Ajax VB Json string - asp.net

I am having difficulties finding a Visual Basic Json string that will work for this instance. I keep getting an "Error Message Status" of "[ object Object ]".
I got this same one to work in C# with "\"" in the Json code but VB is not so easy.
<script type="text/javascript" src="~/jquery=1.10.2.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function () {
$("#<%= Button1.ClientID %>").click(function () {
var mo1 = $("#<%= TextBox1.ClientID %>").val();
var dy1 = $("#<%= TextBox2.ClientID %>").val();
var yr1 = $("#<%= TextBox3.ClientID %>").val();
var data = { mo: mo1, dy: dy1, yr: yr1 };
var json1 = JSON.stringify(data);
type: "POST",
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
dataType: "json",
data: json1,
url: "Default.aspx/GetDate",
success: function (result) {
$("#<%= TextBox4.ClientID %>").val(result.d);
$("#<%= Button2.ClientID %>").trigger(click);
error: function (status, ex) {
alert("Error Code: Status: " + status + " Ex: " + ex);
return false;
<System.Web.Services.WebMethod> Public Shared Function GetDate(ByVal mo As Integer, ByVal dy As Integer, ByVal yr As Integer) As String
json1 = "[{""id"":""100"",""datetime"":""04/10/2017"",""col1"":""1"",""col2"":""2"",""col3"":""3""}]"
Dim jsonout As String = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(json1)
Return jsonout
End Function
I tried others:
'json1 = "[{" & Chr(34) & "id" & Chr(34) & ":" & Chr(34) & dataa(i, 1) & Chr(34) & "," & Chr(34) & "datetime" & Chr(34) & ":" & Chr(34) & dataa(i, 2) & Chr(34) & "," & Chr(34) & "col1" & Chr(34) & ":" & Chr(34) & dataa(i, 3) & Chr(34) & "," & Chr(34) & "col2" & Chr(34) & ":" & Chr(34) & dataa(i, 4) & Chr(34) & "," & Chr(34) & "col3" & Chr(34) & ":" & Chr(34) & dataa(i, 5) & Chr(34) & "}]"
'json1 = "[{""id"":""" & dataa(i, 1) & """,""datetime"":""" & dataa(i, 2) & """,""col1"":""" & dataa(i, 3) & """,""col2"":""" & dataa(i, 4) & """col3"","":""" & dataa(i, 5) & """}]"
'json1 = "[{" & """id"":"" & dataa(i, 1) & "",""datetime"":"" & dataa(i, 2) & ""col1"":"" & dataa(i, 3) & "",""col2"":"" & dataa(i, 4) & "",""col3"":"" & dataa(i, 5) & ""}]"
'json1 = "[{" & """id""" & ":""" & dataa(i, 1) & """," & """datetime""" & ":""" & dataa(i, 2) & """," & """col1""" & ":""" & dataa(i, 3) & """," & """col2""" & ":""" & dataa(i, 4) & """," & """col3""" & ":""" & dataa(i, 5) & """}]"
'json1 = "[{" & """ & "id" & """ & ":" & """ & "100" & """ & "," & """ & "datetime" & """ & ":" & """ & "04/10/2017" & """ & "," & """ & "col1" & """ & ":" & """ & "1" & """ & "," & """ & "col2" & """ & ":" & """ & "2" & """ & "," & """ & "col3" & """ & ":" & """ & "3" & """ & "}]"
Public Class datapart
Public Property id() As Integer
Return m_id
End Get
Set(value As Integer)
m_id = value
End Set
End Property
Private m_id As Integer
Public Property datetime() As String
Return m_datetime
End Get
Set(value As String)
m_datetime = value
End Set
End Property
Private m_datetime As String
Public Property col1() As Integer
Return m_col1
End Get
Set(value As Integer)
m_col1 = value
End Set
End Property
Private m_col1 As Integer
Public Property col2() As Integer
Return m_col2
End Get
Set(value As Integer)
m_col2 = value
End Set
End Property
Private m_col2 As Integer
Public Property col3() As Integer
Return m_col3
End Get
Set(value As Integer)
m_col3 = value
End Set
End Property
Private m_col3 As Integer
End Class


How to allow an url with authentication?

