How to compute the mean survival time - r

I'm using the survival library. After computing the Kaplan-Meier estimator of a survival function:
km = survfit(Surv(time, flag) ~ 1)
I know how to compute percentiles:
quantile(km, probs = c(0.05,0.25,0.5,0.75,0.95))
But, how do I compute the mean survival time?

Calculate Mean Survival Time
The mean survival time will in general depend on what value is chosen for the maximum survival time. You can get the restricted mean survival time with print(km, print.rmean=TRUE). By default, this assumes that the longest survival time is equal to the longest survival time in the data. You can set this to a different value by adding an rmean argument (e.g., print(km, print.rmean=TRUE, rmean=250)).
Extract Value of Mean Survival Time and Store in an Object
In response to your comment: I initially figured one could extract the mean survival time by looking at the object returned by print(km, print.rmean=TRUE), but it turns out that print.survfit doesn't return a list object but just returns text to the console.
Instead, I looked through the code of print.survfit (you can see the code by typing getAnywhere(print.survfit) in the console) to see where the mean survival time is calculated. It turns out that a function called survmean takes care of this, but it's not an exported function, meaning R won't recognize the function when you try to run it like a "normal" function. So, to access the function, you need to run the code below (where you need to set rmean explicitly):
survival:::survmean(km, rmean=60)
You'll see that the function returns a list where the first element is a matrix with several named values, including the mean and the standard error of the mean. So, to extract, for example, the mean survival time, you would do:
survival:::survmean(km, rmean=60)[[1]]["*rmean"]
Details on How the Mean Survival Time is Calculated
The help for print.survfit provides details on the options and how the restricted mean is calculated:
The mean and its variance are based on a truncated estimator. That is,
if the last observation(s) is not a death, then the survival curve
estimate does not go to zero and the mean is undefined. There are four
possible approaches to resolve this, which are selected by the rmean
option. The first is to set the upper limit to a constant,
e.g.,rmean=365. In this case the reported mean would be the expected
number of days, out of the first 365, that would be experienced by
each group. This is useful if interest focuses on a fixed period.
Other options are "none" (no estimate), "common" and "individual". The
"common" option uses the maximum time for all curves in the object as
a common upper limit for the auc calculation. For the
"individual"options the mean is computed as the area under each curve,
over the range from 0 to the maximum observed time for that curve.
Since the end point is random, values for different curves are not
comparable and the printed standard errors are an underestimate as
they do not take into account this random variation. This option is
provided mainly for backwards compatability, as this estimate was the
default (only) one in earlier releases of the code. Note that SAS (as
of version 9.3) uses the integral up to the last event time of each
individual curve; we consider this the worst of the choices and do not
provide an option for that calculation.

Using the tail formula (and since our variable is non negative) you can calculate the mean as the integral from 0 to infinity of 1-CDF, which equals the integral of the Survival function.
If we replace a parametric Survival curve with a non parametric KM estimate, the survival curve goes only until the last time point in our dataset. From there on it "assumes" that the line continues straight. So we can use the tail formula in a "restricted" manner only until some cut-off point, which we can define (default is the last time point in our dataset).
You can calculate it using the print function, or manually:
print(km, print.rmean=TRUE) # print function
sum(diff(c(0,km$time))*c(1,km$surv[1:(length(km$surv)-1)])) # manually
I add 0 in the beginning of the time vector, and 1 at the beginning of the survival vector since they're not included. I only take the survival vector up to the last point, since that is the last chunk. This basically calculates the area-under the survival curve up to the last time point in your data.
If you set up a manual cut-off point after the last point, it will simply add that area; e.g., here:
print(km, print.rmean=TRUE, rmean=4) # gives out 1.247
print(km, print.rmean=TRUE, rmean=4+2) # gives out 1.560
1.247+2*min(km$surv) # gives out 1.560
If the cut-off value is below the last, it will only calculate the area-under the KM curve up to that point.

