How to omit null values in JSON AssignMessage payload in APIGEE? - apigee

I built a proxy that basically expects a different JSON input object than the one the final endpoint is expecting to receive. So, in order to bridge the request object from one to the other I'm using an AssingMessage policy to transform the json input.
I'm doing something like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<AssignMessage async="false" continueOnError="false" enabled="true" name="Assign-Message-Sample">
<DisplayName>Assign Message-Sample</DisplayName>
<Header name="login_id"/>
<Header name="Authorization"/>
<Payload contentType="application/json">
"valueA": "{clientrequest.valueA}",
"valueB": "{clientrequest.valueB}",
"valueC": "{clientrequest.valueC}",
"valueD": "{clientrequest.valueD}",
"valueE": "{clientrequest.valueE}",
"valueF": "{clientrequest.valueF}",
<AssignTo createNew="false" transport="http" type="request"/>
The problem comes when some of the values are empty. The destination server does not handle properly any empty values (escapes from my control).
My question is: how can I skip entirely a parameter if value is empty?
I'm looking for something like this (or better alternative):
<Payload contentType="application/json">
<skip-if-empty name="clientrequest.valueA">
"valueA": "{clientrequest.valueA}",
"valueB": "{clientrequest.valueB}",

For what I have found from my research, it seems this is a job for a Javascript Policy.
How is this done?
You basically need to place a javascript policy right before the AssignMessage execution. In the javascript policy you have the freedom to apply all the logic to omit certain parameters if values are not provided.
So for example, say we have already extracted the request values to variables using an ExtractVariables policy. Then, in the Javascript policy we can validate those values and build the resulting JSON object to later store it in another variable that will be picked up by the AssingMessage policy.
javascript policy:
var valueA = context.getVariable("clientrequest.valueA"),
valueB = context.getVariable("clientrequest.valueB"),
valueC = context.getVariable("clientrequest.valueC"),
var result = {};
if(valueB) {
result.b = valueB;
if(valueA) {
result.a = valueA;
if(valueC) {
result.c = valueC;
context.setVariable("newInput", JSON.stringify(result));
Then our AssignMessage will just pick up the variable we just stored: "newInput" that will contain the complete JSON object string:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<AssignMessage async="false" continueOnError="false" enabled="true" name="Assign-Message-Sample">
<DisplayName>Assign Message-Sample</DisplayName>
<Header name="login_id"/>
<Header name="Authorization"/>
<Payload contentType="application/json">
<AssignTo createNew="false" transport="http" type="request"/>
This solution worked fine for me. I hope someone else finds it helpful.


How to add dynamic uuid to apigee proxies?

What should be of uuid instead of {java.util.UUID.randomUUID()} to get a random UUID in every request sent to backend ?
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<AssignMessage async="false" continueOnError="false" enabled="true"
<Header name="uuid">{java.util.UUID.randomUUID()}</Header>
<AssignTo createNew="false" transport="http" type="request"/>
I have got the solution .
I have added a Javascript in the preflow to generate the uuid.Then created a assign message policy to have that variable in the request.
function generateUUID() { // Public Domain/MIT
var d = new Date().getTime();
if (typeof performance !== 'undefined' && typeof === 'function'){
d +=; //use high-precision timer if available
return 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'.replace(/[xy]/g, function (c) {
var r = (d + Math.random() * 16) % 16 | 0;
d = Math.floor(d / 16);
return (c === 'x' ? r : (r & 0x3 | 0x8)).toString(16);
var uuid = generateUUID();
context.setVariable('x-apigee-uuid', uuid);
Assign Message Policy:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<AssignMessage async="false" continueOnError="false" enabled="true"
<Header name="uuid">{x-apigee-uuid}</Header>
<AssignTo createNew="false" transport="http" type="request"/>

What is the best practice to transform the path between proxy and target in apigee?

I am making a request /Patient/1 at the proxy endpoint, and I want to transform this into target endpoint /openemr/api. I tried solutions given in, but none of these worked for me. Please suggest an optimal way for achieving this.
Thanks in advance.
It depends on how many reroutes you have to implement. So in case of 5+, use a javascript policy, such as:
var reqPathsuffix = context.getVariable("proxy.pathsuffix");
var reqVerb = context.getVariable("request.verb");
if ((reqPathsuffix === "/contact") && (reqVerb === "GET"))
endPointURL = "https://yourendpointurl/
else maybe use a 'AssignMessage' policy.
<AssignMessage async="false" continueOnError="false" enabled="true" name="Assign-Message-1">
<AssignTo createNew="false" transport="http" type="request"/>
Don't forget to do this on the 'target endpoint preflow request' flow. Else it won't work.