I am sending an url to an email by buton click. When the email user is clicking the url he want to face login cardinals. I need to do the job without login cardinals.
Public Function SendMail(ByVal RuequestByEmpId As String, ByVal RuequestToEmpName As String, ByVal RuequestToEmpEmail As String) As Integer
Dim credential As New System.Net.NetworkCredential("joycseuiu#gmail.com", "something")
Dim msg As New System.Net.Mail.MailMessage()
Dim msgSubject As String = String.Empty
Dim strHeading As String = String.Empty
Dim EmployeeID As String = String.Empty
Dim Name As String = String.Empty
Dim Designation As String = String.Empty
Dim Email As String = String.Empty
Dim Department As String = String.Empty
Dim LeaveTYpe As String = String.Empty
Dim Reason As String = String.Empty
Dim LeaveAppID As String = String.Empty
Dim LeaveTo As String = String.Empty
Dim LeaveFrom As String = String.Empty
Dim Status As String = String.Empty
Dim i As Integer = 0
dsEmployeeInfoWithLeaveManagement.SelectParameters("EmployeeID").DefaultValue = RuequestByEmpId
dataview = dsEmployeeInfoWithLeaveManagement.Select(System.Web.UI.DataSourceSelectArguments.Empty)
EmployeeID = dataview.Item(0).Row.Item("EmployeeID").ToString()
Name = dataview.Item(0).Row.Item("Name").ToString()
Designation = dataview.Item(0).Row.Item("Designation").ToString()
Department = dataview.Item(0).Row.Item("Department").ToString()
Email = dataview.Item(0).Row.Item("Email").ToString()
LeaveTYpe = dataview.Item(0).Row.Item("LeaveTYpe").ToString()
Reason = dataview.Item(0).Row.Item("Reason").ToString()
LeaveAppID = dataview.Item(0).Row.Item("LeaveAppID").ToString()
LeaveTo = dataview.Item(0).Row.Item("LeaveTo").ToString()
LeaveFrom = dataview.Item(0).Row.Item("LeaveFrom").ToString()
Status = dataview.Item(0).Row.Item("Status").ToString()
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
Dim SenderEmpName As String = "Joy Acharya"
Dim SenderEmpEmail As String = "joycseuiu#gmail.com"
msg.From = New System.Net.Mail.MailAddress(Email, Name)
msg.[To].Add(New System.Net.Mail.MailAddress(RuequestToEmpEmail, RuequestToEmpName))
Dim appSettings = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings
Dim result As String = appSettings("mailSender")
Dim strBody As New StringBuilder()
strBody.Append("<div>" & vbCr & vbLf & "<table>" & vbCr & vbLf & "<tr>" & vbCr & vbLf & "<td>")
msg.Subject = "Leave Application Approve"
strBody.Append("A request for leave has been submitted for your approval.")
strBody.Append("</td>" & vbCr & vbLf & "</tr>" & vbCr & vbLf & "<tr>" & vbCr & vbLf & " <td>" & vbCr & vbLf & "<span>Request By:</span>")
strBody.Append("</td>" & vbCr & vbLf & "</tr>" & vbCr & vbLf & "<tr>" & vbCr & vbLf & " <td>" & vbCr & vbLf & "<span>ID:</span>")
strBody.Append("</td>" & vbCr & vbLf & "</tr>" & vbCr & vbLf & "<tr>" & vbCr & vbLf & " <td>" & vbCr & vbLf & "<span>Designation:</span>")
strBody.Append("</td>" & vbCr & vbLf & "</tr>" & vbCr & vbLf & "<tr>" & vbCr & vbLf & " <td>" & vbCr & vbLf & "<span>Department:</span>")
strBody.Append("</td>" & vbCr & vbLf & "</tr>" & vbCr & vbLf & "<tr>" & vbCr & vbLf & " <td>" & vbCr & vbLf & "<span>Leave Type:</span>")
strBody.Append("</td>" & vbCr & vbLf & "</tr>" & vbCr & vbLf & "<tr>" & vbCr & vbLf & " <td>" & vbCr & vbLf & "<span>Purpose:</span>")
strBody.Append("</td>" & vbCr & vbLf & "</tr>" & vbCr & vbLf & "<tr>" & vbCr & vbLf & " <td>" & vbCr & vbLf & "<span>Leave To:</span>")
strBody.Append("</td>" & vbCr & vbLf & "</tr>" & vbCr & vbLf & "<tr>" & vbCr & vbLf & " <td>" & vbCr & vbLf & "<span>Leave From:</span>")
strBody.Append("<br />")
strBody.Append(" " + "<b>Approve</b>" + "")
strBody.Append(" " + "<b>Reject</b>" + "")
strBody.Append("</div>" & vbCr & vbLf & " <div>" & vbCr & vbLf & " Thank you" & vbCr & vbLf & " <br />")
msg.Body = strBody.ToString()
msg.IsBodyHtml = True
msg.Priority = System.Net.Mail.MailPriority.High
msg.Priority = System.Net.Mail.MailPriority.High
Dim c As New SmtpClient()
'Create the SMTP Client
c.Host = "smtp.gmail.com"
c.Credentials = credential
c.Port = 587
c.EnableSsl = True
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
Return i
End Function
When the email user clicking the Approve link, he has to face the
login cardinals.
