All values between min and max - r

Suppose I know the min and max id, what I need is to have all ids between the min and max ones. Suppose id<-c(1:20) now min=1 and max=20 which function in R show the all values between these two numbers?

You can use sets algebra:
id <- c(1:20)
setdiff(id, range(id))
#[1] 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Also you can do:
id[!(id %in% range(id))]
id[!(id %in% c(max(id), min(id)))]


Find the the mean of several indexed lists at index values in R

I have 4 predicted y values presented as an indexed list in R:
> y_a
2 12 15 19 20 22 3 4
26.05434 24.33894 38.57935 37.94003 23.87608 46.20327 18.43043 24.96521
5 8 13 21 1 7 10 11
17.34129 30.41087 28.49836 39.02917 21.96358 30.41087 23.61032 30.41087
16 18
35.31196 35.85652
> y_b
6 9 14 17 23 24 3 4
36.87726 35.30301 40.48044 38.24398 42.67726 41.31053 32.32106 33.81204
5 8 13 21 1 7 10 11
32.07257 35.05451 40.31655 44.74850 38.82558 35.05451 27.80451 35.05451
16 18
36.17274 36.29699
> y_c
6 9 14 17 23 24 2 12
30.24043 35.33617 39.18723 33.63404 42.76170 39.36809 32.25106 24.04894
15 19 20 22 1 7 10 11
39.34681 38.28298 31.01702 43.66596 33.19787 34.71915 27.60213 34.71915
16 18
37.49574 37.80426
> y_d
6 9 14 17 23 24 2 12
26.48159 35.12368 38.41591 31.00840 40.54660 36.01979 31.00840 22.70478
15 19 20 22 3 4 5 8
40.47355 32.72757 29.36229 46.23494 25.24701 30.18534 24.42395 34.30063
13 21
32.72757 33.55063
I would like to create a list that returns an average of the points on each list at the same index. In other words the average of point at index 2, index 12, index 15, and etc...
> y_mean
2 6 9 12....
26.05434 31.8664 ...... ......
Any ideas on how to do that?
We may get the elements in a list, then stack it to two column data.frame, rbind and do a group by mean
dat <-,
lapply(mget(ls(pattern = "^y_[a-z]$")), stack))
aggregate(values ~ ind, dat, FUN = mean)
Or use tapply
with(dat, tapply(values, ind, FUN = mean))
Or if there are only four vectors, just do
v1 <- c(y_a, y_b, y_c, y_d)
tapply(v1, names(v1), FUN = mean)

How to use apply function instead of for loop if you have multiple if conditions to be excecuted

1st DF:
V1 V2 V3 V4
1 1 6 11 16
2 2 7 12 17
3 3 8 13 18
4 4 9 14 19
5 5 10 15 20
names(t.d) <- c("ID","A","B","C")
t.d$FinalTime <- c("7/30/2009 08:18:35","9/30/2009 19:18:35","11/30/2009 21:18:35","13/30/2009 20:18:35","15/30/2009 04:18:35")
t.d$InitTime <- c("6/30/2009 9:18:35","6/30/2009 9:18:35","6/30/2009 9:18:35","6/30/2009 9:18:35","6/30/2009 9:18:35")
ID A B C FinalTime InitTime
1 1 6 11 16 7/30/2009 08:18:35 6/30/2009 9:18:35
2 2 7 12 17 9/30/2009 19:18:35 6/30/2009 9:18:35
3 3 8 13 18 11/30/2009 21:18:35 6/30/2009 9:18:35
4 4 9 14 19 13/30/2009 20:18:35 6/30/2009 9:18:35
5 5 10 15 20 15/30/2009 04:18:35 6/30/2009 9:18:35
2nd DF:
> s.d
F D E Time
1 10 19 28 6/30/2009 08:18:35
2 11 20 29 8/30/2009 19:18:35
3 12 21 30 9/30/2009 21:18:35
4 13 22 31 01/30/2009 20:18:35
5 14 23 32 10/30/2009 04:18:35
6 15 24 33 11/30/2009 04:18:35
7 16 25 34 12/30/2009 04:18:35
8 17 26 35 13/30/2009 04:18:35
9 18 27 36 15/30/2009 04:18:35
Output to be:
From DF "t.d" I have to calculate the time interval for each row between "FinalTime" and "InitTime" (InitTime will always be less than FinalTime).
Another DF "temp" from "s.d" has to be formed having data only within the above time interval, and then the most recent values of "F","D","E" have to be taken and attached to the 'ith' row of "t.d" from which the time interval was calculated.
Also we have to see if the newly formed DF "temp" has the following conditions true:
here 'j' represents value for each row:
if(temp$F[j] < 35.5) + (temp$D[j] >= 100) >= 1)
temp$Flag <- 1
} else{
temp$Flag <- 0
Originally I have 3 million rows in the dataframe and 20 columns in each DF.
I have solved the above problem using "for loop" but it obviously takes 2 to 3 days as there are a lot of rows.
(Also if I have to add new columns to the resultant DF if multiple conditions get satisfied on each row?)
Can anybody suggest a different technique? Like using apply functions?
My suggestion is:
use lapply over row indices
handle in the function call your if branches
return either your dataframe or NULL
combine everything with rbind
by replacing lapply with mclapply from the 'parallel' package, your code gets executed in parallel.
resultList <- lapply(1:nrow(t.d), function(i){
do stuff
resultDF <-, resultList)

