Use pdfsharp to extract individual pdf documents from a combined pdf document - pdfsharp

I am getting a pdf from a service where there are several pdf documents combined into that one pdf. I looked on the pdfsharp site and they talk about separating a pdf into individual pages. But I don't see where it can separate pdfs into their individual documents. Any ideas on this?


How do I embed hierarchical structure into a .docx document that has no embedded structure?

The state of Maine publishes its public documents as Word .docx files. These documents appear hierarchically structured, but the structure is just visual, not encoded in the document as styles. I'd like to programmatically convert/process one of these documents so that the structured appearance is encoded in the document. The resulting file can be in a file format other than .docx, in fact I'd prefer it since I'd ultimately like to publish it on the internet.
I don't really want to code a parser/converter from scratch, so I wonder if someone has solved this problem using open source tools?

How can my rendered RMarkdown/Quarto document with html widgets be linked to a live csv?

Correct me if I'm wrong: The examples online are generally for a static data set. The executed R code reads data into an R data frame and creates the html widgets to plot it. Upon rendering the .Rmd or .qmd, that data set is baked into the html document. If you wanted the document to show some new data, you'd have to run the R code again.
Is there a way to create a rendered .html with html widgets that's linked to a live .csv or SQL database? Perhaps there are some R tools that upon rendering the document, create the html/js instructions to read a .csv or .json file?
Looking to have an .html file that can be shared or hosted that doesn't require an R interpreter.

Automatically knit two versions of an Rmarkdown PDF file, one showing and one hiding all code

I am working on a PDF report that includes many analyses, figures and tables, and that needs to be frequently updated. This is read both by people who are interested only in the output (no code), but also by people who want to see the code.
I know I can hide all chunks globally putting knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo=FALSE) at the top of the doc. However, I was wondering whether there is a way to automatically knit two versions of a report, one showing all code chunks, and one hiding them?

Alfresco: Combine multiple Files to one PDF

i try to merge multiple Files (PDF and TIF) to one PDF Bundle. I want to print all Documents from one Workspace. Any Suggestions how to do it with alfresco?
There is no PDF merging out of the box in Alfresco. You should have a look at Jared Ottley's PDF Toolkit. It implements Alfresco actions to work with PDF documents, merging PDFs being one of them. Personally I have not used it and it looks a bit dated but it should get you started.

ITextSharp, Possible to split file on chapters

Is it possible to get the pages of a chapter in ITextsharp or somehow split the file on chapters in, basically I'm concatenating multiple files into one pdf and separating them as chapters but sometimes I'll need to read these chapters out separately, is this possible?
I used this example with great success
Merge PDF files with IText# And .Net
The trick is to use this keeping your pages in memory stream so you can a) write them as individual pages and b) hand them to the merger to merge together.
It is fast too. I have code that can produce 100s of documents in less than a minute, in merged and singular form.
