NetSuite Subtotals on report - report

I have a financial report that needs to group by a super category (custom) called brands and then underneath that also grouped by project name. One grouping was easy I can't seem to see how to do one more sub-grouping. Any help is greatly appreciated. thanks

Try putting the Brands as the first (left-most) column, and the Project next. Then make sure you have the Group check-box checked under Brands and Group With Previous Column checked under Project.

On reports you always need at least Columns To Group + 1 column.
ex. Brands, ProjectName, TotalAmount. if you have this last field available, click on ProjectName column, group tik will show.


Filtering data and Display Heading based on filters

being a newbie to SSRS, I am trying to figure out the following:
say for instance I have a dataset which does a :
SELECT [cols...] from [some view]
I want to be able to further filter this based on parameters given from an ASP.NET site (I am using the AJAX control toolkit for the report viewer). There could be x amount of parameters and potentially can be filtered on 1 or more columns.
First question is, how would I filter the dataset and pass along the parameters along with which field the filter should apply to? I may have [col1] and I want to filter it with x values.
Second question Is, I want to be able to group the results per page based upon a column. So for each grouped result set, I want them to be displayed per page (per group per page).
Then on the headers of the page, I want it to display what the page grouping is. How would I do this?
In terms of what have I tried - nothing as I DO NOT KNOW HOW, it is why I am asking the question here to see what the experts (you) can suggest and guide me.
thank you!
To do this you can create Parameters in SSRS, they do not need to be in your query or anything. Then, go to your tablix and click either ROW or column depending on the filter type and set it show/hide visibility. For example I have a report that has personal information, so i have true/false parameter that hides/shows those columns, similar I have one that hides/shows any row with a -1 for the total paid.

Cognos 10 Group Subtotal not showing

I have a list that shows columns from a query that is the result of a join (EmpJobs).
The list is grouped by Division and Department columns. When I highlight the Emp ID column and click Data -> Summarize -> Count in the toolbar, summary rows show up for Division and Overall, but I'm not getting a subtotal row for Department:
However, when I have a list that shows columns from a query that is NOT the result of a join (the Employees Query above), I get the subtotal rows on Department like I expect:
Our system was recently switched from Cognos 8 to Cognos 10. I didn't run into this issue in version 8, so did something change in version 10? Conceptually? A new setting somewhere?
Note: Not sure if this applies, but I found this post, which describes a different issue, but he says that his problem happens to the result of a join, which is the case in my problem. I played with the "Auto Group and Summarize" settings as he did, but without success.
Note 2: I think my question is the same as (Cognos report studio group for subtotals), but I don't think there was enough detail in the question to get the answer that the poster was looking for (no responses are marked as the answer). I follow the steps given in the one response, and I am still missing my subtotal.
I've seen this happen before in Cognos 10. I believe it's a bug. However, I don't know if it's 10 specific as it's been years since I've worked with 8. There is a workaround available.
Access the 'List Headers & Footers' dialog box. This can be done in two ways:
Click on the 'Headers & Footers' button in the toolbar and select 'List Headers & Footers'
Select Headers & Footers>List Headers & Footers... from the Structure menu
This will bring up the following dialog box:
Tick the box next to 'Department (footer)' highlighted above and click OK.
You should now have a Department summary row with empty cells underneath your columns.
Unlock the report and drag over your summary item from your query, Count(Emp ID), and put it in the empty cell at the intersection of the new Department footer and the Employee ID column.

How to show a number of group members next to each OG group in Drupal 7

I have a view showing all the OG groups. Now, I'd like to display a number of members and posts within the group next to each group name. I have spent last few days looking for a solution for my problem, unfortunately with no luck.
This would look like this:
Group name -
Members: X Posts: Y
I tried to create separate views showing list of groups (this was easy) and number of members of each group (easy) and then use views_field_view module to display the number of members as a field under the group name. This almost worked. The problem is that each group shows now a multiple times on the list.
I will be rally grateful for any direction or advice.
The easiest thing to try with your current setup is under "Advanced" > "Query settings" select distinct on the first view.
If this dosnt work, instead of using views_field_view just output the group ID in the first view and then theme this field in a views template file to bring in your other view setting the group id as the argument to this view.
Here is an example, put the following code in a file called:
changing the groupid, view and display names.
$view = views_get_view('view_2_name');
$view->set_arguments(array( $row->node_field_data_field_groupidfieldname ));
print $view_leader->render();
I think your answer is here:
You could also use .There you can access the group id and query the members count and many other funny things.

