Wordpress Admin is broken due to error, how can I download a wordpress site from FTP to local? - wordpress

As I understand it, the normal process for copying a live wordpress site to local is done through the Wordpress Admin panel, unfortunately this is broken and giving me an error.
How would a person download a wordpress site to local the hard way by copying the files over FTP?
I am not the site owner, and am being brought in as a favor to the site owner, the site has been live for years and suddenly broke (probably the plugins)

Step1 if you have live website FTP or control panel then
open it and create a zip file from Cpanel of the live site WordPress directories . if you have FTP then connect the FTP and select all files and drag it to the right to left into the new folder on the left side
Step 2 when files will move to your system then start your localhost control panel, into ht docs folder move directories of WordPress here which one you recently downloaded from FTP of control panel make sure if you download zip folder from control panel it should be extracted first.
Step 3 open you PHPMyAdmin and then create a database the name whatever you would like to .Then into ht docs WordPress folder open wp-config.php files and change the name of the database , the username will be root and password will be blank.
Step 4 now go to your live site control panel and open PHPMyAdmin, open the corresponding database you can find the database name from the live site wp-config.php file. Now export it to the folder on desktop or you can direct put it to the desktop.
Step 5 extract your live site database and edit it with a text editor something like notpad++. now press ctr+f and then select find and replace tab.Into finding input paste your live site name something wpbeginner.com and into replacing tab paste the localhost directory which one hold the files of WordPress you recently moved something like localhost/yoursite.Hit the replace all tab.
Step 6 Now create a zip file again of the database which one recently open in text editor, go to you PHPMyAdmin localhost and open the database which one you create for the local website. Click on the import tab and then import your live database which one you created the zip from the text editor.
Step 7 on your localhost/yoursite/wp-admin enter the username and password of your live website login and it will open the wp-admin dashboard click to visit site , if it is reidrecting to the live site then goto your localhoset/phpmyadmin select the corresponding database and the select the table wp-option table and change the url from live to you localhost directory
That's it


How to Transfer Edited theme on Local Host to Azure?

I have to transfer my Local host edited WordPress theme to Azure WordPress.
I have edited a WordPress theme on my Local Xampp Server. After that, I got to know that to transfer my theme, I need to install a WordPress plug-in called Duplicator. I have installed and downloaded the generated files. Now, I want to transfer that theme to my newly made Azure Account WordPress
but I'm unable to do so and there is no descriptive video or post that I can find.
I can not find Azure WordPress root directory.
How to Move Your WordPress Site to Microsoft Azure: Step by Step Guide
Backup your WordPress Site with cPanel
Choose the “Full Backup” option which will include all your files and databases
Backup your WordPress Site with a Plugin
Install and activate the plugin and you will see a new menu item under “Tools” named “Backups”,click the “Settings” link and choose the “Database and Files” option.
Export Your Site Content
“Tools” > “Export” and choose “All Content” and download the Export file.
Move WordPress Content to Azure
Now you have your site backup, the content you will need to set the site up on Azure is as follows :
The /wp-content folder – This contains any uploaded images and files, your plugins and your themes
The Export file – This contains all your blog posts, comments, pages and any other content.
Upload Content Via FTP
Login to Azure portal and choose your website from the “Websites” link on the left-hand side, click your site name and the “Dashboard” and you will see a link on the bottom right named “Setup Deployment Credentials”
Enter a username and password in the popup box and these will be your FTP login credentials
Import Content- Download and import file attachment
To import your content, in the new Azure installation visit “Tools” > “Import” and select the WordPress importer from the list
Setting the Permalinks
“Settings” > “Permalinks” and choose your option there. For instance, choose “Post Name” and WordPress will create a “web.config” file for you ( on PHP hosting, the file is .htaccess )
You can follow this steps.
You can get the more details by

How can I install wordpress to run on my local server

I've tried this over and over. Changed my config.php file everytime but my database information never seem to work right. How do I correct this? Thanks.
To set up a new WordPress site locally, follow the steps below:
Download MAMP here.
Download WordPress here.
Create a directory that will hold all your WordPress sites.
Open MAMP and go to Preferences > Web Server and change the root directory to the one you just created.
In the root directory, create a folder that will include a WordPress site.
Copy and paste WordPress files (from step 2) into the folder (created in step 5).
Create a database by going to http://localhost:8888/MAMP/index.php?page=phpmyadmin > Databases, adding the name of your choosing under Create database, clicking create.
Go to http://localhost:8888 and click on the directory that has your website.
Install WordPress. Enter "root" for both username and password. For database, enter the name of database you created in step 7.
Enjoy your locally-hosted WordPress site!

