Extract the line with the same content from two files in R - r

I would like to use readLines function to read the text file line by line
Also, I would like to write a simple for loop with condition to extract the identical lines in two files.
69C_t <- "69C_t.txt"
conn <- file(69C_t,open="r")
t <-readLines(conn)
69C_b <- "69C_b.txt"
conn <- file(69C_b,open="r")
b <-readLines(conn)
for (i in 1:length(t)){
for (j in 1:length(b)){
if (i==j)
write(t[i], file = "overlap.txt")
However, it seems only print out the first line.
Can someone please have a check ?

A faster approach would be, instead of the loop
writeLines(t[t %in% b],"overlap.txt")

How about adding append in the write function:
write(t[i], file = "overlap.txt", append = TRUE)


how to save RDS file with different title in r?

I have want to save the cars data in a loop with different title name.
for (i in 1:10)
{ outfilename=paste0(i ,".RDS")
saveRDS(cars, file = "/home/outfilename.RDS")}
however, it looks like the out filename still did not work
You probably meant something like this:
for (i in 1:10){
outfilename <- paste0("/home/", i ,".RDS")
saveRDS(cars, file = outfilename)
Using lapply
lapply(1:10, function(i)
saveRDS(cars, file = file.path('/home', paste0(i, ".RDS"))))

Interchangeable simulating and writing data to a file

I'm experimenting with R and I try to interchangeably simulate and write data to a file. I tried out many variants for example:
connection<-file("file.txt", open="w")
for (i in 1:2){
writeLines(as.character(X), con=connection, sep="\n")
But what I get is
instead of something like
0.442033957922831 0.0713443560525775 0.950616024667397
0.0807233764789999 0.186026858631521 0.658676357707009
Could you explain me what I'm doing wrong?
We can paste the elements in 'X' to a single string and then use sep='\n', otherwise after each element, it is jumping to nextline
connection<-file("file.txt", open="w")
for (i in 1:2){
writeLines(paste(X, collapse=" "), con=connection, sep="\n")
Instead of writing line by line in a for loop we can create the string once and write it in the text file in one-go.
We can use replicate to repeat the runif code n times, paste the numbers row-wise, and paste them again collapsing with a new line character.
temp <- paste0(apply(t(replicate(2, runif(3,0,1))), 1, paste, collapse = ' '),
collapse = '\n')
connection <- file("file.txt")
writeLines(temp, connection)
where temp gives us a string of length one which looks like this :
#[1] "0.406911700032651 0.416268902365118 0.698520892066881\n0.96398281189613 0.834513065638021 0.655840792460367"
which looks in text file as :
#0.406911700032651 0.416268902365118 0.698520892066881
#0.96398281189613 0.834513065638021 0.655840792460367

For loop with file names in R

I have a list of files like:
As you can see, the name of the files is the same with the exception of 'sbj' (the number of the subject) which is not consecutive.
I need to run a for loop, but I would like to retain the original number of the subject. How to do this?
I assume I need to replace length(file) with something that keeps the original number of the subject, but not sure how to do it.
file = list.files(pattern="\\.csv$")
for(i in 1:length(file)){
Output = paste("e_sbj", i, "_e2.Rdata")
The code above gives me as output:
Instead, I would like to obtain:
Drop the extension "csv", then add "Rdata", and use filenames in the loop, for example:
myFiles <- list.files(pattern = "\\.csv$")
for(i in myFiles){
myDf <- read.csv(i)
outputFile <- paste0(tools::file_path_sans_ext(i), ".Rdata")
outputFile <- gsub("nE_pT_", "e_", outputFile, fixed = TRUE)
save(myDf, file = outputFile)
Note: I changed your variable names, try to avoid using function names as a variable name.
If you use regular expressions and sprintf (or paste0), you can do it easily without a loop:
fls <- c('nE_pT_sbj01_e2_2.csv', 'nE_pT_sbj02_e2_2.csv', 'nE_pT_sbj04_e2_2.csv', 'nE_pT_sbj05_e2_2.csv', 'nE_pT_sbj09_e2_2.csv', 'nE_pT_sbj10_e2_2.csv')
[1] "e_sbj01_e2.Rdata" "e_sbj02_e2.Rdata" "e_sbj04_e2.Rdata" "e_sbj05_e2.Rdata" "e_sbj09_e2.Rdata" "e_sbj10_e2.Rdata"
You can easily feed the vector to a function (if possible) or feed the function to the vector with sapply or lapply
fls_new <- sprintf('e_%s_e2.Rdata',regmatches(fls,regexpr('sbj\\d{2}',fls)))
res <- lapply(fls_new,function(x) yourfunction(x))
If I understood correctly, you only change extension from .csv to .Rdata, remove last "_2" and change prefix from "nE_pT" to "e". If yes, this should work:
Output = sub("_2.csv", ".Rdata", sub("nE_pT, "e", file[i]))

Specifying consecutive file names and assigning consecutive vectors with counter variable in for loops

I am trying to analyze 10 sets of data, for which I have to import the data, remove some values and plot histograms. I could do it individually but can naturally save a lot of time with a for loop. I know this code is not correct, but I have no idea of how to specify the name for the input files and how to name each iterated variable in R.
par(mfrow = c(10,1))
for (i in 1:10)
freqi <- read.delim("freqspeci.frq", sep="\t", row.names=NULL)
freqveci <- freqi$N_CHR
freqveci <- freqveci[freqveci != 0 & freqveci != 1]
What I want to do is to have the counter number in every "i" in my code. Am I just approaching this the wrong way in R? I have read about the assign and paste functions, but honestly do not understand how I can apply them properly in this particular problem.
you can do if in several ways:
Use list.files() to get all files given directory. You can use regular expression as well. See here
If the names are consecutive, then you can use
for (i in 1:10)
filename <- sprintf("freqspeci.frq_%s",i)
freqi <- read.delim(filename, sep="\t", row.names=NULL)
freqveci <- freqi$N_CHR
freqveci <- freqveci[freqveci != 0 & freqveci != 1]
Use also can use paste() to create file name.
paste("filename", 1:10, sep='_')
you could just save all your datafiles into an otherwise empty Folder. Then get the filenames like:
filenames <- dir()
for (i in 1:length(filenames)){
freqi <- read.delim("freqspeci.frq", sep="\t", row.names=NULL)
# and here whatever else you want to do on These files

Looping through files in R and applying a function

I'm not a very experienced R user. I need to loop through a folder of csv files and apply a function to each one. Then I would like to take the value I get for each one and have R dump them into a new column called "stratindex", which will be in one new csv file.
Here's the function applied to a single file
ctd=read.csv(file.choose(), header=T)
Then I can spit out one value with
I tried formatting another file loop someone made on this board. That link is here:
Looping through files in R
Here's my go at putting it together
out.file <- 'strat.csv'
for (i in list.files()) {
tmp.file <- read.table(i, header=TRUE)
tmp.strat <- function(x)
write(paste0(i, "," tmp.strat), out.file, append=TRUE)
What have I done wrong/what is a better approach?
It's easier if you read the file in the function
stratindex <- function(file){
ctd <- read.csv(file)
x <- ctd$Density..sigma.t..kg.m.3..
(x[30] - x[1]) / 29
Then apply the function to a vector of filenames
the.files <- list.files()
index <- sapply(the.files, stratindex)
output <- data.frame(File = the.files, StratIndex = index)
