How can i do custom authorization in my ASP.NET MVC application -

I am making a small SAAS application. I am using the same database for all users and only differentiating between the data using username and ids. This means that the user can type in a new url in the browser and see other users data. This, of course is not a desirable approach. I would like to do a check to see if the current user can actually access the resources: eg.
And if the user changes the url to
I should do a check in my database to see if the current user actually has access to see the images with user id 16. And if not redirect to a "not authorized" page.
How do I implement this?

The first step is to make sure that you never have any ID's for the user itself in the url. For instance, never have You should always get the users id from their authentication rather than from the URL (or posted values either).
The second step, is to use that ID in your queries. So, for instance, let's say they seek, then in your database you should have a mechanism that links the asset's ownership to the user, either a userid or a mapping table of id's to asset's, etc.. This way, if the user isn't allowed access, it will just return an empty result set. It's impossible for the data to be returned, and the empty result set should tell your page that the item doesn't exist (not necessarily an authorization failure, just that the object doesn't exist).
Third, any pages which are inherently about the user, such as a user profile, account page, or dashboard should never have any ID's at all in the URL, it should just automatically go to the authenticated users page.
Finally, if you need to prevent the user from accessing an entire page or set of pages, then you should do this in the OnAuthorization event or similar (custom attribute, base class, etc..) or using the built-in attribute authorization and use role based authorization. Never do authorization in the PageLoad or similar event (such as the controller action), because by the time you get to that step a lot of work has already happened in the pipeline. It's best to block access long before the page even starts to setup. Authorization events happen at the very beginning of the pipeline.

Make an Action that check userId and returns error page or file
public FileResult Image(string imageName)
string UserId = MethodWhereYouGetCurrentUserID();
if(imageName == null) return View("~/Views/Shared/Error.cshtml", (object)"Null image");
string imageShortName = imageName.Split(".")[0];
if(!UserId == imageShortName) return View(~/Views/Shared/Error.cshtml, (object)"You can't access to this");
string path = Server.MapPath("~/Contant/images/"+imageName);
return File(path, "image/jpg");
RouteConfig file
public static void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollection routes)
name: "ImageRoute",
url: "/images/imageName",
default: new {controller = "Home", action = "GetImage"}


