I am referring to explanation of spanning tree given here.
I want to know can a spanning tree contain self loop? I.e. edge from one vertex to itself? I guess, no; because then for that loop there are two paths to reach that node. one direct and one including loop, but I want to confirm.
According to the Wikipedia article about trees, a tree is required to be cycle-free, which consequentially also holds for a spanning tree.
I would like to get all of the graph structure surrounding a single vertex into a subgraph.
The TinkerPop documentation shows how to do this for a fixed number of traversal steps.
My question: are there any recipes for getting the entire surrounding structure (which may include cycles) without knowing ahead of time how many traversal steps are needed?
I have updated this question for the benefit of anyone who might land on this question, here is a gremlin statement that will capture an arbitrary graph structure that surrounds a vertex with id='xxx'
-- this incorporates Stephen Mallete's suggestion to use simplePath within the repeat step.
That example uses repeat()...times() but you could easily replace times() with until() and not know the number of steps ahead of time. See more information in the Reference Documentation on how repeat() works to see how to express different types of flow control and traversal stop conditions.
I have been studying the Jump Point Search(JPS) path-finding algorithm recently but I do not fully understand how the final path is chosen.
In A* all the parent nodes are in the closed list and after the goal becomes a parent it tracks back through the closed list. The path will not be calculated until the goal node becomes a parent node in the closed list which will then track back through the parent nodes in the closed list that it is related to.
So how does JPS achieve this if it jumps over most of the nodes in the grid. A* works back through each node it has calculated but JPS can't do this can it?
JPS doesn't have a list of parent nodes in the closed list so does it just connect the path from one node to another ie. it draws a line from one node to another node which is five nodes away rather than a line from one node to another?
I have read all of Harabor's and Grastien's papers on the subject so please do not give me links as I do not understand the way they have explained it :)
If you can explain this to me well then you have my many thanks :)
What you need to keep in mind is that JPS is still A*. The only difference is that instead of always expanding all the neighbors of the current node, it only considers a subset of them.
As such, you stil need to keep track of the parents of jump nodes. Here you have to think of a parent as the node you have to go through to reach the current node. In A*, this will always be an adjacent node. In JPS this will often be a node many steps ahead of you. These steps, however, will always be along one specific movement vector. To find the'path' between the node and its parent you just have to keep taking steps from one to the other according to the normalized movement vector between them.
For example you have a node (5,3) with parent (2,0). node - parent gives you (3,3), which normalized gives you the step (1,1). In this case, taking 3 diagonal steps along (1,1), or in other words to positive x and positive y, brings you from parent to node.
In Neo4j, is it possible for a relationship to have a relationship?
To illustrate: Imagine a domain model that encompasses a collection of geometric planes. Each plane has a collection of lines on it, and each line has a collection of points on it. Each point on a line is connected to the point after it by an outgoing -[NEXT]-> relationship, and to the point preceding it by an incoming one. The way I have it now, each of these NEXT relationships contains a property lineID, which identifies the line on which it exists: The node entities representing lines in the database contain only an id, and perhaps a bit of metadata, and we return line X by traversing the graph, finding all -[NEXT{lineID:X}]-> relationships, fetching the start and end nodes of each and returning an list of them along with the line's metadata.
I was a bit more longwinded there than I intended to be, but my question is this: What if, rather than having a lineID property on each [NEXT] relationship, I wanted to create an -[ON]-> relationship between each [NEXT] and the node entity representing the line it is on?
To illustrate: Rather than doing
CREATE (:point)-[:NEXT{lineID:x}]->(:point)-[:NEXT{lineID:x}-> ...
, what about something like:
CREATE (:point)-[z:NEXT]->(:point), (z)-[:ON]->(:line)`
That's some ugly cypher, but I hope it clarifies my point. Intuitively, it seems like this would make line traversals more efficient (because we'd be playing to neo4j's strength by asking it to traverse all [ON] relationships from a line node rather than simply searching for a (presumably indexed) property. It would also make it easier to specify nested relationships:
(z)-[:ON]->(:line), (z)-[:ON]->(:plane)
Is this intuition misconceived? If not, would something like this be possible? I don't think it is, but am contemplating a workaround that would involve creating a node entity for each "relationship". Something like this:
(:point)<-[:FROM]-(x:next)-[:TO]->(:point), (x)-[:ON]->(:line)
, which would have the added advantage of facilitating hypergraph structures, which is something else I'm interested in. Leaving that conversation for another day (and another post), would such an approach be more trouble/expensive than its worth the purposes elucidated here? Might there be any dis/advantages (aside from plain cost) I'm not considering? Or am I reinventing the wheel here - is there an extant solution in this situation that I'm unaware of?
There are no relationships that you can link to other relations. I think that when you ask yourself this kind of questions, you may have a modelling problem for your data, and the next thing to do is try to model the data differently. For instance, why the relationship that links two points knows the line on which the points are ? Wouldn't it be more natural that the point knows the line, therefore having the property lineID on the points? This way you may have points on several lines, which you can't model properly if the lineID is on the NEXT relationship. Perhaps even better, you can have a node Line that has a relationship CONTAINS with all the points on that particular line instead of using lineID property.
This is not possible.
Restructure your model so any data on your relationship which needs linking is a node
When I convert my graph into trees I don't mind having duplicate nodes in the trees. let me explain the reverse way. Suppose I have 2 trees with a common element. I can join them on the common element to create a graph.
Can I do this in the opposite direction, i.e., start with the graph and split an element into duplicates to create multiple trees?
If I understand correctly, you want a tree containing all the links from the original, by allowing original nodes to appear several times in this tree. It's some kind of spanning tree, except the constraint is on keeping all links (instead of keeping all nodes, as in a classic spanning tree).
So you can use a similar approach than those used for discovering classic spanning trees. The basic approach is based on either breadth- or depth-first search. You start from a random node, and you add it to your tree. You then explore its neighbors using the search algorithm, and each time you reach a node, you add it to your tree (with the corresponding link). You must maintain a list of all processed links, so that you don't end up treating the same link twice. Also, you need a way to identify each node uniquely, to allow subsequent processing on your tree. For instance, simply number the nodes in your original graph.
How can one compute or quantify the hierarchical nature of a given graph, if there is a hierarchy in that graph ?
More specifically, i want to know if some sort of hierarchy existed in artificial neural network (with some number of hidden layers). and also want to measure that.
This is an interesting open ended question and so I'll answer loosely and off the cuff.
So you want to find out if the graph is logically like a tree? There is no up or down in a graph, so probably what you are really looking for is a way to find the node or nodes in your graph that are the most highly connected to other highly connected nodes, and then take a certain perspective supposition and determine if a "tree" like graph makes sense using that node as the trunk or root of the tree. Another thing you could do is just choose any random node, suppose that is the root of the tree, and then see what happens. You can re-balance the tree if the node connections lead you to want to do that based on a certain number of connections or traversals, and you can attempt to find the "real root" - if there is such a thing. If you re-balance a certain number of times, or detect a circular path has been traversed, you may decide that the graph is not very hierarchical at all. If you do find a "real root", then you might then decide to look for depth, avg. branch numbers, balance stats, etc. If you refine the question, I'll refine my answer.