How to broadcast a web whiteboard to the particular group using SignalR - signalr

Am having a web whiteboard, which was built using javascript and also am having a set of predefined users in a particular group, i have to broadcast it using a SignalR but i dont have any idea about it.
So please help me to find a solution

You should probably start here
What you are looking for is similar to a one to one chat in that you are only sending data to specific users.
At a high level: Assign people a unique username and link it to their session ID when they connect. When you broadcast something you'll check your list of who to send it to vs who's online and send it to those who are online.


Available Miicrosoft Cognitive regions

I'm looking for a Voice Authentication API, and I find Microsoft's one.
When looking at prices, it asks you for a region. The problem is that
it only shows a region
I've been reading about Azure's regions, and it say that is where data is stored, so my question is if it would be possible to use it in a different region than allowed.
Thanks (and sorry for my spelling mistakes).
Quick Answer:
Normally yes, but currently the Speaker Recognition API is only offered out of the WestUS datacenter.
If it's mandatory that you have low-latency when using the service, I suggest you look into setting up and/or temporarily subscribing to a CDN service. Or, if you have a lot of time on your hands, and know waaaaay more than I do about this subject, you may be able to design a local cache to mitigate latency if you're distant from WestUS.
Less-Quick Answer:
First off, you should use the dashboard interface at to sign up. You will first need to create a Pay-As-You-Go subscription as your payment-medium, but it will give you much more control over & visibility into your service.
Here's what the signup pane looks like inside of
It appears that, in it's current "PREVIEW" deployment, you are right the services is only offered from the the WestUS data center. Normally you will have the option to one of ten's of global datacenters, but it is common that PREVIEW services aren't deployed globally until they're out of PREVIEW status.
If the problem you are looking to remediate is latency-based, look into the CDN suggestion in my "Quick Answer."
If your issue is about getting different pricing based on your location, the location of the datacenter you choose will not affect this. If geographic-discounting applies to you, it is based on the country that is assigned to your Microsoft Username/Password combination at the time it was created. This value cannot be changed once a username/password combo has been created, and consequently, any payment info used along with this uname/pass will need to have a billing address in the same country.

How to send notifications to set of users?

I am using SignalR for displaying onscreen notifications in my web application(built using MVC).
My question is How to show notifications to specific set of users eg. Display onscreen notifications to all the users with reader role?. The roles and user associated with roles are defined the database.
I have read it in the documentation where it is mentioned about groups. But i am not sure how to use it.
As you said, one of the ways to go is by using SignalR Groups.
Basically, when you start the connection to the SignalR hub, you can also include that user in a group, based on the type of account (try not to include the user in a group based on a client function call, do it on the server).
So each time the user connects, you can override the OnConnected method and add a user on the appropriate group (in the Groups object are stored ConnectionId strings.
Note - if you are going to scale the application, you will also need to add a backplane for the following reason: the groups and the connection ids are store in the memory of the server. If your application is load balanced, then you have multiple independent instances of the same application, each one with different connections.
The way to go here is to use a SignalR Backplane.
Hope this helps!
Best of luck!

Can I prevent other callers from intercepting SignalR Hub messages on the same hub?

The SignalR server hub does not retain a list of groups so I assume that when I send out a broadcast message to a group it is sent to everyone connected to the hub and the clients filter out the message based on their participating groups. If I send a message to a specific group it seems that it is sent down the wire to everyone and can be intercepted by someone not in the specified group who knows how to use a browser debugger. If I want to have a secure broadcast (not even sent over the wire to some clients) I assume I need separate hubs or do I need separate sub domains?
Separate hubs do not sound like a good idea. While you probably can validate users on connect and refuse connections for non-authorized users what if you need a way to create isolated hubs dynamically. If however this functionality is enough for you you can use the Authorize attribute to secure either hubs or hub methods.
For cases where you do need to replicate the same functionality for different groups of users you can use SignalR groups but you need to verify that the user belongs to the group each time he connects. The SignalR documentation contains an example on how to do that verification. Note that everyone can try to connect to your groups and you should validate upon connection and not depend on the fact that you do not call the add method for a certain client.
SignalR only sends to the clients in the group. It's just a design issue that you can't retrieve a list of connections in a group. Groups, as pretty much everything else in SignalR, are subscription based, so the server knows which connections need to receive a message, but it's buried deep in the internals.
I would point you to the relevant server-side code, but don't have time to look it up right now.
It's easy to see in the client-side code though since it's not a lot of code - so you can verify there is no filtering going on there.
Groups also aren't separated per hub.

How to tell different clients with SignalR server push?

I just finished one SignalR sample, the well-known Chat sample.
This sample just broadcast a chat message from one client to all the clients. What if we want to send message to only a specific client?
(I guess there should be some ID to identify each client. These IDs should be stored on server when clients subscribe to the server. And server can choose which ID to push message to. )
You have different way to map your user with a connection. You can compare the different ways in this tutorial depending on your requirements.
Another solution is to define 1 group per userId and notify the group when you want to notify a user (link). Be careful, groups are not secured.
Like Daniel describes you can use a group or use the hubcontext to get the context for a specific connection using the connection Id.
var client = context.Clients.Client(connectionId);
There are also several libraries that abstract SignalR, some of these comes with their own way of calling specific users.
I have made a library like this which is based on the Event aggregation pattern. It comes with a API to let you create code that determines which clients should receive a specific event
Here is also a blog post I made showing how you can achieve declarative role authorization with my library, maybe it can give you some ideas.

How would you implement database updates via email?

I'm building a public website which has its own domain name with pop/smtp mail services. I'm considering giving users the option to update their data via email - something similar to the functionality found in Flickr or Blogger where you email posts to a special email address. The email data is then processed and stored in the underlying database for the website.
I'm using ASP.NET and SQL Server and using a shared hosting service. Any ideas how one would implement this, or if it's even possible using shared hosting?
For starters you need to have hosting that allows you to create a catch-all mailbox.
Secondly you need a good POP3 or IMAP library, which is not included AFAIK in the .NET stack.
Then you would write a Command Line application or a Service that regularly checks the mailbox, pulls messages, inserts content in db based on the "To" address (which is unique for each user), and then deletes the email from the mailbox.
It's feasible and sounds like fun. Just make sure you have all you need before you start!
If the data is somewhat "critical", or at least moderately important, do NOT use their username as the "change-data-address". Example: You might be tempted to create an address like, but instead use where you give them the random number if the visit the web-page. That way people can not update other peoples data just by knowing their username.
E-mails can be trivially forged. I would only do this if you can process PGP / SMime certificates in your application.
Other than that, I see no reason why not!
use a dotnet popclient to read the incoming emails, parse them for whatever you are expecting and insert the data into the database.
see codeproject website for simple popclient implementation
you would have to decided on the email content yourself, eg data only, payload of sql statements, etc
You could also identify the user based on sender address. This is how Tripit (and probably others) does it. This only requires one e-mail address on your end.
I have done something similar, using Lumisoft's IMAP client and scheduling a task in my app that checks every x minutes the configured mail address for updates. For scheduling I recommend No launching external processes or anything.
