Nonlinear equation involving summations in R - r

I am having the hardest time trying to implement this equation into a nonlinear solver in R. I am trying both the nleqslv and BB packages but so far getting nothing but errors. I have searched and read documentation until my eyes have bled, but I cannot wrap my brain around it. The equation itself works like this:
The Equation
s2 * sum(price^(2*x+2)) - * sum(price^(2*x)) = 0
Where s2, and price are known vectors of equal length.
The last attempt I tried in BB was this:
gamma = function(x){
n = len(x)
f = numeric(n)
f[n] = s2*sum(price^(2*x[n]+2)) -*sum(price^(2*x[n]))
g0 = rnorm(length(price))
results = BBsolve(par=g0, fn=gamma)

From you description of the various parts used in the function you seem to have muddled up the formula.
Your function gamma should most probably be written as
gamma <- function(x){
f <- s2*sum(price^(2*x+2)) -*sum(price^(2*x))
s2, price and are vectors from your description so the formula you gave will return a vector.
Since you have not given any data we cannot test. I have tried testing with randomly generated values for s2, price, Sometimes one gets a solution with both nleqslv and BB but not always.
In the case of package nleqslv the default method will not always work.
Since the package has different methods you should use the function testnslv from the package to see if any of the provided methods does find a solution.


Inverse function in R

So I have a function: f(a,b,rho)=r. Given a,b and r, I would like to find rho. I came across the inverse function in R, but it seems that when the function tries to find rho, the function cannot tell which of a, b or rho is the specified rho and also the function cannot load the given a and b. In addition, I know that rho will be between 0 and 1.
a = -.7
b = 2
r <- function(rho,a,b){
# basically here I defined a very long function of r
# in terms of a and b and rho
R_inverse=inverse(function(rho) r(rho,-.7,2),0,1)
# r_value is just a random value
This does not work. I would appreciate any help with the inverse function or any other alternative way to find rho given r and a and b.

How extreme values of a functional can be found using R?

I have a functional like this :
(LaTex formula: $v[y]=\int_0^2 (y'^2+23yy'+12y^2+3ye^{2t})dt$)
with given start and end conditions y(0)=-1, y(2)=18.
How can I find extreme values of this functional in R? I realize how it can be done for example in Excel but didn't find appropriate solution in R.
Before trying to solve such a task in a numerical setting, it might be better to lean back and think about it for a moment.
This is a problem typically treated in the mathematical discipline of "variational calculus". A necessary condition for a function y(t) to be an extremum of the functional (ie. the integral) is the so-called Euler-Lagrange equation, see
Calculus of Variations at Wolfram Mathworld.
Applying it to f(t, y, y') as the integrand in your request, I get (please check, I can easily have made a mistake)
y'' - 12*y + 3/2*exp(2*t) = 0
You can go now and find a symbolic solution for this differential equation (with the help of a textbook, or some CAS), or solve it numerically with the help of an R package such as 'deSolve'.
PS: Solving this as an optimization problem based on discretization is possible, but may lead you on a long and stony road. I remember solving the "brachistochrone problem" to a satisfactory accuracy only by applying several hundred variables (not in R).
Here is a numerical solution in R. First the functional:
Now the function that does the actual optimization. The best results I got were using the BFGS optimization method, and parametrizing using dy rather than y:
findMinY<-function(points=100, ## number of points of evaluation
boundary=c(-1,18), ## boundary values
y0=NULL, ## optional initial value
method="Nelder-Mead", ## optimization method
dff=T) ## if TRUE, optimizes based on dy rather than y
if(is.null(y0) || length(y0)!=points)
With 500 points of evaluation, it only takes a few seconds with BFGS:
> system.time(yy<-findMinY(500,method="BFGS"))
Iterations: 90 18
user system elapsed
2.696 0.000 2.703
The resulting function looks like this:
And now a solution that numerically integrates the Euler equation.
As #HansWerner pointed out, this problem boils down to applying the Euler-Lagrange equation to the integrand in OP's question, and then solving that differential equation, either analytically or numerically. In this case the relevant ODE is
y'' - 12*y = 3/2*exp(2*t)
subject to:
y(0) = -1
y(2) = 18
So this is a boundary value problem, best approached using bvpcol(...) in package bvpSolve.
F <- function(t,, pars){
dy <-[2]
d2y <- 12*[1] + 1.5*exp(2*t)
init <- c(-1,NA)
end <- c(18,NA)
t <- seq(0, 2, by = 0.01)
sol <- bvpcol(yini = init, yend = end, x = t, func = F)
y = function(t){ # analytic solution...
b <- sqrt(12)
a <- 1.5/(4-b*b)
u <- exp(2*b)
C1 <- ((18*u + 1) - a*(exp(4)*u-1))/(u*u - 1)
C2 <- -1 - a - C1
return(a*exp(2*t) + C1*exp(b*t) + C2*exp(-b*t))
plot(t,y(t), type="l", xlim=c(0,2),ylim=c(-1,18), col="red", main="Analytical Solution")
plot(sol[,1],sol[,2], type="l", xlim=c(0,2),ylim=c(-1,18), xlab="t", ylab="y(t)", main="Numerical Solution")
It turns out that in this very simple example, there is an analytical solution:
y(t) = a * exp(2*t) + C1 * exp(sqrt(12)*t) + C2 * exp(-sqrt(12)*t)
where a = -3/16 and C1 and C2 are determined to satisfy the boundary conditions. As the plots show, the numerical and analytic solution agree completely, and also agree with the solution provided by #mrip

