read a well defined frame with qtserialport - qt

I'm developing a desktop application with qt which communicates with stm32 to send and receive data.
The thing is, the data to transfer, follow a well-defined shape, with a previously defined fields. My problem is that I can't find how read () or readall() work or how Qserialport even treats the data. So my question is how can I read data (in real time, whenever there is data in the buffer) and analyze it field by field (or per byte) in order to be displayed in the GUI.

There's nothing to it. read() and readAll() give you bytes, optionally wrapped in a QByteArray. How you deal with those bytes is up to you. The serial port doesn't "treat" or interpret the data in any way.
The major point of confusion is that somehow people think of a serial port as if it was a packet oriented interface. It's not. When the readyRead() signal fires, all that you're guaranteed is that there's at least one new byte available to read. You must cope with such fragmentation.


Can an Arduino receive an integer and a float together?

I am working on a project where I have to receive a float value and an integer value. The float has to be saved and the integer value has to be used for another purpose.
Usually an arduino does not receive any integers or floats at all. The usual way an arudino receives something is through the serial interface.
Data is sent as a sequence of bytes.
The meaning of that data is determined by the sender. You can receive monkeys and elephants with an arduino (virtual ones of course) as long as you know the protocol.
and get some basic knowledge in data types and how to communicate them through a serial interface.
You should define a protocol for your application or simply send the data as strings which you parse on-board.

I don't understand what exactly does the function bytesToWrite() Qt

I searched for bytesToWrite in doc and that what I found "For buffered devices, this function returns the number of bytes waiting to be written. For devices with no buffer, this function returns 0."
First what does mean buffered devices. And can anyone please explain to me what exactly this function does and where or how can I use it.
Many IO devices are buffered, which means that data isn't sent straight away, but it is accumulated to be sent in bulk when there is a sufficient amount.
This is done essentially to have better performance, as sending data normally has some fixed overhead (at the very least the syscall overhead), which is well amortized when sending data in bulk, but would have to be paid for each write if no buffering would be used.
(notice that here we are only talking about QIODevice buffers, normally there are also all kinds of kernel-mode buffers and buffers internal to hardware devices themselves)
bytesToWrite tells you how much stuff is in the QIODevice write buffer, i.e. how many bytes you wrote that are waiting to be actually written (as in, given to the OS to write).
I never actually had to use that member, but I suppose it could be useful e.g. to in a producer-consumer scenario (=if the write buffer is lower than something, then you have to actually calculate the next chunk of data to send), to manually handle buffering in some places or even just for debugging/logging purposes.
it's actually very usefull when you're using an asynchronous API.
you can for example, use it inside a bytesWritten() slot to tell wether the buffer is empty and the data has been fully written or not.