There's no need to use the "hidden" survival:::survmean(km, rmean=60).
Use just summary(km)$table[,5:6], which gives you the RMST and its SE. The CI can be calculated using appropriate quantile of the normal distribution.


Interpreting results from emmeans comparison

I have a glm model with two fixed effects, Treatment and Date, to estimate Temperature from data collected in a time series. Within Treatment there are three different categories: Fucus, Terrycloth or Control, and temperature is measured beneath those canopies. The model is created like so mod1 <- glm(Temp ~ Treatment * Date, data = aveTerry.df )
I am trying to tell if Terrycloth has a similar effect as Fucus canopy (i.e. replicates it).
I found the emmeans package and believe it could help me compare between these levels within treatment by using my model, and have used it as so to find the estimated marginal means terry.emmeans <- emmeans(modAllTerry, poly ~ Treatment | Date) and plotted the comparisons via plot(terry.emmeans.average, comparison = TRUE) +theme_bw()
Giving me this output linked here.
I am looking for some help understanding what this graphical output is, especially what exactly are the comparisons (which are shown by the red arrows). I somewhat understand the that blue boxes are the confidence intervals for the mean value of temperature for each treatment on one day (based on model), but am wondering how is the comparison made? And why do some days only have a one sided arrow?
As described in the documentation for plot.emmGrid, the comparison arrows are created in such a way that two arrows are disjoint if and only if their respective means are significantly different at the stated level.
The lowest mean in the set has only a right-pointing arrow because that mean will not be compared with anything smaller, obviating the need for a left-pointing arrow. For similar reasons, the highest mean has only a left-pointing arrow. These arrows do not define intervals; their only purpose is depicting comparisons.
In situations where the SEs of pairwise comparisons vary widely, it may not be possible to construct comparison arrows. If that happens, an error message is displayed.
Confidence intervals are available as well, but those CIs should not be used for comparing means.
More information and examples may be found via vignette("comparisons", "emmeans"). Also, details of how the arrows are actually constructed are given in vignette("xplanations", "emmeans")

how to cluster curve with kmeans?

I want to cluster some curves which contains daily click rate.
The dataset is click rate data in time series.
y1 = [time1:0.10,time2:0.22,time3:0.344,...]
y2 = [time1:0.10,time2:0.22,time3:0.344,...]
I don't know how to measure two curve's similarity using kmeans.
Is there any paper for this purpose or some library?
For similarity, you could use any kind of time series distance. Many of these will perform alignment, also of sequences of different length.
However, k-means will not get you anywhere.
K-means is not meant to be used with arbitrary distances. It actually does not use distance for assignment, but least-sum-of-squares (which happens to be squared euclidean distance) - aka: variance.
The mean must be consistent with this objective. It's not hard to see that the mean also minimizes the sum of squares. This guarantees convergence of k-means: in each single step (both assignment and mean update), the objective is reduced, thus it must converge after a finite number of steps (as there are only a finite number of discrete assignments).
But what is the mean of multiple time series of different length?

Interpolate new values using a set of samples

I'm new to R. Having a set of samples along with the target, I want to fit a numeric function to solve the target of new samples. My sample is time in seconds indicating the duration of a user's staying at this place:
>b <- c(101,25711,13451,19442,26,3083,133,184,4403,9713,6918,10056,12201,10624,14984,5241,
Firstly, I convert them to hours dividing by 3600, and I want to fit a function as pdf of the duration:
> b <- b/3600
> hist(c,xlim=c(0,13),prob=T,breaks=seq(0,24,by=0.5))
> lines(density(x), col=red)
I want to fit the red line on the figure, and interpolate new values to find the probability of the specific duration on this place say p(duration = 1.5hours).
Thanks for your attention!
As suggested above, you can fit a distribution with fitdistr in MASS package.
If you use a continuous distribution you will have the probability that the time is within an interval. If you use a discrete distribution, you may compute the probability of a certain time (in hours).
For the continuous case, you can use a Gamma distribution: fitdistr(b, "Gamma") will give you the parameter estimates, and then you can use pgamma with those estimates and an interval.
For the discrete case, you can use a Poisson distribution: fitdistr(b, "Poisson") and then the dpois function with the estimate and the value you want.
To decide which one to use, I'd just plot the pdf with the histogram and take a look.

