rabbitmq : message is not consumed by consumer , but publisher is able to publish message - spring-mvc

I am using rabbitmq to for messaging in my service. Lets suppose there are 2 micro service A and B.
there are more 3 exchange and respective queue is there in between.
A is publisher and B is consumer here. while sending message from A it is successfully updating in queue( able to see in console queue is increases). But here consumer is not able to receive messages. previously it was working.
but for other exchange and queue , consumer is working fine.
I tried purze the queue and restarted application , didnt helped me. there is always 4 unached message in queue and rest is ready to Go. finally I deleted queue and exchange and respective routing key and recreated the same. then all working fine..
Can any one help me here what happened to this. Why it didnt worked?

Sometimes when some failure occur for message processing then if we throw error. it stucks there so go in infinite loop(queue-> processing -> queue > .....) if method keep throwing error.
for other messages who all are in queue, by increasing the batch concurrency we can execute the other. but unack message will be there.that will only go if someone stop consumer..
Now I have one question can i set limit retry for unacked message processing. if some one knows about it then can help here.


What are the possible reasons, the consumer leaves the consumer group?

I am struggling to find out the issue, for what the reason the consumer is getting stopped.
The issue is the consumer is getting stopped after a certain time ( around 4:52 sec) But be a able to consume the messages and able to process.
As per my understanding the reason for the consumer to stop is, the consumer will not be able to commit the offset (processing time is more than max.poll.interval.ms) within max.poll.interval.ms.
are there any other reasons ?
Here are my basic consumer properties :
max.poll.records = 2
auto.offset.reset = latest
max.poll.interval.ms = 300000
idle.poll.interval = 60000 (between two polls)
no.of.consumers =1
consumer.group.id = test2
listener.auto.start = true
I see some statements in log -
Received user wakeup,
Raising WakeupException in response to user wakeup,
Executing onLeavePrepare with generation Generation
Can someone help on this ?
Note : We are a consumer to the event hub, and on this connectivity we are seeing this issue.But when we connect to the Kafka we do not see any issues.
#Gary , Can you please help on this?
It seems the kafka configuration side, everything looks fine. The issue we found is at the docker pods, where the health of the pod is not being sent. Because livenessProbe - port is different than the application configuration port (By mistake i have hard coded a different port) . Any way thanks for this forum !!!!

grpc client completion queue not shutting down

My code performs the following:
1)Create grpc channel
2)start monitoring completion queue in a different thread
3)Issue shutdown on completion queue
After executing step 3, I expect "(cq.Next(&tag, &ok)" to return false as there are no pending events with above 3 steps. But it is observed that "(cq.Next(&tag, &ok)" never returns false. Please let me know if I am missing something.
In order to get channel state notification, a tag was being added to the queue and that use to always post some events. so the cq->next() never returned false. I fixed this issue by achieving same functionality by using already existing standard API for channel state. So closing the bug.

How long does Firebase throttle you?

Even with debug enabled for RemoteConfig, I still managed to get the following:
Error fetching remote config values Optional(Error Domain=com.google.remoteconfig.ErrorDomain Code=8002 "(null)"
Here is my debug code:
let debug = FIRRemoteConfigSettings(developerModeEnabled: true)
FIRRemoteConfig.remoteConfig().configSettings = debug!
Shouldn't the above prevent throttling?
How long will the throttle error remain in effect?
I've experienced the same error due to throttling. I was calling FIRRemoteConfig.remoteConfig().fetchWithExpirationDuration with an expiry that was less than 60 seconds.
To immediately get around this issue during testing, use an alternative device. The throttling occurs against a particular device. e.g. move from your simulator to a device.
The intention is not to have a single client flooding the server with fetch requests every second. Make sensible use of the caching it offers out of the box and fetch only when necessary.
When you receive this error, plug the value of error_throttled_end_time_seconds into an epoch converter (like this one at https://www.epochconverter.com) and it will tell you the time when throttling ends. I've tested this myself, and the throttling remains in effect for 1 hour from the first moment you are throttled. So either wait an hour or try some of the other recommendations given here.
UPDATE: Also, if you continue making config requests and receive the throttle error, the expire timeout does not increase (i.e. "you are not further penalized").
The quick and easy hack to get your app running is to delete the application and reinstall it. Firebase identifies your device as new device on reinstalling.
Hope it helps and save your time.

Why do I get exception "The execution of the InstancePersistenceCommand named LoadWorkflowByInstanceKey was interrupted by an error"

After doing some refactoring to my WF4 service, I got this exception when calling some of the operations:
The execution of the InstancePersistenceCommand named {urn:schemas-microsoft-com:System.Activities.Persistence/command}LoadWorkflowByInstanceKey was interrupted by an error.
My xamlx file contains a few receive/sendreplytoreceive pairs, as shown below. The exception sometimes happens on receive2, sometimes receive3.
receive1 (no correlation, cancreateinstance=true)
send reply to receive (initializes content correlation on generated ID)
receive2 (correlates on ID, cancreateinstance=false)
send reply to receive
receive 3 (correlates on ID, cancreateinstance=false)
send reply to receive
After doing a lot of debugging and making sure all correlations where set up right, the exception disappeared for new instances of the workflow.
What does the exception mean, and why did it show up and why did it dissappear all of a sudden? Is it a code/xamlx issue or something with the infrastructure (AppFabric/SQL)?
I'm hosting the WF service with IIS/AppFabric, using AppFabric' SQL persistence.
According to this support note this error can be the result of a race condition between the Receive and a Delay activity expiring. Is this possible in your workflow.
I kinda figured mine out... aparently if you point your persistance store in a SQL previous to 2012 you get the error... so all i had to do is put mine persistance store in a SQL 2012...
When I had this problem it turned out to be a mistake in my connection string when instantiating the persistence store object.
SqlWorkflowInstanceStore store = new SqlWorkflowInstanceStore(connStr);
I realise this an old question but fixing the connection string got rid of my error while running store.Execute() so I thought I'd share!

What could cause a message (from a polling receive location) to be ignored by subscribing orchestration?

I'll try provide as much information as possible:
No error message.
The instance stays in the "ready service instances".
The receive location has the same parameters (except URI, the three polling queries, user account/pw and receive pipeline) as another receive location that points to another database/table which works.
The pipeline is waiting for the correct schema.
The port surface and receive location are both waiting for the correct schema.
In my test example, there are only 10 lines being returned.
The message, which contains those 10 lines, validates against the schema.
I tried to let the instance alone to no avail - 30+ minutes - and no change in its condition.
I had also tried suspending and then resuming it which then places the instance in the "dehydrated orchestrations" list. Again, with no error message.
I'm able to get the message by looking at the body of the message that's in the "ready to run" service. (This is the message that validates versus the schema I use in Visual Studio.)
How might something like this arise?
Stupid question, but I have to ask... Is the corresponding host instance running?
