Fast impertive pointers (static, unboxing, etc.) with Struct library - pointers

I am interested in using more efficient pointers for a project implementing an imperative language in Haskell. There is already a library for that: Struct. There is a blog post on it and brief documentation.
The problem is there is only a quite sophisticated example of linkcut trees. For someone like me who doesn't use Haskell on a daily basis, it is quite exhausting to battle little documented code, template haskell, etc.
I would need a simpler example to get started, along the lines of expressing either of those two data types:
import Data.IORef
data DLL a = DLL a (Maybe (IORef (DLL a))) (Maybe (IORef (DLL a)))
data DLLINT = DLLINT Int (Maybe (IORef DLLINT)) (Maybe (IORef DLLINT))
This should be just a few simple lines for someone who is fluent in Haskell/GHC.
How do I express one of the data types above with the Struct library?

I managed to get your DLL type working with Structs as follows:
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell, RoleAnnotations #-}
module DubLiList where
import Control.Monad.Primitive
import Data.Struct.TH
import Data.Struct
import Data.Struct.Internal
makeStruct [d|
data DLL a s = DLL
{ prev :: !(DLL a s)
, value :: a
, next :: !(DLL a s)
new :: (PrimMonad m) => a -> m (DLL a (PrimState m))
new x = st $ newDLL Nil x Nil
insert :: (PrimMonad m) => a -> DLL a (PrimState m) -> m (DLL a (PrimState m))
insert x this = st $ do
prev' <- get prev this
new <- newDLL prev' x this
set prev this new
set next prev' new
return new
delete :: (PrimMonad m) => DLL a (PrimState m) -> m ()
delete this = st $ do
prev' <- get prev this
next' <- get next this
set next prev' next'
set prev next' prev'
toList :: (PrimMonad m) => DLL a (PrimState m) -> m [a]
toList this = st $ do
if isNil this then return [] else do
x <- getField value this
that <- get next this
(x:) <$> toList that
Here's an example of using it:
main :: IO ()
main = do
dll <- new "foo" -- [foo]
dll' <- insert "bar" dll -- [bar, foo]
insert "baz" dll -- [bar, baz, foo]
xs <- toList dll'
print xs


Haskell Data.Map lookup AND delete at the same time

I was recently using the Map type from Data.Map inside a State Monad and so I wanted to write a function, that looks up a value in the Map and also deletes it from the Map inside the State Monad.
My current implementation looks like this:
lookupDelete :: (Ord k) => k -> State (Map k v) (Maybe v)
lookupDelete k = do
m <- get
put (M.delete k m)
return $ M.lookup k m
While this works, it feels quite inefficient. With mutable maps in imperative languages, it is not uncommon to find delete functions, that also return the value that was deleted.
I couldn't find a function for this, so I would really appreciate if someone knows one (or can explain why there is none)
A simple implementation is in terms of alterF:
lookupDelete :: Ord k => k -> State (Map k v) (Maybe v)
lookupDelete = state . alterF (\x -> (x, Nothing))
The x in alterF's argument is the Maybe value stored at the key given to lookupDelete. This anonymous function returns a (Maybe v, Maybe v). (,) (Maybe v) is a functor, and basically it serves as a "context" through which we can save whatever data we want from x. In this case we just save the whole x. The Nothing in the right element specifies that we want deletion. Once fully applied, alterF then gives us (Maybe v, Map k v), where the context (left element) is whatever we saved in the anonymous function and the right element is the mutated map. Then we wrap this stateful operation in state.
alterF is quite powerful: lots of operations can be built out of it simply by choosing the correct "context" functor. E.g. insert and delete come from using Identity, and lookup comes from using Const (Maybe v). A specialized function for lookupDelete is not necessary when we have alterF. One way to understand why alterF is so powerful is to recognize its type:
flip alterF k :: Functor f => (Maybe a -> f (Maybe a)) -> Map k a -> f (Map k a)
Things with types in this pattern
SomeClass f => (a -> f b) -> s -> f t
are called "optics" (when SomeClass is Functor, they're called "lenses"), and they represent how to "find" and "mutate" and "collate" "fields" inside "structures", because they let us focus on part of a structure, modify it (with the function argument), and save some information through a context (by letting us choose f). See the lens package for other uses of this pattern. (As the docs for alterF note, it's basically at from lens.)
There is no function specifically for "delete and lookup". Instead you use a more general tool: updateLookupWithKey is "lookup and update", where update can be delete or modify.
updateLookupWithKey :: Ord k =>
(k -> a -> Maybe a) -> k -> Map k a -> (Maybe a, Map k a)
lookupDelete k = do
(ret, m) <- gets $ updateLookupWithKey (\_ _ -> Nothing) k
put m
pure ret

