I have a process to create a df for a single weather station over a singular month period. However, I have about 25 stations that I would like to aquire precipitation data for over a 5 year period.
I have the station ids in a df, that looks like the table below (but with 23 more stations.
stationid County
The weather dataset is aquired through the following code
ANNEARUNDEL_2006 <- ncdc(datasetid='GHCND', stationid = "GHCND:USC00182060", datatypeid='PRCP', startdate = '2006-07-01', enddate = '2006-08-01', limit=400, token = "API KEY")
I familiar with very basic for loops that work for one process. Is there a way to set this up the loop would create a new df using the county name and year over the span of 2006 to 2011 for all 25 stations? Is a loop the best way to accomplish this?
You could do something like this. Set up a function to read in the data, then loop through your df with mapply, and for each year with lapply. The output will be a named list of data (vectors as it stands, although you could capture more columns of df if you wanted, in which case they would be dataframes).
getNCDC <- function(id,County,year){
df <- ncdc(datasetid='GHCND', stationid = id, datatypeid='PRCP', startdate = paste0(year,'-07-01'), enddate = paste0(year,'-08-01'), limit=400, token = "API KEY")
df <- list(df$data)
names(df) <- paste(County,year,sep="_")
allData <- lapply(2006:2011,function(year) mapply(getNCDC,df$stationid,df$County,year))
I like loops for things like this because they are easier to read and write. You could do it like this with two loops:
my_df <- read.table(text = "stationid County
header = T)
results <- list() # list as storage variable for the loop results
i <- 1 # indexing variable
for(sid in unique(my_df$stationid)) { # each station in your stationid dataframe
for(year in 2006:2011) { # each year you care about
data <- ncdc(datasetid='GHCND', stationid = sid,
datatypeid='PRCP', startdate = paste0(year, '-01-01'),
enddate = paste0(year, '-12-31'), limit=400, token = "API KEY")$data # subset the returned list right away here with $data
# add info from each loop iteration
data$county <- my_df[my_df$stationid == sid,]$County
data$year <- year
results[[i]] <- data # store it
i <- i + 1 # rinse and repeat
one_big_df <- do.call(rbind, results) # stack all of the data frames together rowwise
Of course, you could always adjust a for loop to using lapply or it's friends. If speed became an issue you might want to consider it.
The following solution uses funcitons from the rnoaa and tidyverse package.
Notice that I used the ghcnd_search to download the precipitation data.
# Load packages
# Create example data frame
sample_df <- data.frame(stationid = c("USW00093721", "USC00182308"),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# Download the data use map.
data_list <- map(sample_df$stationid, ghcnd_search,
date_min = "2006-01-01", date_max = "2011-12-31", var = "prcp")
Now the prcp data from each station are downloaded as a data frame. They are all stroed in the data_list as a list.
You can access the data of each station by accessing the list, or you can convert the data in the list to a single data frame. Here is an example:
# Transpost the data_list. Turns a list-of-lists "inside-out"
data_list2 <- transpose(data_list)
# Combine all data to a single data frame
data_df <- bind_rows(data_list2$prcp)
Now all the data are in data_df as a data frame
I would like to store a result of an API call in a data frame. The code should loop through different time periods and countries.
If I do one example, it's like this:
testapicall <- jsonlite::fromJSON("https.api.companyname/jurisdiction=eu_ger&date=2018-01-01:2018-01:31&api_token=XYZ")
Now I want to to get this "total number" for different jurisdictions and date ranges. One column should be country name, one should be the date (e.g., 01-2018), and one should be the total_number.
To set up the loop, I've split the API key into 3 parts:
base_string1 <- "https.api.companyname/jurisdiction="
base_string2 <- "&date="
end_string <- "api_token=XYZ"
Then, I can create the dates and countries the dates and countries like this:
dates <- seq(as.Date("1990-01-01"), as.Date("2022-01-01"), by = "month")
dates <- paste(head(dates, -1), tail(dates-1, - 1), sep = ":")
countries<- paste0("eu_", c("fra", "ger"))
Now, I'd like to get the results for each country-date into a data frame, but this is the part I am not sure how to do. I know I have to make an empty data frame and then fill it somehow.
for (y in date){
for(c in countries){
api_string <- paste0(base_string1,y, base_string2,c, end_string)
json <- jsonlite::fromJSON(api_string)
Any help is appreciated!
