Plone: get vocabulary in a page template - plone

I'm trying this: tal:define="terms python:context.portal_vocabularies.getVocabularyByName('a_vocabulary').items()"
and the result is
Unauthorized: You are not allowed to access 'portal_vocabularies' in this context
Any idea how to get my vocabulary in a page template?
(It's working for authenticated users. The error is only for anonymous.)

Not sure it's the easiest... Added a browser view:
class AVocabulary(BrowserView):
def __call__(self):
terms = self.context.portal_vocabularies.getVocabularyByName(
res = [(t[0], t[1].title) for t in terms]
return res
it's public
and it's working:
tal:define="options python:context.restrictedTraverse('get_a_vocabulary')"


How to add new sub resource to a standard Intershop AbstractResourceObject

I want to introduce a new sub resource to standard Intershop ProductResource
without loosing the product resource context.
E.g In my resource's code, I want to know about the product to which a REST client is referring to /product/SOME/my-sub-resource
How can I do this ?
There is a recipe in "Cookbook - REST Framework":
Add a Resource to an Existing REST API
You need to add a new java class extending
Register the implementation in a component file
<implementation name="YOUR_NAME"
<requires name="name" contract="String" cardinality="1..1" />
<requires name="subResource" contract="RestResource" cardinality="0..n" />
Instantiate the implementation in a component file
<instance with="YOUR_NAME" name="YOUR_INSTANCE_NAME">
<fulfill requirement="name" value="YOUR_SUBRESOUCE_NAME" />
Add as subResource to intershop.WebShop.RESTAPI.ProductResource instance
<fulfill requirement="subResource"
After that your resource is available under /product/SKU/YOUR_SUBRESOURCE_NAME. Make sure your impl class has a public method and that method is annotated with and
public SomeRO get()
ApplicationBO applicationBO = provider.get();
ProductBORepository productBORep = applicationBO.getRepository(ProductBORepositoryExtension.EXTENSION_ID);
ProductBO product = productBORep.getProductBOBySKU(getParent().getName());
// Do the stuff you want with the product

SilverStripe 4 : FunctionalTest "get" method returns 404 status although the page is there.

I am trying to test a controller with this Test class,
use SilverStripe\Dev\FunctionalTest;
class SitePageControllerTest extends FunctionalTest
protected static $fixture_file = 'site/tests/fixturesSitePage.yml';
public function testViewSitePage()
$obj = $this->objFromFixture('SitePage', 'page1');
$page = $this->get('page-one/');
$this->assertEquals(200, $page->getStatusCode());
and Fixture.
Title: Page One
CanViewType: true
But "$this->get('page-one/');" returns a 404 page.
Pages are versioned, and this one isn't published at the point where you ask for it, so the functional test emulates a frontend web request which is served from the live (published) stage by default.
You can use the draft site by appending ?stage=Stage to your request URL, or by using protected static $use_draft_site = true in your functional test (this is deprecated in 4.2).
Note that FunctionalTest doesn't log a user in, so you may also need to log in with some level of permission i.e. $this->logInWithPermission('ADMIN')
Another option is to publish it using something like: $obj->publishRecursive(); before the get()

plone.registry - How do I capture a change in registry when IRecordModifiedEvent is fired?

I'm trying to replicate an example of detecting the change in registry when IRecordModified is supposed to be fired.
I try to adapt this to what I am doing, but a print statement I placed isn't firing.
In my registry.xml
<records interface="my.product.utils.db_settings.IDBSettings">
In my
from my.product.utils.db_settings import IDBSettings
#adapter(IDBSettings, IRecordModifiedEvent)
def detectDBSettingsChange(settings, event):
print "detectDBSettingsChange"
In the module, which contain the control panel , I have:
from import controlpanel
class IDBSettings(Interface):
db_string = schema.TextLine(title=u"Database String",
description=u"String for database connection",
default=u"Some value"
class DBSettingsEditForm(controlpanel.RegistryEditForm):
schema = IDBSettings
label = u"Database settings"
description = u"String setup"
def updateFields(self):
super(DBSettingsEditForm, self).updateFields()
def updateWidgets(self):
super(DBSettingsEditForm, self).updateWidgets()
class DBSettingsControlPanel(controlpanel.ControlPanelFormWrapper):
form = DBSettingsEditForm
In my configure.zcml in utils:
<include package="" />
When I go into the control panel, change the value, and then save, detectDBSettingsChange doesn't seem to work as the print statement is ignored. Am I working with the wrong event to capture the change in my registry?
I think you need a subscriber like described in the docs. I'm not sure that the adapter in your is sufficient. Perhaps you can use provideHandler Method like described in plone.registry
You need to add a subscriber and register it like this in your configure.zcml file:
<configure xmlns="">
Check the collective.fingerpointing package for a working example of this.

How is the template rendered in the Zope2 application root (in Plone)?

Plone has a nice hack that does away with the boring Zope Quickstart page that ships with Zope2. It changes this:
Into this:
Relevant code is located in Products/CMFPlone/browser/admin.zcml (
And that explains why http://localhost:8080/plone-overview renders the plone-overview template, but why/how does the application root i.e. http://localhost:8080 render the same template?
That same ZCML file registers a AppTraverser adapter; this adapter adapts the OFS.interfaces.IApplication object to IRequest to intercept traversal.
In the IRequest adapter publishTraverse() method, when the index_html name is traversed over, the adapter returns the same plone-overview view:
def publishTraverse(self, request, name):
if name == 'index_html':
view = queryMultiAdapter((self.context, request),
Interface, 'plone-overview')
if view is not None:
return view
return DefaultPublishTraverse.publishTraverse(self, request, name)
See the AppTraverser class definition.

How to simulate the #PreAutorize tag in a integration test?

I have the following method in Spring MVC and using Spring Security:
#PreAuthorize("#phoneNumber ==")
#RequestMapping(value = "/{phoneNumber}/start", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public ModelAndView startUpgrading(#PathVariable("phoneNumber") String phoneNumber,
I manage to simulate authentication something like this:
public Authentication tryToAuthenticate(String accountName, String password) {
UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken token = new UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken(accountName, password);
return authenticationManager.authenticate(token);
But I dont know how to set up the authorization with #PreAutorize.
How can I set up my test context correctly such that I dont get access denied ? Access is denied
The annotations ( #PreAuthorize, #PostAuthorize, #PreFilter, #PostFilter ) which support expression attributes to allow pre & post-invocation authorization checks are enabled through the global-method-authority namespace element.
You need to add following code in your application-servlet.xml or security xml file.
<security:global-method-security pre-post-annotations="enabled" >
<security:expression-handler ref="expressionHandler"/>
<beans:bean id="expressionHandler" class="">
<beans:property name="permissionEvaluator" ref="permissionEvaluator"/>
Check spring-testcontext-framework and this post answering question very similar to yours.
Sounds like you want to declare a mock version of the bean that does the Authentication. You might need a test context.xml to declare it.
Maybe check this old post and the official documentation 16.3 Method Security Expressions for xml configuration.
I think you need to declare on your xml:
Also your method to authenticate token could be a hasPermisions(). Check 16.3.2 Built-In Expressions
