Set maxlength to Animate CC HTML5 canvas input text component - maxlength

I work in Animate CC and I only need 2 things. Limit the amount of caracters in a input text component (maxlength = 15). Then, add a second input text component and force the user to only enter numbers (maxlength = 2).
The pictures shows my windows and the option I got. How can I achieve this? I've learned HTML5 in Animate by myself coming from working in AS2 before. So I would need the answer to be detailed for a beginner like me.
Thank you very much.

In terms of limiting the amount of characters in the input field you could add something like this to the html output that Animate CC produces when you publish:
document.getElementById("test").maxLength = "15";
Where your input field is given the name test in the properties panel.
To answer your other question, I don't think you can control what the user can type into an input field, only validate that input afterwards. I think you would need to use JavaScript (maybe trapping a keyup event) to work this.

Actually yes you can specify what characters the user can use.
In the example below the component's name is input1 and we allow only digits
********************* ALLOW ONLY NUMBERS IN INPUT ******************
if (!this.myInput_change_cbk) {
function myInput_change(evt) {
// change value here
var regex = /[^0-9]/g; =, "");
// End your custom code = 2;
$("#dom_overlay_container").on("keyup", "#input1", myInput_change.bind(this));
this.myInput_change_cbk = true;


Is it possible to load AppMaker DropDowns with an Option Text and and Value?

I've been able to set the options on an AppMaker DropDown by doing this sort of thing:
.getSelectOptions();//oA is just an array
But I'd like to know how to do load different values in the options and value like we can do it in javascript with something like this:
function updateSelect(vA){
var select = document.getElementById("sel1");
select.options.length = 0;
for(var i=0;i<vA.length;i++)
select.options[i] = new Option(vA[i].option,vA[i].value);
And I tried this by trying to get a hold of the dom element as follows:
var elem=app.pages.myPage.descendants.myDropDown.getElement();
elem.options.length=0;//always gives me an error because options doesn't seem to exist in that object.
So for now I've been using the standard HTML dom elements in an AppMaker Html widget and that works okay as long as your select is on the first page. If it's not on the first page I have found that the onChange event can't load Widgets on pages that are not visible. It is interesting to note however that you can change the contents of HTML widgets even if they are on other non visible pages.
Anyway the simple question is how can one load one thing into value and another thing into option text in an AppMaker DropDown Widget?
<option value="value">text</option>
If you have a predefined array for your options and values you could do the following for your onAttach Event of your dropdown:
var options = ['one thing','two thing','three thing'];
var names = ['another one thing','another two thing','another three thing'];
widget.options = options;
widget.names = names;
In this case the values that would get recorded would be the options array, but the items that would be displayed would be from the names array. Hope this gets you on the right path.

How do we restrict the length of a combo box control in ASP.NET?

Basically I want that the Title field(Combo Box) should not allow me to enter more than 40 characters.
Can you provide any pointers?
I looks like the control itself does not have that functionality, so you will probably have to write your own version.
You could create a custom control to extend the ComboxBox control. Check out this blog post.
Another idea is to use jQuery to prevent more than 40 characters from being added to the input control the ComboBox control generates:
$(function() {
var comboxBoxControlInput = $("#<%=comboBoxControlId.ClientID%>$TextBox");
$(comboxBoxControlInput).keyup(function() {
limitLenth(this, 40);
function limitLength(control, length) {
var currentContent = $(control).val();
var currentLength = currentContent.length;
if(currentLength > length) {
$(control).val(currentContent.substr(0, length));
return false;
Unfortunately it's a bit hacky. You have to get the ClientID of the ComboBox control (<%=comboBoxControlId.ClientID%>) and then append $TextBox to the end in order for jQuery to select the correct control.
Another way to select the correct input control is to do this:
This selects the first text input within the div the ComboBox control creates.

Can someone explain this seeming inconsistency in jQuery/Javascript?? (trailing brackets inconsistency on reads)