Is it alright to put sensitive data into the cache? ASP MVC

I currently implemented some "checkers" for my MVC application.
So far here is what i have,
Authentication (Custom RoleProvider)
Action Filters(to make sure that the user won't put any bogus id numbers or try accessing the other's data by editing the GET url.
I have several questions regarding the best practices for cache on ASP MVC.
Here is my implementation of my login:
public ActionResult login_load()
return View();
public ActionResult login_post(string uname,string pword)
using (EmployeeContext emp = new EmployeeContext())
//h student log = new student();
int success = emp.login.Where(x => x.username == uname && x.password == pword).Count();
if (success == 1)
int id = (from logs in emp.login
join rol in emp.roles on logs.role equals
where logs.username == uname
FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(uname, false);
HttpRuntime.Cache.Insert("id", id);
return RedirectToAction("Details", "Enrollment", new { id = id});
return View();
(I plan on implementing H&S as soon)
Anyway, here are my concerns so far:
For security concerns, would it be fine to store something like id's on cache? or it's better if i use sessions ?
Let's say i successfully logged in, and i add another line of this code :
HttpRuntime.Cache.Insert("id", id);
Is it going to edit my previous record or it's going to add another entry?
I have this code from my Custom RoleProvider, HttpRuntime.Cache.Insert(cacheKey, roles, null, DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(_cacheTimeoutInMinute), Cache.NoSlidingExpiration); and i believe that they are "fired" everytime i ask a controller with a protection of [Authorize(Role="users")]. So does it make a new entry or it edits the previous/existing one?
Should i worry about deleting/clearing my cache as soon as the user decided to log out? my role provider timeout is currently set to 20 minutes
I need the id because aside from the username, it is my unique identifier and i use it to compare on whatever id the user is trying to access.
I am thinking if it would be possible to edit the cache and use it against my application.
Don't worry about storing the ID, you need to go back and refactor to use the inbuilt identity stuff that's in the box for MVC. Looking at your code I can only assume that this system would store passwords in plain text. You will not pass any compliance with a system like this.
Rule of thumb when it comes to "is this secure" is don't write it yourself. Find a proven product and use that.
If for whatever reason the inbuilt identity system that is provided with MVC doesn't work for your requirements, have a look into this:
Identity system is the service that logs people in, out and manages the logged in user. Feel free to head over to this to learn more about the inbuilt system for MVC:
For security concerns, would it be fine to store something like id's on cache? or it's better if i use sessions ?
In this case it doesn't make a lot of difference. However, the cache cannot be distributed across multiple web servers. Session state can by changing the <sessionState> section of the web.config file. So you are building an inherent limitation in scalability into your application by using cache.
Let's say i successfully logged in, and i add another line of this code :
HttpRuntime.Cache.Insert("id", id);
Is it going to edit my previous record or it's going to add another entry? I have this code from my Custom RoleProvider, HttpRuntime.Cache.Insert(cacheKey, roles, null, DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(_cacheTimeoutInMinute), Cache.NoSlidingExpiration); and i believe that they are "fired" everytime i ask a controller with a protection of [Authorize(Role="users")]. So does it make a new entry or it edits the previous/existing one?
First of all, you have a major flaw in your code. Cache is intended to be shared between all users on the site. So, when you insert a value, such as HttpRuntime.Cache.Insert("id", id);, all of the users will see it. If you are using this value to lookup data later, then the user data will always be for the last user that signed in.
You can fix this by adding adding a value unique to the user to the key.
var key = this.User.Identity.Name + "|Id";
HttpRuntime.Cache.Insert(key, id);
Note I am using a pipe character as a separator here. This is assuming the user name doesn't allow a pipe character (which you would also need to ensure).
Secondly, using a proper cache pattern means that you will never need to worry about whether "id" exists because you have already made that check. Using the cache typically looks like this.
public static string GetUserID()
// Check whether the user is logged in
if (!HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated) {
return 0;
// Make a UNIQUE key that can be used for this scenario
var userName = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name;
var key = userName + "|Id";
// Attempt to get the ID from the cache
var id = HttpRuntime.Cache[key];
// A null value indicates there was no value in the cache
if (id == null)
// No ID in the cache, look it up from the database
using (EmployeeContext emp = new EmployeeContext())
id = (from user in emp.login
where user.username = userName
// Store the ID from the database into the cache
HttpRuntime.Cache.Insert(key, id,
// No Dependencies
// No absolute expiration (mimic the behavior of forms authentication)
// Timeout 20 minutes after the last access
// (to mimic the behavior of forms authentication)
new TimeSpan(0, 20, 0),
// Setting to NotRemovable ensures that if the
// application pool restarts, you don't lose your cache
// No callback needed here
return (string)id
Of course, you can improve performance if the value is available at login by inserting it into the cache directly, but you need to ensure you use the same key in that case.
Session is probably a better choice in this scenario, but either way you should make use of this pattern to double check you have a value before returning it to the user.
Should i worry about deleting/clearing my cache as soon as the user decided to log out? my role provider timeout is currently set to 20 minutes
If you use Session state instead of cache this is much easier. Simply call Session.Abandon() when the user logs out.

