Image inside flex item ignoring max-width - css

I'm just starting with flex layout and encounter one problem. I have the following code:
wrapper {display: flex; width: 100%; }
graphic {flex-grow: 1; flex-shrink: 1; text-align: center;}
graphic img {width: 100%; max-width: 400px;}
nav {width: 200px;}
<nav><img src="" /></nav>
<graphic><img src="" /></graphic>
<nav><img src="" /></nav>
Left and right are fixed width; center grows and shrinks when resizing the browser window - OK so far. However I would like to prevent the center image from exceeding it's natural size. I expected that max-width would do the job but it doesn't. Can you explain why and how to do in a correct way?
My browser is Opera. PS: Sorry for the selfmade tags, I got this code from another forum and didn't correct it yet.

By looking at your code it looks like the max-width: 400px should be applied to the parent element of the image, in this case <graphic> this will prevent the image container from being larger than 400px.
graphic {
flex-grow: 1;
flex-shrink: 1;
max-width: 400px;
text-align: center;
graphic img {
width: 100%;


Positioning text over an image so that it always points to the same spot in the image even when resizing the browser

I am currently building a website with weblflow but run into a problem that someone here might be able to help me with. The is an issue I have for multiple projects, so I would really appreciate someone's help.
Basically, if you have an image full screen size (set as background image, 100vw and 100vh), and then want to put headings/labels on top of that image pointing to specific sections in that image, how do I get these headings/labels always move with the image when someone would resize the browser?
As for now I used absolute positioning for the headings/labels and used % margins to position them where I want them to point to on the image. The image itself I have set to position relative. However, with that solution the headings/labels never exactly continue to point to the same spot on the image when resizing the browser.
I think the main issue is that when someone only changes the browser's width, the image gets (for example) smaller bc it keeps it's ratio. Vertically the headings/labels don't move bc the height was unchanged, it's just the browser's width that was changed. So horizontally it's still fine but vertically the headings are off now since the image got smaller due to resizing the browser's width. So I guess I do know why it's not working but I don't know how to fix this. If someone has a solution for this, please let me know.
As an example: if you open this page: and scroll down to the section ‘True value is always inside’, there is an image with 5 numbered labels, no matter how you resize the browser, these labels/numbers stay in the same spot of the image. I see this quite often on websites. How was this achieved?
Would appreciate any help!
You create a parent wrapper, put inside the image and all the divs.
the parent is relateive and the divs are absolute.
here's a small demo.
* {
box-sizing: border-box;
margin: 0;
img {
max-width: 100%;
display: block;
width: 100%;
.parent {
position: relative;
.parent .box {
position: absolute;
width: calc(1.6vw + 10px); height: calc(1.6vw + 10px);
border-radius: 50%;
background-color: #fff;
display: -webkit-box;
display: flex;
-webkit-box-pack: center;
justify-content: center;
-webkit-box-align: center;
align-items: center;
.parent .box.window {
top: 0;
left: 39%;
.parent .box.light {
top: 16%;
left: 46%;
.parent .box.pool {
top: 90%;
left: 50%;
.parent .box.plant {
top: 55%;
left: 3%;
<div class="parent">
<div class="box plant">1</div>
<div class="box window">2</div>
<div class="box light">3</div>
<div class="box pool">4</div><img src="" alt=""/>
You can achieve this with percentage positioning. For example,
In the parent div
position: relative;
In the child div
position: absolute;
top: 50%;
left: 30%;
Now the child div will always position itself 50% from the top and 30% from the left of the parent div. It does not matter what size the parent div is. I suggest you take a parent div and put the image and texts inside it.
Your example website also uses this technique.
check their code here
Another technique would be using HTML canvas. But for something simple like this, HTML canvas would be overkill.

bootstrap carousel sliders not confined to my images

I'm pretty new to coding so it may be that I do not understand what I'm doing. I've tried every bit of code advice given on this website that seems to pertain to my situation and I cannot get results!
My carousel sliders are outside my images and I need them in/on my images. I want them the size they currently are so viewers do not have to scroll up and down to view my entire picture. You can view my predicament at
Like I said, I've tried everything under the sun. Currently my code just says:
.carousel .item{
min-height: 525px; /* Prevent carousel from being distorted if for some
reason image doesn't load */
.carousel .item img{
margin: 0 auto; /* Align slide image horizontally center */
position: absolute;
min-width: 100%;
height: 525px;
max-width: none;
I'm ashamed of how much of a hack this is, but it might help you out:
.right {
right: calc(100vw / 2 - 374px);
.left {
left: calc(100vw / 2 - 374px);
So to solve this I gave both the images and the .carousel a fixed max-height (I used 400px).
.carousel .item img,
.carousel {
max-height: 400px;
You vertical images will scale to a height of this value.
You can play around with different max-height values and even have the height depend upon the screen size using CSS Media Queries.
Whats happening is that the slider images are aligned to the sides of the actual carousel itself, if you want to restrict the size of the carousel set a max-width on it. This is because the size of your images cannot fit the width/height of the carousel and there isn't any code for resizing the img or the carousel. If you work on the resizing of your elements it should solve the problems you are having and try to find better images that are roughly the same dimensions or the carousel will expand/shrink unexpectedly if it isn't handled correctly.
I added the following to .carousel and it looked much better on the site.
.carousel {
max-width: 70%;
position: relative;
margin: auto;
Also i would add an img tag with
img {
And this
.carousel .item {
max-height: 525px;