I want that, email user will just click the link and he/she will be enable
to redirect the page.
How could i do that.
And thanks in advance.

Internal Server Error 500 w/ IIS Log

I am getting some errors on my classic asp website. When the website runs for the first time it sometimes does an Internal Server Error. Then a refresh would fix it. I decided to check my IIS logs to see what the problem is but i can't interpret it. Here is the log line
2013-12-09 15:29:00 xx.xx.xx.xx GET / |37|80070005|Access_is_denied.__ 80 - xx.xxx.xx.xx Mozilla/5.0+(Windows+NT+6.1;+WOW64)+AppleWebKit/537.36+(KHTML,+like+Gecko)+Chrome/31.0.1650.63+Safari/537.36 500 0 0 702
How about setup custom pages for handle 500 and 500 100 errors?
Create some folder, let's say D:\InetPub\Web01\Err\
Add IUSR_Web01 user with write permission
In IIS for Web01 web site (sample for IIS 6.0)
Put following code in file 500.asp and 500100.asp
Option Explicit
Response.Buffer = True
Response.Expires = -1
Response.ExpiresAbsolute = #Jan 31,2000 12:30:00#
Dim FS, TF, N, ASPErr
N = Now
Set ASPErr = Server.GetLastError()
Set FS = CreateObject ("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set TF = FS.CreateTextFile ("D:\InetPub\1click.lv\Err\500 " & "Error" & Right ("0" & Year (N), 4) & Right ("0" & Month (N), 2) & Right ("0" & Day (N), 2) & "_" & Right ("0" & Hour (N), 2) & Right ("0" & Minute (N), 2) & Right ("0" & Second (N), 2) & ".txt", True, False)
TF.Write MyErrorInfo (ASPErr, False, False, "1click.lv", "")
Set FS = Nothing
Response.Write MyErrorInfo (ASPErr, True, True, "1click.lv", "zam#1click.lv")
The function:
Function MyErrorInfo (ASPErr, AsHTML, ShowContactInfo, WebTitle, AdminEmail)
Dim Result
Result = ""
If AsHTML = True Then
Result = Result & "<html><head><title>Error occur</title></head><body><font face=Verdana size=2>"
If (ShowContactInfo = True) Then
Result = Result & "<p align=center>"
Result = Result & "<font size=4>"
Result = Result & "<font color=""#008000"">" & WebTitle & "</font><br>"
Result = Result & "<font color=""#800000"">500 Error occur</font><br>"
Result = Result & "Please contact us by email at " & AdminEmail & " and inform about this error<br><br>"
Result = Result & "Thank you for your support!"