how can i hide ID in URL with MVC4

My URL{Alias}-{ID}
and my route
name: "ProductDetail",
url: "Products/{Alias}-{detailId}",
defaults: new { controller = "Products", action = "ProductDetail", id = UrlParameter.Optional }
In controller
public ActionResult ProductDetail(int? detailId)
var pro = db.Products.Find(detailId);
if (pro == null)
return RedirectToAction("Index", "NotFound");
return View(pro);
Now, I want to hide ID in my URL like{Alias}
How can i do that
Short Answer
It is not possible to do what you want. In that if you want to be able to access the detailId from your controller the you must pass the detailId as part of your URL - you cannot access something that does not exist.
Long Answer
There are other ways to get around 'hiding' the detailId from the user, and here are some suggestions:
1. Use Alias instead:
You can remove detailId all together and use the Alias value instead. This however will require the Alias value to be unique to the product you are trying to query, and the required changes might look like this:
url: "Products/{Alias}",
public ActionResult ProductDetail(string Alias)
var pro = db.Products.FindByAlias(Alias);
2. Use a POST request:
Another solution that will effectively hide the detailId from the URL but still allow the value to be passed to the controller would be to use a POST request, where the parameter value would be specified in the POST request body.
The drawback of this however is that you cannot simply provide a URL for the user to click, and coding links within your site takes considerably more effort. Typically with MVC, POST request occur when a form is submitted, and you can also do POST request with javascript ajax calls.
This is a bit too much to go into in this answer so if you are interested then do some research, such as this question, or some generally info here.
3. Encrypt the detailId value:
Now this options doesn't hide the detailId from the URL, but if your concern is that the current ID is just too user friendly then you could 'encrypt' (used loosely) the value. For example you could convert to a base64 string, and then back to an int within your controller. This would give you a URL something like this:{Alias}-MQ%3D%3D
This URL represents 1 as the detailId and you have to be ensure to URL encode/decode your values if using this method.
In this instance, Base64 conversion isn't really 'encrypting' it, any semi-savvy user will notice this and could get around it. But you could just as easily use a more secure 2-way encryption algorithm if you wanted to take this approach, one where only the server knows the encryption/decryption key. The drawback here is that only the server will be able to produce valid URLs for your users to 'click on'.
At this point it is worth considering that if your concern is that the URL is too user friendly by including a simple numeric ID, then the question is: why do you care?
If you are worried the user could simply change the detailId value and then have access to products they should have access to, then you have a bigger problem with security. If this is the case, then your controller should be responsibly for validating is the user has access to the product they are trying to access, and then act accordingly.
All security checking and validation should be handled server-side, never rely on your client code or user actions to do it for you.

Render different views for different roles just by one action in mvc

Suppose a web application which has three part or so-called three access level:
One for every visitor (just for seeing the content and no need for authentication)
One for Users (Authorized for users)
One for the Administrator (authorized for admin)
now, administrator has access for every content and every operation in the system and Users could do some operations. I don't wanna to create separate areas for Users and Administrator because I don't want to repeat the same code in every area. for example both admin and user can create product, see the list of products, create catalog and... and also every visitor can also sees the list of product, blog posts, ...
So it's not a good idea to separate and make the code duplicated just for separating the tasks. I haven't created any area and I want to control the authentication and authorization by defining the user role when he/she is in the system(ideas!?) but the main issue comes when I want to have separate user interface (views) for users and admin. as I want to use just one Controller for products, Catalog, ... and set authentication and authorization for them, how can I render different view for every request by admin and user? I also don't want to make my code dirty by putting bunch of if/else to define which view to render (I'd rather to duplicate the code in areas!), any solution?
Probably the easiest solution is to write your own RazorViewEngine(Assuming you are using razor).
Then when you want to retrieve a view for a user, you can check the user role and assign the view you want. This is a basic and crude example:
public override ViewEngineResult FindPartialView(
ControllerContext controllerContext,
string partialViewName,
bool useCache)
if (controllerContext.User.IsInRole("Admin"))
var adminViewLocations = new string[] {"~/AdminViews/" }
return new ViewEngineResult(adminViewLocations);
return base.FindPartialView(controllerContext, partialViewName, useCache);
Doing this means that all users use the same controllers and authentication, but the views change based on roles (or whatever you want).
You can read more about A Custom View Engine with Dynamic View Location.

ASP.NET MVC Routing - Pass inbound route value to outbound URLs automatically?

