Drupal Site configuration issues - drupal

Good day every one,
I am new in DRUPAL.
I am having problem with the drupal site.
I got the repository for the drupal site. I have successfully clone it and got every things and the database. I have uploaded the database to the local host server.
Now, I can see that initially the directory is like this
Then when i first open the site through local host the directory automatically becomes like this
The "file" directory contains the empty folder of css, images etc/
which I believe is downloaded from the database for the first time.
The site is giving many console error like missing images etc.
Instead of having the empty folder in file directory there must be images and css files and everything I do not know what is wrong becs the folder should not be empty there must be files and and image sand css files and should be downloaded from the database when I first open the site.
Please help me to locate the problem.
Thank you very much.

Usually, you will put on git drupal core, modules and theme files.., basically everything except the files uploaded by user (admin). Those files are usually located at:
So, since they are not on git repo you need to copy them to your local environment from the working site (i.e. over (S)FTP).
If your "file" is not "files" dir I'm talking about then it's something specific to your site - don't know nothing about it.


Wordpress temp folder under WP-Content

At work we have something strange going on with our WordPress Website.
It creates temp folder with few files under WP-content folder.
One of the file is automatically getting bigger on size for no reason around 1GB a day( I keep deleting it)
I can't find what is creating this files.
Folder is like this temp_750d5f958f2e5b3db45305632919a5ed
I am not sure if this is word-press or plugin but it wont stop until it reach the server capacity.
Thanks for any advice
If you have no idea about which plugin or theme or injection does it:
Install this plugin https://wordpress.org/plugins/string-locator/
Search for string 'temp_' inside your filesystem.
You will find more than 10 results. The file which contains a string similar to "temp_<?php echo md5(...." is the one you are looking for.
or if you want to it in local PC:
Download your WP installation home directory to your local PC.
Install any Code Searcher software to your PC. (for Linux, Searchmonkey is recommended. For Mac and Windows you can try DocFetcher)
Search for string 'temp_' inside your filesystem.

Windows server file permissions for Wordpress

I have wordpress on my windows server. Pictures and files are uploading but when i trying to access these files the server showing up with
500 - Internal server error.
There is a problem with the resource you are looking for, and it cannot be displayed.
When I searched for error i found some solutions about IIS but it didn't work. Can anyone cross with this permission error? And what is the solution.
When you upload a file, PHP sends the file to a temporary directory on your server's hard drive (usually C:\Windows\Temp) and then copies it over to the proper directory. Once the file has is initially put in the temporary directory, it gets the permissions of that directory. The problem is when Windows moves that file to the proper place, it keeps the temporary directory’s permissions, which can cause access problems.
The way to fix this is to change the temporary directory to a folder within your WordPress installation, usually wp-content/upgrade.
To do this, follow these directions:
Find your php.ini file.
Find the upload_tmp_dir line, and change it to the wp-content/upgrade folder.
Browse to this folder and verify that the permissions are set properly.
You should then have the ability to properly view all your images. You'll most likely need to select all the previous selected images, and change the owner of the files to the web folder owner. Then you should be good to go!