You can use map_dfr from purrr to iterate over the countries and dates and generate a dataframe with a single row for each iteration. map_dfr will row bind all the dataframes together.
map_dfr(dates, function(date){
map_dfr(countries, function(country){
api_string <- paste0(base_string1, date, base_string2, country, end_string)
json <- jsonlite::fromJSON(api_string)
data.frame(country = country,
date = date,
total_number = json[["results"]]$total_number)
Consider expand.grid to build all possible pairwise combinations of country and month dates into data frame and then mapply to create a new column to retrieve the API data elementwise between each country and month range.
Also, consider a user-defined method that uses tryCatch (useful with API calls) to return NA on error and not stop on problematic urls.
dates <- seq(as.Date("1990-01-01"), as.Date("2022-01-01"), by="month")
countries <- paste0("eu_", c("fra", "ger"))
get_api_data <- function(cnty, rng) {
url <- paste0(
"https.api.companyname/jurisdiction=", cnty,
"&date=", rng, "api_token=XYZ"
api_response <- jsonlite::fromJSON(url)
}, error = function(e) {
paste0(url, " : ", e)
add.months <- function(date, n)
seq.Date(date, by=paste(n, "months"), length = 2)[2]
api_results_df <- expand.grid(
country = countries, date = dates
) |> within({
month_add <- sapply(date, add.months, n=1) |> `class<-`("Date")
ranges <- paste(date, month_add-1, sep=":")
total_number <- mapply(get_api_data, cnty=country, rng=ranges)
rm(ranges, month_add)
I am trying to use a for loop to multiple create dataframes. The original code works fine for a single run (without the for loop).
object<- c(1,2,3)
for (i in 1:length(object)) {
df1<- SomeFunction1(object[i])
df2<- SomeFunction2(object[i])
df3<- SomeFunction3(object[i])
N.rows <- length(object)
combined <- vector("list", N.rows)
When I do this I get combined[3] but not the outputs from the two other variables in my object. I have toyed around with it and managed to get as a result combined1, but again not a list with combined1, combined[2], and combined[3].
UPDATE: I was asked for the concrete example and expected output.
I'm basically taking three CSV files of county census data but organized differently (two with years as rows, and one with years as columns), transforming the data into a consistent format by county and then combining the files.
The above image is the result of View(combine). [[2]] is just what I want, but nothing is stored in [1].
This is the code that I used to get to it:
pop1990.2000 <- read.csv("1990-2000 Census Pop.csv",
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
pop2000.2010 <- read.csv("2000-2010 Census Pop.csv",
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
pop2010.2019 <- read.csv("2010-2019 Census Pop.csv",
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#Adding Total column "Population"
pop1990.2000$Population <- (rowSums(pop1990.2000) -
pop1990.2000$Year -
#Combining State and County FIPS codes "FIPS.Code"
pop2000.2010$FIPS.Code <- (pop2000.2010$STATE*1000+
pop2010.2019$FIPS.Code <- (pop2010.2019$STATE*1000+
my_counties<-c(1125, 1127)
for (i in 1:length(my_counties)) {
#Selecting Pop data for County 1125 for 1990-2000
newdata <- pop1990.2000[ which(pop1990.2000$FIPS.Code==my_counties[i]), ]
newdata2000v1 <- as.data.frame(cbind(Year=newdata$Year,
#Adding FIPs Code
#Merging County Name by FIPS.Code
pop2000.2010.c.fips <- pop2000.2010 %>%
select(FIPS.Code, CTYNAME)
newdata2000v1 <- newdata2000v1 %>%
mutate(FIPS.Code = as.numeric(FIPS.Code))
newdata2000 <- left_join(newdata2000v1,
by = "FIPS.Code")
newdata2000<-newdata2000 %>% select(County, FIPS.Code, Year, Population)
#Selecting Pop data for County 1125 for 2000-2010
newdata2 <- pop2000.2010[ which(pop2000.2010$FIPS.Code==my_counties[i]), ]
newdata2010 <- cbind("2000"=newdata2$ESTIMATESBASE2000,
names(newdata2010)[names(newdata2010) == 'V1'] <- 'Population'
newdata2010<-newdata2010 %>% select(County, FIPS.Code, Year, Population)
#Selecting Pop data for County 1125 for 2010-2019
newdata3 <- pop2010.2019[ which(pop2010.2019$FIPS.Code==my_counties[i]), ]
newdata2019 <- cbind(Year=newdata3$Year,
names(newdata2019)[names(newdata2019) == 'V1'] <- 'Population'
newdata2019<-newdata2019 %>% select(County, FIPS.Code, Year, Population)
N.rows <- length(my_counties)
combined <- vector("list", N.rows)
The problem is that you are re-specifying the creation of the combined object.
