A-Frame Canvas texture default color white in VR-mode - aframe

I am applying a canvas as a texture to a plane. And it looks fine (The background is white by default) if I am displaying it within a browser itself.
But as I change to Virtual Reality Mode the background of the canvas is changing to black.
I know that i can place a white rect to have a white background, but this is not feasible due to performance issues.
Are there any other solutions to tackle this problems?

Try filling in the canvas as white (fillRect), or adding a background to the scene itself (<a-sky color="#FFF">). Let me know if that works, or provide a JSFiddle for us to play around.


How can I set the backgroundColor of a WKInterfaceController programmatically?

I couldn't find any way of changing the overall background color of the Watch app interface programmatically.
I therefore tried creating a fullscreen WKInterfaceGroup and changing the backgroundColor of that.
centralGroup.setBackgroundColor(UIColor(red: 1.0, green: 1.0, blue: 1.0, alpha: 1.0))
However, I still have unfilled rounded corners and lines on borders.
Is there any way to achieve my goal, of an edge-to-edge background color that fills the screen?
While you can set a background color for a WKInterfaceController in the storyboard, there is no API that lets you programmatically set it in the present Xcode 6.2 beta 3.
However, you can create a full screen WKInterfaceGroup and set the color of that programmatically. If you also setCornerRadius: to 0 you get the following result:
Clearly, there are still black lines at the edges here. The other possibility was that setting a solid color image as the background might perhaps scale to fill the full screen with one of the scaling options, but I tested this and the result is identical to the above.
However, it is important to consider the hardware this will be running on. Apple have said more than once in their public statements about the Watch that the intersection between the laminated screen and the edges is so seamless that you essentially can't tell where the screen ends and the edges begin. Taking this at face value, as long as you set the background color of the WKInterfaceController to clear or black in interface builder, so that these edges are black to match the screen surround, then these black lines should be invisible to the end user and are something you can safely ignore.
This is how I done it:
Add WKInterfaceGroup and setCornerRadius to 0
Go to WKInterfaceController Attribute Inspector and change Left/Right insets to 0 (Fig.1) (This will remove the extra black line on the left & right side)
Change the color of the WKInterfaceGroup to whatever you want :)
Change insets of Your WKInterfaceController to custom and set all to 0. Also, change corner radius of group to 0 too. Enjoy.
Try changing the corner radius of the WKInterfaceGroup to 0. You can use setCornerRadius: to change the corner radius.

How to make Widgets background transparent in Qt

I am building an App in which I had given background to my mainWindow only and all other widgets are used without any background, but when I run the app they are not 100% transparent they are somewhat translucent, is there any way to make them 100 % transparent so that only foreground can appear with no background hint.
Could you post the code you are using to get transparancy at the moment? If you say that you get "something translucent" I think that you created a tool window which is not what you really want.
A really transparent main window could be achieved by removing the title bar (give the QWidget constructor Qt::FramelessWindowHint as second parameter - WindowFlags), draw everything in the widget that should be transparent in a uncommon color (like 255,0,255) and then cut it off.
A very primitive example of cutting off parts of a QWidget:
QBitmap b(100, 100);
QBitmap must be black on that pixels that shall be visible and white on that are not. In this example just the 100,100 area starting at 0,0 will be visible, the rest of your window will be invisible.

Turning white background transparent, but keeping dropshadow?

In an image like this, I want to remove the white background but keep the grayness of the dropshadow. Reomving mapping the actual image is not a problem!
This is what I enden up doing instead after lots and lots of trial and error.
Duplicate the layer with the paper in it.
Invert the new layer.
Painting the "paper-part" clear white
Using the inverted layer as a mask on the first layer.
Worked like a charm, perfect masking!
Two options that I can think of:
a) Edit the image in photoshop and make the background transparent.
b) Overlay the "white" background w/ a div overlay that has a white background.
a is the preferred option. Post a comment on this reply if you need me to do this for you.
did you make that image? Why not make the image on a transparent background?
But if you didn't make the image, I don't know if you really can unless you plan on putting it on another whitish background because the dropshadow itself is going to be a little transparent and whatever is underneath it will show through.

Flex 3 - Rounded bottom corners on a window?

I'm making a flex 3.5a/air2 application and I've made a popup window but I can't seem to get its bottom corners rounded. Setting cornerRadius seems to only affect the top corners.
There doesn't seem to be a roundedBottomCorners property like there is for panels, and adding a controlbar with a cornerRadius also has no effect.
I'm sure this is a very simple problem but would really appreciate any help as I can't find the answer on google or after searching on here!
If you can give up window header (and paint it yourself), try to make transparent window (with transparent background) and construct it from controls you need. I'm sure you can get window of any shape this way.
Ended up making the window transparent and setting showFlexChrome to false. Then using a container I was able to get rounded corners.
It didn't help my other problem which was trying to get a glow effect around the window and still being able to resize it.. for that I had to override the mouseDownHandler from the window class so I could modify the drag locations to the container canvas. What a pain!

How to imitate shadow around the thumbnails by StretchDIBits?

I am now writing a image viewer, It is used for view thumbnails.
As it is ugly, I decide to draw shadow round thumbnail.
There is background color.
I am using StretchDIBits to draw a shadow image at the location of thumbnail.
However it is really annoying that it cover the background color...
When the background is white, it looks perfect.
but if the backgound is not white, it has a white border.
so I make use of AlphaBlend, first draw the shadow image onto a DC, then use AlphaBlend onto the background. However, I can still see the white border.
Is there any why to generate a perfect shadow , no matter what background is.
Are you sure the shadow bitmap contains alpha values for the alpha channel ? I.o.w.: how are you creating the shadow bitmap: are you doing that by blurring a square on a transparent target or a white target? If the first, the shadow bitmap contains an alpha channel and should blend fine with the background. if the second, your shadow bitmap contains white fragments and thus will blend that white with the background.
