RxAndroidBle: Reading Pre-Defined GATT Characteristics - bluetooth-lowenergy

I have a BLE device with multiple characteristics addressed by default addresses as defined here
Things like Manufacturer Name String, Hardware Revision String, Serial Number String etc.
Using the UUID class I've attempted several different ways to construct a UUID that RxAndroidBle would accept and read from these characteristics.
The one I though would work most was this:
but I just get back onError callbacks.
RxBleConnection.readCharacteristic only accepts UUID or a BluetoothGattCharacteristic which is created with a UUID...

Creating UUIDs
(copied from How to correctly use UUID.fromString method? )
In the BLE specification there are two kinds of UUIDs.
Fully qualified 128 bits long which are usually assigned for a specific vendor of the BLE device for non-standard functionality: UUID.fromString("xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx");
Also fully qualified (but defined by standard) UUIDs which have the same prefix and postfix: UUID.fromString("F000xxxx-0451-4000-B000-000000000000"); UUID.fromString("0000xxxx-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb") where xxxx is the place to fill the four characters you get from the SensorTag Bluetooth Core specification. For convenience the standard UUIDs are usually referenced with the four characters identifier.
Your 0x2A29L stands for "2A29" String as the xxxx.
Obtaining BluetoothGattCharacteristic
On Android there is no possibility to create a working BluetoothGattCharacteristic with a UUID. It is still possible to call RxBleConnection.discoverServices() and get it from the result though.


iBeacon Data Encryption (Advertising Mode)

my goal is to encrypt iBeacon data (UUID+MajorID+MinorID: 20 bytes), preferably with a timestamp included (encrypted and plain), thus summing up to around 31/32 bytes.
As you have already found out, this exceeds the maximum allowed iBeacon Data (31 bytes, including iBeacon prefix and tx power).
Thus, encryption only works by creating a custom beacon format instead of the iBeacon format?
Talking about encryption: I would think about using a symmetrical cipher using CBC operation mode (to avoid decipher due to repetition, and most important to avoid cipher text adjustments resulting in a changed UUID, Major-/MinorID). It's not problem to make the IV (Initialization Vector) public (unencrypted), right?
Remember, the iBeacons work in advertising mode (transfer only), without being connected to beforehand, thus I am not able to exchange an initialization vector (IV) before any data is sent.
Which considerations should be made using the most appropriate cipher algorithm? Is AES-128 OK? With or without padding-scheme? I also thought about a AES-GCM constellation, but I don't this it's really necessary/applicable due to the used advertising mode. How should I exchange session tokens? Moreover, there's no real session in my case, the iBeacons send data 24/7, open end, without a real initialization of a connection.
Suppose a system containing of 100 iBeacons, 20 devices and 1 application. Each iBeacon sends data periodically (i.e. 500ms), being received by near devices via BLE, that forward the data to an application via udp.
So the system overview relation is:
n iBeacons -(ble)- k devices -(udp)- 1 Application
Is it acceptable to use the same encryption key on each iBeacon? If I would work with a tuple (iBeacon Id / encryption key), i would additionally have to add the iBeacon Id to each packet, thus being able to lookup the key in a dictionary.
Should the data be decrypted on the device or only later in the application?
You can look at the Eddystone-EID spec to see how Google tried to solve a similar problem.
I'm not an expert on all the issues you bring up, but I think Google offers a good solution for your first question: how can you get your encrypted payload to fit in the small number of bytes available to a beacon packet?
Their answer is: you don't. They solve this problem by truncating the encrypted payload to make a hash, and then using an online service to "resolve" this hash and see if it matches any of your beacons. The online service simply performs the same hashing algorithm against every beacon you have registered, and see if it comes up with the same value for the time period. If so, it can convert the encrypted hash identifier into a useful one.
Before you go too far with this approach, be sure to consider #Paulw11's point that on iOS devices you can must know the 16-byte iBeacon UUID up front or the operating system blocks you from reading the rest of the packet. For this reason, you may have to stick with the Android platform if using iBeacon, or switch to the similar AltBeacon format that does not have this restriction on iOS.
thanks for your excellent post, I hadn't heard about the Eddystone spec before, it's really something to look into, and it has a maximum payload length of 31 bytes, just like iBeacon. In the paper it is written that in general, it is an encryption of a timestamp value (since a pre-defined epoch). Did I get the processing steps right?
Define secret keys (EIKs) for each beacon and share those keys with another resolver or server (if there's a constellation without a online resource);
Create lookup tables on the server with a PRF (like AES CTR);
Encrypt timestamp on beacon with PRF(i.e. AES CTR?) and send data in Eddystone format to resolver/server;
Server compares received ciphertext with entries in lookup table, thus knows about the beacon id, because each beacon has a unique secret key, which leads to a different ciphertext
Would it work the same way with AES-EAX? All I'd have to put into the algorithm is an IV(nonce value) as well as the key and message? The other end would build the same tuple to compare ciphertext and tag'?
Question: What about the IRK (identity resolution key), what is it? Which nonce would be used for AES CTR? Would each beacon use the same nonce? It has to be known to the resolver/server, too.
What about time synchronization? There's no real connection between beacon and resolver/server, but is it assumed that both ends are synchronized with the same time server? Or how should beacon and resolver/server get the same ciphertext, if one end works in the year 2011, while the resolver has arrived in 2017?