BS carousel image distorted on mobile and on smaller size browser

I'm Making a BS Carousel. Images look out of place and don't cover carousel completely when browser is smaller and text doesn't stay centered. How can I figure this out? I haven't found an answer that could help me.
This is my CSS:
.carousel-inner {
height: 400px; }
.carousel-caption {
padding-bottom: 30%;
Here is the site: ' '
Well at the moment your .carousel-caption has bottom padding set at 30%. On bigger screens that padding moves caption out of carousel. You should change that to a margin.
Also, your images stretch because you gave them fixed height but in the same time you expect them to stretch till they fill 100% of website width. You should set fixed height and on carousel item and not on image.
This CSS should give better results:
.carousel-caption {
margin-bottom: 125px;
.carousel-inner> .item {
margin: 0 auto;
height: 500px;
.carousel .item > img {
height: auto;
min-width: 100%;
You need to made the image resonsive. Something like that:
<img src="IMAGE LINK" border="0" class="responsive-image" alt="Null">

Force flex element not to grow in cross-axis direction

I'm making a page with a vertical menu using display: flex;. I want the menu's width to fit snuggly around a few buttons, without having to use a fixed width.
However, I also want the menu box to have a status message, which can have quite a long text. I'd like this status-div to have the width of the menu, while not forcing the menu container to grow its width. Instead, the status-div should grow its height and wrap the text.
Explaining this in words is pretty difficult, so I suggest you checkout out this fiddle:
Note the difference when setting .statusmessage to display: none;.
Any ideas, or is what I'm trying to do not feasible? ..should it be?
What I've tried:
width: 100% fails, obviously it just assumes the parent width
width: -webkit-min-content sort of works, but it makes the element too narrow
flex-basis and flex-grow affect the height of the element, and do nothing to affect the width
position: absolute will solve the width issues, but now I have no way to define the height of the status-div.. (for the purpose of forcing a scroll bar in windows with small height - instead it will just flow over the button elements)
body {
position: absolute;
top: 0;
bottom: 0;
left: 0;
right: 0;
display: flex;
flex-flow: row nowrap;
align-items: stretch;
.page {
flex-grow: 1;
background-color: yellow;
.menu {
background-color: red;
height: 100%;
display: flex;
flex-flow: column nowrap;
.somechildren {
white-space: nowrap;
background-color: green;
border: 1px solid black;
.menu>* {
flex-shrink: 0;
.separate {
flex-grow: 1;
.statusmessage {
background-color: magenta;
align-self: flex-end;
/*display: none;*/
<div class=menu>
<div class=somechildren>I'd like the menu's</div>
<div class=somechildren>width to fit nicely</div>
<div class=somechildren>around these children</div>
<div class=separate></div>
<div class=statusmessage>
While forcing this status message to wrap and grow its height, without affecting the width of the container.
<div class=page>
The page
You were almost there with width. What you need to do is set width and min-width (demo):
.statusmessage {
width:0; /* Collapses .statusmessage so it doesn't affect column width */
min-width:100%; /* Expands .statusmessage to width of column */
The width can be (and probably should be) set to a value other than 0. It should just be the minimum width of the column or smaller. So use a value that works for you.
I've tested this on Chrome and Firefox and seems to work in both. Now, is it supposed to work? I'm not sure, I haven't read into the spec that much (it could be undefined). Make sure to test in all browsers you need it to work in. (And check the spec to see if this behavior is undefined/incorrect.)
width: 0; min-width: 100%; didn't work for me.
Instead, I set
position: relative;
on the flex child and wrapped its contents in an inner div with
position: absolute;
top: 0;
right: 0;
bottom: 0;
left: 0;
This prevents the contents from contributing to the flex container size while still matching the cross-axis size determined by the rest of the flex children.
For me, the issue was that the default value of align-items is stretch. So the items stretch out the cross axis by default.
You can either set align-items: flex-start or align-self: flex-start for the single flex child.
The visual here is quite illustrative.

How can I ensure that my container is centered horizontally and vertically despite user screen size?

I am relatively new to front-end dev so a bit lost as to how i can go about this. I created a container that contains a slider and some images. My supervisor has a huge screen so obviously there will be empty space at the bottom of the screen. So he doesn't want that. Instead he wants the container to be centered horizontally and vertically based on the size of the user's screen.
How can I do this properly with as minimal code as possible? I believe there is jQuery plugin but wanted to see if there is a better way or if doing this makes sense at all or not?
Due to the flow-based nature of CSS, without Javascript this can only be done if the vertical size of the centered element is fixed, by applying a position:absolute' andtop:50%` within a fixed container, and then use negative margin to offset the container. Click here for JSFiddle Sample.
Alternatively the same effect can be reached by using display:table-cell, but that's kind of messy and loses you a lot of flexibility. Sample already supplied in the other answer here so I'll save myself the effort :)
You can do it easily using a vertical-align property.
Since vertical-align works the desired way way only in a table cell, this trick with display property can give you the desired effect.
#yourDiv {
// give it a size
width: 100px;
height: 100px;
margin: 0 auto;
html, body {
height: 100%;
width: 100%;
padding: 0; margin: 0;
html {
display: table;
body {
display: table-cell;
vertical-align: middle;
See a fiddle with demo.
Try this:
<div class="center"></div>
.center {
width: 300px;
height: 300px;
position: absolute;
left: 50%;
top: 50%;
margin-left: -150px;
margin-top: -150px;
background-color: red;
Exactly Center an Image/Div Horizontally and Vertically:
