can be of any length, and anything can create them and add them to the environment (using export, as you may have seen). Conceptually, environment variables act as "global variables" that are shared among all programs running in a terminal.
Err... lots?
$ env | cut -d = -f 1 | sort | uniq
Yep, $SHELL is one of them that I know of.
Edit: see this page for more of them.
Every system is configured differently so rather than listing them all here, just enter the following command to list them all on your own system:
set | sed 's/=.*//' | grep -v "^[A-Z_]\{4\}$"
I'd use set instead of env as it has greater scope. Most system environment variables are in upper case so to add that restriction add an extra grep to the pipe line.
set | sed 's/=.*//' | grep "[A-Z_]" | grep -v "^[A-Z_]\{4\}$"
env | cut -d = -f 1 | grep -E "([A-Z_]{4,})"
Use this command
$LD_LIBRARY_PATH and $LD_PRELOAD both exist for linking.
User defined environment variables don't have to four characters long (ex. CLASSPATH)
