Speeding up the felm command in R (lfe library) - r

I am using the felm from the lfe library, and am running into serious speed issues when using a large data set. By large I mean 100 million rows. My data consists of one dependent variable and five categorical variables (factors). I am running regressions with no covariates, only factors.
The felm algorithm does not converge. And I also tried some of the tricks used in this short article, but it did not improve. My code is as follows:
lev1 = unique(my_data$fac1)
my_data$fac1 <- factor(my_data$fac1, levels = lev1)
lev2 = unique(my_data$fac2)
my_data$fac2 <- factor(my_data$fac2, levels = lev2)
lev3 = unique(my_data$fac3)
my_data$fac3 <- factor(my_data$fac3, levels = lev3)
and now I run the regression, without covariates (because I'm only interested in the residuals), and with interactions as follows:
est <- felm(y ~ 0|fac1:fac2+fac1:fac3, my_data)
This line takes forever and does not converge. Note the dimension of the are as follows:
fac1 has about 6000 unique values
fac2 has about 100 unique values
fac3 has about 10 unique values
(and remember there are 100 million rows). I suspect there must be something wrong with how I use the factors, because I imagine that R should be able to handle such sizes (stata's reghdfe command handles it without problems). Any suggestions are highly appreciated.


Variance inflation factors in R

I am trying to compute the VIFs from a regression model that has a lot of independent variables (> 100). I am using vif from the car package to do that.
I always get the error: cannot allocate vector of size 13.8 GB. I realize this is a memory issue, but my PC already has a lot of memory. So the question is, can this function optimized in any way, so it doesn't require so much memory? I am unsure if this is more of a stats or a computational question. And as my dataset is quite large, I am unsure how to represent this case with a MWE. Basically what is needed is a lot of independent variables (e.g. 200+) and one arbitrary dependent variable, with length of each variable around 440 observations. Thanks for any hints.
I just ran a simulated version of what you did, and it worked fine: it took less than a second to run. This is 250 explanatory variables and one response, 500 observations.
For entertainment I pasted together a formula for it, but that isn't really necessary. The vif() were computed easily.
In general, since vif(j) = 1/(1-R^2_j), where R^2_j is the R-squared value when regressing the jth explanatory variable against all the other explanatory variables, computation should take, at most, the time of 250 linear regressions, with 500 observations and 250 explanatory variables, which is very, very fast and not at all memory intensive.
You might need to post your code so we can see what went wrong.
> resp <- rnorm(500)
> X <- matrix(nrow=500, ncol=250, rnorm(500*250))
> X <- data.frame(X)
> colnames(X) <- col_names <- paste("x",1:250, sep="")
> formula <- paste(col_names, collapse="+")
> formula <- paste("resp~",formula)
> hold <- lm(formula, data=cbind(resp,X))
> summary(vif(hold))

Factor scores from factor analysis on ordinal categorical data in R

I'm having trouble computing factor scores from an exploratory factor analysis on ordered categorical data. I've managed to assess how many factors to draw, and to run the factor analysis using the psych package, but can't figure out how to get factor scores for individual participants, and haven't found much help online. Here is where I'm stuck:
# load data
dat <- read.csv("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/paulrconnor/datasets/master/data.csv")
# convert to ordered factors
for(i in 1:length(dat)){
dat[,i] <- as.factor(dat[,i])
# compute polychoric correlations
pc <- hetcor(dat,ML=T)
# 2. choose number of factors
ev <- eigen(pc)
ap <- parallel(subject = nrow(dat),
nS <- nScree(x = ev$values, aparallel = ap$eigen$qevpea)
dev.new(height=4,width=6,noRStudioGD = T)
plotnScree(nS) # 2 factors, maybe 1
# run FA
faPC <- fa(r=pc$correlations, nfactors = 2, rotate="varimax",fm="ml")
Edit: I've found a way to get scores using irt.fa() and scoreIrt(), but it involved converting my ordered categories to numeric so I'm not sure it's valid. Any advice would be much appreciated!
x = as.matrix(dat)
fairt <- irt.fa(x = x,nfactors=2,correct=TRUE,plot=TRUE,n.obs=NULL,rotate="varimax",fm="ml",sort=FALSE)
for(i in 1:length(dat)){dat[,i] <- as.numeric(dat[,i])}
scoreIrt(stats = fairt, items = dat, cut = 0.2, mod="logistic")
That's an interesting problem. Regular factor analysis assumes your input measures are ratio or interval scaled. In the case of ordinal variables, you have a few options. You could either use an IRT based approach (in which case you'd be using something like the Graded Response Model), or to do as you do in your example and use the polychoric correlation matrix as the input to factor analysis. You can see more discussion of this issue here
Most factor analysis packages have a method for getting factor scores, but will give you different output depending on what you choose to use as input. For example, normally you can just use factor.scores() to get your expected factor scores, but only if you input your original raw score data. The problem here is the requirement to use the polychoric matrix as input
I'm not 100% sure (and someone please correct me if I'm wrong), but I think the following should be OK in your situation:
dat <- read.csv("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/paulrconnor/datasets/master/data.csv")
dat_orig <- dat
#convert to ordered factors
for(i in 1:length(dat)){
dat[,i] <- as.factor(dat[,i])
# compute polychoric correlations
pc <- hetcor(dat,ML=T)
# run FA
faPC <- fa(r=pc$correlations, nfactors = 2, rotate="varimax",fm="ml")
factor.scores(dat_orig, faPC)
In essence what you're doing is:
Calculate the polychoric correlation matrix
Use that matrix to conduct the factor analysis and extract 2 factors and associated loadings
Use the loadings from the FA and the raw (numeric) data to get your factor scores
Both this method, and the method you use in your edit, treat the original data as numeric rather than factors. I think this should be OK because you're just taking your raw data and projecting it down on the factors identified by the FA, and the loadings there are already taking into account the ordinal nature of your variables (as you used the polychoric matrix as input into FA). The post linked above cautions against this approach, however, and suggests some alternatives, but this is not a straightforward problem to solve

