R - Next highest value in a time series - r

A relatively simple question, but one I can't seem to find any examples.
I have simple forex price data which is in a 2 column xts object called subx1:
Datetime, Price
2016-09-01 00:00:01, 1.11563
2016-09-01 00:00:01, 1.11564
2016-09-01 00:00:02, 1.11564
2016-09-01 00:00:03, 1.11565
... and so forth.
I'm trying to find the first time after 2pm when the price goes higher than the pre-2pm high which is held in another object's column called daypeakxts$before2.High and
Where a sample of daypeakxts is:
Date, before2.High
2016-09-01, 1.11567
2016-09-02, 1.11987
This is a bad example of what I'm trying to do:
subxresult <- index(subx1, subx1$datetime > daypeakxts$before2.High)
... so I'm looking to discover a datetime for a price using a conditional statement with a day's value in another xts object.

You didn't provide enough data for a reproducible example, so I'm going to use some daily data that comes with the xts package.
x <- as.xts(sample_matrix, dateForamt = "Date")
# Aggregate and find the high for each week
Week.High <- apply.weekly(x, function(x) max(x$High))
# Finding the pre-2pm high would be something like:
# Pre.2pm.High <- apply.daily(x["T00:00/T14:00"], function(x) max(x$High))
# Merge the period high with the original data, and
# fill NA with the last observation carried forward
y <- merge(x, Week.High, fill = na.locf)
# Lag the period high, so it aligns with the following period
y$Week.High <- lag(y$Week.High)
# Find the first instance where the next period's high
# is higher than the previous period's high
y$First.Higher <- apply.weekly(y, function(x) which(x$High > x$Week.High)[1])


Create efficient week over week calculation with subsetting

In my working dataset, I'm trying to calculate week-over-week values for the changes in wholesale and revenue. The code seems to work, but my estimates show it'll take about 75hrs to run what is a seemingly simple calculation. Below is the generic reproducible version which takes about 2m to run on this smaller dataset:
# Create empty data frame of 26,000 observations similar to my data, but populated with noise
exampleData <- data.frame(product = rep(LETTERS,1000),
wholesale = rnorm(1000*26),
revenue = rnorm(1000*26))
# create a week_ending column which increases by one week with every set of 26 "products"
for(i in 1:nrow(exampleData)){
exampleData$week_ending[i] <- as.Date("2016-09-04")+7*floor((i-1)/26)
exampleData$week_ending <- as.Date(exampleData$week_ending, origin = "1970-01-01")
# create empty columns to fill
exampleData$wholesale_wow <- NA
exampleData$revenue_wow <- NA
# loop through the wholesale and revenue numbers and append the week-over-week changes
for(i in 1:nrow(exampleData)){
# set a condition where the loop only appends the week-over-week values if it's not the first week
# set temporary values for the current and past week's wholesale value
currentWholesale <- exampleData$wholesale[i]
lastWeekWholesale <- exampleData$wholesale[which(exampleData$product==exampleData$product[i] &
exampleData$wholesale_wow[i] <- currentWholesale/lastWeekWholesale -1
# set temporary values for the current and past week's revenue
currentRevenue <- exampleData$revenue[i]
lastWeekRevenue <- exampleData$revenue[which(exampleData$product==exampleData$product[i] &
exampleData$revenue_wow[i] <- currentRevenue/lastWeekRevenue -1
Any help understanding why this takes so long or how to cut down the time would be much appreciated!
The first for loop can be simplified with the following for:
exampleData$week_ending2 <- as.Date("2016-09-04") + 7 * floor((seq_len(nrow(exampleData)) - 1) / 26)
setequal(exampleData$week_ending, exampleData$week_ending2)
[1] TRUE
Replacing second for loop
dt1 <- as.data.table(exampleData)
dt1[, wholesale_wow := wholesale / shift(wholesale) - 1 , by = product]
dt1[, revenue_wow := revenue / shift(revenue) - 1 , by = product]
setequal(exampleData, dt1)
[1] TRUE
This takes about 4 milliseconds to run on my laptop
Here is a vectorized solution using the tidyr package.
# Create empty data frame of 26,000 observations similar to my data, but populated with noise
exampleData <- data.frame(product = rep(LETTERS,1000),
wholesale = rnorm(1000*26),
revenue = rnorm(1000*26))
# create a week_ending column which increases by one week with every set of 26 "products"
#vectorize the creating of the data
exampleData$week_ending <- as.Date("2016-09-04")+7*floor((i-1)/26)
exampleData$week_ending <- as.Date(exampleData$week_ending, origin = "1970-01-01")
# create empty columns to fill
exampleData$wholesale_wow <- NA
exampleData$revenue_wow <- NA
#find the index of rows of interest (ie removing the first week)
#create temp variables and convert into wide format
# the rows are product and the columns are the ending weeks
Wholesale<-exampleData[ ,c(1,2,4)]
Wholesale<-spread(Wholesale, week_ending, wholesale)
Revenue<-exampleData[ ,c(1,3,4)]
Revenue<-spread(Revenue, week_ending, revenue)
#number of columns
#remove the first two columns for current wholesale
#remove the first and last column for last week's wholesale
#perform calculation on ever element in dataframe (divide this week/lastweek)
Wholesale_wow<- Wholesale[ ,-c(1, 2)]/Wholesale[ ,-c(1, numCol)] - 1
#convert back to long format
#repeat for revenue
Revenue_wow<- Revenue[ ,-c(1, 2)]/Revenue[ ,-c(1, numCol)] - 1
#convert back to long format
#assemble calculated values back into the original dataframe
The strategy was to convert the original data into a wide format where the rows were the product id and the columns were the weeks. Then divide the data frames by each other. Convert back into a long format and add the newly calculated values to the exampleData data frame. This works, not very clean but very much faster than the loop. The dplyr package is another tool for this type of work.
To compare this results of this code with you test case use:
print(identical(goldendata, exampleData))
Where goldendata is your known good results, be sure to use the same random numbers with the set.seed() function.

