First ASP.NET webpage launches without debugging, doesn't launch with debugging -

Did anyone encounter an error with ASP.NET debugging? I've made a really simple, empty MVC page, I've tried returning /Home/Index.cshtml and a string, and each time I get a windows jingle and the browser can't find the server. It doesn't happen when I run it without debugging though, then the website runs just fine.
I've also tried the default MVC template, with Bootstrap etc, and it's the same - runs without debugging, doesn't run with debugging.
It's probably important: I'm running Visual Studio 2017 on up-to-date Windows 10. I've reinstalled the system several weeks ago, really wouldn't want to do that again :/

Generally we could debug an app with the normal user, but sometimes we need to use the admin, for example, as far as I know, if we want to use the attach to process tool for remote debugging, we often run the VS as the admin or others.
This document share us the tasks we need administrator permissions to completeļ¼š
If possible, you could refer to it especially "Debugging" area in above link.
Hope it could help you:)


UI Automation White framework "NonComVisibleBaseClass was detected" exception

I am testing an application which loads a powerpoint (.ppt or .pptx) file insert it. Application gives same look an feel like powerpoint with some extra setting when the file is loaded inside the application. When I try to automate the application, I click a button to load the powerpoint file into the application. After the loading process white framework fails to continue playback.
When I restart the same test again I got "NonComVisibleBaseClass was detected" exception.
I can only continue my testing after restarting the entire application. Does anyone face this kind of issue? your answers will really helpful to continue my testing.
It's known issue.
Navigate to Debug->Exceptions...
Expand "Managed Debugging Assistants"
Uncheck the NonComVisibleBaseClass Thrown option.
Click [Ok]
I stumbled upon this page after having the same problem. Although I'm not sure this solution may help you it helped me and maybe can be useful to someone else.
My WPF application needed to run with elevated privileges and if I tried to run VS without elevated privileges my tests broke with the aforementioned error. What I did was simply restar VS as Administrator and the tests started working.
One thing I noticed was that when I was running without elevated privileges the Window.Framework was 'Win32' and the Window.Items was empty. After running VS as Administrator The Framework propery was 'Wpf' and the Items list was filled correctly. I don't know what is the real cause of the problem here. But it worked for me and maybe it'll work for someone else.

Why attach debugger to IIS instance

It may be a silly question but why one would like to attach debugger to IIS instance?
These SOs
Attach Debugger to IIS instance
How do I attach the debugger to IIS instead of ASP.NET Development Server?
show you how to do it but could you let me know what are the benefits of doing this?
One time, in my entire career, we had a web app that started getting strange errors that had us baffled. We tried a dozen things to try and figure out what was wrong, but we were panicking and needed an answer immediately. So, we attached a debugger to the production instance and set up a few watch/break points. It helped us track down the errors and fix the problem.
Naturally, it hung the server during our debugging session, and made people mad, but no more mad than they already were, because of the problem we had.
It would not have been necessary if the code had been written better, with error logging and diagnostic points. I don't expect to ever do it again.
Apart from TimG's post a couple of reasons I can think of are:
To debug the application in a closer representation of its
production environment
To debug on a remote machine
Example, like #TonE #1 -- in order to test a deployed website (with web.config transformations) locally, like if you can't remote debug a live website or just need to test config transforms (since you can't run them in-place):
Open site project from C:\Dev\AwesomeWebSite\AwesomeWebSite.sln
Publish the site to a local folder C:\Webs in Release mode (or Whatever mode)
Set up a local IIS website pointing at the published project
Do stuff on the locally-deployed version (e.g. browse pages, make webservice calls, etc)
Attach VS to w3p.exe (appropriate instance) in order to debug the deployed version
You might be able to effectively do the same thing by instead pointing the Project at your IIS website per this answer.

ASP.NET Web Application Productivity in Visual Studio 2010

I'm working on a fairly large ASP.NET web application and I'm taking a big productivity hit when I do work in the interface. I can zip through adding features to the database and API, then I hit the interface and having to recompile and run eats up a lot of my day.
For example if i'm working on a tricky bit that isn't behaving quite right and requires a number of tweaks I'll have to go through multiple [stop/tweak/build/run/log in/navigate back to page] cycles, which really kills my flow and has me staring at the screen with my finger hovering over the hackernews bookmark each time.
I've been fiddling with ways to get around this problem but I haven't improved my situation much. Here's what I've found so far:
visual studio will restart the app frequently when you change static files (js/css/etc), which shouldn't require a restart. If you run VS with IIS express instead this problem goes away.
If I know I have a bunch of messing around to do i'll cut/paste my code into a server script tag on the markup page, run the product, and tweak until it's good, then cut/paste it back. This is annoying because it often requires setting up a number of Imports page declarations and code editing features in ASP.NET files, while better than ever in VS2010, is not as good as in C# files. Plus, it still restarts the app occasionally once enough changes are made.
I can exclude the codebehind file from the web application project, change the "codebehind" attribute in the aspx page declaration to an "src" attribute, then edit the code from there while the app runs (until i make enough changes to trigger a restart.) However now intellisense doesn't work in the codebehind, among other things.
Am I missing something blindingly obvious here, or is development in ASP.NET web applications really supposed to be this slow? Thanks for any solutions you can offer.
I never run my applications through Visual Studio. Set yourself up with IIS and then configure a site to point to the location of your application along with a faux domain. Edit your hosts file to point the domain to localhost.
Then when you want to view your site, just visit the domain that you chose. If you need to modify CSS or script, just make your changes and refresh the page. If you make a code change, compile your app and then refresh the page.
If you need to actually use the Visual Studio debugger, then just attach to the IIS process (application pool name) and your breakpoints will get hit.
I've found a combination of techniques that brings my productivity up a fair bit.
Use an alternative browser like Chrome. When you stop the VS debugger and you're using IE, VS will shut down the browser, but it won't do it with Chrome (or Firefox, or anything else.)
Switched web.config to run in Windows Authentication mode and wrote a quick transparent login routine enclosed in conditional compilation tags (debug only, this feature is not perfect for our production product.)
Now when I'm getting into it I can stop the debugger (which no longer closes the browser,) make code changes, build, optionally start the debugger again, and just hit F5 in Chrome to load the latest. The refresh obviously takes longer since the app has to start up but there's no "run browser/log in/navigate back to the page" task anymore.
Hopefully this will help somebody else in a similar situation.