What is the difference between a writer monad and a list writer monad

I was looking at the examples of writer monad to understand how it works and almost all of those looks like a list writer monad. I know a list writer monad is a type of writer monad. But what really is a writer monad in lay-mans terms.
In lay terms, the writer monad is the monad that lets you "write" items to a "log" while you produce a value. When you're done, you end up with the value you produced and the log that contains all the stuff you wrote. To put it another way, it is the monad whose side effects are "writing things to a log".
Let's make this more concrete with examples of both the list writer and the (generic) writer monads. I'll use Haskell here, since it is the original context in which Monads for Functional Programming were described.
The List Writer Monad
I assume that the "list writer" monad is one that logs an item (of some type we'll call w) into a list of items (of type [w], of course). It also produces a value of type a. (See the note at the bottom if you get errors using this code yourself.)
newtype ListWriter w a = ListWriter { runListWriter :: ([w], a) }
instance Monad (ListWriter w) where
return a = ListWriter ([], a) -- produce an a, don't log anything
ListWriter (ws, a) >>= k =
let ListWriter (xs, a') = k a -- run the action 'k' on the existing value,
in ListWriter (ws ++ xs, a') -- add anything it logs to the existing log,
-- and produce a new result value
-- Add an item to the log and produce a boring value.
-- When sequenced with >>, this will add the item to existing log.
tell :: w -> ListWriter w ()
tell w = ListWriter ([w], ())
ex1 :: ListWriter String Int
ex1 = do
tell "foo"
tell "bar"
return 0
(NB: This is equivalent to ex1 = tell "foo" >> tell "bar" >> return 0, demonstrating the use of tell with >> to add an item to the log.)
If we evaluate runListWriter ex1 in GHCi, we see that it wrote "foo" and "bar" to the log and produced the result value 0.
λ> runListWriter ex1
The (Generic) Writer Monad
Now, let's see how we turn this into the generic writer monad. The writer monad works with any sort of thing that can be combined together, not just a list. Specifically, it works with any Monoid:
class Monoid m where
mempty :: m -- an empty m
mappend :: m -> m -> m -- combine two m's into a single m
Lists are a Monoid with [] and (++) as mempty and mappend respectively. A non-list example of a Monoid is sums of integers:
λ> Sum 1 <> Sum 2 -- (<>) = mappend
Sum {getSum = 3}
The writer monad is then
newtype Writer w m = Writer { runWriter :: (w, m) }
Instead of a list of w's, we just have a single w. But when we define the Monad, we ensure that w is a Monoid so we can start with an empty log and append a new entry to the log:
instance Monoid w => Monad (Writer w) where
return a = Writer (mempty, a) -- produce an a, don't log anything
Writer (w, a) >>= k =
let Writer (x, a') = k a -- we combine the two w's rather than
in Writer (w <> x, a') -- (++)-ing two lists
Note the differences here: we use mempty instead of [] and (<>) instead of (++). This is how we generalize from lists to any Monoid.
So the writer monad is really a generalization of the list monad to arbitrary things that can be combined rather than just lists. You can use lists with the Writer to get something (almost) equivalent to ListWriter. The only difference is that you have to wrap your logged item in a list when you append it to the log:
ex2 :: Writer [String] Int
ex2 = do
tell ["foo"]
tell ["bar"]
return 0
but you get the same result:
λ> runWriter ex2
This is because instead of logging "an item that will be put in a list", you are logging "a list". (This does mean that you can log multiple items at the same time by passing a list of more than one element.)
For an example of a non-list use of Writer, consider counting the comparisons a sort function makes. Each time your function make a comparison, you can tell (Sum 1). (You can tell someone. Get it? Is this thing on?) Then, at the end, you'll get back the total count (i.e., the sum) of all of the comparisons along with the sorted list.
NOTE: If you try to use these ListWriter and Writer definitions yourself, GHC will tell you that you are missing Functor and Applicative instances. Once you have the Monad instance, you can write the others in its terms:
import Control.Monad (ap, liftM)
instance Functor (ListWriter w) where
fmap = liftM
instance Applicative (ListWriter w) where
pure = return
(<*>) = ap
And likewise for Writer. I elided them above for clarity.

Can I annotate the complete type of a `fun` declaration?

