Configuration Application to use Syncfusion ReportViewer Conditional Formatting - report

I am using ASP.NET MVC using Syncfusion to create report and want to create report viewer with conditional formating like this:
So please help me to configure the things needed to create the same.
Howmany files or dll I have to give as reference in my application to do this and how to create conditional formatting?'
Thanks in advance.

You can refer the following getting-started tutorial that how can integrate the Syncfusion Report Viewer with ASP.NET MVC Environment.
Below article will helps you to create conditional formatting reports.


ASP.NET Web forms C# generating a Docx file from the fields the end-user fill up

Good Day!
I want to create a web forms C# program that will generate a Docx file containing the data from fields the end-user fill up.
You see, I tried using NPOI but I don't see any tutorial that can help me about my case. I also use Power tools too, but sadly there is also no such thing that can help me.
Thank you so much in advance!
P.S My Sir said I cannot use an excel type file. It has to be a Docx type file.

Adding a Filter to a Stimulsoft report using Web Designer

I am developing some reports using Stimulsoft web report designer. I need to add some data filters to those reports. Stimulsoft reports has data filters in built to it and they are shown when the reports are rendered. But I couldn't find a way to configure those data filters. Does anybody knows a way to do this?
I found some Interesting data filters on Stimulsoft demo site. I am looking to use this in my reports.
Look at the Filter property of the Band. You could use there any expression.

CSS Template and visual studio MVC project

So I've downloaded some CSS templates to help make my website look nicer. I have an MVC 3 project for my final year of study, and I don't want it to look like the same generic MVC layout that everyone is using. Is it possible to easily integrate a template or are there special MVC templates out there?
Is it possible to easily integrate a template ?
Yes, surely. Just change the code in views with respective HTML. You can see this video for more details. MVC GridView Alternatives for Displaying Data

I'm just getting started with ASP.NET MVC and am going through the NerdDinner tutorial. As I'm going through I'm trying to apply what I see with how I will develop my site. I have experience with WinForms and much of what I'm wanting to do is display large amounts of data contained in a database.
I have used DataGridView along with DataSets and DataTable accessing SQLite databases. Going through the NerdDinner tut I see mainly access to SQL Server through Linq to SQL and generating HTML tables rather than using ASP.NET Web UI Components such as GridView.
I like most of the functions and look that the Web UI Components can bring, but I'm not sure if they are necessary. How do you all decide when displaying lots of data from databases what display components to use?
By experience with MVC and ASP .Net Control, your better not user control in a ASP Web form application.
The point is that they work with view state that is against the pattern of MVC.
In the case of your DataGridView what I would do is to loop through the list with a foreach and output a table row.
Phil Haack has a good post of using the jQuery Grid plugin with MVC to create a more "out of the box" grid solution like what you would be used to with the ASP.NET controls you mention.
MvcContrib has a lot of great things to aid with ASP.NET MVC development. In this case the Grid would help you a lot. I've used it in the past and found it to be pretty slick.
If you're using jQuery as well, this article talks about integrating it with the jQuery datable--makes paging and sorting essentially no-effort/painless.

How to create Editable PDF by ASP.NET

How to create editable PDF using ASP.NET. I want to create a Pdf from a master template, edit it (fill some value(input not from database)) and save. Is it possible without using a 3rd party?
If some sample code available it will be great
I use PDF4NET in a couple of projects, can definitely recommend it. There are code samples on their website.
You can use the open-source iTextSharp, which is a port from iText (java).
Here is a code sample that creates a form with a text field (it's java but the iTextSharp interface is nearly identical)
Maybe you can try the ReportViewer control.
You can create a "report template", assign data to it in runtime (fill in values), render it, and save the result.
I like they have a free community edition which allows you to programmatically create PDF's from scratch. The paid products offer much more functionality and they have a designer as well.
You can use Aspose.Pdf.Kit for this purpose. In fact, it can be used either in a ASP.NET or Windows application. You can download the trial version. Have a look at the related documentation; that might be of some help.
