kerasR giving error - r

I am trying to use kerasR for deep learning in R. I am trying to reproduce the examples in the package. Trying the following code produces error:
mod <- Sequential()
The error is:
Error in Sequential() : attempt to apply non-function

I'd suggest to look at this issue in KerasR Github repo:
Basically you should check where is located your version of python and then use reticulate::use_python("PATH_TO_PYTHON") to tell the system where to find Python.
Watch Out!
You can load just one Python interpreter per session and the use_python() function doesn't warn you if there already is a loaded interpreter.
Moreover if you run py_config() it automatically loads the first interpreter that he finds (which, in your case, seems to be the wrong one!), thus you'd better call reticulate::use_python("PATH_TO_PYTHON") before anything else.


Cannot not find "calc.RL.0" function within "mixstock" package

I am trying to run through a mixed stock analysis in RStudio based on the walkthrough provided by Bolker (, using the 'mixstock' package and the example 'lahanas98raw' dataset within. However, I am receiving a warning that the 'calc.RL.0' function cannot be found whilst trying to carry out Raftery and Lewis convergence diagnostics (p.14 of Bolker's walkthrough). I am wondering whether one of the packages has not installed properly (i.e., either 'mixstock' or 'coda'), or whether there is another package I can use to run this diagnostic instead.
When I initially tried to install the 'mixstock' package, the following warning came up:
'Warning in install.packages : package ‘mixstock’ is not available for this version of R.'
I tried installing the version of R (2.14.1) described as the 'current version of R' on page 2 of Bolker's walkthrough, but when I then tried to switch to this version of R in RStudio via the options menu, it says that this version of R is not compatible with RStudio. To work around this, I downloaded the 'mixstock' package (version from the CRAN archive ( and uploaded it to RStudio this way instead.
This seemed to have worked, as I successfully ran through a significant amount of the code, but a new error arose when I tried to run Raftery and Lewis convergence diagnostics (p.14). When I try to run calc.RL.0(mydata), I receive the following error:
'Error in calc.RL.0(mydata) : could not find function "calc.RL.0"'
However, when I click on 'mixstock' in the package window, everything seems fine and the 'calc.RL.0' function appears, alongside several other 'calc' functions (e.g. 'calc.GR', 'calc.mult.GR', 'calc.mult.RL') that can all be found and run fine. The 'calc.RL.0' function relies on the 'raftery.diag' function within the 'coda' package, so I have also made sure that is installed and called. I have tried a bunch of other methods but nothing seems to be working.
Here is some of my code leading up to the warning message:
## Calculate confidence intervals - i.e., bootstrapping - and plot them
mydata.umlboot = genboot(mydata,"uml")
plot(mydata.umlboot, ylim=c(0,1))
## Carry out Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) estimations and plot them
mydata.mcmc = tmcmc(mydata)
plot(mydata.mcmc, ylim=c(0,1))
## Check that the Markov chains have converged = run Raftery and Lewis diagnostics
'Error in calc.RL.0(mydata) : could not find function "calc.RL.0"'
Could this be something to do with the way the 'mixstock' package was initially installed, or is it likely to be another issue? Is there another way to run Raftery and Lewis diagnostics and still get the outputs I need (diagnostics for the last chain evaluated; the history of how long each suggested chain was)? Any help would be much appreciated - thanks in advance!
The most reliable way to install mixstock, if you have development tools installed on your computer (compilers etc.), is remotes::install_github("bbolker/mixstock") (I don't think I've changed anything/fixed any bugs since the archived version, but if I did the changes would be reflected on GitHub.)
It looks like I forgot to export that function, so
should work (this is something I can/should fix). Note that the Gelman-Rubin diagnostic (calc.GR(), which is properly exported) is more reliable than Raftery-Lewis anyway ...

