Evernote Android-Job broadcast receiver not called - evernote

I am using Evernote Android-Job library to schedule jobs.
In their documentation they state that the JobManager needs to be instantiated in the onCreate of the Application and they provide a workaround in case that's not possible relevant documentation section
The problem that I am facing is that method addJobCreator of the Broadcast receiver is never called even though the broadcast receiver is in the manifest. And ironically the only time I can get this method to be called is when i use JobManager.create(this) where this is an Activity context.
What am I doing wrong?

That's actually expected and works properly. The broadcast receiver needs to be called before any job can run. The library may call JobManager.create() for you and then call your receiver. That's early enough so that you can add your JobCreator.


Axon4 - Re-queue failed messages

In below scenario, what would be the bahavior of Axon -
Command Bus recieved the command
It creates an event
However messaging infra is down (say kafka)
Does Axon has re-queing capability for event or any other alternative to handle this scenario.
If you're using Axon, you know it differentiates between Command, Event and Query messages. I'd suggest to be specific in your question which message type you want to retry.
However, I am going to make the assumption it's about events, as your stating Kafka.
If this is the case, I'd highly recommend reading the reference guide on the matter, as it states how you can uncouple Kafka publication from actual event storage in Axon.
Simply put, use a TrackingEventProcessor as the means to publish events on Kafka, as this will ensure a dedicate thread is used for publication instead of the same thread storing the event. Added, the TrackingEventProcessor can be replayed, thus "re-process" events.

AWS Flow Framework, .get on Promises waits forever

I'm using the samples for the AwsFlowFramework, specifically helloworld and fileprocessing. I have followed all the setup instructions given here. All the client classes are successfully created with the aspect weaver. It all compiles and runs.
But trying to do .get on a Promise within an asynchronous method doesn't work. It waits forever and a result is never returned.
What am I doing wrong?
In particular the helloworld sample doesn't have any asynchronous method nor does it attempt to do a .get on a Promise. Therefore, it does work when copied outright and I can see in the activities client the "hello world" message printed. Yet, if I create a stub Asynchronous method to call get on the Promise<Void> returned by printHello, the client of the activities is never called and so the workflow waits forever. In fact the example works if I set the returned promise to a variable. The problem only arises if I try to call .get on the Promise. The fileprocessing example which does have asynchronous methods doesn't work.
I see the workflows and the activity types being registered in my aws console.
I'm using the Java SDK 1.4.1 and Eclipse Juno.
My list of unsuccessful attempts:
Tried it with Eclipse Indigo in case the aspect weaver does different things.
Made all asynchronous methods private as suggested by this question.
If I call .isReady() on the Promise this is always false even if I call it after I see the "helloworld" message printed (made certain by having a sleep in between). This leads me to think that Promise.get blocks the caller until Promise.isReady is true but because somehow this is never true, the client is not called and the workflow waits forever.
Tried different endpoints.
My very bad. I had a misconfiguration in the aop.xml file and so the load aspectj weaving for the remote calls was not correct.

QObject based class has a queued connection to itself

I was digging into some source code I am working on. I found a peculiar statement that someone had coded. The source code is a GUI application with a QML GUI and uses QT 4.7.x.
The snippet below belongs to core application logic.
// connect signal-slots for decoupling
QObject::connect (this, SIGNAL(setCurrentTaskSignal(int)), this,
SLOT(SetCurrentTaskSlot(int)), Qt::QueuedConnection);
It's strange that the object connects to itself via a queued connection which essentially means that the object may "live" in different threads at the same time?
At first glance It didn't made any sense to me. Can anyone think of any reason why such a connection would be plausible or needed?. Would this even work?
It will work without any problem. Maybe there was some event loop processing required before calling SetCurrentTaskSlot?
Note that QueuedConnection doesn't mean that something is in different thread. QueuedConnection means only that when signal is emitted, corresponding slot won't be called directly. It will be queued on event loop, and will be processed when control will be given back to event loop
The queued connection implies nothing about where the receiver lives. The opposite is true: to safely send signals to an object living in another thread, you must use queued connections. But you can use them for an object living in any thread!
One uses a queued connection to ensure that the signal will be delivered from within the event loop, and not immediately from the emit site as happens with direct connection. Direct connection is conceptually a set of calls to function pointers on a list. Queued connection is conceptually an event sent to a clever receiver who can execute a function call based on the contents of the event.
The event is the internal QMetaCallEvent, and it is QObject::event that acts upon this event and executes the call.

Invoke Child Workflow Activity Asynchronously

I need to invoke a WF activity (XAML) from a WF service (XAMLX) asynchronously. I am already referencing the Microsoft.Activities.Extensions framework and I'm running on the Platform Update 1 for the state machine -- so if the solution is already in one of those libraries I'm ready!
Now, I need to invoke that activity (XAML) asynchronously -- but it has an output parameter that needs to set a variable in the service (XAMLX). Can somebody please provide me a solution to this?
Now I can post pictures, * I think *, because I have enough reputation! Let me put a couple out here and try to better explain my problem. The first picture is the WF Service that has the two entry points for the workflow -- the second is the workflow itself.
This workflow is an orchestration mechanism that constantly restarts itself, and has some failover mechanisms (e.g. exit on error threshold and soft exit) so that we can manage our queue of durable transactions using WF!
Now, we had this workflow working great when it was all one WF Service because we could call the service, get a response back and send the value of that response back into another entry point in a trigger to issue a soft exit. However, a new requirement has arrisen asking us to make the workflow itself a WF activity in another project and have the Receive/Send-Reply sequences in the WF Service Application project.
However, we need to be able to startup this workflow and forget about it -- then let it know somehow that a soft exit is necessary later on down the road -- but since WF executes on a single thread this has become a bit challenging at best.
Strictly speaking in XAML activities Parallel and ParallelForEach are how you perform asynchrony.
The workflow scheduler only uses a single thread (much like UI) so any activity that is running will typically be running on the same thread, unless it implements AsyncCodeActivity, in which case you are simply handing back the scheduler thread to the runtime while waiting for a callback from whichever async code your AsyncCodeActivity implementation is calling.
Therefore are you sure this is what you want to achieve? Do you mean you want to run it after you have sent your initial response? In this case place your activity after the Send Reply.
Please provide more info if these suggestions don't answer your question./
The original requirement posed (separating implementation from the service Receive/Send activities) may actually be solved by hosting the target activity as a service. See the following link

node.js asynchronous initialization issue

I am creating a node.js module which communicates with a program through XML-RPC. The API for this program changed recently after a certain version. For this reason, when a client is created (createClient) I want to ask the program its version (through XML-RPC) and base my API definitions on that.
The problem with this is that, because I do the above asynchronously, there exists a possibility that the work has not finished before the client is actually used. In other words:
var client = program.createClient();
doSomething() will fail because the API definitions have not been set, I imagine because HTTP XML-RPC response has not returned from the program.
What are some ways to remedy this? I want to be able to have a variable named client and work with that, as later I will be calling methods on it to get information (which will be returned via a callback).
Set it up this way:
program.createClient(function (client) {
Any time there is IO, it must be async. Another approach to this would be with a promise/future/coroutine type thing, but imo, just learning to love the callback is best :)