Result = Result & "</font>"
Result = Result & "</p>"
End If
Result = Result & "<hr>"
Result = Result & "Error number: <b>" & ASPErr.Number & "</b><br>"
Result = Result & "Error source: <b>" & ASPErr.Source & "</b><br>"
Result = Result & "Error description: <b>" & ASPErr.Description & "</b><br>"
Result = Result & "Error line: <b>" & ASPErr.Line & "</b><br>"
Result = Result & "Client IP: <b>" & Request.ServerVariables ("REMOTE_ADDR") & "</b><br>"
Result = Result & "Client Browser: <b>" & Request.ServerVariables ("HTTP_USER_AGENT") & "</b><br>"
Result = Result & "Client Referer: <b>" & Request.ServerVariables ("HTTP_REFERER") & "</b><br>"
Result = Result & "Path: <b>" & Request.ServerVariables ("PATH_INFO") & "</b><br>"
Result = Result & "Request method: <b>" & Request.ServerVariables ("REQUEST_METHOD") & "</b><br>"
Result = Result & "Request FORM: <b>" & Request.Form & "</b><br>"
Result = Result & "Request QUERY: <b>" & Request.QueryString & "</b><br>"
Result = Result & "<hr>"
Result = Result & "</font></body></html>"
Result = Result & WebTitle & vbCrLf
Result = Result & "Error number: " & ASPErr.Number & vbCrLf
Result = Result & "Error source: " & ASPErr.Source & vbCrLf
Result = Result & "Error description: " & ASPErr.Description & vbCrLf
Result = Result & "Error line: " & ASPErr.Line & vbCrLf
Result = Result & "Client IP: " & Request.ServerVariables ("REMOTE_ADDR") & vbCrLf
Result = Result & "Client Browser: " & Request.ServerVariables ("HTTP_USER_AGENT") & vbCrLf
Result = Result & "Client Referer: " & Request.ServerVariables ("HTTP_REFERER") & vbCrLf
Result = Result & "Path: " & Request.ServerVariables ("PATH_INFO") & vbCrLf
Result = Result & "Request method: " & Request.ServerVariables ("REQUEST_METHOD") & vbCrLf
Result = Result & "Request FORM: " & Request.Form & vbCrLf
Result = Result & "Request QUERY: " & Request.QueryString & vbCrLf
End If
MyErrorInfo = Result
End Function

ADODB.Recordset error '800a0e78' Operation is not allowed when the object is closed

Set RsItem = Conn.Execute("EXEC E_UpdateDevBehaviourSmalls #ClientID=" & Session("ClientID") & " ,#UserID=" & Session("EUserID")& " ,#cCompID=" & cCompetenceid & " ,#reason=" &reason & " ,#comptype=" & comptype &",#GID=" & GID & " ,#Behaviour='" & MakeSendable(Behaviour) & "' ,#Deadline='" & deadlinedatetime & "' ,#DevBehaviour='" & MakeSendable(DevBehaviour) & "' ,#Why='" & MakeSendable(Why) & "' ,#ExtraNote='" & MakeSendable(ExtraNote) & "'")
if GID = 0 then
if not RsItem.eof then
GID = RsItem.fields(0).value
if reason = 0 then
'add dummy devbehaviour detail
Set RsItem =Conn.Execute("EXEC E_UpdateDevBehaviourDetail #ClientID=" & Session("ClientID") & " ,#UserID=" & Session("EUserID") & " ,#GID=" & GID & " ,#DID=0 ,#TextField1='dummy' ,#educ= 0 ,#TextField2='dummy' ,#TextField3='dummy' ,#TextField4='dummy'")
end if
end if
end if
When I try to execute the code above (full code below) I got the following error:
(It gets stuck at the following part: if not RsItem.fields(0).value)
ADODB.Recordset error '800a0e78'
Operation is not allowed when the object is closed.
Can anyone help me with this error?
