How to find out if a nuget Package is usable in .NET Core - .net-core

If i search a nuget package within visual studio or at, how do i see if the nuget package is usable in .net core?
As far as I know, there is currently no possibility to search directly for nuget packages which can be used in .net core (Source). But can i check it for a specific one?

Currently there is no way to search for packages by target-framework.
You can follow this issue on Github for news/more information


NuGet Server for .NET Core

The NuGet.Server package is used to create a ASP.NET MVC NuGet server and it works just fine. There is another package NuGet.Server.Core that is expected to do the same when hosted within a ASP.NET Core (perhaps 1.0 or 1.1?).
The first one creates 'Packages' folder right beneath the main folder used as a package repository.
No such things happens after installing the Core version. I tried both root and a dedicated folder. Googling a bit, I found no info about installing the package and integrating it in a ASP.NET Core app.
Has anyone succeeded in installing the Core version? Also, there's another version NuGet.Server.V2 which depends on NuGet.Server.Core, however it requires .NET Framework 4.6.1. This makes me think that NuGet.Server.Core is not targetting .NET Core at all.
If so, the name must be somewhat misleading, I guess...
Yes, this is the answer:
No .NET Core whatsoever! Just .NET Framework 4.6.1. Not a big discovery but a warning to all devs who, like me, were (and, more importantly, will be!) misled by 'Core' in the package's name.
Here's a 3rd party option (free)
Nuget.Server.Core seems to be one of the dependencies of Nuget.Server. So it's not a .NET Core project. Guess that's one of those snags you run into when you call your framework "Core". :)
I think you can use BaGet.
There is my article about that.
Check this :
Create your own NuGet server and package feed

Using SQLite with Xamarin.Forms cross-platform project

I have used Visual Studio 2017 Community edition to create a plain vanilla cross platform PCL project, and would like to use SQLite. The only thing done to the project(s) was the use of Nuget to update all packages that needed updating.
Then, following the instructions on the Xamarin website at
I used Nuget to install sqlite-net-pcl,
It all seemed to work OK, except at the end the following error appears.
I presume the documentation is slightly dated. Should I change the target .NET framework. If so, to what?
As of v1.3 SQLite-Net-PCL is actually no longer a PCL, it is a .Net standard library.
You need to install version 1.2.0 of the NuGet package to use it inside a PCL - from the nuget package manager you can select a version so install v1.2.0 into all your projects.
The library above worked OK as a PCL library, but what I disliked was that the platforms were split out in to separate DLLs so you had a different dependency for each platform.
This library is for .NET Standard and only has a single DLL for all platforms:
It does not support the ORM like functionality in the above library though.

Installing MVC on Core in visual Studio 2015

I created an empty ASP.NET 5 to work with .NET Core. I am trying to add MVC package to the application but I am receiving an Error that the Versions are not compatible, although I tried lots of MVC versions.
Anyone has an idea about the problem? thank you!
You need Nuget packages in the Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc namespace. You're currently trying to install Microsoft.AspNet.Mvc 5.2.3, which is the traditional MVC package and only works with full .NET.
If you're working with .NET Core you should be using Microsoft.AspNetCore.* packages. (Microsoft.AspNet.* packages target the full .NET framework.)
Your screenshot shows a dependency on DNX. You do realize that's a pre-release technology? I don't mean to be rude but I'm curious as to why you would be targeting the pre-release framework rather than RTM (which has been available for several months).
If you do want to work with the prerelease bits, you may need to tweak your NuGet feeds to be able to see the appropriate .NET Core packages (I definitely had to do this when working with .NET Core betas).

Error installing System.IdentityModel.Token.Jwt in Xamarin.Forms

I'm trying to use the System.IdentityModel.Token.Jwt NuGet package for my Xamarin.Forms app. When I try to add the package to my PCL, it installs in my Android and iOS projects, but I get the following error when adding it to the shared code project:
Could not install package 'System.IdentityModel.Tokens.Jwt 5.1.3'. You are trying to install this package into a project that targets '.NETPortable,Version=v4.6,Profile=Profile44', but the package does not contain any assembly references or content files that are compatible with that framework. For more information, contact the package author.
Does anyone know how to get around this? I think it has to do with what my project targets but I've tried a few combinations and all of them have produced the same error, just with a different profile listed.
Unfortunately the System.IdentityModel.Tokens.Jwt 5.1.3 NuGet package only contains assemblies that support:
.NET Framework 4.5.1
.NET Standard 1.4
No portable class library profile supports .NET Standard 1.4. The highest they support is .NET Standard 1.2.
So unless you can find another NuGet package that does support portable class libraries you are left with trying to compile the Jwt source code for the portable class library profile you need, or converting your portable class library project into a .NET Standard project and target at least 1.4. You should be able to convert your portable class library project into a .NET Standard project in the project options.

Why NuGet is it getting MVVMLight for all frameworks and all platforms?

NuGet is getting MVVMLight binaries for WPF, SL3, SL4, SL5, WP7
I don't really like that.
Is there a way to make it get just for the framework which the project is using?
How is generally NuGet working for other packages, it maybe something which the MVVMLight author should do when creating the NuGet package?
It's a nuget convention to include libraries of different framework versions inside a unique package. This makes it easier for the package consumer, there's only one version of a package to install.
When installing a package through NuGet Package Manager (UI or console), NuGet will only add references to libraries that targets your project's framework. Note: all the package content is unpacked to "\packages\", including libraries that aren't used.
I created a SL4 application and installed MVVMLightLibs. Only GalaSoft.MvvmLight.Extras.SL4 and GalaSoft.MvvmLight.SL4 are added as a reference.
see nuget documentation : Supporting_Multiple_.NET_Framework_Versions_and_Profiles
