How many partitions Azure Document DB collection can have? - azure-cosmosdb

I am planning to create a partitioned collection. I am working on identifying the correct partition key for collection.
However, I am not sure how many partitions partitioned collection can have? Is there any limit?

There is no hard limit on partition count. Document DB is positioned as infinitely scalable.
Your partition key should be diverse enough so that no single partition key has to store too much data (10 GB seems to be the limit per partition) and to match your query patterns.

As this official document states about Single partition and partitioned collections:
Partitioned collections can span multiple partitions and support unlimited storage and throughput. You must specify a partition key for the collection.
Partitioning in DocumentDB:
The number of partitions is determined by DocumentDB based on the storage size and the provisioned throughput of the collection. Every partition in DocumentDB has a fixed amount of SSD-backed storage associated with it, and is replicated for high availability. Partition management is fully managed by Azure DocumentDB, and you do not have to write complex code or manage your partitions. DocumentDB collections are practically unlimited in terms of storage and throughput.
For identifying the correct partition key for collection, I recommend that you could refer to Designing for partitioning.


Azure Cosmos DB Partition

I have a collection which will store 8 million records monthly in cosmos collection which comes to 5GB of data monthly.
I want to allow a partition key datewise.
So the question is, should I keep the partition key as Year_Month or dividing it further to Year_Month_Day?
How many logical partitions are supported by cosmos db? is there any limit to it
There is no limit to the logical partition in Cosmos DB. It will keep on scaling and splitting those underlying physical partitions to support as many as you need.
The only limitation is that each logical partition can hold up to 10GB of data. Once that amount is reached you can not add more data in this logical partition and you have to migrate in a collection with a different key.
So with that in mind the decision should be like this.
Will you ever have 10GB worth of documents with the same Year_Month value? If not then that should be your partition key. If yes then you should widen the scope and add day in there. Again, will you ever have 10GB worth of documents with the same Year_Month_Day value? If yes then you need a different key definition.

DocumentDB partitions sizes

According to docs, documents with different partitionKey may end up in same partition but documents with same partitionKey are guaranteed to end up in same partition.
Now, lets consider a case where you have partitionKey with cardinality=100 (for example 100 tenants).
Initially, all data is roughly equally distributed across partitions.
Lety say you end up with partitions of about 50GB size. I would assume in that case you might have a few partition keys contained within same partition. Then, all of the sudden your 2 tenants grow exponentially and they go to 200GB size.
Since partition have 250GB limit, now you're in problem.
How is this being solved?
Is DocumentDB partitioning handling this moving to separate partitions?
Should we (and are we even able to) view data/storage consumption per partitionKey (not partition)?
If someone could shed a bit of light to these dilemas as i couldnt find answers to these specific questions in docs.
Currently, the logical partition for Single partition key cannot exceed 10GB. It means you have to ensure that at any given point of the time your logical partition does not exceed 10GB.
Source MSDN
A logical partition is a partition within a physical partition that stores all the data associated with a single partition key value. A logical partition has a 10 GB max.
On your question.
How is this being solved?
Choosing the appropriate partition key and ensure it is well balanced. If you anticipate that a tenant data might grow beyond 10GB, then having tenant id as partition key is not an option. You have to have something else as a partition key which can be scalable.
Is DocumentDB partitioning handling this moving to separate partitions?
Yes, CosmosDB will take care of Physical Partition handling.
Should we (and are we even able to) view data/storage consumption per partitionKey (not partition)?
Yes, In the Azure portal, go to Azure Cosmos DB account and click on Metrics in Monitoring section and then on right pane click on storage tab to see how your data is partitioned in different physical partition

Can the wrong partition-key cause excessive partitioning in CosmosDb?