Dim cCompetenceid
Dim Behaviour
Dim Deadline
Dim DevBehaviour
Dim Why
Dim ExtraNote
Session("OnlinePageID") = 106
InsertLogItem "S:12"
If Session("EUserType")=1 Then
If UCase(Request("Action"))="SAVEDETAIL" Then
If not Request("DID")="" Then
DID = Request("DID")
DID = 0
End If
Conn.Execute("EXEC E_UpdateDevBehaviourDetail #ClientID=" & Session("ClientID") & " ,#UserID=" & Session("EUserID") & " ,#GID=" & Request("GID") & " ,#DID=" & DID & " ,#TextField1='" & MakeSendable(Request("TextField1")) & "' ,#TextField2='" & MakeSendable(Request("TextField2")) & "' ,#TextField3='" & MakeSendable(Request("TextField3")) & "' ,#TextField4='" & MakeSendable(Request("TextField4")) & "'")
Conn.Execute("EXEC E_SignIDP #ClientID=" & Session("ClientID") & " ,#UserID=" & Session("EUserID") & " ,#SignStatus=0")
End If
End If
'response.write Session("EUserType") & "<br>"
If Session("EUserType")=1 Then
Select Case UCase(Request("Action"))
Case "EDIT"
If not Request("GID")="" Then
'response.write "EXEC E_GetDevBehavior #ClientID=" & Session("ClientID") & " ,#UserID=" & Session("EUserID") & " ,#GID=" & Request("GID") & "<br>"
Set RsItem = Conn.Execute("EXEC E_GetDevBehavior #ClientID=" & Session("ClientID") & " ,#UserID=" & Session("EUserID") & " ,#GID=" & Request("GID"))
If not RsItem.EOF Then
Behaviour = Replace (RsItem("Behaviour"),"''","'")
Deadline = RsItem("Deadline")
DevBehaviour = Replace (RsItem("DevBehaviour"),"''","'")
Why = Replace (RsItem("Why"),"''","'")
ExtraNote = Replace (RsItem("ExtraNote"),"''","'")
End If
'Set RsItem = nothing
End If
Case "SAVE"
If not Request("GID")="" Then
Set RsItem = Conn.Execute("EXEC E_GetDevBehavior #ClientID=" & Session("ClientID") & " ,#UserID=" & Session("EUserID") & " ,#GID=" & Request("GID"))
If not RsItem.EOF Then
Behaviour = Replace (RsItem("Behaviour"),"''","'")
Deadline = RsItem("Deadline")
DevBehaviour = Replace (RsItem("DevBehaviour"),"''","'")
Why = Replace (RsItem("Why"),"''","'")
ExtraNote = Replace (RsItem("ExtraNote"),"''","'")
End If
'Set RsItem = nothing
end if
dag = Day(Now())
maand = Month(Now())
jaar = Year(Now())
uur = Hour(Time)
minuten = Minute(Time)
seconden = Second(Time)
if len(dag)< 2 then dag ="0" & dag
if len(maand) < 2 then maand ="0" & maand
if len(uur) < 2 then uur ="0" & uur
if len(minuten) < 2 then minuten ="0" & minuten
if len(seconden) < 2 then seconden ="0" & seconden
datum= jaar & "-" & maand & "-" & dag
tijd = uur & ":" & minuten& ":" & seconden
datumtijd = datum & " " & tijd
Conn.Execute("EXEC E_UpdatePOPStartDate #ClientID=" & Session("ClientID") & " ,#UserID=" & Session("EUserID"))
Conn.Execute("EXEC E_UpdateStartDate #ClientID=" & Session("ClientID") & " ,#UserID=" & Session("EUserID") & " ,#StartDate='" & datumtijd & "'")
If not Request("GID")="" Then
GID = Request("GID")
newcomp = false
GID = 0
Deadline = CDate(FormatDate("31/12/"&year(now)))
newcomp = true
End If
'response.write Request("cCompetenceid") &"<br>"
if not Request("cCompetenceid") = "" then
cCompetenceid = Request("cCompetenceid")
cCompetenceid = 0
end if
if not Request("reason") = "" then
reason = Request("reason")
reason = 0
end if
if not Request("comptype") = "" then
comptype = Request("comptype")
comptype = 1
end if
Select Case (Request("COMPID"))
Case 1460
Behaviour = Request("Behaviour")
Case 1461
Deadline = Request("DeadlineDay") & "-" & Request("DeadlineMonth") & "-" & Request("DeadlineYear")
Deadline = CDate(FormatDate(Deadline))
Case 1462
DevBehaviour = Request("DevBehaviour")
Case 1463
Why = Request("Why")
Case 1464
ExtraNote = Request("ExtraNote")
End Select
deadlinedate = CDate(Deadline)
deadlineyear = year(deadlinedate)
deadlinemonth = month(deadlinedate)
deadlineday = day(deadlinedate)
deadlinedatetime = deadlineyear & "-" & deadlinemonth & "-" & deadlineday & " 00:00:00"