Adding extreme value distributed noise (with µ=0,σ=10) to a vector of numbers in R

I have the following matrix
Measurement Treatment
38 A
14 A
54 A
69 A
20 B
36 B
35 B
10 B
11 C
98 C
88 C
14 C
I want to add extreme value distributed noise (with mean=0 and sd=10) to the Measurement values. How can I achieve that in R?
I found revd in extRemes package, but it does not work as expected. Does devd from the same package do what I want to do? (but it does not allow for mean and sd to be defined)
If you want to use your measure as the mean for the noise, then you can do this:
measure = round(runif(10,0,30),0)
data = data.frame(measure)
for(i in 1:nrow(data)){
data$measure1[i] = rnorm(1,data$measure[i],10)
measure measure1
1 6 6.281557
2 12 -5.780177
3 18 13.529773
4 26 33.665584
5 14 12.666614
6 24 41.146132
7 5 -1.850390
8 14 16.728703
9 13 26.082601
10 13 14.066475
EDIT: You can avoid the for loop with this instead:
data$measure1 = data$measure + rnorm(1,0,10)

Normalize/scale data set

I have the following data set:
these are the test scores which students obtained, a student could get a maximum of 15 or a minimum of 0 in this test (by the way, nobody got the max or the min), however the lowest score obtained in this test was 1 and the highest was 14.
Now, I want to normalize/scale this data to the scale of 0 to 20.
How to achieve this in excel? or in R?
My final goal is to normalize the scores in this test to the above scale and to compare them with another set of data for which the max and min is 5 and 0 respectively.
How to compare these two different scaled data sets correctly against each other?
What I tried:
I went through many stuff on the internet, and came up with this:
which I got it from the wikipedia.
Is this method reliable?
In your case I would use the feature scale formula you posted on your question. The (x - min(x)) / (max(x) - min(x)) will essentially convert your test marks to the range between 0-1.
Since your edges are indeed 0 and 15 and not 2 and 14, your min(x)=0 and your max(x)=15. Once you have your marks between 0-1 using the above, you just multiply by 20.
tests <- read.table(header=T, file='clipboard')
tests2 <- (tests - 0) / (15 - 0) #or equally tests / 15
And multiply by 20 to get marks between 0-20:
> tests2 * 20
1 13.333333
2 10.666667
3 2.666667
4 9.333333
5 13.333333
6 13.333333
7 1.333333
8 13.333333
9 18.666667
10 12.000000
11 2.666667
12 8.000000
13 13.333333
14 10.666667
15 13.333333
16 10.666667
17 13.333333
18 13.333333
19 9.333333
20 14.666667
21 13.333333
The results are intuitive and the function is reliable. For example the person who scored 14/15 should get the highest mark (and very close to 20) which is the case here (after the transformation they scored 18.6666).
In Excel, if you want the normalized data to have a min of 0 and and max of 20, then we need to solve:
y = A * x + b
for two points.
Put the max of the raw data in C1:
Put the min of the raw data in C2:
Put the desired max in D1 and the desired min in D2. Put the formula for the A-coefficient in C3:
and the formula for the B-coefficient in C4:
Finally put the scaling formula in B1:
and copy down:
Naturally, if you want the scaling to be independent of the raw max or min, you would use 15 in C1 and 0 in C2.
You can scale between 0 to 20 with this command in R:
