Real time analytic for android - google-analytics

In my android app I have included Firebase Analytic API to track my app users and uses.
But Firebase doesn't update analytic data immediately.I read it takes around 4 hours to update data.
Is there any good alternates for real time analytic?
Also I want to see live users at any moment who are using my app.
ps. I haven't used Google Analytic ever.

Firebase analytics has a realtime feature called Streamview:


Firebase Bigquery integration and Google Analytics part on it

So I will try to explain myself the best I can, and I would really appreciate any help!
May main Goal here is to export FireBase data to a DataStudio. I know how easy this is, just link FireBase to BigQuery and create a DataStudio with this data source. There's even already an awesome template for this.
But is not that simple, I work at an agency, this is a huge corporate client and their internal people work is a mess.
The problem here is: I can get "property" access to Firebase, and I have linked my Bigquery account to this project, but what I can't see is the whole app information in Bigquery.
What I see is the data from "crashalytics", "messaging", "performance" and predictions.
But can't seem to find the "normal info" off the app, the events, conversions, audiences, etc...
This is where I can't understand some things that I would like you to help me with, I have some theories.
In the configuration of bigquery integration on firebase I have every switch marked as "On" but one, the analytics one.
enter image description here
Now here is where all my questions come:
- ¿Do I need this switch to be on so I can visualize, for example Events or users information on Bigquery?
If so, what is the realtion between Firebase and Google Analytics?:
- ¿Is it necesary to have a Google Analytics account integrated with the Firebase project in order for bigquery to extract the data and show it?
- ¿Can I extract directly through firebase the data without Google analytics?
And an extra one: If I remove the Google Analytics account from my Firebase project, and add a new one, ¿Would the new Google Analytics also have the data so I can extract it with Bigquery and build my panel?
The biggest problem here is that this Firebase account was created long ago, and the client haves no idea what Google Analytics account is Linked to the Firebase project, they know nobody with acces to it, and they say "I'ts an old analytics, we only need Firebase information to show on datastudio" but I'm starting to feel this is not possible without this Google Analytics acces.
Pleaaase some help with this.
Thank you very much in advance.
I solved it, if anybody comes to this problem, the problem was I needed permision to the analytics web + app created from firebase.

How to store firebase analytics data offline for more than 72 hours?

I am using Firebase for analytics and I have enabled firebase persistent storage which helps to send the analytics events to firebase when the device comes online but the limitation is it only sends 72 hours data to Firebase analytics.
I want firebase to get at least offline analytics data of the last 10 days.
Can I achieve this by storing this analytics event in core data when the device is offline and send this event to firebase when the device is connected to the internet?
Or is there any alternative way to achieve this?
I only want to send the event name and timestamp of the event.
You can probably do something to store the events locally, but it'll be finicky and error prone.
When storing the events yourself and then submitting them when the device is online, I see many potential problems. Off the top of my head:
There is no API to track the lifecycle of Firebase's built-in purging of analytics event. So you have a decent chance of events being logged twice.
You can't backdate the events, so any events you fire upon reconnecting are going to show up as having happened then.
You're likely going to miss events that Firebase logs automatically. You could probably compensate, but at that point you're almost building your own Analytics solution.
Honestly that is some of the potential problems, and you're likely to encounter many more. I'd seriously consider if the effort is really worth it, or if you'd be better off picking another solution.
Some solutions that come to mind:
Log your own events directly to BigQuery. Then merge then with Firebase's exported Analytics events, and deduplicate the results.
Pick an analytics provider whose API meets your requirements directly.

Firebase Calendars

I have been searching all over for this, and I just haven't been able to find a clear answer to my questions.
I'm developing an app for a client and using Firebase as my backend (it's my first time). I need each user account to have it's own calendar.
I will be using the Firebase O-Auth but I don't want my app to see or edit a users auth account calendar (ie: if a google user logs in I don't want to edit their google calendar). I want our database to store a unique calendar for each unique user.
Will the calendar API allow me to do this? The app could potentially have thousands of calendars. I've seen some docs about limits, but it seems like limits on api calls, which I don't have any estimates for at this time.
Would a service account be appropriate for this application?
I've checked these other posts, but they don't quite answer my questions:
How to create a scalable calendar service backend for an Android app?
Google Calendar API - Designed for?
Any kind of insight would be much appreciated. Thanks!
Generally what we do in this case is create calendars using documents and collections within Firebase. Here is an example of a calendar app that uses Firebase to store its appointments. It is written in Flutter, but the backend design for Firebase should be easy to understand.

How to share access to Firebase Analytics data without exposing the rest of Firebase?

I know how to add collaborators to a Firebase project, and that I can assign specific roles to each collaborator, which are tied to certain permissions.
However, no role seems to fit my requirements.
I want to share access to Firebase Analytics with non-technical, marketing people. I have to avoid exposing the rest of Firebase to them, especially the Database and Storage buckets.
Since I could not find anything about this in the Firebase Analytics documentation, I'm assuming that this is not (yet) possible using Firebase alone.
I also found a comment by a Firebase engineer here, which indicates that Firebase does not support this for the time being:
We're aware that role-based access to specific Firebase features would
be useful to a lot of our developers. But as usual, we don't commend
on whether or when this will be implemented. – Frank van Puffelen Jun
2 at 9:36
Is there any way to share the data from Firebase Analytics? Perhaps on another platform, where the collaborators cannot see anything about the other features of Firebase?
I have the feeling that I'm missing something. Shouldn't it be possible to simply link Firebase Analytics with Google Analytics, in such a way that marketing people, who are used to Google Analytics already, have a familiar experience (similar to website analytics) doing their app analytics tasks?
you can connect Google Analytics and Firebase. To get more detailed how to do it, you can visit this website:
It's at least a solution to seperate marketing and development.
You can build your own custom dashboard by retrieving your firebase dataset and customize that for your clients. Firebase has access for it dataset. For more information visit following links

How do I set up "userid" equivalent view from Google Analytics in Firebase Analytics?

I am trying to use firebase analytics in my iOS app. I have been using Google analytics (GA) before. in GA, just to make sure that I get true user count (i.e. a user who had the app, uninstalls the app and then reinstalls the app, should still be treated as only 1 user), I was using userid view in GA which works well for me.
Per How does Firebase Analytics define a "user" (for purposes of Audience)?, it seems firebase doesn't have such mechanism. So how do I capture this stats in firebase analytics? I could have updated the same question but I still don't have comment access in stack overflow yet.
You can use FirebaseAnalytics.setUserId to set your user IDs. You can then link the account to BigQuery and count distinct users using BigQuery. BigQuery has free tier that should be sufficient for most app.