The Microsoft advice for partition-key selection encourages the selection of a key that will lead to 100's or 1000's of partitions. The general theme is "more is better".
My question is, can a CosmosDb suffer from a partition key that leads to an excessive number of highly fragmented logical partitions?
I am considering using a partition-key that defines a team-workgroup id and which also equates to a customer tenant boundary. This partition-key maps very well onto data query and transaction boundary access patterns in my application. However, I am concerned that with just 100 stored docs per tenant and an estimated 50 kb of storage per tenant, by the time my CosmosDb collection reaches 10Gb the collection would have 200,000 partitions.
Please note: I already understand that a logical partition does not
map 1:1 to a physical CosmosDb partition and in my proposed case a
physical partition is likely to contain 1000+ logical partitions.
There is no practical limit to the number of logical partitions you are allowed to have. The system can scale to millions or billions of logical partitions. It's just a simple hash operation on your partition key to determine which physical partition holds the logical partition that your document lives in.

Physical partitions - Azure CosmosDB

We are evaluating Azure Cosmos DB for a MongoDB replacement. We have a huge collection of 5 million documents and each document is about 20 KB in size. The total size of the collection in Mongo is around 50 GB and we expect it to be 15% more in Cosmos because of JSON size. Also, there is an early increase of 1.6 million documents. Our throughput requirement is around 10000 queries per second. The queries can be for a single document, group of documents. Query for a single document takes around 5 RU and multiple documents around 10 to 20 RU. 
To get the required throughput, we need to partition the collection. 
Would like to get answers for the below questions?
How many physical partitions are used by Cosmos DB internally? The portal metrics shows only 10 Partitions. Is this always the case?
What is the maximum size of each physical partition? Portal metrics say it as 10 GB. How can we store more than 100 GB of data?
What is the maximum RU per partition? Do we get throttled, when a single partition becomes very hot to query?
These are the starting hurdles we wanted to overcome, before we can actually proceed doing further headway into Cosmos DB adoption. 
The number of physical partitions is managed by the Cosmos service. Generally you start out with 10 but if more are required the system will add them for you transparently.
The maximum size of a physical partition shouldn't be a concern of your application. When you create a partitioned collection you are dealing with "logical partitions" not physical ones. Cosmos will ensure that all documents that are part of a logical partition (have the same partition key) will always be placed together on one of the physical partitions. However as indicated in part 1 Cosmos will take care of ensuring that you have an appropriate number of physical partitions to store your data. Put another way, any given physical partition will be home to many logical partitions and these can be load balanced and moved around as needed.
Maximum RU per physical partition is your total RU/s divided by the number of physical partitions. So if you have a 10000 RU collection with 10 physical partitions you're actually limited to 1000 RU per physical partition. For this reason it is important to pick appropriate logical partition keys for your documents. If you create hot spots you can be throttled below your total provisioned RUs.
I recommend that you spend some time reading about partitioning and scale with Cosmos. The documentation and video available on this page are quite helpful. Here is some additional information copied directly from that page:
You provision a Cosmos DB container with T requests/s throughput
Behind the scenes, Cosmos DB provisions partitions needed to serve T requests/s. If T is higher than the maximum throughput per partition t, then Cosmos DB provisions N = T/t partitions
Cosmos DB allocates the key space of partition key hashes evenly across the N partitions. So, each partition (physical partition) hosts 1-N partition key values (logical partitions)
When a physical partition p reaches its storage limit, Cosmos DB seamlessly splits p into two new partitions p1 and p2 and distributes values corresponding to roughly half the keys to each of the partitions. This split operation is invisible to your application.
Similarly, when you provision throughput higher than t*N throughput, Cosmos DB splits one or more of your partitions to support the higher throughput

Partitioned Collections with < 10k RU/s

I really would like to use partitioned collection but according and the pricing model $6/month for each 100 RU seems fair. But in the portal the minimum RU/s for partitioned collections are > 10.000 RU/s which is $600 a month. Is there no way to opt in on partitioned collections with fewer RU reserved?
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If you'd like to test the programming model e.g. partition key as the transaction boundary, and setting headers like enable cross-partition query, you can do that with single-partition collections (under 10,000 RU/s) and setting a partition key during collection creation. These collections will not scale-out since the throughput can be served from a single partition.
