Overriding non-visible S3 method within namespace - r

First I have a package called DataBaseLayer and it has an S3 method called LoadFromTable(data_request). Second there is another package called RiskCalculator which determines several types of risks and does requests to the database by means of the package DataBaseLayer. Before "triggering" RiskCalculator (by means of an execute function defined in it) a connection to some schema of the database is set up and the method LoadFromTable will refer to that particular schema.
For some tests that I need to perform I have to switch schema depending on the value in data_request that enters LoadFromTable(data_request). Thus what I actually need is to insert a little check in LoadFromTable. As a note, currently there is only a default method implemented, i.e. LoadFromTable.default, and it would thus suffice even to only insert that check in that specific method.
My question is thus twofold:
1. Is there a general way to insert a piece of code before any LoadFromTable method is called, naively said: to insert a piece of code just before UseMethod("LoadFromTable", data_request) is "called".
2. If there is no such way, can we at least insert a piece of code just before LoadFromTable.default is called (for in my case that would now suffice).
As a final note, I can imagine you might say that the whole structure should be changed, and I agree, however, that is not an option for I am not the owner of these packages.
Thanks for your help.

It’s strongly discouraged, and fundamentally the wrong approach, to change code in loaded packages, so I won’t discuss it here (but I’ll mention that this is done via the assignInNamespace function).
But your case can be solved much easier: just override the LoadFromTable generic function in the RiskCalculator package as follows:
LoadFromTable = function (request) {
# TODO: perform your check here.
Now if you load your RiskCalculator package and call the function either explicitly (via RiskCalculator::LoadFromTable) or implicitly (via LoadFromTable after attaching the RiskCalculator package), your implementation will be called.

Try trace:
trace(LoadFromTable, quote(print("Hello")))
The library statement is important, even if you don't otherwise access that package yourself.


Rcpp-Modules: Understanding .finalizer() and why it doesn't get called

I have written a Rcpp-Module named RMaxima that spawns a child process when it's constructor is called. My motivation for this question is, that I need an object of this class to be destructed, when R exits a functions execution environment in which it has been allocated and bound to a name.
Here are the important parts of my source file:
class RMaxima
// spawnes child process by instantiating an object
myMaxima = new Maxima(...);
// causes the child process to terminate properly
delete myMaxima;
Maxima* myMaxima;
static void rmaxima_finalizer(RMaxima* ptr)
if (ptr)
delete ptr;
My understanding of garbage collection in R is that when the interpreter exits an environment the value bindings from this environment are thrown away and R's garbage collection frees up memory for any unbound values.
However, this seems to be different for Rcpp-Modules: If I call and exit a function that creates an instance of my class
foo <- function() {
m <- new(Rmaxima)
then, as expected, m does not appear in the global environment. However, the child process is still running. This means that my class' destructor/ finalizer has not been called. It is called however, when I quit the R session or when I install my corresponding custom package during which loading is tested.
Why? How can I cause it being destructed in a different scope? "Extending R" (Chambers, 2016) gave me some hint
The Rcpp templated type allows conversions to and from "externalptr"
with computations in the C++ code specialized to the type T of the object referred
to. Templated code can in fact use 3 parameters: type, storage scope and a final-
izer to be called when the object pointed to is deleted. The object returned to R
is in all cases of class and type "externalptr". No information is available about
the parametrized form.
as to point out that classes are returned as externalptr and protected from gc(), but I don't see the connection, since object is typeof(m): S4, i.e. a reference class.
Any further hint, where to read about this?
You are using Rcpp Modules which are in a way an alternative to using things yourself with an external pointer. Rcpp offers you Rcpp::XPtr and those are used by a few packages you could look at. (My favourite is a quick GitHub search as in this one across the 'cran' org that mirrors CRAN -- it shows over 1k code hits so some further triage needed.)
And XPtr itself seems to have an open issue in as far as guaranteed access to the finalizer is concerned; I filed issue #1108 on that last year and plan to revisit this 'soon'. But despite that issue which may be a corner case, in general this appears to work. So I would look into XPtr and/or the two helper packages for XPtr use on CRAN.
Lastly, Rcpp Classes were an extension written and contributed by John. They have not seen too much use though. Rcpp Modules is fairly widely used, and there too you could look at examples.
Lastly, you could also do something more simple and direct:
create a class Foo with an empty-ish constructor
have static pointer to a singleton of the class
create an init method to set up the class and have it hold the memory it needs
have setter/getter/worker/result methods as needed
create a teardown method to free the memory
and then call init first (maybe from package load), followed by all the work and then ensure the teardown is called. It's a far-from-perfect design (maybe teardown is not called?) but the simplicity gives you a comparison. And once you have the fragments you can build fancier structures on top.

how to start one flux after completion of another?

how can i start Flux after completion of Flux? Flux doesn't depend on result of Flux.
I thought operation then() should do the work, but it just return mono. So what is the correct operator?
Flux.thenMany is the operator that you need
abstract Flux<Integer> flux1();
abstract Flux<String> flux2();
public Flux<String> flux2AfterFlux1(){
return flux1().thenMany(flux2());
My reply is late, so you have probably either figured this out, or moved on. I need to do the same thing, so I seem to have achieved this by using Flux.usingWhen(). I need to obtain IDs from my database that exhibit a certain property. After retrieving these IDs, then I need to get some information about these IDs. Normally, a join would work, but I am using MongoDB, and joins are horrible, so it is better to do separate, sequential queries. So let's say I have a Mongo reactive repository with a method called Flux<String> findInterestingIds(). I have another method in the same repository called Flux<String> findInterestingInformation(String[] interestingIds) that I need to feed the IDs found in the call to the previous method. So this is how I handle it:
Mono<List<String>> interestingIdsMono = myRepo.findInterestingIds()
interestingIds -> myRepo.findInterestingInformation(interestingIds),
interestingIds -> Flux.empty().doOnComplete(() -> log.debug("Complete"));
The cleanup function (third parameter) was something that I don't quite yet understand how to use in a good way, so I just logged completion and I do not need to emit anything extra when the flux completes.
ProjectReactor used to have a compose function that is now called transformDeferred, and I had some hopes for that, but I do not quite see how it would apply in this type of situation. At any rate, this is my attempt at it, so feel free to show me a better way!