Developing Communication Protocol for XBee

I am using XBee Digimesh Modules in API-Mode to send data between different industrial machines allowing them to share data, information and commands.
The API-Mode offers some basic commands, mainly to perform addressing and talk with the XBee Module itself in order to do configuration, etc.
Sending user data is done via a corresponding XBee API-Command which allows to send user-defined data with a maximum payload of 72 Bytes.
Since I want to expand this communication to allow integration of more machines, etc. I am thinking about how to implement a basic communication system that's tailored perfectly to the super small payload of just 72 Bytes.
Coming from the web, I normally would use some sort of JSON here but that would fill up the payload very quickly.
Also it's not possible to send a frame with lot's of information since this also fills up the payload very quickly.
So I came up with a different way of communicating. Instead of transmitting frames packed with information, what about sending some sort of Messages like this:
Machine-A Broadcasts: Who's there?
Machine-B Answers: It's me I am a xxx-Machine
Machine-C Answers: It's me I am a xxx-Machine
Machine-A now evaluates the replies and decides to work with Machine-B (because Machine-C does not match As interface):
Machine-A to B: Hello B, Give me some Value, please!
Machine-B to A: There you go: 2.349590
This can be extended to different short messages. After each message the sender holds the type of message in a state and the reply will be evaluated in relation to the state / context.
What I was trying to avoid was defining a bit-based protocol (like MIDI) which defines all events as bit based flags. Since we do not now what type of hardware there will be added in the future I want a communication protocol that's very flexible and does not need a coordinator or message broker, etc.
But since this is the first time I am thinking about communication protocols I am curious to know if there might be some existing frameworks that can handle complex communication on a light payload.
You might want to read through the ZigBee Cluster Library specification with a focus on the general commands. It describes a system of attribute discovery and retrieval. Each attribute has a 16-bit ID and a datatype (integers of various sizes, enumerated types, bitmaps) that determines its size.
It's a protocol designed for the small payloads of an 802.15.4 network, and you could potentially based your protocol off of a subset of it. Other ZigBee specifications are simply a list of defined attributes (and commands) for a given 16-bit cluster ID.
Your master device can go through a discovery process to get a list of attribute IDs, and then send a request to get values for multiple IDs in one shot. The response will be packed tight with a 16-bit ID, 8-bit attribute type and then variable length data. Even if your master device doesn't know what the ID corresponds to, it can pass the data along to other systems (like a web server) that do know.