How to deploy a wordpress site to live server?

I made the WP site(used OpenServer as a local server) and I'd like to deploy it on a live server.Actually I have already tried it by using a Duplicator plugin for WP, but instead of a real site I saw a WP admin area on the live server. Could you please tell me how to manage it and deploy the real site on the real live server?
I'd recommend first of all get access to the sql server and save the database by going to PHP my admin > Click on the database from the left hand side > Click export from the top menu > Click Save.
Next get access to the FTP server and get into the public_html folder and download everything to a folder on your local machine.
Then connect to the new server via FTP and upload the contents of your local copy of the website and drag and drop everything into the new server.
While that uploads login to php my admin on the new server and upload the database by going to the import tab from the top menu.
Once imported click on the database and select thee table called 'wp_options' from the left hand side look for the url fields at the top of the list and change them to the new url of the site you are moving to then click return to save the field entry.
Once uploaded go to wp-admin and click on the options tab > permalink structure > click save without changing the options this will rebuild the permalinks to the new url.
You are now done and have migrated well done :)

How to migrate WordPress website from localhost to live server?

I have developed a website in WordPress in my localhost. Now I am trying to transfer it in live server exactly as it was in my localhost.
I tried it myself and found many changes after uploading on live server.
I have found solution of it but nothing is working perfectly.
UPDATE: The problem was my ability to search and find proper documentation. Long story short- there are 4/5 simple & easy ways of transferring WordPress website from localhost to livehost OR one location to another. Below I mentioned my most preferred way of transferring WordPress websites.
It's a good question, and it's asked a lot. In fact it's asked so much that if you were to simple Google 'Transfer Wordpress to live site', you would have found your answer very easily. This is the first hit: http://www.wpbeginner.com/wp-tutorials/how-to-move-wordpress-from-local-server-to-live-site/
But in a nutshell, there are a few steps you need to do to transfer.
Sounds obvious, but firstly I would set up your hosting account, and your FTP access. At this stage, also create a new database.
Go to the database manager of your localhost, and export the entire database for your Wordpress site to an SQL file, keep it somewhere you'll find it, like the Desktop.
Import that database file into your live site control panel (if they have restrictions on the file size you can upload, then you can re-export from your local site as compressed, or ZIP, and try uploading again). While you're here, open the wp_options table and update the siteurl and home settings to match your live domain.
Copy all of your local site files from the root directory into your FTP account.
Open your wp-config.php file and update your database settings to match those for your live site.
Open a browser and navigate to your live site domain, and you should see your website just as you left it.
you can do this work in this 2 ways :
1- You can download & install Duplicator WordPress Plugin and do that easily only by one click and then transfer to your live server and install that!
2- You can copy & paste all of your folders in your localhost to your live server & then export your localhost database & import that to your live server database , then use your site!
i prefere do this wok with my first way.
Good Luck
How to Upload Wordpress Website Localhost to Live Server Using C Panel
upload wordpress website localhost to FTP or C panel
Step 1 : create ZIP file of your website which in htdocs(localhost)
Step 2 : Upload ZIP file on public.html (FTP/cpanel)
Step 3 : Extract your zip folder under public.html
Step 4 : Move all files of your website on public.html
open folder > select all file > click on move > choose path /public.html> move
Step 5 : Create database > go back to your cpanel > find out MySQL Database Wizard
Step 6 : click on MySQL database wizard then create a database
a : Create A Database > database_name (save your database name on notepad)
b : Create Username & password of your database
c : Click on Create User
d : Add user to the database > select all > click next > your database create successfully
Step 7 : Go back cpanel and click on phpMyAdmin under databases
Step 8 : Now open your localhost database "localhost/phpmyadmin"
Step 9 : Now Export your local database (download your local database)
step 10 : Now some changes in the download sql file. open your download sql file in any editor(html or text editor)
Step 11 : replace http://localhost/website_name to your website url (www.domain.com) and save
Step 12 : now follow step 7 and open your database then Import your sql file in your database
Step 13 : Go back your public.html folder and open "wp-config.php" file and edit your database name, username & password then save file
Step 14 : Now check your website Url on browser, your website uploaded on server
Step 15 : Sometimes internal files not open when upload local data to server for this issue you can follow below step
a : Open your wordpress admin(login wordpress) "www.domain.com/wp-admin" (you login wordpress with your localhost wordpress id & password)
b : wordpress dashboard > setting > permalinks > firstly select plain then save and refresh your website url in browser and check all links of your website
c : Now again select Post name & save
Step 16 : Now your wordpress website is uploaded on the server & you can work on your pages , post , blogs , product etc.
We can transfer WordPress websites from one location to another OR localhost to livehost using few different ways. We can create database on livehost using phpMyAdmin and transfer all the files and folders; but this approach takes huge time & effort. Based on my personal perception, here is the best & quickest solution ever:
All-in-One WP Migration Plugin.
1st Step: Login to your Localhost or the website you want to migrate from. Install & activate the All-in-One WP Migration plugin. Once you activate the plugin, navigate to "All-in-One WP Migration" => "Export" and click on the dropdown "EXPORT TO" & choose the option called "File". Finally download & save the exported file into your device.
2nd & Final Step: Now login to your another WordPress website you want the website migrate to. If you already have not installed WordPress CMS on the new location/website then you have to install WordPress first before moving forward. Once you installed WordPress on the new location/website, go ahead and install & activate the same plugin called All-in-One WP Migration. Once you install & activated the plugin, navigate to "All-in-One WP Migration" => "Import" and drag & drop previously taken/saved exported file here. Be patient, it will take some time to be uploaded. Click "Proceed" once it done with Unpacking the Archive. Once the process is completed, login again to the website using the old website username & password. On the WordPress Dashboard navigate to "Settings" => "Permalinks" and select the option called "Post name" and hit the "Save Changes" button twice.
Congratulation! You're almost done.
All-in-One WP Migration Plugin link