'response.write "EXEC E_UpdateDevBehaviourSmalls #ClientID=" & Session("ClientID") & " ,#UserID=" & Session("EUserID")& " ,#cCompID=" & cCompetenceid & " ,#reason=" &reason & " ,#comptype=" & comptype &",#GID=" & GID & " ,#Behaviour='" & MakeSendable(Behaviour) & "' ,#Deadline='" & deadlinedatetime & "' ,#DevBehaviour='" & MakeSendable(DevBehaviour) & "' ,#Why='" & MakeSendable(Why) & "' ,#ExtraNote='" & MakeSendable(ExtraNote) & "'"
Set RsItem = Conn.Execute("EXEC E_UpdateDevBehaviourSmalls #ClientID=" & Session("ClientID") & " ,#UserID=" & Session("EUserID")& " ,#cCompID=" & cCompetenceid & " ,#reason=" &reason & " ,#comptype=" & comptype &",#GID=" & GID & " ,#Behaviour='" & MakeSendable(Behaviour) & "' ,#Deadline='" & deadlinedatetime & "' ,#DevBehaviour='" & MakeSendable(DevBehaviour) & "' ,#Why='" & MakeSendable(Why) & "' ,#ExtraNote='" & MakeSendable(ExtraNote) & "'")
if GID = 0 then
if not RsItem.eof then
GID = RsItem.fields(0).value
if reason = 0 then
' add dummy devbehaviour detail
Set RsItem =Conn.Execute("EXEC E_UpdateDevBehaviourDetail #ClientID=" & Session("ClientID") & " ,#UserID=" & Session("EUserID") & " ,#GID=" & GID & " ,#DID=0 ,#TextField1='dummy' ,#educ= 0 ,#TextField2='dummy' ,#TextField3='dummy' ,#TextField4='dummy'")
end if
end if
end if
'Set RsItem = nothing
Conn.Execute("EXEC E_SignIDP #ClientID=" & Session("ClientID") & " ,#UserID=" & Session("EUserID") & " ,#SignStatus=0")
if newcomp = true then
tempstr = "../popoverview.asp"
ClientScript("parent.location.href = '../bottomframe.asp?GID=" & GID & "&" & SetID &"&ViewID=4'" )
response.write " in"
tempstr = "compoverview.asp?Action=Edit&GID="&GID
response.redirect tempstr
' ClientScript("location.href =" & tempstr)
end if
End Select
End If
set conn= nothing
Stored procedure:
/****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[E_UpdateDevBehaviourSmalls] Script Date: 17/10/2013 15:05:53 ******/
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[E_UpdateDevBehaviourSmalls]
(#ClientID int,
#UserID int,
#cCompID int,
#reason int,
#comptype int,
#GID int,
#Behaviour varchar(250),
#Deadline datetime,
#DevBehaviour text,
#Why text,
#ExtraNote text)
If (#GID = 0)
INSERT INTO DevBehaviour(ClientID,UserID,Behaviour,Deadline,DevBehaviour,Why,ExtraNote,cCompId,reason,comptype)
VALUES(#ClientID,#UserID,#Behaviour,#Deadline,#DevBehaviour,#Why,#ExtraNote, #cCompID,#reason,#comptype)
SELECT ##identity
UPDATE DevBehaviour
SET Behaviour=#Behaviour, Deadline=#Deadline, DevBehaviour=#DevBehaviour, Why=#Why, ExtraNote=#ExtraNote, cCompId = #cCompID, reason = #reason, comptype = #comptype
WHERE (ClientID = #ClientID) AND (UserID = #UserID) AND (GID = #GID)
I was able to reproduce your problem. Please try the stored proc below (using nocount)
/****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[E_UpdateDevBehaviourSmalls] Script Date: 17/10/2013 15:05:53 ******/
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[E_UpdateDevBehaviourSmalls]
(#ClientID int,
#UserID int,
#cCompID int,
#reason int,
#comptype int,
#GID int,
#Behaviour varchar(250),
#Deadline datetime,
#DevBehaviour text,
#Why text,
#ExtraNote text)
set nocount on
If (#GID = 0)
INSERT INTO DevBehaviour(ClientID,UserID,Behaviour,Deadline,DevBehaviour,Why,ExtraNote,cCompId,reason,comptype)
VALUES(#ClientID,#UserID,#Behaviour,#Deadline,#DevBehaviour,#Why,#ExtraNote, #cCompID,#reason,#comptype)
SELECT ##identity
UPDATE DevBehaviour
SET Behaviour=#Behaviour, Deadline=#Deadline, DevBehaviour=#DevBehaviour, Why=#Why, ExtraNote=#ExtraNote, cCompId = #cCompID, reason = #reason, comptype = #comptype
WHERE (ClientID = #ClientID) AND (UserID = #UserID) AND (GID = #GID)
set nocount off

How to add the email sending script

I'm new to VbScript. I have to make a form for uploading a file and sending to specified email as attachment.
