Plugin options missing in wp-options, how can I fix this? - wordpress

I installed a plugin in my dev environment and it worked fine, so I tried it on my production site. I found that a submit button was sending me to our 404 page. I then compared the files in ftp to my local environment and found them to be the same. After that it occurred it may be a database issue.
I then compared the tables and found that the dev environment that works has some entries in the wp-options table, that are missing from the production version. I then deactivated and deleted, then reinstalled it hoping it would add the entries. It did not.
I thought that I would try to remove all entries added from the plugin, then deactivate delete and reinstall, still it did not add anything back. Is there something the plugin could be checking to see if it has been installed before, and therefore is failing to create the entries, I only removed the transients in the wp-option table when I tried to clean it up.
I am at a loss as to what to do to ge the plugin working, and I really believe it all comes down tot he database. Anyone have experience in this?

You could export/import your local database to the production site.


Auto re-Installation of two plugins on wordpress

I am using Astra theme. I'm facing a wondrous problem. I installed new wordpress 1 or 2 weeks back. So, you can say it's a fresh installation. I am the only user who is managing it. One day i found a plugin named "Presto Player", i thought i might mistakenly installed it. So i deleted it with another plugin "WP forms" (which is usually pre-installed). But 1 day later i realised that both of the deleted plugins were re-installed and activated. I repeated it 2,3 times but from no where they are reappearing in my plugins.
I've no clue the root cause. I've tried different virus/malware scans but it's showing all clean.
My hosting provider A2hosting also said they didn't get any log file of the reinstallation of plugin, and everything else related to the security seems good.
Now, i don't know what should i do to get rid of it. I'll really appreciate if someone can help me :-(
Thanks in advance.
I've tried, deletion of those plugins, security scan checks but unable to spot any issue. I am expecting to get rid of them permanently.

Wordpress: redirecting to wp-admin/install.php even after reinstalling backup of a version that for sure worked

I'm having major difficulties to regaining access to my wordpress website (was online for 2 years) and to admin login of wordpress. I've been searching for quite a while now to resolve this issue.
I constantly got the too many redirect error and my browser was always redirected to wp-admin/install.php.
I already tried the common solutions:
Clear Your Cache and Cookies of browser,
disable .htaccess,
disable all plugins,
disable theme,
adapt wp-config.php:
Check/restore tables of database;
Check wp_options table (did not find a table wp_options (or similar named) in my database)
Nothing worked, in the end I tried the solution to reinstall my website with an old backup (generated from Duplicator – WordPress Migration Plugin) I generated in May. This issue only occurs since a few days so the backup version of the website was certainly a proper working one.
Unfortunately still the same issue appears, the websites keeps redirecting to wp-admin/install.php.
Anyone who has an idea what the solution could be?
Thanks in advance & kind regards!

Wordpress Dashboard broken, displays “flashbacks” of comments/plugins/updates

I’m using the latest version of Wordpress (4.7.4).
I have something very weird going on in my Dashboard. Not sure when this started.
Can’t say for sure it started with the latest version of Wordpress or not.
My Dashboard became completely useless.
It’s like it’s showing me a flashback of a Dashboard from a few days or hours ago:
Comments I’ve deleted in the Dashboard (hitting “trash”) are suddenly back there, awaiting my moderation.
Plugins I’ve deactivated or even deleted are all back there and according to Dashboard still running (while in my FTP folder they’re certainly gone).
The plugin page cannot be trusted anymore as it shows some plugins are activated that aren’t and vice versa. I have to check on my actual website to confirm which ones are running.
Updates aren’t shown correctly. Once I’ve updated a plugin, a few minutes later it shows me again that there’s a new update.
As you can tell it’s all pretty much the same phenomenon.
It’s as if I’m seeing an older version of my Dashboard.
Not sure what else is broken.
The only other thing I noticed is that even on my actual blog I still see a comment. Blog post says “1 comment”, but the actual comment doesn’t show up.
At first, this all sounds like a “cache problem”.
But I’ve already turned off all caching:
No caching plugin installed
Turned off server caching via htaccess
Disabled leverage browser caching
Emptied my own browser cache
Other things I tested:
Turn off all plugins.
Switch to the standard Wordpress theme “Twenty Twelve”
I tried WP_DEBUG, but nothing related shows up.
I researched the internet, but nobody has described a similar problem, so I suppose this is not a common Wordpress issue.
The issue remains.
Unfortunately I’m not a developer and don’t know too much about the Wordpress codex etc.
But to me it sounds that the mistake is definitely not in the plugin or theme folder.
The problem is that I’ve reached the point where I really cannot turn off plugins via Dashboard properly anymore. It’s so annyoing!
My questions are:
Is it safe to assume that this is related to the Wordpress core
What files exactly are in “charge of” the Dashboard?
Should I just try to re-download the newest Wordpress version and replace a few files (if so which ones)?
Should I do a clean Wordpress re-install or would that be too drastic?
Any other suggestions?
Additionally I tried now:
I manually downloaded the newest version of Wordpress and did just as
described on the website. I manually replaced wp-admin,
wp-include folders and all root files. The issue remains...
The way my Dashboard is right now, I really can’t use it.
Please advice!
I contacted my host service again.
They just gave me the same line to insert into my .htaccess file and I told them I already tried it and it didn't work.
I then showed them my .htaccess file and they deleted the whole part that concerned their server caching.
Now server caching is completely off and everything works again.
Still not sure why this previously never caused issues.
In the end, it had nothing to do with Wordpress.
I hope this answer will help people who run into similar problems.

