I have a site that GA is hooked up to, and it has a low bounce rate, around 1%, but it also has an extremely low average session time, at around 0:02.
Is this, de facto, an extremely high bounce rate that's being missed because session times are not, in fact, exactly zero?
I am working on an experiment with the HC-SR04 sound sensor, and i am using it to record the speed of sound. I successfully measured the speed of sound in air, but when measuring it in water, I encountered a small problem. The sound waves emitted by the sensor are both absorbed and reflected off the water. Obviously, the reflected sound waves are the first ones to reach the sensor, and therefore are the ones used for calculating the speed of sound. Is there a way to code the Arduino program in order to ignore the first set of waves and only record the set of waves that were absorbed by the water? I was thinking of increasing the delay time for the pulse, but I'm not sure that would work.
This answer is theorical only. No test has been done yet.
By adding a small delay, such as 1 - 2 milliseconds could work.
You could calculate the distances twice and get the result from the seconds calculations only.
For you info, here is the speed of sound in water : 1,484 m/s.
To what extent the server being closer to the user decrease the latency between the user and the service and help the overall experience ?
That depends greatly on what you mean by "closer."
If the two devices are on the same wire, the latency is negligible since the signal travels in copper at about one-third the speed of light. The latency due to distance can be calculated based the distances of the various media in the path. Moving devices closer, from the perspective of cabling distance, depending on the distance, may have a noticeable difference in latency.
Having multiple devices (switches, routers, etc.) in between the two will increase the latency more due to serialization/de-serialization, encapsulation/de-encapsulation, switching, buffering, etc. delays. This is much more complex, and probably has a more significant increase in the latency.
Question from a networking class:
"In a csma/cd lan of 2 km running at 100 megabits per second, what would be the minimum frame size to hear all collisions?"
Looked all over and can't find info anywhere on how to do this. Is there a formula for this problem? Thanks for any help.
bandwidth delay product is the amount of data on transit.
propagation delay is the amount of time it takes for the signal to propagate over network.
propagation delay=(lenght of wire/speed of signal).
assuming copper wire i.e speed =2/3* speed of light
propagation delay =(2000/(2*3*10^8/3))
round trip time is the time taken for message to travel from sender to receiver and back from receiver to sender.
round trip time =2*propagation delay =20us
minimum frame size =bandwidth *delay (rtt)
frame size = bandwidth *rtt
My understanding is that Bandwidth delay product refers to the maximum amount of data "in-transit" at any point in time, between two endpoints.
The thing that I don't get is, why multiply bandwidth by RTT. Bandwidth is a function of underlying medium, such as copper wire, fire optics etc and RTT is function of how busy intermediate nodes are, any scheduling applied at the intermediate nodes, distance etc. RTT can change, but bandwidth for practical purposes can be considered as fixed. So how does multiplying a constant value (capacity aka bandwidth) by fluctuating value (RTT) represents total amount of data in transit?
Based on this, will a really really slow have very large capacity? Chances are the "Causes" of RTT will start dropping.
Look at the units:
[bandwidth] = bytes / second
[round trip time] = seconds
[data volume] = bytes
[data volume] = [bandwidth] * [round trip time].
Unit-wise, it is correct. Semantically,
What is bandwidth * round trip time? It's the amount of data that left the sender before the first acknowledgement was received by the sender. That is, bandwidth * round trip time = the desired window size under perfect conditions.
If the round trip time is measured from the last packet and the sender's outbound bandwidth is perfectly stable and fully used, then the measured window size exactly calculates the number of packets (data and ACKs together) in transit. If you want only one direction, divide the quantity by two.
Since the round trip time is a measured quantity, it naturally fluctuates (and gets smoothed out). The measured bandwidth could fluctuate as well, and thus the estimated total volume of data in transit fluctuates as well.
Note that the amount of data in transit can vary with the data transfer rate. If the bottleneck is wire delay, then RTT can be considered constant, and the amount of data in transit will be proportional to the speed with which it's sent to the network.
Of course, if a round trip time suddenly rises dramatically, the estimated max. amount of data in transit rises as well, but that is correct. If there is no accompanying packet loss, the sliding window needs to expand. If there is packet loss, you need to reconsider the bandwidth estimate (and the bandwidth delay product drops accordingly).
