Collection not found - solrcloud

I am using spring-data-solr to query indexed Solr data running on a Hadoop cluser. The name of my collection is party_name. Below is the code I used to configure the Cloud client:
#EnableSolrRepositories(basePackages = { "org.nccourts.repository" }, multicoreSupport = true)
public class SpringSolrConfig {
private String zkHost;
public SolrClient solrClient() {
return new CloudSolrClient(zkHost);
public SolrTemplate solrTemplate(CloudSolrClient solrClient) throws Exception {
return new SolrTemplate(solrClient);
When I run my JUnit test, I am getting the following exception: Collection not found: partyname; nested exception is org.apache.solr.common.SolrException: Collection not found: partyname
Note the collection not found: partyname, but the collection name I entered is
I am using Spring Boot version 1.5.2 with the following dependency:
Any help or pointers are appreciated.

Your suggestion gave me the idea. My model looked like this:
public class PartyName {
private String caseStatus;
private String county;
private String courtType;
private String id;
private String inRegardsTo;
private String bizName; // business name after parsing name
private String firstName; // person 1st name after parsing name
private String lastName; // person last name after parsing name
private String middleName; // person middle name after parsing name
private String name; // original name before parsing
private String prefix; // person prefix after parsing name
private String suffix; // person name suffix after parsing name
private Integer partyNumber;
private String partyRole;
private String partyStatus;
private String rowOrigin;
private Integer seqNumber;
private Integer year;
... getter/setter omitted.
When you suggested for me to post my entity code, I realized I needed to add the following annotation:
#SolrDocument(solrCoreName = "party_name")
public class PartyName {
After I did that, the JUnit worked fine. Thanks.


Mongo Java Connectivity - Only Insert once

I have a Mongo - Java MVC Spring 4 connectivity. My insert operations work only once, they don't do a second insert in the collection. What could be the problem?
Here's my code.
public class Employee {
private int id;
private String name;
private String email;
private String address;
private String telephone;
strong text
public class EmployeeDAOImpl implements EmployeeDAO {
MongoTemplate mongoTemplate;
public MongoTemplate getMongoTemplate() {
return mongoTemplate;
public void setMongoTemplate(MongoTemplate mongoTemplate) {
this.mongoTemplate = mongoTemplate;
public void addEmployee(Employee employee) {;;
public List<Employee> getAllEmployees() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return mongoTemplate.findAll(Employee.class);
#GeneratedValue(strategy=GenerationType.SEQUENCE) annotation is for JPA and not for Mongo.
Make sure that you import the #Id from the mongo package and ID should be auto generated by Mongo.
The first insert works because int has default value of 0 and the second time it tries to insert with the same key.
if you want to have custom ids generated, here is a great tutorial for that:

how to get the values from properties file in the test cases

I am getting null while reading the values from .properties file when i am executing the test case. here while debugging the test case i am able to see the values which are loaded from properties file when the curser is there in the test class but when the curser enters into the actual class in that class i am getting the same values as null. And my code is as follows
Thanks in advance
public class ReadProp {
private String name;
private String rollNo;
public void getDetails(){
and the test case is as follows
public class ReadPropTest {
private ReadProp readProp = new ReadProp();
private String name;
private String rollNo;
public void readValues() {
Instead of creating a new object using new ReadProp(). You should Autowire it.
ReadProp readProp;
in your test class. If you create an object using new, you don't get the bean which spring created with all the value assigned using #Value.
Try something like this :
#PropertySource("")// your error
public class ReadPropTest {
private String name;
private String rollNo;

How to get all keys from properties file?

I am working on spring boot application ,I have one property file ,I am reading property file like below
#ConfigurationProperties(locations = "", prefix = "mail")
public class MailConfiguration {
public static class Smtp {
private boolean auth;
private boolean starttlsEnable;
// ... getters and setters
private String host;
private int port;
private String from;
private String username;
Mail .properites
This working fine ,But Instead of reading one by one property , I want to get all property keys from properties file ,How can I get this .
Use Map for that. Something like: (its "pseudo-code" - may contain spelling mistakes or something, just to show You the idea)
#ConfigurationProperties(locations = "", prefix = "mail")
public static class MailConfiguration {
private Map<String, Object> mail = new HashMap<String, Object>();
public Map<String, Object> getMail() {
return this.mail;
Should do the work.

Usage of ReflectionUtils and BeanUtils for private fields

I need to set some private fields in an object using another object's fields. Those two objects may not be instances of same class.
What I see from a short reading, I can use Apache's BeanUtils and Spring's ReflectionUtils for that. I couldn't find a satisfying explanation for them regarding security, performance, support etc.
The solution will be used in production environment too, so I need a concrete solution.
Which approach do you suggest for such a task.
I think you need use just the BeanUtils library. See my sample, i do a copy properties from CustomerBean to SellerBean.
package testes.beanutils;
import org.apache.commons.beanutils.BeanUtils;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
Customer customer = new Customer();
Seller seller = new Seller();
BeanUtils.copyProperties(seller, customer);
class Customer {
private Long id;
private String name;
private String lastname;
//getters and setters
class Seller {
private Long id;
private String name;
private int sales;
//getters and setters

Curiosities in deserializing collections with gson 2

I have these classes
public class Application {
public String name;
public String ico;
public List<MenuStruct> menu =new ArrayList<MenuStruct>();
public Application() { }
public class MenuStruct {
public String id;
public String type;
public String parent;
public String name;
public String secId;
public MenuStruct() {}
If I try to deserialize a collection directly in this way:
ApplicationManager apm= new ApplicationManager();
s="[ {\"name\":\"reg_salida\" , \"ico\":\"document-open-2-32x32.ico\" }]";
apm.apps=(new Gson()).fromJson(s,apm.apps.getClass() );
for (Application ap:apm.apps){
System.out.println(; //gets error here
I get a java.lang.ClassCastException.
But if I try to deserialize its containig class ApplicationManager it does not fail.
s="{ \"apps\": [ {\"name\":\"reg_salida\" , \"ico\":\"document-open-2-32x32.ico\" }]}";
ApplicationManager apm=(new Gson()).fromJson(s,ApplicationManager.class);
for (Application ap:apm.apps){
System.out.println(; // now no errors here! and shows reg_salida
Is this a bug of gson 2.2.4? or maybe I am doing something not correct?
You have to provide full definition of property class. Your example should looks like that:
manager.apps = gson.fromJson(json, new TypeToken<List<Application>>() {}.getType());
