Rewrite a url containing percent signs with nginx - nginx

My site needs to take what is essentially a malformed url sent by another site:
and redirect it to a proper url using nginx. None of the rewrite rules I've tried seem to catch it, instead always returning a 400.
As the single percent sign, not describing an encoded character, is itself an unsafe character as described in the RFC ( I suppose it might be an insurmountable issue.
However, sample (non-functional) rewrite rules include:
rewrite /%SAMPLE_URL_STRING% /redirect.html permanent;
rewrite ^/\%SAMPLE_URL_STRING\%$ /redirect.html permanent;
rewrite /\%.*\% /redirect.html permanent;
Even venturing into UTF8:
rewrite (*UTF8)^\x25.*\x25$ /redirect.html permanent;
Is it possible that any url containing %SAMPLE_URL_STRING% cannot be redirected by nginx?


nginx rewrite preserving CGI query params (with a hash anchor)

For my nginx config, I have these rewrite rules:
rewrite ^/foo$ permanent;
rewrite ^/foo(\?.*)$$1#two permanent;
rewrite ^/bar$ permanent;
rewrite ^/bar\?(.*)$$1#two permanent;
A request for correctly redirects to
A request for correctly redirects to
A request for incorrectly redirects to (I expect it to go to
A request for incorrectly redirects to (I expect it to go to
How can I redirect to a page copying CGI parameters and linking to a particular anchor in the destination page?
It appears that the rewrite directive does not handle the # fragment correctly when assembling the query string into the replacement string.
You can prevent rewrite from appending the query string by adding a trailing ? to the replacement string. So, you can construct the correct result using the built-in variables $is_args and $args.
For example:
rewrite ^/foo$$is_args$args#one? permanent;
See this document for details.
Note that the query string is not part of the normalised URI used to match rewrite and location statements, so your ^/foo(\?.*)$ regular expression will not work.

nginx rewrite all trailing / to /index.html with proxy pass

Using nginx as a reverse proxy, I'd like to mimic the index directive with proxy_pass. Therefore I'd like nginx to query /index.html instead of /, /sub/index.html instead of /sub/.
What would be the best approach to do this ?
Not sure if it's relevant, but the proxied server does answer HTTP 200 on /, but I'd still like to rewrite it to /index.html.
As the / request leaks some information by listing the directory content, I'd also like to be sure that no one will be capable of accessing it (like doing something like /sub/..).
Just add :
rewrite (.*)/$ $1/index.html last;
rewrite (.*)/..$ $1/../index.html last;
Should works

How to avoid "too many redirects" with NGINX

Here is the rewrite I added and when I visit /name I have an infinite loop of redirects.
rewrite ^/name /name-and-more permanent;
What am I missing?
You rewrite ^/name to /name-and-more which results in a 301 redirect.
Then next request is for /name-and-more which matches the same rewrite ^/name, so it redirects again to /name-and-more, and again etc..
You have missed the trailing $ so that it matches exact URL /name.
rewrite ^/name$ /name-and-more permanent;

nginx rewrite middle of url to another pattern

This nginx rule works great for me for a full specified file path
rewrite ^/sitemap.xml$ /sitemap.php last;
When I acces sitemap.xml it works as expected but in the background sitemap.php is requested. So far so goode.
Another problem arised and I need to rewrite the last part of existing urls
rewrite ^doctor-solution.html/ doctor-answer.html/ permanent;
What I want to achive is when an old url like is accessed
it must be redirected to
But My rule doesn't seem to work. Any ideas?

Nginx replace // with / in URL

We are currently getting web requests with which are resolving, but causing issues with google. How can we rewrite the request to catch these and redirect to
By default ngingx merges double-slashes and urls like works well.
You can turn off merging and make rewrite rule with redirection:
merge_slashes off;
rewrite (.*)//(.*) $1/$2 permanent;
