Get Youtube access token after page reload with Firebase authentication - firebase

I want users to have access to their Youtube playlists after signing in with Google through Firebase. I use firebase.auth().signInWithRedirect(provider) for signing in and I can get their access token with firebase.auth().getRedirectResult() and everything works perfectly just after they signed in.
The problem is that I can't get their access token back if they refresh the page. Firebase automatically signs them in again but firebase.auth().getRedirectResult() returns
{user: null, credential: undefined, operationType: undefined}
I have tried the method used in Google's OAuth 2.0 Playground but I don't know where to get the authorization code used in step 2.
I'm grateful for any help.

Firebase doesn't provide a way to refresh a Google access token. Perhaps you are better off using Google web sign in SDK to obtain the Google access token:
It also refreshes that for you automatically.
You can then pass the Google access token or ID token to sign in with Firebase:
firebase.auth().signInWithCredential(firebase.auth.GoogleAuthProvider.credential(googleIdToken, googleAccessToken));


Next Auth + Firebase - Change user password using firebase Rest API

I am working on project using Next JS + NextAuth package. For user authentication we are using NextAuth with Custom Credentials provider. I am making a sign in REst API request to Firebase to get the user logged in and saving all necessary bits like Firebase tokens(access and refresh) in JWT.
The flow works.
Where i am stuck: Changing user password.
Password change is pretty straight forward using firebase client SDK. But I am using Firebase API:
the flow to change password requires:
Provide latest access token in API request above.
If the latest Access token is not provided, the API would send back error like: TOKEN TOO OLD or RE AUTHENTICATE
So this to work, we need to reauthenticate the user prior to making that change password request.
What I have managed to do:
When user request password change, user needs to provide current password.
Using the current password, i would re sign in user using API end point:
This would work but now I need to update the latest access token in the JWT using NextAuth.
At this point i am stuck:
Refreshing the JWT using Next Auth; as soon as the user is re-signed-in and again when password is changed and new access token is sent back from Firebase.
When I try to refresh the JWT with new access token (etc) token using NextAuth client side callback:
The application breaks due to access tokens are not synced on JWT and on firebase.
Is my flow correct changing the user password?
Is there better way of doing this?
Any help is appreciated. Thanks

Unable to get id_token using Auth0 for Firebase customSignIn

Was going through a blog about making auth0 and firebase work together. for keeping the firestore secured on the backend, authentication through firebase auth is a must. for that there’s a method of createCustomToken(token) and signInWithCustomToken(token) for signing in firebase. and that token is the id_token provided by auth0 while authenticating via it.
The blog instructed to get that id_token. So how do you get that?

firebase oauth2 accessToken useless

In firebase we can use signInWithPopup and get our auth provider access token by credential.accessToken.
We can only get this accessToken one time after login. But this access token is expired in one hour!
And we need to force user to login again to get access token.
What the point of this completely useless access token user experience? If we cant use it anyway.
I'm developing Chrome Extension with Firebase and trying to add Google Calendar support. And I spent already several days but didn't found solution.
first GAPI is not working in Chrome Extension. I tried to use signInWithPopup and make it with REST calls but oauth2 access token in firebase is expiring after one hour and there is no way to refresh it silently.
This is all Google products and why they are so hard to make work together?
provider = new firebase.auth.GoogleAuthProvider();
const result = await firebase.auth().signInWithPopup(provider)
var credential = result.credential;
// Saving **credential** somewhere for later use it in REST calls to`
PROBLEM this access token is expired after ONE hour.

Trouble using Firebase Auth to access google API via gapi SDK

In my firebase (Angular) app, I'm using firebase authentication to log a user in via their Google Profile. As part of this process, the user gives me permission to access their gmail account (scope '').
After the user has logged in this way, I want to configure the "gapi" google javascript SDK so that the "signed in user" is the user signed in via firebase auth. Here's where I'm having trouble.
It appears that I need to set the client token for the gapi sdk like so gapi.client.setToken(userAccessToken) and the token needs to be set before the gapi client is initialized. Attempting to do this doesn't seem to work however (a call to gapi.auth2.getAuthInstance().isSignedIn.get() returns false when it should return true).
I also can't figure out a way of changing the "signed in user" if the firebase user logs out and a new one logs in. This is because, again, the gapi client seems to require the gapi.client.setToken() be called before the client is initialized, and I can't see any way of re-initializing and already initialized gapi client.
I can get the gapi client working if I use the gapi client's own gapi.auth2.getAuthInstance().signIn() method, but then the user is asked to sign in to my app twice using (from the user's perspective) identical google login popup boxes (one prompt originating from firebase auth and the other from the gapi client).
Does anyone have any suggestions / tips? After someone logs in via firebase auth I can get access to their userAccessToken, I just can't figure out how to programmatically pass that to the gapi client in a clean way.
on application load the gapi client would also load and initialize.
When a user chose to sign in, I would be able to use Firebase Auth to log someone in via their google profile, then get their access token and pass it to the gapi client to make google api calls.
If the firebase user ever logged out, I would clear the gapi client's api token.
If a new firebase user logged in, I would re-set the gapi client's api token.
I have come upon a placeholder (i.e. non-ideal) solution to this problem by following this S.O. answer.
In short, the GAPI client does not seem to let you manually pass it an access token, but the firebase auth client does let you manually pass it an access token. So, instead of handling authentication with the firebase sdk and passing the token to the GAPI client, you need to do the reverse and handle authentication with the GAPI client and then pass the token to the firebase SDK.

Get Google access token

To get Google access token after firebase auth login, I know I can simply do this:
firebase.auth().signInWithPopup(provider).then(function(result) {
var token = result.credential.accessToken;
but what if the user is already authenticated and I need the token? is there any way to extract it from the Firebase auth?
I've been through every value of authState but I couldn't find the google access token I've been looking for.
You can't get the access token from the onAuthStateChanged listener or the currentUser. You can only get it immediately after authentication when calling signInWithPopup, reauthenticateWithPopup, linkWithPopup, getRedirectResult, etc. Firebase Auth does not manage OAuth tokens for users. If you feel strongly about this feature, please file a feature request for it on the Firebase forum:!forum/firebase-talk
You can also just use the GApi library to get the Google access token and pass it to Firebase to sign-in via signInWithCredential. The advantage here is that GApi will manage that OAuth token for you.
