Wordpress customization on custom post - wordpress

Is there any option? So I can add an option on any custom post via WordPress customization? Actually, I added a custom post on my WordPress theme. Here user needs to add font awesome icon. But I do not want to add option tree metabox and not a custom field. A user will not remember different custom field. So Is there any option?

At some level you are going to end up adding something like a custom field to your post. However, I agree that the user interface for custom fields is clunky and non-intuitive. I agree with you that making an end-user use that would be a bad idea.
Instead, I would recommend using the Advanced Custom Fields plugin. It enables you to add meta-data to posts, pages and/or custom post types. It's extremely flexible, intuitively designed and well-documented.
ACF permits you to place your custom field in a variety of places on the Add Post (or custom post) page: just below the visual editor window, on the right with the meta-boxes, or in a meta-box.


Advanced custom field with short codes

Can i display the data which are in the advanced custom fields using shortcodes without editing theme codes, in my web page front end. If the answer is yes, how can i do this? If not are there any methods to do that easily without deep coding knowledge.
chatGPT says yes but I couldn’t.
Yes, you can. There is an ACF shortcode. See here: https://www.advancedcustomfields.com/resources/shortcode/
[acf field="field_name"]
You can also pass a post id to get the field of another post:
[acf field="field_name" post_id="123"]
However, this does not work for all field types. But there is a Wordpress plugin with which you can display the custom fields called ACF Views: https://wordpress.org/plugins/acf-views/

Wordpress - form to capture the values for the custom post type

I want to add a new entity named "ideas" having different fields. I want to add this to the admin side, where a logged in user can add/edit new "idea", which can be published/unpublished to the site.
I don't want to edit via php and make things complicated, instead do it from the wp-admin log in front-end. Is there a plugin for this? I need 3-4 such entities to be created, and define fields for each such entity.
New edit:
Custom Post Type is the best option I feel. Can anyone suggest, a free plugin for form to capture the values for the custom post type?
According to this WCK - Custom Fields and Custom Post Types Creator plugin you can achieve this.
WordPress Creation Kit consists of three tools that can help you
create and maintain custom post types, custom taxonomies and most
importantly, custom fields and metaboxes for your posts, pages or
WCK Custom Fields Creator offers an UI for setting up custom meta
boxes with custom fields for your posts, pages or custom post types.
Uses standard custom fields to store data.
WCK Custom Post Type Creator facilitates creating custom post types by
providing an UI for most of the arguments of register_post_type()
WCK Taxonomy Creator allows you to easily create and edit custom
taxonomies for WordPress without any programming knowledge. It
provides an UI for most of the arguments of register_taxonomy()
Hope it helps you.
You can use a combination of two plugins to fit your needs:
The Custom Post Type UI (https://wordpress.org/plugins/custom-post-type-ui/) makes it possible to generate Custom Post Types (like "Posts" or "Pages") and Custom Taxonomies. This is how you can create your entity "ideas" which will show up in the admin menu.
With Advanced Custom Fields (https://wordpress.org/plugins/advanced-custom-fields/) you can define additional content fields for your "ideas"-posttype and others. It also can handle relations between your added custom-post-types
Using the SWIFT Templates as proposed in Touqueer Shafis answer will be sufficient when you only have smaller bits of information to display on the page or if you just want to display archives of your custom-post-types. But you will quickly reach the borders of these templates when it comes to single-pages.
I recommend altering the PHP of your template files manually: you will have more control where and when to display the contents of the custom-post-types and custom-fields you added on your page.
Well, I'm not really gonna give you the answer you want to hear but I want to give you an advice from my own experience.
Using a plugin will make things usually much more complicated than doing it manually. Consider some things:
1) The plugin may not be supported for ever (or long), so if the author decides that he or she wants to be a gardener instead of a developer you're screwed. Unless you want to wrap your head around the plugin code and proceed developing it on your own. This is especially true for "underground"-plugins which are not so popular and/or maintained by a single person. Although I think you CAN rely on the "big" players like "Advanced custom fields"
2) At some point you may find that the plugin you are using doesn't support some sort of customization that you really need and quite a few plugins are built in a way that makes it hard to extend them or break out from the way they work.
So I recommend you to wrap your head around custom taxonomies and post types and just add them with PHP in your functions.php or a custom plugin. It's very very easy (it's really just arrays with arguments). You could use this visual code generator as a starting point:
And for adding custom fields I recommend using Advanced custom fields. You won't need any other plugin for backend management customization and it's built in a way that you can even export your custom fields as php so if they ever drop support you still have a good starting point.

dynamically adding unlimited fields to wordpress custom post

does anybody know a plugin for wordpress custom fields that will allow me dynamically add unlimited number of custom field for post in post adding/editing page. for example "Key Features field/child post" of some product which is post itself and must be added dynamically and unlimited while adding parent post.
You could use Gravity Forms and the Gravity Forms and the Gravity Forms Custom Post Type Plugin. Most form controls allow "if..then" logic to be applied. Advanced Custom Fields may also be an option. However, either way you will have to add a custom post type. If you edit post.php then you will lose your changes the next time WP updates.
Start by creating a custom post type with http://generatewp.com/post-type/. I know its not a plug in like you asked for but You might find a way to accomplish the functionality.

How to create Custom field in Custom Post-type

I've a custom post-type "video" and i enabled custom fields already.
i need to create three custom fields, 1. video file, 2. video url, 3. video code.
i tried couple of tutorials on tutsplus and other sites but not get working as i need.
anyone can help.
Wordpress has a built in api function, add_meta_box which you can use to output the form fields for your post meta. in the post_type argument you need to put 'video'
In order to capture the form input you need to use the save_post action, take a look here
Easiest way is to use a plugin like Advanced Custom Fields. You'll have a nice interface to add your custom fields and to choose on which post type to show them.

Is it possible to create a new text field in wordpress

I have a question about adding new text box in the post content type.I found one module for this "custom fields".Other than that is it possible to create it as a module?
custom fields where introduced to store those kind of informations. but they doesn't look good.
thats why wp hackers introduced metaboxes - they are based on custom fields (data are stored in same way) but kan look better. http://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/add_meta_box
my favorite class for fast creating metaboxes is http://farinspace.com/wpalchemy-metabox/
i would go for Wordpress Multiple Content Blocks plugin: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/multiple-content-blocks/
you can have different text areas for different page templates
I use the Advanced Custom Fields plugin (http://www.advancedcustomfields.com/) for this, it's the best plugin I've come across.