Why Arent Breakpoints Working In Web Application Project

My company gave me a web application project and I went to debug it and set some breakpoints and they dont fire. I am using Response.Write all over the place to debug. Anyone know what maybe going on?
I am running the application off my localhost I was pushing F5, but since the breakpoints dont hit by making changes and adding Response.Write statements and clicking save then refreshing my browser I get the changes for whatever reason.
Hovering over the breakpoint it says "The breakpoint will not currently be hit the source code differs from the original version"
Another tidbit is I created a new web application project and created a breakpoint and it works, its only specific to this application it seems like, but dont know what it could be?
Hovering over the breakpoint it says "The breakpoint will not currently be hit the source code differs from the original version"
Try this:
Close Visual Studio and make sure any instances of ASP.NET development server are closed as well
Delete everything from "C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\Temporary ASP.NET Files" (where v4.0.30319 is the version of your .NET Framework)
Definitely need more info, but I would check that your are building with debugging symbols to cover the dumb stuff.
Okay, after reading the comments posted on your question I was making the following assumptions.
You are running using the built in VS development server
You are compiling in debug mode
You've set debugging true in your web.config
I've seen this problem before and for me it's been resolved by restarting Visual Studio.
Assuming that you are running on IIS on the same machine that you have visual studio installed:
Have you attached to the application pool process
Is you code the same as what is deploy? (Is the latest version deployed)
Are you logged in as administrator?
Are you running visual studio as administrator?
Just to make sure, you are running in debug mode?
I ran into this problem a while ago as well, instead of using response.write, you could try outputting the data to a label control's text value instead to see the values of your code.
It's a bit of a sloppy work around, but I couldn't figure out why that one particular project I was working on didn't let me debug it.
This problem is, for me, mostly caused by a mismatch of the loaded dll files (symbols) by webserver, and those that the project are pointing to when you try to breakpoint. It's different files. I have located different causes. One could be a simple hang-up by webdev instans (force shutdown. But also that there occur some kind of mismatch if you got different compilation methods between project within same solution as the web project.
This desc may not be your exact problem, but perhaps it will lead you into right direction. I find this often being a dirty unlogic error that just are irritating (but also completely fixable without data loss or reconfiguring, when u understand the trick).
I had the same problem, and it turned out only Internet Explorer works with debugging and breakpoints. To avoid having IE as my default browser, I changed the launch settings in the .Web project to run IE with the path as command line parameters.

ASP.NET Development Webserver Instantly Crashing for Seemingly No Reason

Working on an ASP.NET Project (not Web Site) and trying to Start without Debugging from Visual Studio.
First this:
alt text
Then this:
alt text
Once completely reinstalled Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 and it was fixed... for a while.
Looking for any information I can find, including:
What in the Hell is going on?
What way is there to fix it other than completely reinstalling VS2008?
How can it just be fixed permanently?
Try this - shouldn't take more than a minute or two.
Create a brand-spanking-new, empty Web Application Project. Enter something like "hello world" on the default.aspx page. Run it.
If your problem disappears, you've got something (3rd party DLL, etc) referenced in your project causing the issue.
Else, your looking at an OS, IDE or other environmental issue. I've had some odd VS issues in the past on Win7 that were solved by available updates. I still have to run VS as an administrator to use the "attach to process" for debugging.
So, the new project works, which tells us that the problem is somewhere in your old project. This is where the fun part starts, which is what I like to call "binary search debugging." It's crude, a pain in the ass, and if your app is pretty complex, sorting out dependencies can be a pain in the ass.
Create a new project and add all of your source to it.
Build, run. Did it work?
No? Remove half of the source.
Build. run. Did it work?
If so, the problem is in the half that you removed.
Else, it's in the half that remains.
Now, I know this is an incredibly naive approach to debugging, and its very brute-force, and some app configurations can make this damn near impossible, but at least its straightforward.
Any other service listening to the port number you're using? Try changing the port number or use IIS instead of running it on cassini.