Query on use of aggregate functions over recursive groups in microsoft report designer

I have to point out that I'm fairly new to reporting outside of Microsoft Access, and new to the site, so please bear with me!
Stripped down to essential items, my data object has:
CategoryID, ParentCategoryID, TransactionID, TransactionDate, SplitID, CurrencyID and Value.
I don't think this is relevant, but just in case -
A Split has a Category and a Value, with one to many belonging to a Transaction.
Multiple Splits may exist for the same Category & Transaction with
different, or the same, Value (to support different combinations of the other data
items I haven't listed).
A Transaction has a TransactionDate and a CurrencyID, so all Splits
belonging to a Transaction are for the same Currency.
A Category belongs to a Category recursively.
A Split may be assigned a Category at any level in the recursive hierarchy and the crux of my problem is to report Transaction / Split detail under the appropriate Category heading, with a sub-total to include all those details AND the totals of all child Categories.
So, I have a Detail row group holding all the ancilliary data items that aren't relevant and a TransactionIDGroup row group on the same row. I then have a CategoryGroup row group based on CategoryID with a Parent of ParentCategoryID to handle the recursive nature of the data and a CurrencyIDGroup column group to handle the possible multiple currencies involved.
Also in the CategoryIDGroup row group is a total row with the Value cell holding an expression.
If I leave that expression as =Sum(Fields!AccountValue.Value), the report quite nicely totals the Value for each Currency column for all the details specifically in each Category (the default scope), so I thought I needed to make the Sum 'Recursive'. However, you don't seem able to specify the optional Recursive parameter without specifying the scope as well.
If I specify scope as CategoryIDGroup, I get all zero sub-totals. If I use CurrencyIDGroup I get each one being the same report total for the Currency. Anything else either gets me a build error or a combined-currency report total.
The other issue I have is that the recursive child Category groups are reported sequentially underneath the parent Category group (so, outside the header row, detail rows and total row, and not within the group. However, if I can get the total to reflect the children as well as the details at that level, I'd be happy enough, even though it wouldn't seem to add up until you realised what was going on.
What I have in mind is something like:
Category A
Transaction 1 10/02/2011 ...................... £100.00
---------------------- £14.50
Transaction 2 18/03/2011 ...................... $159.34
Category Ai
Transaction 3 18/06/2011 ---------------------- £295.60
Total Category Ai £295.60
Total Category A £410.10 $159.34*
But what I get is this:
Category A
Transaction 1 10/02/2011 ...................... £100.00
---------------------- £14.50
Transaction 2 18/03/2011 ...................... $159.34
Total Category A £114.50 $159.34*
Category Ai
Transaction 3 18/06/2011 ---------------------- £295.60
Total Category Ai £295.60
I guess the fundamental question is - am I asking the impossible? Do I need to take a different approach, perhaps with sub-reports for the details? I've wondered about including a Sum of the values of the child Categories within the data object at each Category level, but is there something simple I'm missing?
Any pointers in the right direction would be greatly appreciated after several days tearing my hair out :)
I have no idea whether there was something simple I missed, but resolved the issue to my satisfaction by including another property in the data object, being the sum of all child categories for each currency, and including a new row to print the sum of that field. Just in case someone else hits just the same question! matrix reports - more than 2 columns on row headings

I need to create a donor summary report that provides total donations by donor by year.
I need to provide
name address email yr1total yr2total etc...
It looks like salesforce only allows two columns in row headings and two columns in column headings. Is there a way to work around this
Or, is there a way to use the tabular report to do the same?
If donations is a single field on the donor's record, it seems like what you're looking to do is attempt to display two columns for the same data within a report. The best way to do this (well, outside of creating a master-detail relationship with a new custom object named "Donations") would to have formula fields for each of the donation years, and calculate the donation sums in each of them. That is, as long as you have a way of calculating the year of the donation.
I believe to get the best answer, more information is needed.
Something like this? This will work if your donation is a separate object that's linked to Account (I've used Tasks & Events linked to Accounts in my example).
Create a report in "Matrix format".
Drop Account Name on the left pane, Donation's Date on the columns.
Columns will default to days. Click the dropdown in the place where I have "Created Date" and select summarizing by year (of course fine-tune to whatever you need).
Check date ranges / filter criteria etc obviously if you don't see all data.
Click Show -> Hide details.
Drop your "Donation Amount" or similar field into place where "Record Count" is displayed. Use "Sum".
Optionally deselect Show -> Record Count.
Now you're mentioning that there are only 2 columns so you probably already tried this. Well, common trick is to cheat by using a formula field that would hold your data (separated by comma maybe?). Tabular report would require you to create some helper fields (1 per year) on Account and do some kind of rollup summaries, messy.
If it's for a dashboard you could play with summary report (it can have more groups than 2) and pick chart type table on the dashboard...