Apigee - key value map - trouble using a variable key

This is pretty basic but I am struggling trying to build/retrieve values from a keyvaluemap. For example given variables X and Y where X=123abc,Y=foo on the first execution and X=456def, Y=bar on the second execution, I would expect to have a key value map where [123abc] -> [foo] and [456def] -> [bar].
However, when I attempt to retrieve the value in variable Z, using either value of X, I always get the last value added: Z=bar. If I delete key X=456def, retrieving key X=123abc returns an error that the key does not exist.
My guess is that only one value is being built into the map, and it is getting put in as "" as if the variable is not set. The override value "true" is replacing it with the last added value. I am sure the variable has a value as it is displayed correctly in the prior policy execution in the trace.
Is there something in the syntax? Any ideas?
I am using the policy below to build the key
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<KeyValueMapOperations mapIdentifier="map1" enabled="true" continueOnError="false" async="false" name="buildmap1">
<DisplayName>build map1</DisplayName>
<Put override="true">
<Value ref="Y"></Value>
I am using the following to retrieve the key
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<KeyValueMapOperations mapIdentifier="map1" enabled="true" continueOnError="false" async="false" name="getmap1">
<DisplayName>get map1</DisplayName>
<Get assignTo="Z">
Please have a look at article on
<Parameter ref='X'></Parameter>
Where X is the variable. But, you were also looking to build a composite key out of two variables
<Parameter ref='X-Y'></Parameter>
will not work. You will need to use a Javascript policy to build that composite key.

405 status code not returning the response properly

I have an http method fault that executes when an incorrect http method is sent in the request.
when I set the status code as 405 ,the request returns a 502 bad gateway .
my fault is :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<RaiseFault async="false" continueOnError="false" enabled="true" name="invalid-htttp-method-fault">
<DisplayName>invalid htttp method fault</DisplayName>
<Payload contentType="application/xml">
<Description>Method Not Allowed</Description>
<ReasonPhrase>Method Not Allowed</ReasonPhrase>
If I change
<ReasonPhrase>Method Not Allowed</ReasonPhrase>
<ReasonPhrase>Method Not Allowed</ReasonPhrase>
I can see the response payload is returned perfectly . when I use 405 the response returned is :
{"fault":{"faultstring":"Received 405 Response without Allow Header","detail":{"errorcode":"protocol.http.Response405WithoutAllowHeader"}}}
I was able to reproduce the exact issue that you are facing and by doing some more research I found that HTTP 405 response must include an Allow-Header
Try changing your fault policy by adding a header -
<Header name="Allow">YOUR ALLOWED METHODS LIST</Header>
By doing this you should no more be getting the 502 bad gateway and will get what you are expecting as a response.
I hope this helps.
Ah.... Interesting. Response 405 requires an Allow header per the HTTP spec (see So, the Apigee error is telling you that you need to add an Allow header to your FaultResponse like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<RaiseFault async="false" continueOnError="false" enabled="true" name="Fault-405">
<DisplayName>Fault 405</DisplayName>
<Header name="Allow">GET, PUT, POST, DELETE</Header>
<Payload contentType="text/plain">This wasn't supposed to happen</Payload>
<ReasonPhrase>405 Rules</ReasonPhrase>
So add the Allow verbs in the <Set> block and you should be cool.

How to add basic auth to a service callout policy

This is the service callout policy:
<ServiceCallout name="GeoCodeClient">
<Request clearPayload="false" variable="GeocodingRequest" />
Let us say I have to access a resource that is username/password protected. How do I add that basic authorization to this policy to enable me to do that?
In our project a KeyValueMaps are used to store the basic auth info at org level. The authorisation information is retrieved using the KeyValueMap policy and added as the basic auth header to the request message.
See if this approach works for you.
To add Basic Authentication header for your service callout, you can use an 'AssignMessage' policy that sets the 'Authorization' header in the 'GeocodingRequest' as follows:
<AssignMessage enabled="true" continueOnError="true" async="false" name="AssignAuthorizationHeaderPolicy">
<AssignTo createNew="true" transport="http" type="request">GeocodingRequest</AssignTo>
<Header name="Authorization">Basic YourAuthenticationHeader</Header>
Once you have created this policy, you will need to attach it in the request flow before the serviceCallout in the proxy.xml as flows:
to add to what's already been said, if you need base64 encoding (and you probably will if you're using Basic Authorization), you'll need to do script callout. For instance, you can use the following Python:
import base64
if (client_secret is not None):
data = client_id + ":" + client_secret
header_value = base64.b64encode(data)
header_value = "Basic " + header_value
flow.setVariable("request.header.Authorization", header_value)
JS will be a little trickier since you need to include appropriate libraries, but I'm sure SO has plenty of more examples to follow for that.
Using Key Value Map to store sensitive data in a secure way
Step 1)Use below API to Create/Update the key Value map{orgname}/environments/{env}/keyvaluemaps Body:-{
"entry" : [ {
"name" : "basic_auth_system1",
"value" : "Basic XXXXXXXXXXX"
} ],
"name" : "system1_credentials"
Step 2) Policy used to lookup The key Value map
<KeyValueMapOperations enabled="true" continueOnError="false" async="false" name="keymap_get_credentials" mapIdentifier="system1_credentials">
<Get assignTo="basic_auth_system1">