Passing data on to packet for transmission using readstream

I am using the readstream interface to sample at 100hz, I have been able to integrate the interface into Oscilloscope application. I just have a doubt in the way I pass on the buffer value on to the packet to be transmitted . Currently this is how I am doing it :
uint8_t i=0;
event void ReadStream.bufferDone( error_t result,uint16_t* buffer, uint16_t count )
if (reading < count )
local.readings[reading++] = buffer[i];
I have defined a buffer size of 50, I am not sure this is the way to do it as I am noticing just one sample per packet even though I have set Nreadings=2.
Also the sampling rate does not seem to be 100 samples/second when I check.I am not doing something right in the way I pass data to the packet to be transmitted.
I think I need to clarify a few things according to your questions and comments.
Reading a single sample from an accelerometer on micaZ motes works as follows:
Turn on the accelerometer.
Wait 17 milliseconds. According to the ADXL202E (the accelerometer) datasheet, startup time is 16.3 ms. This is because this particular hardware is capable of providing first reading not immediately after being powered on, but with some delay. If you decrease this delay, you will likely get a wrong reading, however, the behavior is undefined, so you may sometimes get a correct reading or the result may depend on environment conditions, such as ambient temperature. Changing this 17-ms delay to a lower value is certainly a bad idea.
Read values (in two axes) from the Analog to Digital Converter (ADC), which as an MCU component that converts analog output voltage of the accelerometer to the digital value (an integer). The speed at which ADC can sample is independent from the parameters of the accelerometer: it is another piece of hardware.
Turn off the accelerometer.
This is what happens when you call in your code. You see that the maximum frequency at which you can sample is once every 17 ms, that is, 58 samples per second. It may be even a bit smaller because of some overhead from MCU or inaccuracy of timers. This is true when you sample by calling in a loop or every fixed interval, because this call itself lasts no less than 17 ms (I mean the delay between the command and the event).
What you may want to do is:
Turn on the accelerometer.
Wait 17 ms.
Perform series of reads.
Turn off the accelerometer.
If you do so, you have one 17-ms delay for a set of samples instead of such delay for each sample. What is important, these steps have nothing to do with the interface you use for performing readings. You may call multiple times in your application, however, it cannot be the same implementation of the read command that is already implemented for this accelerometer, because the existing implementation is responsible for turning on and off the accelerometer, and it waits 17 ms before reading each sample. For convenience, you may implement the ReadStream interface instead and call it once in your application.
Moreover, you wrote that ReadStream used a microsecond timer and is independent from the 17-ms settling time of the ADC. That sentence is completely wrong. First of all, you cannot say that an interface uses or does not use a timer. The interface is just a set of commands and events without their definitions. A particular implementation of the interface may use timers. The Read and ReadStream interfaces may be implemented multiple times on different platforms by various hardware components, such as accelerometers, thermometers, hygrometers, magnetometers, and so on. Secondly, the 17-ms settling time refers to the accelerometer, not the ADC. And no matter which interface you use, Read or ReadStream, and which timers a driver uses, milli- or microsecond, the 17-ms delay is always required after powering on the accelerometer. As I mentioned, you probably want to make this delay once per multiple reads instead of once per a single read.
It seems that the TinyOS source code already contains an implementation of the accelerometer driver providing the ReadStream interface which allows you to sample continuously. Look at the AccelXStreamC and AccelYStreamC components (in tos/sensorboards/mts300/).
The ReadStream interface consists of two commands. postBuffer(val_t *buf, uint16_t count) is called to provide a buffer for samples. In the accelerometer driver, val_t is defined as uint16_t. You may post multiple buffers, one by one. This command does not yet start sampling and filling buffers. For that purpose, there is a read(uint32_t usPeriod) command, which directs the device to start filling buffers by sampling with the specified period (in microseconds). When a buffer is full, you get an event bufferDone(error_t result, val_t *buf, uint16_t count) and a component starts filling a next buffer, if any. If there are no buffers left, you get additionally an event readDone(error_t result, uint32_t usActualPeriod), which passes to your application a parameter usActualPeriod, which indicates an actual sampling period and may be different (especially, higher) from a period you requested when calling read due to some hardware constraints.
So the solution is to use the ReadStream interface provided by AccelXStreamC and AccelYStreamC (or maybe some higher-level components that use them) and pass an expected period in microseconds to the read command. If the actual period is lower than one you expect, this means that sampling at higher rate is impossible either due to hardware constraints or because it was not implemented in the ADC driver. In the second case, you may try to fix the driver, although it requires good knowledge of low-level programming. The ADC driver source code for this platform is located in tos/chips/atm128/adc.