Mean Returns in Time Series - Restarting after NA values - rstudio

Has anyone encountered calculating historical mean log returns in time series datasets?
The dataset is ordered by individual security first and by time for each respective security. I am trying to form a historical mean log return, i.e. the mean log return for the security from its first appearance in the dataset to date, for each point in time for each security.
Luckily, the return time series contains NAs between returns for differing securities. My idea is to calculate a historical mean that restarts after each NA that appears.
A simple cumsum() probably will not do it, as the NAs will have to be dropped.
I thought about using rollmean(), if I only knew an efficient way to specify the 'width' parameter to the length of the vector of consecutive preceding non-NAs.
The current approach I am taking, based on Count how many consecutive values are true, takes significantly too much time, given the size of the data set I am working with.
For any x of the form x : [r(1) r(2) ... r(N)], where r(2) is the log return in period 2:
df <- data.frame(x, zcount = NA)
df[1,2] = 0 #df$x[1]=NA by construction of the data set
for(i in 2:nrow(df))
df$zcount[i] <- ifelse(!is.na(df$x[i]), df$zcount[i-1]+1, 0)
Any idea how to speed this up would be highly appreciated!
You will need to reshape the data.frame to apply the cumsum function
over each security. Here's how:
First, I'll generate some data on 100 securities over 100 months which I think corresponds to your description of the data set
securities <- 100
months <- 100
time <- seq.Date(as.Date("2010/1/1"), by = "months", length.out = months)
ID <- rep(paste0("sec", 1:months), each = securities)
returns <- rnorm(securities * months, mean = 0.08, sd = 2)
df <- data.frame(time, ID, returns)
time ID returns
1 2010-01-01 sec1 -3.0114466
2 2010-02-01 sec1 -1.7566112
3 2010-03-01 sec1 1.6615731
4 2010-04-01 sec1 0.9692533
5 2010-05-01 sec1 1.3075774
6 2010-06-01 sec1 0.6323768
Now, you must reshape your data so that each security column contains its
returns, and each row represents the date.
df_wide <- spread(df, ID, returns)
Once this is done, you can use the apply function to sum every column which now represents each security. Or use the cumsum function. Notice the data object df_wide[-1], which drops the time column. This is necessary to avoid the sum or cumsum functions throwing an error.
matrix_sum <- apply(df_wide[-1], 2, FUN = sum)
matrix_cumsum <- apply(df_wide[-1], 2, FUN = cumsum)
Now, add the time column back as a data.frame if you like:
df_final <- data.frame(time = df_wide[,1], matrix_cumsum)

How do I add periods to time series in R after aggregation

I have a two variable dataframe (df) in R of daily sales for a ten year period from 2004-07-09 through 2014-12-31. Not every single date is represented in the ten year period, but pretty much most days Monday through Friday.
My objective is to aggregate sales by quarter, convert to a time series object, and run a seasonal decomposition and other time series forecasting.
I am having trouble with the conversion, as ulitmately I receive a error:
time series has no or less than 2 periods
Here's the structure of my code.
# create a time series object
x <- xts(df$amount, df$date)
# create a time series object aggregated by quarter
q.x <- apply.quarterly(x, sum)
When I try to run
fit <- stl(q.x, s.window = "periodic")
I get the error message
series is not periodic or has less than two periods
When I try to run
q.x.components <- decompose(q.x)
# or
I get the error message
time series has no or less than 2 periods
So, how do I take my original dataframe, with a date variable and an amount variable (sales), aggregate that quarterly as a time series object, and then run a time series analysis?
I think I was able to answer my own question. I did this. Can anyone confirm if this structure makes sense?
# add a new variable indicating the calendar year.quarter (i.e. 2004.3) of each observation
df$year.quarter <- quarter(df$date, with_year = TRUE)
# summarize gift amount by year.quarter
new.data <- ddply(df, .(year.quarter), summarize,
sum = round(sum(amount), 2))
# convert the new data to a quarterly time series object beginning
# in July 2004 (2004, Q3) and ending in December 2014 (2014, Q4)
nd.ts <- ts(new.data$sum, start = c(2004,3), end = c(2014,4), frequency = 4)