consistent evaluation of input parameters

Thanks to R's evaluation of function arguments, it is possible to specify a consistent set of input parameters, and have the others automagically calculated.
Consider the following function, linking the concentration, mass, volume and molar weight for a dilution in chemistry,
concentration <- function(c = m / (M*V), m = c*M*V, V = m / (M*c), M = 417.84){
cat(c("c=", c*1e6, "micro.mol/L\n",
"m=", m*1e3, "mg\n",
"M=", M, "g/mol\n",
"V=", V*1e3, "mL\n"))
## mol/L, g, g/mol, L
invisible(list(c=c, m=m, M=M, V=V))
Is there a way to specify only one of the equations and have R figure out the others by inversion? I realise this is limited to simple linear relationships, as the inversion cannot generally be expressed analytically.
concentration <- function(c = m / (M*V), m, V, M = 417.84){
## { magic.incantation }
## mol/L, g, g/mol, L
invisible(list(c=c, m=m, M=M, V=V))
You might want to look at the BB package, and in particular the function BBsolve(). BBsolve does a Newton-Raphson backsolve of the equation(s) you feed it. As it happens :-) , I wrote and published a function "ktsolve" which allows you to enter a set of equations and some subset of the variables, and it'll return the values of the other variables. (It's named in honor of the commercial TK!Solver package). If you want to try it out, you can get it at (or and click on the link there).

Why is nlogn so hard to invert?

Let's say I have a function that is nlogn in space requirements, I want to work out the maximum size of input for that function for a given available space. i.e. I want to find n where nlogn=c.
I followed an approach to calculate n, that looks like this in R:
step = function(R, z) { log(log(R)-z)}
guess = function(R) log(log(R))
inverse_nlogn = function(R, accuracy=1e-10) {
zi_1 = 0
z = guess(R)
while(abs(z - zi_1)>accuracy) {
zi_1 = z
z = step(R, z)
But I can't get understand why it must be solved iteratively. For the range we are interested (n>1), the function is non singular.
There's nothing special about n log n — nearly all elementary functions fail to have elementary inverses, and so have to be solved by some other means: bisection, Newton's method, Lagrange inversion theorem, series reversion, Lambert W function...
As Gareth hinted the Lambert W function (eg here) gets you almost there, indeed n = c/W(c)
A wee google found this, which might be helpful.
Following up (being completely explicit):
n <- 2.5
c <- 2.5*log(2.5)
exp(lambertW(c)) ## 2.5
exp(lambert_W0(c)) ## 2.5
There are probably minor differences in speed, accuracy, etc. of the two implementations. I haven't tested/benchmarked them extensively. (Now that I tried
findFn("lambert W")
I discover that it's implemented all over the place: the games package, and a whole package that's called LambertW ...

How to use optim() for sqrt optimization

I don't get how to use the optim() function. I tried something simple (at least i thought so). Here is the code:
c<-function(w,A,B) sqrt(w[1]*A + w[2]*B)
Error in w[1]*A:'A' is missing
I have seen various questions of this type but I still don't know what is wrong. What am I missing here?
There are two separate things to look at in the code above.
First, in the optim function you need to pass in the other arguments to c (as part of the ... argument to optim:
optim(w, c, A = A, B = B)
But that still won't run because the function your trying to optimise returns a vector (optim tries to minimise the value of the function by default).
Because you say it's an example, it's not clear what to do with the function c but just to show something that should work, you could try the sum of the squared differences between A & B:
c <- function(w, A, B) sum((w[1] * A - w[2] * B)^2)
optim(w, c, A = A, B = B)
