Disable detecting/linking of URL's - mpdf

Is there a way to disable the detection of URL's in Mpdf 6.1? My main problem is that Mpdf disables automatic line-breaking inside "detected" URL's.
Thanks, Hannes

In Mpdf 6.1. this is not possible, but I created a PR which will hopefully get merged.


I can,t copy text from my website

I have a problem. I can't copy text from my wordpress website anymore. can someone tell me how to enable it again. I don't know why that happened.
Change following in your CSS (i.e. https://www.dudetheme.com/wp-content/themes/dudetheme/style.css):
It seems you installed a plugin. Please disable the recently added plugin. And if you don't remember which plugin you used recently, then try to disable all the plugins one by one and check.

How do I disable all css/theme from ZK?

Im using zk version 7.0.2 and I need to disable all styles/themes from zk, then I need to put my own style css. There is a way to do this?
I tried to put some css files but it doesnt change. In some docs I've found shows me about creating my own theme using LESS but it doesnt work.
Yon can specify the disable-theme-uri element in zk.xml, for more details, please take a look at this document.

how to use custom fonts in Umbraco 4

I have bunch of custom fonts and I put them in
I even tried to put here
either way doesn't work... it's not picking up my fonts... what am I doing wrong?
You can put the fonts anywhere you want, as long as the CSS that uses them points to (and has access to) them.
you should add MINE TYPE to you IIS, that will be help

Wordpress Custom Post Type CSS & JS 404

I'm having a weird problem on a Wordpress site that I've built. I set up custom post types for a portfolio site, circa Wordpress 2.8. Everything worked out great and it was on auto pilot. Somewhere between Wordpress 3.0 and 3.1, the style.css file started throwing out a 404, but only on the single post pages.
EDIT - It's actually every included file. CSS & JS. The plot thickens...
I'm baffled, and I don't even know where to start. I changed the permalinks, re-did the .htaccessfile. Has anyone else ran into this problem?
Here's the link to the site if you want to FireBug it - http://artifexmakeup.com
Sorry, I would post some code, but I have no idea where the problem even begins... but let me know what you need to see, and I'll post it.
You're not linking to the style sheet somehow. I'll look at it in detail when I get off work. I would check the names of your classes in the CSS and make sure that the body class for the single post is named correctly. It appears that the reference to the stylesheet is in the head; I think that's ok. Nice photos!
Your problem is that your files are specified with relative path, so you get wrong url.
Here patty-boring/ messes up your urls.
I don't know how you specify urls in theme so I can't tell you where you're doing wrong.
Turns out it's something with mod_pagespeed screwing with the custom post types. Thanks for your help!

Template files not being discovered

I was experiencing an odd problem where blocks were not showing up on a site. After a lot of spelunking I have found that block.tpl.php is not getting called/discovered.
Looking at the suggestions that the theme engine is trying to find it looks like the most general template it will look for is block-MODULE.tpl.php - ie if I set up symlinks for block-block.tpl.php, block-views.tpl.php etc then the content will show.
It just won't find block.tpl.php
So I can kind of make the problem go away, but I'd feel a lot better if I could fix it properly.
Anyone know why (or where) this would happen?
This is drupal 6, with a zen subtheme. zen is in sites/all/themes/ the subtheme is in sites/example.com/themes/.
(it does seem to be finding page.tpl)
PHPTemplate will find the more general templates (e.g. block.tpl.php): you can confirm this behavior by looking in the themes/garland folder which has its own block.tpl.php.
The most common reason for the template engine ignoring your template overrides is because the theme registry has not been reset. You can reset it by going to Site Configuration -> Performance and clicking Clear cached data at the bottom of the page.
Also make sure you've gone through and followed the instructions for sub-theming exactly: missing a step can produce unexpected results:
How to build your own sub-theme (6.x-2.x)
How to build your own sub-theme (6.x-1.x)
Turns out I had added a to the hook_theme() function in template.php for blocks that was pointing to a different location and confusing everyone.
Why I did that is lost to history, but it seems to server no useful purpose.
there should be a version of block.tpl.php in both the theme and subtheme directories.