newvalue <- 20/(max(score)-min(score))*(score-min(score))
The math way is fairly straightforward if the floor for all scales is 0.
new_value = new_ceiling * old_value / old_ceiling
The next formula will account for different floors on each scale:
new_value = new_floor + (new_ceiling - old_ceiling) * ((old_value-old_floor)/(old_ceiling-old_floor)) which is actually the formula you posted from Wikipedia. ;)
Hope this helps!
That is very simple. Due to the fact that both of those grades are linear, that a simple multiple ratio will do the work. Or in other word each grade in your set needs to be *20/15.
Here's a little r function which can help you run this if you need to repeat the operation and give you some flexibility on what you rescale to. Also one must be careful of NA values because min() and max() do not drop them by default which will then return NA. Therefore I provided an option on to handle NA values (drops them by default).
# function rescales data from 0 to 1 and optionally multiplies by new max
rescale <- function(x, new_max = 1, na.rm = T) {
as.vector(new_max * scale(x,
center = min(x, na.rm = na.rm),
scale = (max(x, na.rm = na.rm) - min(x, na.rm = na.rm))))
# old scores
scores <- c(10,8,2,7,10,10,1,10,14,9,2,6,10,8,10,8,10,10,7,11,10)
# new scores
data.frame(old = scores,
new = rescale(scores, new_max = 20))
#> old new
#> 1 10 13.846154
#> 2 8 10.769231
#> 3 2 1.538462
#> 4 7 9.230769
#> 5 10 13.846154
#> 6 10 13.846154
#> 7 1 0.000000
#> 8 10 13.846154
#> 9 14 20.000000
#> 10 9 12.307692
#> 11 2 1.538462
#> 12 6 7.692308
#> 13 10 13.846154
#> 14 8 10.769231
#> 15 10 13.846154
#> 16 8 10.769231
#> 17 10 13.846154
#> 18 10 13.846154
#> 19 7 9.230769
#> 20 11 15.384615
#> 21 10 13.846154
Created on 2022-03-10 by the reprex package (v2.0.1)

Merge values of a factor column

Column data$form contains 170 unique different values, (numbers from 1 to ~800).
I would like to merge some values (e.g with a 10 radius/step).
I need to do this in order to use:
colors = rainbow(length(unique(data$form)))
In a plot and provide a better visual result.
Thank you in advance for your help.
you can use %/% to group them and mean to combine them and normalize to scale them.
# if you want specifically 20 groups:
groups <- sort(form) %/% (800/20)
x <- c(by(sort(form), groups, mean))
x <- normalize(x, TRUE) * 19 + 1
0 1 2 3 4
1.000000 1.971781 2.957476 4.103704 4.948560
5 6 7 8 9
5.950617 7.175309 7.996914 8.953086 9.952263
10 11 12 13 14
10.800705 11.901235 12.888889 13.772291 14.888889
15 16 17 18 19
15.927984 16.864198 17.918519 18.860082 20.000000
You could also use cut. If you use the argument labels=FALSE, you get an integer value:
form <- runif(170, min=1,max=800)
> cut(form, breaks=20)
[1] (518,558] (280,320] (240,280] (121,160] (757,797]
[6] (160,200] (320,359] (598,638] (80.8,121] (359,399]
[7] (121,160] (200,240] ...
20 Levels: (1.18,41] (41,80.8] (80.8,121] (121,160] (160,200] (200,240] (240,280] (280,320] (320,359] (359,399] (399,439] ... (757,797]
> cut(form, breaks=20, labels=FALSE)
[1] 14 8 7 4 20 5 9 16 3 10 4 6 5 18 18 6 2 12
[19] 2 19 13 11 13 11 14 12 17 5 ...
On a side-note, I want you to re-consider plotting with rainbow colours, as it distorts reading the data, cf. Rainbow Color Map (Still) Considered Harmful.