For uploading I used this script http://www.freeaspupload.net/freeaspupload/viewsource.asp
Now my application saves file to server.
The second part looks like this:
If Request.Cookies("QuoteRequest") = "Quote" THEN
Dim fileName
Dim strMsg
Dim mail
Dim strSubject
Dim strFrom
Dim strReply
Dim strChoice
Dim AddCheck
Dim MyCheckDate
Dim strMailBlindCopy
Dim smtpserver
Dim youremail
Dim public_mailer
Dim public_password
smtpserver = ""
youremail = ""
public_mailer = ""
public_password = ""
AddCheck = Request.Form("Str_xxrand234Myanswer")
'Use this next line if you want a blind copy send for your records
'strMailBlindCopy = "info#ciupac.com"
'IF AddCheck = "" or NULL THEN
IF len(AddCheck)>2 OR len(AddCheck)<1 OR IsNumeric(AddCheck)=FALSE THEN
response.write "<h2>Sorry an error has occurred, please click here to return to the form</h2>" & AddCheck
Dim ObjSendMail
Set ObjSendMail = CreateObject("CDO.Message")
'This section provides the configuration information for the remote SMTP server.
ObjSendMail.Configuration.Fields.Item ("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/sendusing") = 2 'Send the message using the network (SMTP over the network).
ObjSendMail.Configuration.Fields.Item ("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpserver") = smtpserver
ObjSendMail.Configuration.Fields.Item ("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpserverport") = 25
ObjSendMail.Configuration.Fields.Item ("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpusessl") = False 'Use SSL for the connection (True or False)
ObjSendMail.Configuration.Fields.Item ("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpconnectiontimeout") = 60
' If your server requires outgoing authentication uncomment the lines bleow and use a valid email address and password.
ObjSendMail.Configuration.Fields.Item ("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpauthenticate") = 1 'basic (clear-text) authentication
ObjSendMail.Configuration.Fields.Item ("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/sendusername") = public_mailer
ObjSendMail.Configuration.Fields.Item ("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/sendpassword") = public_password
strFrom = "Quote Request Form"
strReply = Request.Form("txtemail")
strSubject = "Quote Request Form"
strMsg = strMsg & "<b>Your Name:</b> " & Request.Form("txtname") & vbCrLF & vbCrLF & "<BR>" & "<BR>"
strMsg = strMsg & "<b>Your Company Name:</b> " & Request.Form("txtcompany") & vbCrLF & vbCrLF & "<BR>" & "<BR>"
strMsg = strMsg & "<b>Your Order Number:</b> " & Request.Form("txtyourorder") & vbCrLF & vbCrLF & "<BR>" & "<BR>"
strMsg = strMsg & "<b>Our Order Number:</b> " & Request.Form("txtourorder") & vbCrLF & vbCrLF & "<BR>" & "<BR>"
strMsg = strMsg & "<b>Destination Postal Code:</b> " & Request.Form("txtpostal") & vbCrLF & vbCrLF & "<BR>" & "<BR>"
strMsg = strMsg & "<b>Order Date:</b> " & Request.Form("txtdate") & vbCrLF & vbCrLF & "<BR>" & "<BR>"
strMsg = strMsg & "<b>Your E-mail Address:</b> " & Request.Form("txtemail") & vbCrLF & vbCrLF & "<BR>" & "<BR>"
strMsg = strMsg & "<b>Telephone #:</b> " & Request.Form("txtphone") & vbCrLF & vbCrLF & "<BR>" & "<BR>"
strMsg = strMsg & "<b>Comments:</b> " & Request.Form("txtcomments") & vbCrLF & vbCrLF & "<BR>" & "<BR>"