Handling messages over TCP

I'm trying to send and receive messages over TCP using a size of each message appended before the it starts.
Say, First three bytes will be the length and later will the message:
As a small example:
I'll be using this method to do large messages, but because the buffer size will be a constant integer say, 200 Bytes. So, there is a chance that a complete message may not be received e.g. instead of 005Hello I get 005He nor a complete length may be received e.g. I get 2 bytes of length in message.
So, to get over this problem, I'll need to wait for next message and append it to the incomplete message etc.
My question is: Am I the only one having these difficulties to appending messages to each other, appending lengths etc.. to make them complete Or is this really usually how we need to handle the individual messages on TCP? Or, if there is a better way?
What you're seeing is 100% normal TCP behavior. It is completely expected that you'll loop receiving bytes until you get a "message" (whatever that means in your context). It's part of the work of going from a low-level TCP byte stream to a higher-level concept like "message".
And "usr" is right above. There are higher level abstractions that you may have available. If they're appropriate, use them to avoid reinventing the wheel.
So, there is a chance that a complete message may not be received e.g.
instead of 005Hello I get 005He nor a complete length may be received
e.g. I get 2 bytes of length in message.
Yes. TCP gives you at least one byte per read, that's all.
Or is this really usually how we need to handle the individual messages on TCP? Or, if there is a better way?
Try using higher-level primitives. For example, BinaryReader allows you to read exactly N bytes (it will internally loop). StreamReader lets you forget this peculiarity of TCP as well.
Even better is using even more higher-level abstractions such as HTTP (request/response pattern - very common), protobuf as a serialization format or web services which automate pretty much all transport layer concerns.
Don't do TCP if you can avoid it.
So, to get over this problem, I'll need to wait for next message and append it to the incomplete message etc.
Yep, this is how things are done at the socket level code. For each socket you would like to allocate a buffer of at least the same size as kernel socket receive buffer, so that you can read the entire kernel buffer in one read/recv/resvmsg call. Reading from the socket in a loop may starve other sockets in your application (this is why they changed epoll to be level-triggered by default, because the default edge-triggered forced application writers to read in a loop).
The first incomplete message is always kept in the beginning of the buffer, reading the socket continues at the next free byte in the buffer, so that it automatically appends to the incomplete message.
Once reading is done, normally a higher level callback is called with the pointers to all read data in the buffer. That callback should consume all complete messages in the buffer and return how many bytes it has consumed (may be 0 if there is only an incomplete message). The buffer management code should memmove the remaining unconsumed bytes (if any) to the beginning of the buffer. Alternatively, a ring-buffer can be used to avoid moving those unconsumed bytes, but in this case the higher level code should be able to cope with ring-buffer iterators, which it may be not ready to. Hence keeping the buffer linear may be the most convenient option.

64/66b encoding

There are a few things I don't understand about 64/66bit encoding, and failed to find the answers to on the web. Any help/links would be greatly appreciated:
i) how is the start of a frame recognised? I don't think it can be by the initial 10/01 bits called the preamble on wikipedia because you cannot tell them apart (if an idle link is 0, then 0000 10 and 000 01 0 look rather similar). I expect the end of a frame is indicated by a control word, with the rest of the bits perhaps used for the CRC?
ii) how do the scramblers synchronise, and how do they avoid scrambling the same packet the same way? Or to put this another way, why is not possible for a malicious user to induce substantial packet loss by carefully choosing a bad message?
iii) this might have been answered in ii), but if a packet is sent to a switch, and then onto another host, is it scrambled the same way both times?
Once again, many thanks in advance
First of all the OSI model needs to be clear.
The ethernet frame is a data link layer, while the 64b/66b encoding is part of the physical layer (More precisely the PCS of the physical layer)
The physical layer doesn't know anything about the start of a frame. It sees only data. (The start of an ethernet frame are data bytes which contain the preamble.)
64b/66b encoding
Now let's assume that the link is up and running.
In this case the idle link is not full of '0'-s. (In that case the link wouldn't be self-synchronous) Idle messages (idle characters and/or synchronization blocks ie control information) are sent over the idle link. (The control information encoded with 0b10 preamble) (This is why the emitted spectrum and power dissipation don't depend on if the link is in idle state or not)
So a start of a new frame acts like following:
The link sends idle information. (with 0b10 preamble)
Upper layer (data link layer) sends the frame (in 64bit chunks of data) to physical layer.
The physical layer sends the data (with 0b01 preamble) over the link.
(Note that physical layer frequently inserts control (sync) symbols into the raw frame even during a data burst)
Before data transmission 64b/66b encoded lane must be initialized. This initialization includes the lane initialization which the block synchronization. Xilinx's Aurora's specification (P34) is an example of link initialization.
Briefly receiver tries to match the sync character in different bit-position, and when it match multiple times it reports link-up.
Note, that the 64b/66b encoding uses self-synchronous scrambler. This is why the scrambler (itself) doesn't need to know anything about where we are in the data stream. If you run a self-synchronous (de-)scrambler long enough, it produces the decoded bit stream.
Note, that 64b/66b encoding is not an encryption. This scrambling won't protect you from eavesdropping/tamper. (Encryption should placed at higher level of the OSI model)
Same packet multiple times
Because the scrambler is in different state/seed when you sending the same packet second time, the two encoded packet will differ. (Theoretically we can creates packets, which sets back the shift register of the scramble, but we need to consider the control symbols, so practically this is impossible.)