How to mock an inlined InitiatingFlow return value during another flow

I have SomeBigFlow that calls multiple subflows inside it i.e ValidateFlowA, ValidateFlowB. Assuming it is mandatory for A and B to be initiating flows not functions.
How do I mock a return value for ValidateFlowA when I run the SomeBigFlow in Junit?
I've seen some references to using registerAnswer to mock flows' return value here. I am also curious why this function is only available for InternalMockNetwork.MockNode but not MockNetwork.StartedMockNode which is typically used during junit testing)
I thought I could replicate it by having node[1].registerAnswer(ValidateFlowA.class, 20). But when I ran node[1].startFlow(SomeBigFlow).resultFuture.getOrThrow(), the ValidateFlowA is still using its default call implementation instead of returning the mocked 20 integer value. Maybe I'm using it wrong.
Any pointers on how to make this work or is there a solution to achieve mocking inlined subflows returned values? The only other way I can think of is have a rule of thumb that whenever calling an inlined subflow, put them in an open fun that can be overridden during mocknetwork testing - this makes inlined subflow tedious, hoping for a neater way.
For now, you'd have to use a similar approach to the one outlined here: Corda with mockito_kotlin for unit test.
In summary:
Make the FlowLogic class you are testing open, and move the call to the subflow into an open method
For testing, create a subclass of the open FlowLogic class where you override the open method to return a dummy result
Use this subclass in testing

How to separate concerns functionally

I'm writing a program in Scala and trying to remain as functionally pure as is possible. The problem I am facing is not Scala specific; it's more to do with trying to code functionally. The logic for the function that I have to code goes something like:
Take some value of type A
Use this value to generate log information
Log this information by calling a function in an external library and evaluate the return status of the logging action (ie was it a successful log or did the log action fail)
Regardless of whether the log succeeded or failed, I have to return the input value.
The reason for returning the input value as the output value is that this function will be composed with another function which requires a value of type A.
Given the above, the function I am trying to code is really of type A => A i.e. it accepts a value of type A and returns a value of type A but in between it does some logging. The fact that I am returning the same value back that I inputted makes this function boil down to an identity function!
This looks like code smell to me and I am wondering what I should do to make this function cleaner. How can I separate out the concerns here? Also the fact that the log function goes away and logs information means that really I should wrap that call in a IO monad and call some unsafePerformIO function on it. Any ideas welcome.
What you're describing sounds more like debugging than logging. For example, Haskell's Debug.Trace.trace does exactly that and its documentation states: "These can be useful for investigating bugs or performance problems. They should not be used in production code."
If you're doing logging, the logging function should only log and have no further return value. As mentioned by #Bartek above, its type would be A -> IO (), i.e. returning no information () and having side-effects (IO). For example Haskell's hslogger library provides such functions.

How can I tell the Closure Compiler not to rename an inner function using SIMPLE_OPTIMIZATIONS?

How can I tell the Closure Compiler not to rename an inner function? E.g., given this code:
function aMeaninglessName() {
function someMeaningfulName() {
return someMeaningfulName;
...I'm fine with Closure renaming the outer function (I actively want it to, to save space), but I want the function name someMeaningfulName left alone (so that the name shown in call stacks for it is "someMeaningfulName", not "a" or whatever). This despite the fact that the code calling it will be doing so via the reference returned by the factory function, not by the name in the code. E.g., this is purely for debugging support.
Note that I want the function to have that actual name, not be anonymous and assigned to some property using that name, so for instance this is not a duplicate of this other question.
This somewhat obscure use case doesn't seem to be covered by either the externs or exports functionality. (I was kind of hoping there'd be some annotation I could throw at it.) But I'm no Closure Compiler guru, I'm hoping some of you are. Naturally, if there's just no way to do that, that's an acceptable answer.
(The use case is a library that creates functions in response to calls into it. I want to provide a version of the library that's been pre-compressed by Closure with SIMPLE_OPTIMIZATIONS, but if someone is using that copy of the library with their own uncompressed code and single-stepping into the function in a debugger [or other similar operations], I want them to see the meaningful name. I could get around it with eval, or manually edit the compressed result [in fact, the context is sufficiently unique I could throw a sed script at it], but that's awkward and frankly takes us into "not worth bothering" territory, hence looking for a simple, low-maintenance way.)
There is no simple way to do this. You would have to create a custom subclass of the CodingConvention class to indicate that your methods are "local" externs (support for this was added to handle the Prototype library). It is possible that InlineVariables, InlineFunctions, or RemoveUsedVariables will still try to remove the name and would also need to be fixed up.
Another approach is to use the source maps to remap the stack traces to the original source.
read the following section
Two options basically, use object['functionName'] = obj.functionName or the better way
use exportSymbol and exportProperty both on the goog object, here is the docs link for that
-- edit
ah, i see now, my first answer is not so great for you. The compiler has some interesting flags, the one which might interest you is DEBUG, which you can pass variables into the compiler which will allow you to drop some debugging annotations in via logging or just a string which does nothing since you are using simple mode.
so if you are using closure you can debug against a development version which is just a page built with dependiencies resolved. we also the drop the following in our code