Cant Upload, Update, Install Plugins After cloning wordpress with backupbuddy

I've just migrated a client site to her production server using the latest version of BackupBuddy v3.0.40, and at first glance everything looks dandy, but on closer inspection, most WP file functions are borked: update wp, upload images, upload plugin.
I've done this a ton of times (several times on this host), and don't know why its not working here
I suspect it has to do with the tmp directory, but i can't see a problem..
another possibility is that a script (installatron via cpanel maybe interfering.. i notice that there are upload folders created for all months up to 2016! i read about this being a solution to permissions issues in WP's past)
This is what I've tried:
changing the wp-media upload location to the default, changing the 'store in year/month' setting and general wiggling. this was imported as '/home/###/public_html/wp-content/uploads' which looks correct, but unnecessary, the default is wp-content/uploads. neither work.
changing the permissions on wp-content and uploads dir to 777 (not all contents)
adding a line to wp-config.php:
define('WP_TEMP_DIR', ABSPATH . 'wp-content/'); no dice
uninstalled all traces of the installatron scripted wp installation (no files or db remain)
repeating the migration (same backup file, identical results)
confirming that:
i can create new posts, just not upload media
it works on the staging server (same host)
safe mode is off
apache is running as user, tx suPHP
the files were extracted by php via the browser
i've compared phpinfo to other working sites and dont notice anything out of the ordinary
hope you can shed some light!
thanks, Tim
image upload error:
“envelope-9887.jpg” has failed to upload due to an error
The uploaded file could not be moved to /home/###/public_html/wp-content/uploads/2012/07.
wordpress update error:
Download failed.: Destination directory for file streaming does not exist or is not writable.
plugin install error:
Download failed. Destination directory for file streaming does not exist or is not writable
sometimes when migrating you may have to look through the database options table and change a few entires, ie:
from the old site structure it could be: /home/yoursiteid/public_html/wp-content/ etc..
but on the new server the structure could have changed?
ie: /home/differentuserid/wwwroot/wp-content/
edit a file on the server to include :
echo getcwd() . "\n";
just to see if the home directory is the same as your current server or if its changed from your old sevrer, have a check in your database options table and update the entires which ref the old dir structure..
I found, eventually, that I'd overlook the line
define('WP_TEMP_DIR', 'old-hard-link-here');
which I believe was nestled directly under the wp salts, camoflaged to the tired eye! Simply removing that line and setting the media path to the default fixed the issue.
I believe that that line was installed by the cPanel script 'Installatron'.
Case closed

where does drupal save images when you use cck and imagecache?

I am thinking in moving all JS and images from webserver to another server to mitigate the load on my webserver. then i will use parallel module to get this stuff from the other server.
now, currently i am using cck and imagecache modules. and i dont know where does drupal save the images.
i checked mysql (files table) and found something like this
Mysql>select filepath from files limit 2;
i checked for such files but i didnt find anything like this in this directory!!
i inspected one of the images in one of my articles and found that this image is in one of the cache folders that have been generated automatically by imagecache module. i tried to delete this image from server and refreshed my page, imagecache recreated it.
now where did imagecach get this image from? where does drupal save my images??
Thanks for your help
Imagecache takes source images from whatever path is set in the files table, which is generally sites/default/files, the directory you listed. Your imagecache directory was within that directory, right? I think your files are probably in that directory and you just missed them for some reason. Directory listing cached in your FTP client, maybe?
For myself, it stores everything in the sites/default/files folder.
But, some settings to look at...
The File system path setting, located at ?q=admin/settings/file-system
The path settings for the particular field. Open the settings for the particular field, and look in the File path setting in the Path Settings fieldset.
If those settings are different, your file may be somewhere else. Otherwise, it's going to be in your sites/default/files folder.
Check the following locations
where [...] is the location of the htdocs folder inside your webserver container.
If you are using xampp then it could be C:\xampp183\htdocs............
Hope this helps !
In the drupal database, check the table "file_managed" and the column "uri" (which gives the uri to access the file either local or remote).
You might find a value like below .. (ignore the jpg name , that is only for my setup)
This shows the location of the image.

way to excluding static folders like Images in publish website feature in Visual Studio 2010

In my website when deploying production most of the time I only need to deploy bin folder and just marker files if new pages added.Since my website contains gigabytes of images folder and static stuff not updates frequently, it takes ages to complete a one publish cycle in visual studio website publish feature is there workaround to overcome like excluding these static folders when website publishing
You could use the Web Site Copy Tool - deploying a web site using this tool only updates the files that have been changed.
After you connect to the remote site, each file will have one of the following statuses.
The file has not changed since the last time the file was copied.
The file has a timestamp that is newer than the timestamp taken when the file was last copied. If the same file has been changed in both the source site and the remote site and you synchronize these files, the tool prompts you to indicate in which direction you want to copy.
The file has been added since the last time the site was copied.
The file has been removed since the last time the site was copied. These files are shown only if you select Show Deleted Files. If you synchronize a file that has been deleted in one site, the tool will prompt you to indicate if you want to delete the file from the other site.
See this article for further information
I don't know if there is another way. But if you make the folder hidden in the file system, then it would not be published.