Wordpress admin cannot publish posts

I have Wordpress installed on my local wamp platform. I used it for a while without any problem. However today without any unusual change I am not able to publish any pages/posts anymore.
I am the only user in wordpress with admin rights.
I thought it might be corrupted, so I installed a fresh Wordpress instance. Did not change anything, no plugins, just went directly to posts to publish, but it is not in the dropdown list, I can select only 'Pending Review' and 'Draft'.
To be even more strange, same time this happened in my live site as well. I am on a shared hosting environment, so totally different space from my localhost. (Though code was copied from localhost to production.)
Has anybody experienced similar in the past?
Please take look into settings - general and check your timezone!
It should be something like UTC+0, NOT e.g. Berlin, Zagreb, etc.
I had the same issue after hours of debugging and at least, I changed the timezone to UTC+0 and it worked.
It's definitly time related. I have the same issue after messing with my php.ini's and timezome's. Also I installed NTPd and changed the hardware clock.

Uninstalling a magento extension

I've been trying to uninstall a magento plugin I've recently installed to reinstall it using Magento Connect. The log said that the plugin uninstalled successfully and if I go to the admin panel, the plugin's no longer there but when I went back to Magento Connect, the plugin is still listed there so I can't reinstall. Why is this happening?
Based on the answers, what I've tried so far are:
Clear cache through Admin Panel
Removed wordpress entry in core_resource
I've made sure wordpress xml in etc/modules is removed
I've made sure Fishpig folder in app/code/community is removed
Cleared cache in var/cache
Cleared cache in downloader/cache
Checked if there's xml for wordpress in var/package (there was none)
Reindexed magento
And none of this worked. The wordpress extension was still listed as installed in Magento Connect. I've been trying to uninstall repeatedly but it just won't go away even though the log said that the uninstall process completed. I've also tried reinstalling and upgrading. No success.
to remove the extension:
remove all the modules files, includeing the file which enables the module:
also make sure the entry is gone from the database by removing the correct entry in table:
then refresh the magento cache
It should then disappear from connect.
Which module have you installed? Can you give me name so I can give you solution if possible for me. If module add new own tables in db then dont delete any module file otherwise may be magento crash. Its better way to uninstall from magento connect manages.
Clear the .cache folder in the downloader directory, in addition there is also another area where an xml can be present in var/package/
The package files are from magento connect so delete from here and have another check!
delete all files in var/cache/ and double check you are actually working in the right folder! if you have another caching system then clear it.
To delete the extension from Magento Connect (I believe you have already uninstalled it from Magento) you will need to delete the file var/package/Fishpig_Wordpress_Integration_{{version}}.xml
Thank you very much for all your help and time. I really appreciate it. I've managed to solve the problem. It's apparently a problem with permissions. I didn't realize soon enough that the permission for all folders had to be 777. I had most folders set to 777 except for 2 files on my etc folder (local and locals.xml) because of security issues. But after getting a go signal changing said permissions, I managed to uninstall the plugin and reinstall it. Now the Wordpress is fully integrated in the website with no problems and I've also returned the permissions for local and locals.xml back to it's original. Thanks again a lot for all your time.