R: How to lag xts column by one day of the set

Imagine an intra-day set of data, e.g. hourly intervals. Thanks to Google and valuable Joshua's answers to other people, I managed to create new columns in the xts object carrying DAILY Open/High/Low/Close values. These are daily values applied on intra-day intervals so all rows of the same day have the same value in particular column. Since the HLC values are look-ahead biased, I want to move them to the next day. Let's focus on just one column called Prev.Day.Close.
Actual status:
My Prev.Day.Close column caries proper values for the current day. All "2010-01-01 ??:??" rows have the same value - Close of 2010-01-01 trading session. So it is not PREVIOUS day at the moment how the column name says.
What I need:
Lag the Prev.Day.Close column to the NEXT DAY OF THE SET.
I cannot lag it using lag() because it works on row (not day) basis. It must not be fixed calendar day like:
C <- ave(x$Close, .indexday(x), FUN = last)
index(C) <- index(C) + 86400
x$Prev.Day.Close <- C
Because this solution does not care about real data in the set. For example it adds new rows because the original data set has holes on weekends and holidays. Moreover, two particular days may not have the same number of intervals (rows) so the shifted data will not fit.
Desired result:
All rows of the first day in the set have NA in Prev.Day.Close because there is no previous day to get data from.
All rows of the second day have the same value in Prev.Day.Close - Any of the values I actually have in Prev.Day.Close of previous day.
The same for every next row.
If I understand correctly, here's one way to do it:
# sample data
dt <- .POSIXct(seq(1, 86400*4, 3600), tz="UTC")-1
x <- xts(seq_along(dt), dt)
# get the last value for each calendar day
daily.last <- apply.daily(x, last)
# merge the last value of the day with the origianl data set
y <- merge(x, daily.last)
# now lag the last value of the day and carry the NA forward
# y$daily.last <- na.locf(lag(y$daily.last))
y$daily.last <- lag(y$daily.last)
y$daily.last <- na.locf(y$daily.last)
Basically, you want to get the end of day values, merge them with the original data, then lag them. That will align the previous end of day values with the beginning of the day.

Finding a more elegant was to aggregate hourly data to mean hourly data using zoo

I have a chunk of data logging temperatures from a few dozen devices every hour for over a year. The data are stored as a zoo object. I'd very much like to summarize those data by looking at the average values for every one of the 24 hours in a day (1am, 2am, 3am, etc.). So that for each device I can see what its average value is for all the 1am times, 2am times, and so on. I can do this with a loop but sense that there must be a way to do this in zoo with an artful use of aggregate.zoo. Any help?
# random hourly data over 30 days for five series
x <- matrix(rnorm(24 * 30 * 5),ncol=5)
# Assign hourly data with a real time and date
x.DateTime <- as.POSIXct("2014-01-01 0100",format = "%Y-%m-%d %H") +
seq(0,24 * 30 * 60 * 60, by=3600)
# make a zoo object
x.zoo <- zoo(x, x.DateTime)
# what I want:
# the average value for each series at 1am, 2am, 3am, etc. so that
# the dimensions of the output are 24 (hours) by 5 (series)
# If I were just working on x I might do something like:
res <- matrix(NA,ncol=5,nrow=24)
for(i in 1:nrow(res)){
res[i,] <- apply(x[seq(i,nrow(x),by=24),],2,mean)
# how can I avoid the loop and write an aggregate statement in zoo that
# will get me what I want?
Calculate the hour for each time point and then aggregate by that:
hr <- as.numeric(format(time(x.zoo), "%H"))
ag <- aggregate(x.zoo, hr, mean)
## [1] 24 5
Alternately use hours from chron or hour from data.table:
ag <- aggregate(x.zoo, hours, mean)
This is quite similar to the other answer but takes advantage of the fact the the by=... argument to aggregate.zoo(...) can be a function which will be applied to time(x.zoo):
as.hour <- function(t) as.numeric(format(t,"%H"))
result <- aggregate(x.zoo,as.hour,mean)
identical(result,ag) # ag from G. Grothendieck answer
# [1] TRUE
Note that this produces a result identical to the other answer, not not the same as yours. This is because your dataset starts at 1:00am, not midnight, so your loop produces a matrix wherein the 1st row corresponds to 1:00am and the last row corresponds to midnight. These solutions produce zoo objects wherein the first row corresponds to midnight.
