I am trying to dynamically change the nullItemName property of a Dropdown in Google AppMaker. However, it seems to be ignoring it. Here is my code and log results:
console.log('DEBUG before nullItemName ' + widget.nullItemName);
widget.nullItemName = 'test';
console.log('DEBUG after nullItemName ' + widget.nullItemName);
DEBUG before nullItemName No selection
DEBUG before nullItemName test
So it appears to work, but the widget still shows "No selection".
Is there something else I have to do? Or could this be a bug?
Thanks for any tips or pointers.
Seems like a bug. I've created an issue to track it.
Thanks for the report.
I was looking at the tutorial from AMU at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lKz3z6gw1fQ, which outlines how to use a search box to narrow down records, and wanted it to reload the datasource onInputChange instead of onValueChange so the user doesn't need to change focus for the reload to happen. Simply putting the 'Reload Datasource' onInputChange doesn't work. Is this a bug?
for anyone else that has this issue, I was able to solve it by adding
widget.value = widget.value;
Don't know why that would be necessary, but it worked.
Using devexpress xtrareports version 11.2 I have setup a databound report using a temporary table. I bind the content to a single xrrichttext on the report.
Each record is generated and each next record starts on a new page. Now I want to lose the automatic pagebreak and implement my own logic for breaking.
But I have not yet been able to drop the auto-break. I went through all the pagebreak properties in design mode but everything is already set to none.
Besides the xrrichtext there is also a xrpanel which contains a xrlabel, all are set to a low height as default with cangrow/canshrink to true.
Is there something specific I can set for this or am I still missing something?
I am using the detailband, I had given the xrrichtext a minimal height after realizing this might be the problem, but this didnot seem to help. But after I restarted this did however fix the problem.
But now my own pagebreaks are not working as expected, not sure if I should start another question for this.
In the detailband I have added a xrpagebreak.
In the detail_beforeprint I check if the current records needs a pagebreak
If GetCurrentColumnValue("break") = True Then
xrPageBreak1.Visible = True
xrPageBreak1.Visible = False
End If
Only now I am getting a pagebreak for every record, doesnot seem to react on the value for field 'break'?
which reportband are you using?
some report bands only appear once on every page, usually data is added to the detail band, this is displayed until the page is full. or until you break the page yourself
I am trying to update the css attribute for a toolbarbutton but the following does not work:
document.getElementById('toolbar-button').style.listStyleImage = url("chrome://ext/skin/toolbar-button-add.png");
Is that line of code you posted directly copy and pasted from your code?
Because if it is, you are missing the ' around the value. It should be
document.getElementById('toolbar-button').style.listStyleImage = 'url("chrome://ext/skin/toolbar-button-add.png")';
Always watch the debug console as this would have been revealed in the console as something like 'url': is not a function or something like that.
I am displaying a message in my ASP.NET from code-behind using this:
When the OK button is pressed on the message box, the whole layout of the web page shifts a little towards the right direction. What is wrong? Is something else to be added?
private void alert(string Msg)
Response.Write("<script language = 'javascript'>window.alert('" + Msg + "')</script>");
try the previos method ..
if u want cool messages try the following link:
Produce "toast" messages like StackOverflow
Could it be that the scrollbars get visible when the popup is active? It has happened a few times for me and I thought the style was getting messed up, but it was just the scrollbars becoming visible and disappearing :) They shift the page a little.
At the risk of getting dinged for providing an additional answer to an "answered" question, I think others coming across this question should be advised as a matter of course that hard-coding HTML strings through Response.Write in ASP.NET applications is an increasingly frowned-upon practice for precisely the reason you've observed - the page rendering emits HTML that has no way of accounting for interjected Response.Write statements, risking all manner of layout grief.
I am building a server control that will search our db and return results. The server control is contains an ASP:Panel. I have set the default button on the panel equal to my button id and have set the form default button equal to my button id.
On the Panel:
MyPanel.DefaultButton = SearchButton.ID
On the Control:
Me.Page.Form.DefaultButton = SearchButton.UniqueID
Works fine in IE & Safari I can type a search term and hit the enter key and it searches fine. If I do it in Firefox I get an alert box saying "Object reference not set to an instance of an a object.
Anyone run across this before?
Is SearchButton a LinkButton? If so, the javascript that is written to the browser doesn't work properly.
Here is a good blog post explaining the issue and how to solve it:
Using Panel.DefaultButton property with LinkButton control in ASP.NET
Ends up this resolved my issue:
SearchButton.UseSubmitBehavior = False
I might be wrong and this might not make a difference but have you tried:
Me.Page.Form.DefaultButton = SearchButton.ID
instead of
Me.Page.Form.DefaultButton = SearchButton.UniqueID