So, in my example below, "InputDate'" is an input type=text, "DateColumn" is a TD within a table with a class of "DateColumn".
Read the value of a discreet texbox:
var inputVal = $('#InputDate').val();
Read the value of a div within a table....
This works:
$('#theTable .DateColumn').each(function() {
var rowDate = Date.parse($(this)[0].innerHTML);
This doesn't:
$('#theTable .DateColumn').each(function() {
var rowDate = Date.parse($(this)[0].innerHTML());
The difference is the "()" after innerHTML. This behavior seems syntactically inconsistent between how you read a value from a textbox and how you read it from a div. I'm ok with sometimes, depending on the type of control, having to read .val vs .innerHTML vs.whateverElseDependingOnTheTypeOfControl...but this example leads me to believe I now must also memorize whether I need trailing brackets or not on each property/method.
So for a person like me who is relatively new to jQuery/Javascript....I seem to have figured out this particular anomaly, in this instance, but is there a convention I am missing out on, or does a person have to literally have to memorize whether each method does or does not need brackets?
innerHTML is javascript, and is a property of an element. If you'd like to stick with the jQuery version of doing things, use html():
$('#theTable .DateColumn').each(function() {
var rowDate = Date.parse($(this).html() );
edit: a bit more clarification about your concerns. jQuery is pretty consistent in it's syntax. Basically, most of the methods you find allow read/write access by adjusting the parameters passed to the method.
var css = $('#element').css('color'); // read the color of the element
$('#element').css('color', 'red'); // set the color to "red"
var contents = $('#element').html(); // grab the innerHTML of the element
$('#element').html('Hello World'); // set the innerHTML of this element
.innerHTML is a property of the element not a method.
Property reference Example: object.MyProperty
Method Example: object.SomeFunction();

How can I get value from radio-button inserted into innerHtml

I have sort of a table with a radio-button column. I managed to make radio-button column work dynamically inserting into a cell (div if matter). But, on postback innerHtml hasn't been updated with "checked" attribute.
Could you give me an idea how can I find out (on the server) if radio-button has been checked?
More info: This is on user control inside update panel.
This would be good post on my topic, still doesn't help
Any reason you cannot use a standard asp:RadioButton and use javascript to ensure it is mutually exclusive. I have done this before by adding a custom attribute to the radiobutton and then using a js function to uncheck all items with that attribute and then check the selected one. This works around the IE issue which prevents the groupname attribute from working on radioboxes that are in different containers.
radioButton.InputAttributes.Add("ClientGroupName", "grpRadioList");
and use the following JS to uncheck all radios and then check the one you want.
Note i used InputAttributes instead of Attributes as the radiobutton is wrapped inside a span tag so InputAttributes is for items added to the actual input control rather than the span.
function radiobuttonToggle(selectedRB, attribName, attribValue)
var objRadio = document.getElementById(selectedRB);
for(i = 0; i < document.forms[0].elements.length; i++)
elm = document.forms[0].elements[i];
if (elm.type == 'radio')
if(elm.getAttribute(attribName) == attribValue)
elm.checked = false;
objRadio.checked = true;
You can then expose radioButton.Checked as a property in your CS file and reuse this as a control.
Check Form.Request("radio-name") != null
You only get a non-null value when it's been checked.
Make sure your page elements are being rebuilt correctly on postback. Any binding process that inserted the radio buttons the first time around will have to be re-run before you can access them the second time.
Here is a working example, first I add radios to my webform by the method you linked :
function addRadio()
rdo = document.createElement('<input type="radio" name="fldID" />');
rdo = document.createElement('input');
Then at code behind I used only the code below to get the radio's value :
string value = Request["fldID"];
So, be sure you're trying to get the name of the radio buttons at server side. You should use name attribute at server side, not id.

Textbox with alphanumeric check in javascript

I have a textbox, and it needs not allow the user to enter any special characters. He can enter:
One more condition is the first letter should be alphabetic.
How can I do a JavaScript verification on each keypress?
add a onKeyUp="javascript:checkChar(this);" to the input box.
function checkChar(tBox) {
var curVal = tBox.value;
if ( /[^A-Za-z0-9 ]/.test(curVal) ) {
//do something because he fails input test.
alernatively to check JUST the key that was pressed you can grab the keycode from the event like so:
function checkChar(e) {
var key;
if (e.keyCode) key = e.keyCode;
else if (e.which) key = e.which;
if (/[^A-Za-z0-9 ]/.test(String.fromCharCode(key))) {
//fails test
missed the part about first char, but you can do a test on the textbox value as in the first example:
or even use the second method but pass the text box as well so you can get it's full value.
This function will check the string given to it for those criteria:
function checkvalue(value) {
return value.match( /[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9 ]*/ );
You can then use that in an onkeypress event, passing in the current value.
Now that we have HTML5, you don't even need to use JavaScript. You can use the pattern attribute.
<input type="text" pattern="[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9 ]*" title="Description of format" />
The pattern attribute should contain a regular expression defining the format. And title should contain a human-readable description of the format.
Then on validation, depending on the browser, the browser will outline the field in red and/or display a message stating your description of the format.
This tutorial goes into more detail: HTML5 Input Validation Tutorial.
You should check pressed key in onkeydown event handler of the textbox and if it doesn't conform conditions then return false from the handler. Using keyup will not allow you to prevent char from being actually inputted in the textbox.
I don't think you should check on each keypress, it could be very annoying for the user.
Just check the input when it loses the focus, or when submiting.
To do it, you can use a regex and use this pattern:
You can also take a look at the JQuery Validation Plugin