Getting the next observation from a HMM gaussian mixture distribution

I have a continuous univariate xts object of length 1000, which I have converted into a data.frame called x to be used by the package RHmm.
I have already chosen that there are going to be 5 states and 4 gaussian distributions in the mixed distribution.
What I'm after is the expected mean value for the next observation. How do I go about getting that?
So what I have so far is:
a transition matrix from running the HMMFit() function
a set of means and variances for each of the gaussian distributions in the mixture, along with their respective proportions, all of which was also generated form the HMMFit() function
a list of past hidden states relating to the input data when using the output of the HMMFit function and putting it into the viterbi function
How would I go about getting the next hidden state (i.e. the 1001st value) from what I've got, and then using it to get the weighted mean from the gaussian distributions.
I think I'm pretty close just not too sure what the next part is...The last state is state 5, do I use the 5th row in the transition matrix somehow to get the next state?
All I'm after is the weighted mean for what is to be expect in the next observation, so the next hidden state isn't even necessary. Do I multiply the probabilities in row 5 by each of the means, weighted to their proportion for each state? and then sum it all together?
here is the code I used.
# have used 2000 iterations to ensure convergence
a <- HMMFit(x, nStates=5, nMixt=4, dis="MIXTURE", control=list(iter=2000)
v <- viterbi(a,x)
As always any help would be greatly appreciated!
Next predicted value uses last hidden state last(v$states) to get probability weights from the transition matrix a$HMM$transMat[last(v$states),] for each state the distribution means a$HMM$distribution$mean are weighted by proportions a$HMM$distribution$proportion, then its all multiplied together and summed. So in the above case it would be as follows:
sum(a$HMM$transMat[last(v$states),] * .colSums((matrix(unlist(a$HMM$distribution$mean), nrow=4,ncol=5)) * (matrix(unlist(a$HMM$distribution$proportion), nrow=4,ncol=5)), m=4,n=5))

Is it possibile to arrange a time series in the way that a specific autocorrleation is created?

I have a file containing 2,500 random numbers. Is it possible to rearrange these saved numbers in the way that a specific autocorrelation is created? Lets say, autocorrelation to the lag 1 of 0.2, autocorrelation to the lag 2 of 0.4, etc.etc.
Any help is greatly appreciated!
To be more specific:
The time series of a daily return in percent of an asset has the following characteristics that I am trying to recreate:
Leptokurtic, symmetric distribution, let's say centered at a daily return of zero
No significant autocorrelations (because the sign of a daily return is not predictable)
Significant autocorrleations if the time series is squared
The aim is to produce a random time series which satisfies all these three characteristics. The only two inputs should be the leptokurtic distribution (this I have already created) and the specific autocorrelation of the squared resulting time series (e.g. the final squared time series should have an autocorrelation at lag 1 of 0.2).
I only know how to produce random numbers out of my own mixed-distribution. Naturally if I would square this resulting time series, there would be no autocorrelation. I would like to find a way which takes this into account.
Generally the most straightforward way to create autocorrelated data is to generate the data so that it's autocorrelated. For example, you could create an auto correlated path by always using the value at p-1 as the mean for the random draw at time period p.
Rearranging is not only hard, but sort of odd conceptually. What are you really trying to do in the end? Giving some context might allow better answers.
There are functions for simulating correlated data. arima.sim() from stats package and simulate.Arima() from the forecast package.
simulate.Arima() has the advantages that (1.) it can simulate seasonal ARIMA models (maybe sometimes called "SARIMA") and (2.) It can simulate a continuation of an existing timeseries to which you have already fit an ARIMA model. To use simulate.Arima(), you do need to already have an Arima object.
type ?arima.sim then scroll down to "examples".
fit <- auto.arima(USAccDeaths)
lines(simulate(fit, 36),col="red")