In a learning environment, what are my options to provide type signatures for functions?
Standard ML doesn't have top-level type signatures like Haskell. Here are the alternatives I have considered:
Module signatures, which require either a separate signature file, or the type signature being defined in a separate block inside the same file as the module itself. This requires the use of modules, and in any production system that would be a sane choice.
Modules may seem a little verbose in a stub file when the alternative is a single function definition. They both introduce the concept of modules, perhaps a bit early,
Using val and val rec I can have the complete type signature in one line:
val incr : int -> int =
fn i => i + 1
val rec map : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a list -> 'b list =
fn f => fn xs => case xs of
[] => []
| x::ys => f x :: map f ys
Can I have this and also use fun?
If this is possible, I can't seem to get the syntax right.
Currently the solution is to embed the argument types and the result type as such:
fun map (f : 'a -> 'b) (xs : 'a list) : 'b list =
raise Fail "'map' is not implemented"
But I have experienced that this syntax gives the novice ML programmer the impression that the solution either cannot or should not be updated to the model solution:
fun map f [] = []
| map f (x::xs) = f x :: map f xs
It seems then that the type signatures, which are supposed to aid the student, prevents them from pattern matching. I cannot say if this is because they think that the type signatures cannot be removed or if they should not be removed. It is, of course, a matter of style whether they should (and where), but the student should be enabled to explore a style of type inference.
By using a let or local bound function, and shadowing
you can declare the function, and then assign it to a value.
using local for this is more convenient, since it has the form:
local decl in decl end, rather than let decl in expr end,
meaning let's expr, wants a top-level argument f
val map = fn f => let fun map = ... in map end
I don't believe people generally use local, anymore primarily because modules can do anything that local can, and more, but perhaps it is worth considering it as an anonymous module, when you do not want to explain modules yet.
fun map (f : 'a -> 'b) (x::rest : 'a list) : 'b list
= f x :: map f rest
| map _ ([]) = []
val (map : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a list -> 'b list) = map;
Then when it comes time to explain modules, you can declare the structure inside the local, around all of the declarations,
and then remove the local, and try to come up with a situation, where they have coded 2 functions, and it's more appropriate to replace 2 locals, with 1 structure.
structure X = struct
fun id x = x
in val id =
perhaps starting them off with something like the following:
exception ReplaceSorryWithYourAnswer
fun sorry () = raise ReplaceSorryWithYourAnswer
(* Please fill in the _'s with the arguments
and the call to sorry() with your answer *)
fun map _ _ = sorry ()
val map : ('a -> 'b) -> ('a list) -> ('b list) = map

Purescript Eff Monad: using non-native computational effects

I want to be able to write
x :: Eff (reader :: Reader Int, maybe :: Maybe) Int
x = do
config <- ask -- configuration from (Reader Int) monad
just config -- using (Maybe) Monad
runX :: Int
runX = runPure (runMaybe doIfNothing (runReader 6 x)) -- outputs: 6
using the Eff Monad
Is this possible to do using Eff?
If not how can we make it work not using Eff?
You can use the MaybeT and ReaderT monad transformers on top of Eff, but you cannot match the two in the way you wrote above:
import Prelude
import Data.Maybe
import Control.Monad.Eff
import Control.Monad.Eff.Class
import Control.Monad.Eff.Console
import Control.Monad.Maybe.Trans
import Control.Monad.Reader.Trans
x :: ReaderT Int (MaybeT (Eff (console :: CONSOLE))) Int
x = do
liftEff (log "Asking...")
config <- ask
pure config
main :: Eff (console :: CONSOLE) (Maybe Int)
main = runMaybeT (runReaderT x 6)

Fibonacci web service with WAI

I'm trying to write a simple Fibonacci web server using WAI but I just can't figure out the types. This code is the essence of what I want to do, but it's broken. The getQueryArg function returns a Maybe ByteString and I want to use that in my fibHandler function.
How do I correctly handle the Maybe in my fibHandler?
How do I call putStrLn on a Maybe? I'm trying fmap but I can't seem to get it right.
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import Network.Wai
import Network.HTTP.Types
import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp (run)
import Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 () -- Just for an orphan instance
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import Data.Conduit
import Data.String.Utils
import Data.ByteString as BS (ByteString, putStrLn)
import Data.ByteString.Char8 as B (unpack)
import Data.Text as T (intercalate, pack, unpack)
app :: Application
app req
| rawPathInfo req == "/fib" = fibHandler req
| otherwise = notFoundHandler
fibHandler :: Request -> ResourceT IO Response
fibHandler req = do
let nStr = getQueryArg (queryString req) "n"
fmap (liftIO . BS.putStrLn) n
let n = read nStr
return $ responseLBS
[("Content-Type", "text/plain")]
(show $ fib n)
fib :: Int -> Int
fib n = foldl (*) 1 [1..n]
getQueryArg :: Query -> BS.ByteString -> Maybe BS.ByteString
getQueryArg [] key = Nothing
getQueryArg ((k,v):qs) key
| k == key = Just v
| otherwise = getQueryArg qs key
notFoundHandler :: ResourceT IO Response
notFoundHandler = return $ responseLBS
[("Content-Type", "text/plain")]
"Not found"
main :: IO ()
main = do
BS.putStrLn $ "http://localhost:8080/"
run 8080 $ app
[Update: a working copy of this code is here:]
The simplest thing to do with Maybe values is to use case.
case getQueryArg foo bar of
Nothing -> {- something went wrong, write some code to report an error -}
Just x -> {- everything went okay, and x is the result of the successful computation -}
Once you've done this a couple dozen times, you can graduate to the shorthand versions:
maybe ({- went wrong -}) (\x -> {- successful x -}) (getQueryArg foo bar)
fromMaybe {- default value -} (getQueryArg foo bar)
traverse_ B.putStrLn (getQueryArg foo bar) -- this trick is a personal favorite
