Identifying required packages from code - r

I want to follow the tutorial found on this site, but despite being thorough in all other aspects, the author has not included information on what packages need to be used for the code to function.
As far as I understand one of them will be the PerformanceAnalytics package, yet my inexperienced eye is not sure about what else I will need to include.
The fapply function used in the code is one example that I cannot find.
Error: could not find function "fapply"

findFn("fapply", sortby = "Function")

The findFN(...) function is great. It should open an internet browser window with the search results by itself at least it does for me.

The tutorial on Backtesting a Trading Strategy uses time series data as seen its part 1 and part 2. fapply is also used in part 2
As the data being collected and processed is time-series data, fapply() function belongs to far package which is used for Modelization for Functional AutoRegressive Processes.
I hope this helps.


how to define variables after importing excel sheet in R

i imported exel to R now i do not know how to solve the question, as it is my 1st time with R
As this looks like an assignment/homework question, and you mention this is your 1st time with R, I think you would benefit more from looking at an in-depth introduction to R than a quick answer here. This site seems to be a good introduction: . The site recommend RStudio which is far more intuitive and easy to use than base R.
There is also often good documentation on basic functions within R itself. Type ? into the console before any command and it will direct you to some helpful information. For example, you may find these useful to get started.

Error: ebirdst::calc_full_extent() function does not exist

I am trying to use the ebirdst package for some exploratory data analysis, following this tutorial. Everything going according to plan until I run this line:
week_ext <- calc_full_extent(occ_proj)
and get this error:
Error in calc_full_extent(occ_proj) : could not find function "calc_full_extent"
I know sometimes new functions won't show up, or it can be a version issue, but the tutorial I'm referencing is from 2018 and everything else works perfectly. Does anyone know why a crucial function would just not be there? Or what steps to take? I've looked to see if there are any analogous functions and can't find any.
Also this is my first stackoverflow question--I've always been able to solve my issues based on existing questions, but there seems to be very little out there on ebirdst--so please let me know if I need to provide more info/context.

unrecognized function Nn in R

I am learning R package SimInf to simulate data-driven stochastic epidemiological models. As I was reading the documentation I came across an unrecognized funcion Nn when defining a function for epicurves. Specifically, this line:
j <- sample(seq_len(Nn(model)), 1)
Values of model are integers. My guess is that Nn selects non-negative values, however my R does not recognize this function. From documentation it does not look like they pre-defined Nn either. Can someone please tell if they know what "Nn" is for? Thank you.
A way to go is always taking the package-name and triple-":" it, such that you can find nearly all functions inside the package. Maybe you are familiar with namespacing a function via packageName::functionFrompackageTocall. The packageName::: shows (nearly) all functions defined in this package. If you do this in R-Studio with SimInf:: and SimInf:::, you will see that the latter gives much more functions. But you can only find the functions SimInf:::Nd and SimInf:::Nc, not the Nn-function. Hence you will have to go to the github-sources of the package, in this case .Then search for Nn the whole repository. You will see that it seems like it is always an int, but this doesn't help you since you want to get ii as a function, not as a variable. Scrolling further down in the search-results, you will find the which mentions The 'Nn' function to determine the number of nodes in a model has been replaced with the S4 method 'n_nodes'. in the file under SimInf 8.0.0 (2020-09-13). Hence having a current version of SimInf installed, it shouldn't use the method Nn anymore. If you use it in your code, replace it by n_nodes. If you find it in current package code, you can email the package-maintainer that you found a bug in his code.
TLDR: Nn is an outdated version of n_nodes

Equivalent to fitcdiscr in R (regarding Coeffs.linear and Coeffs.Const)

I am currently translating some MATLAB scripts to R for Multivariate Data Analysis. Currently I am trying to generate the same data as the Coeffs.Linear and Coeffs.Const part of the fitdiscr function in MATLAB.
The code being used is:
fitcdiscr(data, groups, 'DiscrimType', 'linear');
The data consists of 3 groups.
Unfortunately the R function seems to do the LDA only for two LDs and MATLAB seems to always compare all groups in all constellations. Does anybody have an idea how I could obtain that data?
I suspect you mean information on the implementation of various MATLAB function, which would be doc <functionname> (doc fitcdiscr would yield this documentation page on fitcdscr) to get the documentation, and edit <functionname> to get the implementation, if it is not obscured by The MathWorks. If those two do not give you enough information, I'm afraid you're out of luck, since not all TMW codes are available non-obscured.
fitcdiscr is non-obscured, although very brief; it's just a wrapper for some other functions. Keep doing edit <functionname> and doc <functionname> and see how deep the rabbit hole takes you.
NB: there's no built-in function called fitdiscr, but the syntax you describe is that of fitcdiscr (note the c), so I used that as examples. If the actual function being called is named fitdiscr, it's custom-made and you'll have to spit through its file by edit fitdiscr and hope for the best.

R Package to Analyse Eye Tracking data

I was wondering if anyone out there has found a nice package for R to analyse eye-tracking data?
I came across eyetrackR but as far as I can tell there is no English support documentation available:
I will move onto another freeware that handles eye-tracking data if I need to but was really hoping there would be something accessible in R.
It would help if you could explain which kind of analyses you are intending to do. There are many different approaches depending on the research question and the research field. Many approaches involve the detection of fixations and saccades as a first step. An R package that can be used for fixation detection is called saccades and is available on CRAN. See also the Github page of the package for examples and screenshots.
A new eye-tracking analysis package for R (eyetrackingR) was recently released. It provides a variety of methods that handle data preparation/cleaning, visualization, and analysis.
Here's a list of several dozen instances of researcher contributed code (FOSS) for post-acquisition summarization and analysis of eye-movement data. You may be able to find something to suit your needs there.
List is provided in case anyone stumbling across this thread may find it useful.