Treatment of categorical variables in rpart

I wonder how rpart treats categorical variables. There are several references suggesting that for unordered factors it looks through all combinations. Actually, even the vignette at the end section 6.2 states
(F)or a categorical predictor with m levels, all 2^m−1 different possible
splits are tested.
However, given my experience with the code, I find it difficult to believe. The vignette shows a supporting evidence that running
rpart(Reliability ~ ., data=car90)
takes a really long, long time. However, in my case, it runs in seconds. Despite having an unordered factor variable with 30 levels.
To demonstrate the issue further, I have created several variables with 52 levels, meaning that 2^51 - 1 ~ 2.2 10^15 splits would need to be checked if all possibilities were explored. This code runs in about a minute, IMHO proving that all combinations are not checked.
NROW = 50000
NVAR = 20
rand_letters = data.frame(replicate(NVAR, as.factor(c(
letters[sample.int(26, floor(NROW/2), replace = TRUE)],
LETTERS[sample.int(26, ceiling(NROW/2), replace = TRUE)]))))
rand_letters$target = rbinom(n = NROW, size = 1, prob = 0.1)
tree_letter = rpart(target ~., data = rand_letters, cp = 0.0003)
What combinations of categorical variables are ACTUALLY checked in rpart?
I know it is an old question but I found this link that might answer some of it.
Bottom line is that rpart seems to be applying a simple algorithm:
First, sort the conditional means, p_i = E(Y|X = x_i)
Then compute Gini indices based on groups obtained from that ordering.
Pick the two groups giving the maximum of these Gini indices.
So it should not be nearly as computationally expensive.
However, I personally have a case where I have a single categorical variable, whose categories are US states, and rpart overtimes when trying to use it to produce a classification tree. Creating dummy variables and running rpart with the 51 variables (1 for each state) works fine.

Random Forest with caret package: Error: cannot allocate vector of size 153.1 Gb

I was trying to build a random forest model for a dataset in Kaggle, i always doing machine learning with caret package, the dataset has 1.5 million + rows and 46 variables with no missing values (about 150 mb in size), 40+ variables are categorical and the outcome is the response i am trying to predict and it is binary. After some pre-processing with dplyr, I started working on building model with caret package, but i got this error message when i was trying to run the "train" function:"Error: cannot allocate vector of size 153.1 Gb" Here is my code:
## load packages
## prepare for parallel processing
n_Cores <- detectCores()
n_Cluster <- makeCluster(n_Cores)
## import orginal datasets
people_Dt <- read_csv("people.csv",col_names = TRUE)
activity_Train <- read_csv("act_train.csv",col_names = TRUE)
### join two sets together and remove variables not to be used
first_Try <- people_Dt%>%
## try with random forest
in_Tr <- createDataPartition(first_Try$outcome,p=0.75,list=FALSE)
rf_Train <- firt_Try[in_Tr,]
rf_Test <- firt_Try[-in_Tr,]
## set model cross validation parameters
model_Control <- trainControl(method = "repeatedcv",repeats=2,number=2,allowParallel = TRUE)
rf_RedHat <- train(outcome~.,
My computer is a fairly powerful machine with E3 processors and 32GB RAM. I have two questions:
1. Where did i get a vector that is as large as 150GB? Is it because some codes I wrote?
2. I cannot get a machine with that big ram, is there any workarouds to solve the issue that i can move on with my model building process?
the dataset has 1.5 million + rows and 46 variables with no missing values (about 150 mb in size)
To be clear here, you most likely don't need 1.5 million rows to build a model. Instead, you should be taking a smaller subset which doesn't cause the memory problems. If you are concerned about reducing the size of your sample data, then you can do some descriptive stats on the 40 predictors, on a smaller set, and make sure that the behavior appears to be the same.
The problem is probably related to the one-hot-encoding of caret in your categorical variables. Since you have a lot of categorical variables, this seems to be a real problem such that it increases your dataset in a huge way. One-hot encoding will create a new column for every factor per categorical variables that you have.
Maybe you could try something like the h2o-package, which handles categorical variable in another way such that in not exploding your dataset when the model is run.

"Simulating" a large number of regressions with different predictor values

Let's say I have the following data and I'm interested in examining some counterfactuals. In particular, I want to examine whether there would be changes in predicted income given a change in income. The best way I can think to do this is to write a loop that runs this regression 1:n. However, how do I also make adjustments to the data frame while running through the loop. I'm really hoping that there is a base R function or something in a package that someone can point me to.
df = data.frame(year=c(2000,2001,2002,2003,2004,2005,2006,2007,2009,2010),
mod = lm(income ~ age + gpa, data=df)
Here are some counter factuals that may be worth considering when looking at the relationship between age, gpa, and income.
# What is everyone in the class had a lower/higher gpa?
df$gpa2 = df$gpa + 0.55
# what if one person had a lower/higher gpa?
df$gpa2[3] = 1.6
# what if the most recent employee/person had a lower/higher gpa?
df[10,4] = 4.0
With or without looping, what would be the best way to "simulate" a large (1000+) number of regression models in order examine various counter factuals, and then save those results in some data structure? Is there a "counter factual" analysis package which could save me a bit of work?