I am not sure what exactly your var1 is, but, possibly the following should work:
object<- c(1,2,3)
N.rows <- length(var1)
combined <- vector("list", N.rows)
for (i in 1:length(object)) {
df1<- SomeFunction1(object[i])
df2<- SomeFunction2(object[i])
df3<- SomeFunction3(object[i])
Alternatively, using lapply:
object<- c(1,2,3)
combined<-lapply(object, function(i){
df1<- SomeFunction1(object[i])
df2<- SomeFunction2(object[i])
df3<- SomeFunction3(object[i])
But this will deliver the list of length 3 (with three lists with df1,df2 and df3), not the length defined by the length of var1...
I have access from scraped government data, which comes in a less the useful structure. Its 20 dfs that looks like:
Each df is named by the year, eg, X2006.csv is imported in a X2006 dataframe object. They all have a Total row and a total column, which I will deal with later. Now, my question is:
How do I merge these dfs, adding a column with the year information from the dataframe name?
Instead of using loop you can use do.call:
#Creating sample data set - 10 data.frames
for (i in 1:9){
assign(paste("x200", i, sep=""),
data.frame(x = c(1:20)))
#Creating the big data.frame
MyBigDataframe <- do.call(rbind.data.frame, mget(ls(pattern = "x20"))) %>%
startYear <- 1998
endYear <- 2017
myData <- data.frame()
for (myYear in startYear:endYear){
df <- get(paste0("X", as.character(myYear)))
df$Year <- myYear
myData <- rbind.fill(myData, df)
The issue i am facing is I am getting individual lists for each .csv i read and it is not appending the result to a single dataframe or list. I am very new to R. Please help me out.
I am getting output as
amazon.csv 10.07
facebook.csv 54.67
Whereas i am expecting all the values in a data frame with column company and CAGR values.
enter code here
preprocess <- function(x){
##flipping data to suit time series analysis
my.data <- x[nrow(x):1,]
## setting up date as date format
my.data$date <- as.Date(my.data$date)
##creating a new data frame to sort the data.
sorted.data <- my.data[order(my.data$date),]
#removing the last row as it contains stocks price at moment when i downloaded data
#sorted.data <- sorted.data[-nrow(sorted.data),]
#calculating lenght of the data frame
data.length <- length(sorted.data$date)
## extracting the first date
time.min <- sorted.data$date[1]
##extracting the last date
time.max <- sorted.data$date[data.length]
# creating a new data frame with all the dates in sequence
all.dates <- seq(time.min, time.max, by="day")
all.dates.frame <- data.frame(list(date=all.dates))
#Merging all dates data frame and sorted data frame; all the empty cells are assigned NA vales
merged.data <- merge(all.dates.frame, sorted.data, all=T)
##Replacing all NA values with the values of the rows of previous day
final.data <- transform(merged.data, close = na.locf(close), open = na.locf(open), volume = na.locf(volume), high = na.locf(high), low =na.locf(low))
# write.csv(final.data, file = "C:/Users/rites/Downloads/stock prices", row.names = FALSE)
#return(final.data) #--> ##{remove comment for Code Check}
######calculation of CAGR(Compound Annual Growth Rate ) #######
#### {((latest price/Oldest price)^1/#ofyears) - 1}*100 ########
##Extracting closing price of the oldest date
old_closing_price <- final.data$close[1]
##extracting the closing price of the latest date
new_closing_price <- final.data$close[length(final.data$close)]
##extracting the starting year
start_date <- final.data$date[1]
start_year <- as.numeric(format(start_date, "%Y"))
##extracting the latest date
end_date <- final.data$date[length(final.data$date)]
end_year <- as.numeric(format(end_date, "%Y"))
CAGR_1 <- new_closing_price/old_closing_price
root <- 1/(end_year-start_year)
CAGR <- (((CAGR_1)^(root))-1)*100
return (CAGR)
temp = list.files(pattern="*.csv")
for (i in 1:length(temp))
assign(temp[i], preprocess (read.csv(temp[i])))
you need to create an empty data frame and append to this in the loop. You're using assign at the moment which creates variables, not in a data frame. try something like:
for(i in 1:length(temp)){
preproc <- preprocess(read.csv(temp[i])))
df<-rbind(df,data.frame(company = paste0(temp[i]),
value = preproc))
I have a function that takes two arguments, a link and and an State name abbreviation. The function gets a spreadsheet from a remote site and
makes me a data frame of the state data that I want.