I have an ASP.NET MVC application with an Admin area that deals with administering Companies and their child entities, such as Users and Products. The default route associated with a child entity is defined as follows:
I would like to ensure that, everywhere in the Admin area, whenever the incoming route includes companyID, that this value is automatically included in every generated URL. For example, if my User Edit page has a link defined with Html.ActionLink("back to list", "Index"), the routing system will automatically grab the companyID from the incoming route data and include it in the outgoing route, without having to explicitly specify it in the call to ActionLink.
I think there's more than one way to achieve this, but is there a preferred/best way? Does it scream for a custom route handler? Something else?
My goal is to not lose the current company context when navigating around in the sub-sections, and I don't want to use Session - that could burn me if the user opens up multiple companies in different browser windows/tabs.
Thanks in advance!
I am using an ActionFilterAttribute in my MVC 2 application to make this happen. There may be better ways to do this:
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class|AttributeTargets.Method, Inherited = true, AllowMultiple = true)]
sealed class MyContextProviderAttribute : ActionFilterAttribute
public override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext)
// See if the context is provided so that you can cache it.
string myContextParam = filterContext.HttpContext.Request["myContextParam"] ;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(myContextParam))
filterContext.Controller.TempData["myContextParam"] = myContextParam;
// Manipulate the action parameters and use the cached value.
if (filterContext.ActionParameters.Keys.Contains("myContextParam"))
filterContext.ActionParameters["myContextParam"] = filterContext.Controller.TempData["myContextParam"];
filterContext.ActionParameters.Add("myContextParam", filterContext.Controller.TempData["myContextParam"]);

ASP.NET: How to redirect, prefilling form data?

i want a handler to redirect to a web-forms page, pre-filling in the values of some controls on the form.
i tried setting my current Request.Form data:
if (theyWantToDoSomething)
//pre-fill form values
context.Request.Form["TextBox1"] = "test";
context.Request.Form["ComboBox1"] = "test 2";
context.Request.Form["TextBox2"] = GetTheTextForTheThing();
//tell the client to go there
But i get an exception that Form values are read only.
What would be a way to send the client to another page, pre-filling form data?
i used the Session state to store values. It's important to note that by default a Handler doesn't have access to Session (the Session object will be null). You have to tell IIS to give you the Session object by adding the IRequiresSessionState marker interface to your handler class:
public class Handler : IHttpHandler, System.Web.SessionState.IRequiresSessionState
public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
if (theyWantToDoSomething)
//pre-fill form values
context.Session["thing1"] = "test";
context.Session["thing2"] = "test 2";
context.Session["thing3"] = GetTheTextForTheThing();
//tell the client to go there
return; //not strictly needed, since Redirect ends processing
You can only populate your Response, the Request is input data and is indeed read-only.
If you are using ASP.NET, there are a variety of ways you could accomplish what you need:
The best way would probably be to pass the data you need to be pre-populated to SomeWebForm.aspx via the Session object, and on that pages Load method, populate your form. Keep in mind that when you do Response.Redirect, a 302 response is sent to the client with the URL the client should redirect to. The process is transparent to the user...but there is a full round trip involved.
Another alternative to populating the users Session would be to add GET parameters via a query string to the redirect to SomeWebForm.aspx.
If you need to transfer processing to the SomeWebForm.aspx page without round tripping, you could use Server.Transfer. This will transfer execution from the current page to the page you choose...however, this can cause some odd behavior on the client end because the URL does not update. As far as the user is concerned, it will still appear as though they are on the same page they started on.
A few ideas that might get you started:
Pass the values in the query string
Store the values in the session state or in a seperate cookie
Store the values in HttpContext.Items and use Server.Transfer instead of Response.Redirect
Another approach that hasn't been mentioned yet is using Server.Transfer makes it possible to use the Page.PreviousPage property, allowing access to the controls on the page that transferred control.
As jrista mentioned though, using Transfer doesn't update the URL shown to the user, which may or may not be an issue. For example, a user can't precisely bookmark a page they got transferred to since the URL will be that of the original transferring page.