IMSI retrieval from the network elements using IMEI without SIM card

My question is more specific to GSM mobile telephony networks and more or less about SS7/SigTran Protocol suite. So I am not asking the possibility of knowing SIM card details using IMEI number from an end user point of view as it is asked here.
Being a network operator is there anyway that I can retrieve the IMSI associated with IMEI number from MSC,VLR, HLR or any other network elements in the core network(I am excluding EIR on purpose as my current implementation does not include that)? The query should be just based on IMEI with an assumption that we are not interacting with the SIM or the device. Do any of these elements store IMEI-IMSI pair when it is used before.
In summary is it possible to retrieve IMSI from the database of any of the network elements provided just IMEI number. If yes, how? what are the messages (e.g. provideSubscriberInfo-req) that are needed and the ASN1 encoding scheme.
P.S: This is not handset specific such as the one mentioned here , more of network operator specific.
Well its not possible(not that I know off) from a standard GSM operation where you can input IMEI and receive IMSI. However you can get IMSI if you know the MSISDN by GSM Map operation Any_Time_Interrogation_Request. We are using a solution from sigtrangateway.com SigtranGateway.com for same purpose in a telco project and its working fine so far.

How do I find ANY beacon using the AltBeacon android reference library?

I'm using the altbeacon android reference library for detecting beacons.
There is an option to configure the parser to detect other non-altbeacon beacons e.g. Estimote (as described here) by adding a new BeaconParser (see this) which works a treat.
However, how do I allow it to detect ALL beacons of any UUID/format (altbeacons, estimotes, roximity etc)? I've tried no parsers, blank parameters and without the "m:2-3=.." parameter. Nothing works.
You can configure multiple parsers to be active at the same time so you can detect as many beacon types as you want simultaneously. But there is no magic expression that will detect them all.
Understand that the BeaconParser expression tells the library how to decode the raw bytes of a Bluetooth LE advertisement and convert it into identifiers and data fields. Each time a company comes up with a new beacon transmission format, a new parser format may be needed.
Because of intellectual property restrictions, the library cannot be preconfigured to detect proprietary beacons without permission. This is why you must get the community-provided expressions for each proprietary type.

hastables on java card

I'm new on Java Card applications. At this moment I would like to store a hash table (dictionary) that contains the configuration of a terminal that reads this type of cards. If the hash table has values, those must be retrieved to the terminal (I think using APDU's right?) but also if there are no values, the terminal must create a "default" initial configuration.
Is it possible to do this? If it is, how? Maybe there is an applet ready for that (like Musclecard for key generation and signing) but I haven't found any.
Any advice? Thanks!
Java Card is pretty limited regarding support for data structures. It has a few basic types such as byte and short and optionally int, which is not used anywhere in the classic API. For those types you can generate two types of transient (RAM) arrays using JCSystem.makeTransientByteArray() and friends. Furthermore, the default byte[], short[] and Object[] created using new are stored in EEPROM.
The Object class in Java Card has been stripped down as well. This means that there is no such thing as hashCode(). If it was present then you would run into problems as the Java SE version of hashCode() returns an integer, which is probably not present. All defined data containers are either smart card or security related (e.g. the APDU and Key classes).
So basically, if you want to create a HashMap - the common type of dictionary on Java SE - then you will have to create it yourself. It is in that case a good idea to define a Hashable interface that classes can implement to act as a key. The structures should be generated in the right type of memory. For the kind of application you specify you probably need persistent memory, which is kind of the default for object instances created using the new key word.
Personally, I would make very sure you need a hashCode() method for your solution. It is probably easier to create an Object array and simply iterate over the elements.
Since there is no hash table in the smart card, you can store the terminal configurations in byte arrays. The smart card only stores the configuration (and optionally protect the data), and the instruction to get stored configuration or to update it shall be sent by terminal via APDU command.
Suggestion 1
Put your configuration in a Linear Fixed EF, if the card supports file system. No applet needs to be created/installed. It's the terminal job to read all records of the file to determine whether a configuration exist or not, and to write configuration into the file using standard APDU (UPDATE RECORD, READ RECORD).
set record length as number of terminal configuration bytes
number of records denotes the number of configurations that can be stored
you can put initial condition to indicate that the record is unused, e.g. 00...00
Suggestion 2
Create your own javacard applet. The applet must handle at least three proprietary APDUs:
Get list of terminal configurations
Update a record of terminal configuration
Delete a record of terminal configuration
You need to handle how to store and return the bytes between APDU format and your storage