Need help moving Wordpress Multisite from local host to my web hosting server

I have encountered some dificulties moving my wordpress multisite from localhost to my webhosting server.I would appreciate if someone can post a tutorial how to do this step by step.I modified my wp-config and changed urls in posts table(guid column) to fit the domain name, but still not working.I may miss something.
Thanks in advance.Have a nice day.
I've seen a lot of these issues and successfully fixed it by doing some Google search. Sometime it's really hard to find solution to the specific problem you are having, but there is always an answer.
First i would like to tell you that you can make this process easier by using some plugins like: backupbuddy or Duplicator.
But if you want to learn the steps to do that manually, here are the details:
I'm assuming that you already have a local Wordpress site running with full access and you also have a web hosting plan with access to their control panel.
You also need FTP client to transfer files over to your server, i use FileZilla it's free and comes with all functionality you need for this or any other uploading purpose.
1: Export Wordpress database from phyMyAdmin, to do that go to http://localhost/phpmyadmin/ click on your wordpress database and now you will click on export from the menu. You will see custom option after you click export which gives more options, select all tables and use gzipped as preferred compression format. Now scroll down and press Go to download your wordpress database.
I'm doing the same thing while writing this so i don't make any mistake while explaining to you or anyone reading this.
2: Open the FTP client you have or download and install FileZilla, connect to your web hosting directory. Now the site uploading process starts, suppose you need the wordpress site to be on main url like example.com, in that case you will upload your wordpress files to public_html directory.
There are two windows within the ftp client the left one is mostly the local and right is remote, copy your wordpress files from local to remote which is your server.
3: It's now time to create MySql database on your online site.
Go to your web hosts control panel and in mysql databases create a new database, give it any name of your choice it doesn't matter.
Once the database is created scroll down to MySql users section and create brand new user for that database, next step is to setup privileges. Give that user all privileges.
4: Now import Wordpress database to your online site, in your control panel open phpmyadmin which is mostly under databases section, choose the database you created in step 3 now click on import tab, click choose file or browse and select the gzipped file you exported from your local site. Click import and your databases will be imported.
5: This is part where most of the people makes mistake, be careful doing this. In this step you will change the site URL to go online. In the database we just imported look for wp_options table (I'm assuming that you haven't changed your database prefix for security reasons yet) click wp_options table and click browse.
Look under option_name field, look for siteurl. Now click Edit button in the same lane.
Another windows appears at this point which shows you the current site url most probably http://localhost/something. Type in your website address here like: http://tech-diggers.com
Save once you enter the correct site. Do the same thing for Home under options_name field. Change the siteurl to your site address for home.
6: At this point if you visit your website it must be giving some error, that's because the last part is still pending. Go to your ftp client and on remote site edit wp-config.php file. Enter database name, user id and password save and upload back to the remote directory.
You can test the site now by going to your http://example.com/wp-admin
Finally you have your working Wordpress site online, now it's time to grab some useful resources for Wordpress: Best Web Hosting Service & Other Useful Resources for Bloggers