To add to Jan Dvorak's answer, you can think of the 'big fat pipe' as a garden hose. We are interested in how much water is in the pipe. So, we take its 'bandwidth' i.e. how fast it can deliver water, which for a hose is determined by its cross-sectional area, and multiply by its length, which corresponds to the RTT, i.e. how 'long' a drop of water takes to get from one end to the other. The result is the volume of the hose, the volume of the pipe, the amount of data 'in the pipe'.
First, BDP is a calculated value used in performance tuning to determine the upper bounds of data which could be outstanding/unacknowledged. This, almost always, does not represent the quantity of "in-transit" data, but a target which tuning parameters are applied. If it represented "in-transit" data, always, there would be no room for performance tuning.
RTT does in fact fluctuate. This is why the expected worse case RTT is used in calculations. By tuning to the worse case, throughput efficiency will be at maximum when RTT is poorest. If RTT improves, we get outstanding Acks sooner, the pipe remains full and maximum throughput (efficiency) is maintained.
"Full pipe" is a misnomer. The goal is to keep the Tx side full, as the Rx contains Ack packets which are typically smaller than the transmitted packets.
RTT also aggregated asymmetrical upstream and downstream bandwidths (ADSL, satellite modem, cable modem, etc.).
Is there a formula that will tell me the max/average # of concurrent users I would expect to have with a population of 1000 users a day using an app for 10 minutes?
1000 users X 10 minutes = 10,000 user minutes
10,000 user minutes / 1440 minutes in a day = 6.944 average # of concurrent users
If you are looking for better estimates of concurrent users, I would suggest putting google analytics on your site. It would give you an accurate reading of highs, lows, and averages for your site.
In the worst case scenario, all 1000 users use the app at the same time, so max # oc concurrent users is 1000.
1000 users * 10 minutes = 10000 total minutes
One day has 24 hours * 60 minutes = 1440 minutes.
Assume normal distribution, you would expect 10000 / 1440 = 6.9 users on average using your app concurrently. However, normal distribution is not a valid assumption since you probably won't expect a lot of users in the middle of a night.
Well, assuming there was a steady arrival pattern, people visited the site with an equal distribution, you would have:
( Users * Visit Length in Minutes) / (Minutes in a Day)
(1000 * 10 ) / 1440
Which would be about 7 concurrent users
Of course, you would never have an equal distribution like that. You can take a stab at the anticipated pattern, and distribute the load based on that pattern. Best bet would be to monitor the traffic for a bit, with a decent sampling of user traffic.
That depends quite a bit on their usage pattern and no generic formula can cover it.
As an extreme example, if this is a timecard application, you would have a large peak at the start and stop of each work day, with scattered access between start and stop as people work on different projects, and almost no access outside of working hours.
Can you describe the usage pattern you expect?
Not accurately.
Will the usage be spread evenly over the day or are there events that will cause everyone to use their 10 mintes at the same time?
For example lets compare a general purpose web site with a time card entry system.
General purpose web site will have ebbs and flows throughout the day with clusters of time when you have lots of users (during work hours...).
The time card entry system might have all 1000 people hitting the system within a 15 minute span of time twice a day.
Simple math can show you an average, but people don't generally behave "on average"...
As is universally said, the answer is dependent upon the distribution of when people "arrive." If it's equally likely for someone to arrive at 3:23 AM as at 9:01 AM, max_concurrent is low; if everyone checks in between 8:55 AM and 9:30 AM, max_concurrent is high (and if response time slows depending on current load, so that the 'average' time on the site goes up significantly when there are lots of people on the site...).
A model is only as good as its inputs, but having said that, if you have a good sense of usage patterns, a Monte Carlo model might be a good idea. (If you have access to a person with a background in statistics or probability, they can do the math just based on the distribution parameters, but a Monte Carlo model is easier for most people to create and manipulate.)
In comments, you say that it's a "self-serve reference app similar to Wikipedia," but your relatively low usage means that you cannot rely on the power of large numbers to "dampen out" your arrival curves over 24-hours.