I cannot obtain scores for a metaMDS object in RStudio (package: vegan)

I'm using vegan 2.6.4 in RStudio, and have had an unusual error message pop up when I run the the following:
nmds11 = metaMDS(m_com11, distance = "bray")
data.scores11 =$sites)
Error in UseMethod("scores") :
no applicable method for 'scores' applied to an object of class "c('metaMDS', 'monoMDS')
I can safely say this has never happened to me, and I was using the exact same code on a different dataset 5 minutes ago with no issues. I have also previously run this same script on at least a dozen other matrices with no errors.
I have tried calling scores.metaMDS as suggested when looking up the scores function (to help specify what type of object I'm trying to get scores from), but that function apparently does not exist. I've also tried running some old scripts that always worked in the past, with the same unfortunate results.
Any idea what I can do to address this?
Try using vegan::scores(); it could be that some other package you have loaded also has a scores() generic that is overwriting vegan::scores(). You can also try the much more specific vegan:::scores.metaMDS() if the whole S3 system has gotten clobbered.
Beyond that, restart R (in RStudio, find the Restart R option in the menus) so you get a clean session and try running your code again.
I I tried vegan:::scores.metaMDS() without restarting RStudio and it works ! Thanks !!!

Error in est.vmax() : could not find function "est.vmax" in SDLfilter in R

I am trying to estimate the max velocity of a flight using SDLfilter's function est.vmax(), but receive multiple errors when trying to run this code.
The only warning message I receive from loading this package is:
Warning message:
In fun(libname, pkgname) :
Option '' has been removed as warned for 4 years. It is now ignored. Please use by=key(DT) instead and stop using this option.
(which is not relevant here)
However, when I load this library, it resets my working directly to the one I loaded at the beginning of the script.
Then, when I try to run est.vmax():
Vmax <- est.vmax(data)
#Error in est.vmax(data) : could not find function "est.vmax"
Again, it resets my working directly to the one I loaded at the beginning of the script.
I have tried:
Restarting R/RStudio
Updating R/RStudio
Updating SDLfilter
Uninstalling/reinstalling SDLfilter
I would appreciate any advice here. I know there are a variety of ways to estimate max velocity, but I am planning to use other functions in SDLfilter, thus would like to have it working.
i took a look at the documentation for the library. I can't find the function est.vmax in the documentation, which explains your errro.
There is however a function vmax(), maybe they changed something and you should use this one?
Link to documentation file:
See page 33 for the documentation for vmax-function.

R script is not loading (kohonen library) and it is not executing in php code and same code is executing in terminal

I am running R script in the php code in apache webserver, in my script I am giving code for loading (kohonen library). whole R-script will be running through php coding as exec("Rscript script.R");
R code:
load(file = "som.rda")
write.table(compile11, file = "kohonen1.txt")
and etc..........
in terminal this code is running, but while giving in php it is not executing and loading the library
for checking the library loading, i wrote simple code for addition by loading library in first line
it is not printing c in output file, because of kohonen library
same addition i tried with loading nnet library
It is printing c in the output file. problem is with loading kohonen library
please suggest me, how to load kohonen libary and then how to fix this problem
I am sorry, I might not have the answer you need. I just want to emphasize another thing. Please never naming a variable with c. It is an R reserved word. You can change to cc or something else. Perhaps this is also the cause of your R session not working.

Julia: pcaeig(X) yields "UndefVarError: fliplr not defined"

I am trying to get the eigenvector to do pca (principal component analysis). The package, DimensionalityReduction.jl offers a command that should do that very thing, pcaeig(X) where X is some matrix. My code is as follows
using DataFrames
using DimensionalityReduction
data = readtable("Midterm Data.csv")
erates = convert(Array,data[1:T,2:n])
eigvec = pcaeig(erates)
I do apologize that the formatting is bad, I don't quite remember how to put the code in a quote. Anyways, when I try to run this code, I get the following error: "UndefVarError: fliplr not defined". Now, to my knowledge, fliplr is a command used to flip a matrix (not a variable). It is also saying that the error is happening in the code for the package (not my code). Does this mean that I am out of luck and cannot use this package until it gets patched? If so, does anyone else know another method to get the eigenvector for pca?
As it says in the README of DimensionalityReduction, the package is deprecated:
The DimensionalityReduction package is deprecated. It is superseded by a new package MultivariateStats.
The package does not work on recent versions of Julia and will not be updated to do so in the future. Use MultivariateStats instead.