options(stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
nsw_link <- 'http://www.abs.gov.au/ausstats/abs#archive.nsf/log?openagent&3101051.xls&3101.0&Time%20Series%20Spreadsheet&3F92BFA30BC29940CA257F1D001427C3&0&Jun%202015&17.12.2015&Latest'
qld_link <- "http://www.abs.gov.au/ausstats/abs#archive.nsf/log?openagent&3101053-.xls&3101.0&Time%20Series%20Spreadsheet&2927EBD7E6856BABCA257F1D0014283D&0&Jun%202015&17.12.2015&Latest"
vic_link <- "http://www.abs.gov.au/ausstats/abs#archive.nsf/log?openagent&3101052.xls&3101.0&Time%20Series%20Spreadsheet&E3B2958632AB29ECCA257F1D001427FB&0&Jun%202015&17.12.2015&Latest"
nt_link <- "http://www.abs.gov.au/ausstats/abs#archive.nsf/log?openagent&3101057.xls&3101.0&Time%20Series%20Spreadsheet&CCB60AB638D60938CA257F1D0014291C&0&Jun%202015&17.12.2015&Latest"
tas_link <- "http://www.abs.gov.au/ausstats/abs#archive.nsf/log?openagent&3101056.xls&3101.0&Time%20Series%20Spreadsheet&8CA5625A306A4805CA257F1D001428D7&0&Jun%202015&17.12.2015&Latest"
act_link <- "http://www.abs.gov.au/ausstats/abs#archive.nsf/log?openagent&3101058.xls&3101.0&Time%20Series%20Spreadsheet&4234206BA89A82F6CA257F1D00142959&0&Jun%202015&17.12.2015&Latest"
sa_link <- "http://www.abs.gov.au/ausstats/abs#archive.nsf/log?openagent&3101054.xls&3101.0&Time%20Series%20Spreadsheet&A342BFFB06A62F4FCA257F1D0014286D&0&Jun%202015&17.12.2015&Latest"
wa_link <- "http://www.abs.gov.au/ausstats/abs#archive.nsf/log?openagent&3101055.xls&3101.0&Time%20Series%20Spreadsheet&DC6208699BE4D2FFCA257F1D0014289E&0&Jun%202015&17.12.2015&Latest"
get_ERP_data <- function(link, state){
# Get the xls file and slice only the columns needed for male and female ERPs
xls_data <- read.xls(link, sheet = 'Data1')
xls_data <- tbl_df(xls_data)
xls_data <- xls_data[, 1:203]
names(xls_data) <- gsub(pattern = "Estimated.Resident.Population....", '', names(xls_data))
names(xls_data) <- gsub('[.]+', '', names(xls_data))
names(xls_data) <- gsub('100andover', '101', names(xls_data))
names(xls_data) <- gsub("(\\d+)$", ".\\1", names(xls_data))
xls_data <- xls_data[28:54, ]
names(xls_data)[1] <- 'Year'
xls_data$Year <- paste('01', xls_data$Year, sep = '-')
xls_data$Year <- dmy(xls_data$Year)
xls_data$Year <- year(xls_data$Year)
# make a long version of the ERP data
xls_data_long <- xls_data %>% gather(Sex_Age, Population, Male.0:Female.101)
# Make two new column, sex and age, from the sex_age column
xls_data_sep_log <- xls_data_long %>% separate(Sex_Age, c('Sex', 'Age'))
# Recode observations from 101 to 'over 100'
xls_data_sep_log$Age[grep(xls_data_sep_log$Age, pattern = '101')] <- 'Over 100'
xls_data_sep_log$State <- state
df_name <- paste(state, 'data', sep = '_')
assign(df_name,xls_data_sep_log,envir = .GlobalEnv)
link_list <- list(act_link, nsw_link, nt_link, qld_link, sa_link, tas_link, vic_link, wa_link)
states <- c('ACT', 'NSW', 'NT', 'QLD', 'SA', 'TAS', 'VIC', 'WA')
For example, if I want Queensland estimated resident population data I run:
get_ERP_data(qld_link, 'QLD')
This makes me a longitudinal data frame of the data I need.
I would like to extend this so that I can pass a vector or list of states to a list of links as parameter and return a data frame for each
argument in the paramter? I am not particularly concerned with binding resulting data frames in the function output.
Similar to the example above, how could I get my function to run something like:
get_ERP_data(as.list(qld_link, nsw_link), c('QLD', 'NSW'))
I tried using variations of sapply and do.call but did not get very far. Is there a way to use some equivalent of pythons *args/**kwargs
to pass lists as arguments to my function?
Any help would be appreciated.