strMsg = strMsg & "<b>Market Served:</b> " & Request.Form("option1") & ", " & Request.Form("option2") & ", " & Request.Form("option3") & ", " & Request.Form("option4") & ", " & Request.Form("option5") & ", " & Request.Form("option6") & ", " & Request.Form("option7") & ", " & Request.Form("option8") & ", " & Request.Form("option9") & ", " & Request.Form("option10") & ", " & Request.Form("option11") & ", " & Request.Form("option12") & ", " & Request.Form("option13") & ", " & Request.Form("option14") & vbCrLF & vbCrLF & "<BR>" & "<BR>"
strMsg = strMsg & "<b>Topic of Interest:</b> " & Request.Form("option15") & ", " & Request.Form("option16") & ", " & Request.Form("option17") & ", " & Request.Form("option18") & ", " & Request.Form("option19") & ", " & Request.Form("option20") & ", " & Request.Form("option21") & ", " & Request.Form("option22") & ", " & Request.Form("option23") & ", " & Request.Form("option24") & ", " & Request.Form("option25") & ", " & Request.Form("option26") & ", " & Request.Form("option27") & ", " & Request.Form("option28") & ", " & Request.Form("option29") & ", " & Request.Form("option30") & ", " & Request.Form("option31") & ", " & Request.Form("option32") & vbCrLF & vbCrLF
fileName = Request.Form("file")
Dim strMailTo
strMailTo =""
ObjSendMail.To = strMailTo
ObjSendMail.Subject = strSubject
ObjSendMail.From = strReply
ObjSendMail.HTMLBody = strMsg
If Len(fileName)Then
ObjSendMail.AddAttachment "C:\attachments\" & fileName
End If
Set ObjSendMail = Nothing
Dim txtname
Response.Write "ERROR <P>"
response.write("QuoteRequest=" & txtname)
These two scripts work well independently, but when I try to include the email send part to upload the Cannot use Request.Form collection after calling BinaryRead error appears.
How do I need to call the email sender?
Due to the special ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data" attribute of your form, you cannot use the Reqest.Form collection. Use Upload.Form instead, but only after you call Upload.Save (SaveVirtual, SaveToMemory).

VBScript ISO8601

In VBScript, does FormatDateTime have ISO 8601 support?
If not, how would I write such function with it?
For example:
Response.Write FormatAsISO8601(#05/04/2011#)
Function FormatAsISO8601(datetime)
End Function
Here is the specific code I needed from Chris' class, a bit more optimized:
Public Function ToIsoDateTime(datetime)
ToIsoDateTime = ToIsoDate(datetime) & "T" & ToIsoTime(datetime) & CurrentTimezone
End Function
Public Function ToIsoDate(datetime)
ToIsoDate = CStr(Year(datetime)) & "-" & StrN2(Month(datetime)) & "-" & StrN2(Day(datetime))
End Function
Public Function ToIsoTime(datetime)
ToIsoTime = StrN2(Hour(datetime)) & ":" & StrN2(Minute(datetime)) & ":" & StrN2(Second(datetime))
End Function
Private Function StrN2(n)
If Len(CStr(n)) < 2 Then StrN2 = "0" & n Else StrN2 = n
End Function
Here's a brute force function:
sDate = iso8601Date(Now)
msgbox sDate
Function iso8601Date(dt)
s = datepart("yyyy",dt)
s = s & RIGHT("0" & datepart("m",dt),2)
s = s & RIGHT("0" & datepart("d",dt),2)
s = s & "T"
s = s & RIGHT("0" & datepart("h",dt),2)
s = s & RIGHT("0" & datepart("n",dt),2)
s = s & RIGHT("0" & datepart("s",dt),2)
iso8601Date = s
End Function
Not without loading some COM component as far as I know.
Here's a VBScript class that someone wrote.
Some corrections
Function iso8601Date(dt)
s = datepart("yyyy",dt)
s = s & "-" & RIGHT("0" & datepart("m",dt),2)
s = s & "-" & RIGHT("0" & datepart("d",dt),2)
s = s & "T"
s = s & RIGHT("0" & datepart("h",dt),2)
s = s & ":" & RIGHT("0" & datepart("n",dt),2)
s = s & ":" & RIGHT("0" & datepart("s",dt),2)
iso8601Date = s
End Function
